| 1. General Results, most used to calculate the result |
A | name "spatialflunky.one" is domain, public suffix is ".one", top-level-domain is ".one", top-level-domain-type is "generic", tld-manager is "One.com A/S", num .one-domains preloaded: 250 (complete: 263653)
A | Good: All ip addresses are public addresses
A | Good: Minimal 2 ip addresses per domain name found: spatialflunky.one has 2 different ip addresses (authoritative).
A | Good: Minimal 2 ip addresses per domain name found: www.spatialflunky.one has 2 different ip addresses (authoritative).
A | Good: Ipv4 and Ipv6 addresses per domain name found: spatialflunky.one has 1 ipv4, 1 ipv6 addresses
A | Good: Ipv4 and Ipv6 addresses per domain name found: www.spatialflunky.one has 1 ipv4, 1 ipv6 addresses
A | Good: No asked Authoritative Name Server had a timeout
A |
| https://spatialflunky.one/
| Correct redirect https to https
A |
| https://spatialflunky.one/
| Correct redirect https to https
A | Good: destination is https
A | Good - only one version with Http-Status 200
A | Good: one preferred version: non-www is preferred
A | Good: No cookie sent via http.
A | Good: every https has a Strict Transport Security Header
A | Good: HSTS max-age is long enough, 31536000 seconds = 365 days
A | Good: HSTS has includeSubdomains - directive
A | Good: HSTS has preload directive
A | Excellent: Domain is in the Google-Preload-List
A | Excellent: Domain is in the Mozilla/Firefox-Preload-List
A | HSTS-Preload-Status: Preloaded. Check https://hstspreload.org/ to learn some basics about the Google-Preload-List.
A | Good: All urls with http status 200/404 have a complete Content-Type header (MediaType / MediaSubType + correct charset)
A | http://spatialflunky.one/
| https://spatialflunky.one/
| Correct redirect http - https with the same domain name
A | http://spatialflunky.one/ 2603:7080:c000:f90::1008
| https://spatialflunky.one/
| Correct redirect http - https with the same domain name
A | http://www.spatialflunky.one/
| https://www.spatialflunky.one/
| Correct redirect http - https with the same domain name
A | http://www.spatialflunky.one/ 2603:7080:c000:f90::1008
| https://www.spatialflunky.one/
| Correct redirect http - https with the same domain name
N |
| https://spatialflunky.one/
| Error - Certificate isn't trusted, RemoteCertificateNameMismatch
N | https://[2603:7080:c000:0f90:0000:0000:0000:1008]/ 2603:7080:c000:f90::1008
| Error - Certificate isn't trusted, RemoteCertificateNameMismatch
A | Good: More then one ip address per domain name found, checking all ip addresses the same http status and the same certificate found: Domain spatialflunky.one, 2 ip addresses.
A | Good: More then one ip address per domain name found, checking all ip addresses the same http status and the same certificate found: Domain www.spatialflunky.one, 2 ip addresses.
B | No _mta-sts TXT record found (mta-sts: Mail Transfer Agent Strict Transport Security - see RFC 8461). Read the result of server-daten.de (Url-Checks, Comments, Connections and DomainServiceRecords) to see a complete definition. Domainname: _mta-sts.spatialflunky.one
| 2. Header-Checks |
A | spatialflunky.one
| Content-Security-Policy
| Ok: Header without syntax errors found: default-src 'none'; base-uri 'self';frame-ancestors 'none'; form-action 'self'; script-src 'self' ajax.googleapis.com cdnjs.cloudflare.com; img-src 'self'; style-src 'self' fonts.googleapis.com; connect-src 'self'; media-src 'self'; font-src 'self' fonts.gstatic.com fonts.googleapis.com;
A |
| Good: default-src directive only with 'none' or 'self', additional sources are blocked.
A |
| Good: default-src without 'unsafe-inline' or 'unsave-eval'.
A |
| Good: form-action directive found. That reduces the risk sending data to unwanted domains. form-action is a navigation-directive, so default-src isn't used.
A |
| Good: frame-ancestors directive found. That limits pages who are allowed to use this page in a frame / iframe / object / embed / applet. frame-ancestors is a navigation-directive, so default-src isn't used.
A |
| Good: base-uri directive found. That limits the URLs which can be used in a document's <base> element. Because it's a document directive, default-src isn't used, so an own directive is required.
A |
| Good: No object-src found, but the default-src used as fallback is defined and restricted.
A |
| Good: script-src without 'unsafe-inline' and 'unsafe-eval' found. That's the recommended configuration.
A |
| Good: script-src without * and a scheme found.
A |
| Good: script-src without data: schema found. Why is this important? The data: schema allows hidden code injection. Insert <script src='data:application/javascript;base64,YWxlcnQoJ1hTUycpOw=='></script> in your page and see what happens.
A |
| Good: frame-src without data: defined or frame-src missing and the default-src used as fallback not allows the data: schema. That blocks hidden code injection. Insert <iframe src="data:text/html;charset=utf-8;base64,PCFET0NUWVBFIGh0bWw+PGh0bWw+PGJvZHk+PHA+YmVmb3JlPHNjcmlwdCB0eXBlPSJ0ZXh0L2phdmFzY3JpcHQiPmFsZXJ0KCdYU1MnKTwvc2NyaXB0PjxwPmFmdGVyPC9ib2R5PjwvaHRtbD4="></iframe> in your page and see what happens.
A |
| X-Content-Type-Options
| Ok: Header without syntax errors found: nosniff
A |
| Referrer-Policy
| Ok: Header without syntax errors found: origin
A |
| Permissions-Policy
| Ok: Header without syntax errors found: geolocation=(),midi=(),sync-xhr=(),microphone=(),camera=(),magnetometer=(),gyroscope=(),fullscreen=(self),payment=()
A | spatialflunky.one 2603:7080:c000:f90::1008
| Content-Security-Policy
| Ok: Header without syntax errors found: default-src 'none'; base-uri 'self';frame-ancestors 'none'; form-action 'self'; script-src 'self' ajax.googleapis.com cdnjs.cloudflare.com; img-src 'self'; style-src 'self' fonts.googleapis.com; connect-src 'self'; media-src 'self'; font-src 'self' fonts.gstatic.com fonts.googleapis.com;
A |
| Good: default-src directive only with 'none' or 'self', additional sources are blocked.
A |
| Good: default-src without 'unsafe-inline' or 'unsave-eval'.
A |
| Good: form-action directive found. That reduces the risk sending data to unwanted domains. form-action is a navigation-directive, so default-src isn't used.
A |
| Good: frame-ancestors directive found. That limits pages who are allowed to use this page in a frame / iframe / object / embed / applet. frame-ancestors is a navigation-directive, so default-src isn't used.
A |
| Good: base-uri directive found. That limits the URLs which can be used in a document's <base> element. Because it's a document directive, default-src isn't used, so an own directive is required.
A |
| Good: No object-src found, but the default-src used as fallback is defined and restricted.
A |
| Good: script-src without 'unsafe-inline' and 'unsafe-eval' found. That's the recommended configuration.
A |
| Good: script-src without * and a scheme found.
A |
| Good: script-src without data: schema found. Why is this important? The data: schema allows hidden code injection. Insert <script src='data:application/javascript;base64,YWxlcnQoJ1hTUycpOw=='></script> in your page and see what happens.
A |
| Good: frame-src without data: defined or frame-src missing and the default-src used as fallback not allows the data: schema. That blocks hidden code injection. Insert <iframe src="data:text/html;charset=utf-8;base64,PCFET0NUWVBFIGh0bWw+PGh0bWw+PGJvZHk+PHA+YmVmb3JlPHNjcmlwdCB0eXBlPSJ0ZXh0L2phdmFzY3JpcHQiPmFsZXJ0KCdYU1MnKTwvc2NyaXB0PjxwPmFmdGVyPC9ib2R5PjwvaHRtbD4="></iframe> in your page and see what happens.
A |
| X-Content-Type-Options
| Ok: Header without syntax errors found: nosniff
A |
| Referrer-Policy
| Ok: Header without syntax errors found: origin
A |
| Permissions-Policy
| Ok: Header without syntax errors found: geolocation=(),midi=(),sync-xhr=(),microphone=(),camera=(),magnetometer=(),gyroscope=(),fullscreen=(self),payment=()
B | spatialflunky.one
| Cross-Origin-Embedder-Policy
| Info: Missing Header
B | spatialflunky.one
| Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy
| Info: Missing Header
B | spatialflunky.one
| Cross-Origin-Resource-Policy
| Info: Missing Header
B | spatialflunky.one 2603:7080:c000:f90::1008
| Cross-Origin-Embedder-Policy
| Info: Missing Header
B | spatialflunky.one 2603:7080:c000:f90::1008
| Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy
| Info: Missing Header
B | spatialflunky.one 2603:7080:c000:f90::1008
| Cross-Origin-Resource-Policy
| Info: Missing Header
| 3. DNS- and NameServer - Checks |
A | Info:: 13 Root-climbing DNS Queries required to find all IPv4- and IPv6-Addresses of 4 Name Servers.
A | Info:: 13 Queries complete, 13 with IPv6, 0 with IPv4.
A | Good: All DNS Queries done via IPv6.
| Ok (4 - 8):: An average of 3.3 queries per domain name server required to find all ip addresses of all name servers.
A | Info:: 4 different Name Servers found: ns-cloud-c1.googledomains.com, ns-cloud-c2.googledomains.com, ns-cloud-c3.googledomains.com, ns-cloud-c4.googledomains.com, 4 Name Servers included in Delegation: ns-cloud-c1.googledomains.com, ns-cloud-c2.googledomains.com, ns-cloud-c3.googledomains.com, ns-cloud-c4.googledomains.com, 4 Name Servers included in 1 Zone definitions: ns-cloud-c1.googledomains.com, ns-cloud-c2.googledomains.com, ns-cloud-c3.googledomains.com, ns-cloud-c4.googledomains.com, 1 Name Servers listed in SOA.Primary: ns-cloud-c1.googledomains.com.
A | Good: Only one SOA.Primary Name Server found.: ns-cloud-c1.googledomains.com.
A | Good: SOA.Primary Name Server included in the delegation set.: ns-cloud-c1.googledomains.com.
A | Good: Consistency between delegation and zone. The set of NS records served by the authoritative name servers must match those proposed for the delegation in the parent zone. Ordered list of name servers: ns-cloud-c1.googledomains.com, ns-cloud-c2.googledomains.com, ns-cloud-c3.googledomains.com, ns-cloud-c4.googledomains.com
A | Good: All Name Server Domain Names have a Public Suffix.
A | Good: All Name Server Domain Names ending with a Public Suffix have minimal one IPv4- or IPv6 address.
A | Good: All Name Server ip addresses are public.
A | Good: Minimal 2 different name servers (public suffix and public ip address) found: 4 different Name Servers found
A | Good: All name servers have ipv4- and ipv6-addresses.: 4 different Name Servers found
| Warning: All Name Servers have the same Top Level Domain / Public Suffix. If there is a problem with that Top Level Domain, your domain may be affected. Better: Use Name Servers with different top level domains.: 4 Name Servers, 1 Top Level Domain: com
| Warning: All Name Servers have the same domain name. If there is a problem with that domain name (or with the name servers of that domain name), your domain may be affected. Better: Use Name Servers with different domain names / different top level domains.: Only one domain name used: googledomains.com
| Warning: All Name Servers from the same Country / IP location.: 4 Name Servers, 1 Countries: US
A | Info: Ipv4-Subnet-list: 4 Name Servers, 1 different subnets (first Byte): 216., 1 different subnets (first two Bytes): 216.239., 4 different subnets (first three Bytes): 216.239.32., 216.239.34., 216.239.36., 216.239.38.
A | Good: Name Server IPv4-addresses from different subnet found:
A | Info: IPv6-Subnet-list: 4 Name Servers with IPv6, 1 different subnets (first block): 2001:, 1 different subnets (first two blocks): 2001:4860:, 1 different subnets (first three blocks): 2001:4860:4802:, 4 different subnets (first four blocks): 2001:4860:4802:0032:, 2001:4860:4802:0034:, 2001:4860:4802:0036:, 2001:4860:4802:0038:
A | Good: Name Server IPv6 addresses from different subnets found.
A | Good: Nameserver supports TCP connections: 8 good Nameserver
A | Good: Nameserver supports Echo Capitalization: 8 good Nameserver
A | Good: Nameserver supports EDNS with max. 512 Byte Udp payload, message is smaller: 8 good Nameserver
A | Good: Nameserver has passed 10 EDNS-Checks (OP100, FLAGS, V1, V1OP100, V1FLAGS, DNSSEC, V1DNSSEC, NSID, COOKIE, CLIENTSUBNET): 8 good Nameserver
A | Good: All SOA have the same Serial Number
A | Good: CAA entries found, creating certificate is limited: letsencrypt.org is allowed to create certificates
| 4. Content- and Performance-critical Checks |
A | Good: All checks /.well-known/acme-challenge/random-filename without redirects answer with the expected http status 404 - Not Found. Creating a Letsencrypt certificate via http-01 challenge should work. If it doesn't work: Check your vHost configuration (apachectl -S, httpd -S, nginx -T). Every combination of port and ServerName / ServerAlias (Apache) or Server (Nginx) must be unique. Merge duplicated entries in one vHost. If you use an IIS, extensionless files must be allowed in the /.well-known/acme-challenge subdirectory. Create a web.config in that directory. Content: <configuration><system.webServer><staticContent><mimeMap fileExtension="." mimeType="text/plain" /></staticContent></system.webServer></configuration>. If you have a redirect http ⇒ https, that's ok, Letsencrypt follows such redirects to port 80 / 443 (same or other server). There must be a certificate. But the certificate may be expired, self signed or with a not matching domain name. Checking the validation file Letsencrypt ignores such certificate errors. Trouble creating a certificate? Use https://community.letsencrypt.org/ to ask.
A | Good: No https + http status 200 with inline CSS / JavaScript found
A | Good: Every https result with status 200 has a minified Html-Content with a quota lower then 110 %.
| https://spatialflunky.one/
| Warning: Https connections (Standard Port 443) found without support of the http/2 protocol via ALPN. Http/2 is the new Http-Version (old: http 1.1) with some important new features. Update your server software so http/2 is available. Only one TCP-connection per Server (that's a performance boost), Header-Compression and Server Pushs are available. Domain Sharding and Inline-CSS/Javascript shouldn't used with http/2.
| https://spatialflunky.one/ 2603:7080:c000:f90::1008
| Warning: Https connections (Standard Port 443) found without support of the http/2 protocol via ALPN. Http/2 is the new Http-Version (old: http 1.1) with some important new features. Update your server software so http/2 is available. Only one TCP-connection per Server (that's a performance boost), Header-Compression and Server Pushs are available. Domain Sharding and Inline-CSS/Javascript shouldn't used with http/2.
| https://[2603:7080:c000:0f90:0000:0000:0000:1008]/ 2603:7080:c000:f90::1008
| Warning: Https connections (Standard Port 443) found without support of the http/2 protocol via ALPN. Http/2 is the new Http-Version (old: http 1.1) with some important new features. Update your server software so http/2 is available. Only one TCP-connection per Server (that's a performance boost), Header-Compression and Server Pushs are available. Domain Sharding and Inline-CSS/Javascript shouldn't used with http/2.
A | Good: All CSS / JavaScript files are sent compressed (gzip, deflate, br checked). That reduces the content of the files. 3 external CSS / JavaScript files found
A | Good: All images with internal compression not compressed. Some Images (.png, .jpg, .jpeg, .webp, .gif) are already compressed, so an additional compression isn't helpful. 2 images (type image/png, image/jpg, image/jpeg, image/webp, image/gif) found without additional Compression. Not required because these images are already compressed
A | Good: All CSS / JavaScript files are sent with a long Cache-Control header (minimum 7 days). So the browser can re-use these files, no download is required. 3 external CSS / JavaScript files with long Cache-Control max-age found
A | Good: All images are sent with a long Cache-Control header (minimum 7 days). So the browser can reuse these files, no download is required. 2 image files with long Cache-Control max-age found
A | Good: All checked attribute values are enclosed in quotation marks (" or ').
A | Good: All img-elements have a valid alt-attribute.: 3 img-elements found.
A | Good: Domainname is not on the "Specially Designated Nationals And Blocked Persons List" (SDN). That's an US-list of individuals and companies owned or controlled by, or acting for or on behalf of, targeted countries. It also lists individuals, groups, and entities, such as terrorists and narcotics traffickers designated under programs that are not country-specific. Collectively, such individuals and companies are called "Specially Designated Nationals" or "SDNs." Their assets are blocked and U.S. persons are generally prohibited from dealing with them. So if a domain name is on that list, it's impossible to create a Letsencrypt certificate with that domain name. Check the list manual - https://www.treasury.gov/resource-center/sanctions/sdn-list/pages/default.aspx
| https://spatialflunky.one/.well-known/acme-challenge/check-your-website-dot-server-daten-dot-de
| 4.540 seconds
| Warning: 404 needs more then one second
A | Duration: 485490 milliseconds, 485.490 seconds