Domainname | Html-Element | name/equiv/ property/rel | href/src/content | HttpStatus | msg | ∑ | Status |
| a
| 1
| ok
| |
| |
| |
| a
| 1
| ok
| |
| |
| |
| a
| 1
| ok
| |
| |
| |
| a
| 1
| ok
| |
| |
| |
| a
| 1
| ok
| |
| |
| |
| img
| src
| 200
| 1
| ok
alt: logo of Snakecraft Hosting | image/png missing X-Content-Type-Options nosniff |
| No Cache-Control header
| No Compression - 34411 Bytes
| ETag: "65cb5a53-866b"
| Server-Header Access-Control-Allow-Origin: not found
| Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) not supported
| |
| link
| preconnect
| 1
| ok
| |
| |
| |
| link
| preload
| /_next/static/css/9fdf69f50ff385e8.css
| 200
| 1
| ok
| | text/css; charset=UTF-8 missing X-Content-Type-Options nosniff |
| | Compression (gzip): 3820/14118 Bytes
| ETag: W/"3726-18b118ac8f0"
| |
| link
| stylesheet
| /_next/static/css/9fdf69f50ff385e8.css
| 200
| 1
| ok
| | text/css; charset=UTF-8 missing X-Content-Type-Options nosniff |
| Cache-Control: public, max-age=31536000, immutable - with long duration found.
| Compression (gzip): 3820/14118 Bytes
| ETag: W/"3726-18b118ac8f0"
| local SRI possible, possible hash-values:
sha256-e5OptBVyVfwcD2vbAKEkF7lw+bRtmbmhNh6qzTShlSQ= sha384-JM1t2JjIPMfLx7OpW8GYkRfVOXVQidQWidTiGMhD5yyPDcOBKixgAFMmZk5VDRXL sha512-J/siHsZAI3rqbKrmFXfmcuY96+mPcZw2B9NyE+aDPoNcLA+K/+tAt2cPzAhEpAcRXb6oLM0LKubCZeSz+dhqKw==
rel="stylesheet" href="/_next/static/css/9fdf69f50ff385e8.css"
crossorigin="anonymous" integrity="sha256-e5OptBVyVfwcD2vbAKEkF7lw+bRtmbmhNh6qzTShlSQ=" /> |
| |
| meta
| charset
| utf-8
| 1
| ok
| |
| |
| |
| meta
| next-head-count
| 3
| 1
| ok
| |
| |
| |
| meta
| viewport
| width=device-width, initial-scale=1
| 1
| ok
| |
| |
| |
| script
| src
| /_next/static/chunks/135-11476de36e9ef4f2.js
| 200
| 1
| Problems with Content-Type - Header - see details
defer attribute found
| application/javascript; charset=UTF-8 missing X-Content-Type-Options nosniff |
| This Combination of MediaType "application" and MediaSubType "javascript" is obsolete. Don't use it. See to find a correct Combination. Use "text/javascript" instead.
| Cache-Control: public, max-age=31536000, immutable - with long duration found.
| Compression (gzip): 45430/134483 Bytes
| ETag: W/"20d53-18b118ac8f0"
| local SRI possible, possible hash-values:
sha256-ZK3etLgeIp1sQ6XRgrGIbQUIA9iLkc1iS2uRzO+rpro= sha384-JjCtT81R+tt39rAZ8tUJ6zFKe+k1bIDKMiPZVA4Rpf0glYYkPb2o13fT520CeDjv sha512-+2p0BSwE8FEZCOP4YJfoIkYdtu+Ny/9uVrbO6VJW6EeWZ7JCwwmIGJwvn50EAMNWtfXkBVGB4lVMbrlOiRfD2g==
crossorigin="anonymous" integrity="sha256-ZK3etLgeIp1sQ6XRgrGIbQUIA9iLkc1iS2uRzO+rpro=" /> |
| |
| script
| src
| /_next/static/chunks/framework-2c79e2a64abdb08b.js
| 200
| 1
| Problems with Content-Type - Header - see details
defer attribute found
| application/javascript; charset=UTF-8 missing X-Content-Type-Options nosniff |
| This Combination of MediaType "application" and MediaSubType "javascript" is obsolete. Don't use it. See to find a correct Combination. Use "text/javascript" instead.
| Cache-Control: public, max-age=31536000, immutable - with long duration found.
| Compression (gzip): 45334/141052 Bytes
| ETag: W/"226fc-18b118ac8f0"
| local SRI possible, possible hash-values:
sha256-8q4m/1GNlRmv0qPcJ32E4JhFjmtrhfqVSM2ivtJENec= sha384-I9UHkPsRsMoinvE/rgT1+ymM7O7wa83AogrHtdf1flf6Tn4ta+7CcEdbfNZH300w sha512-4uAHI4by81aQiZUJIpE2QGwnwrlePozIEK62Yw1/E70IcuD25lC0/dziVnaA58Qu6knGK9JlMAb1FR2boEMM1w==
crossorigin="anonymous" integrity="sha256-8q4m/1GNlRmv0qPcJ32E4JhFjmtrhfqVSM2ivtJENec=" /> |
| |
| script
| src
| /_next/static/chunks/main-285f56d3e46ff5e9.js
| 200
| 1
| Problems with Content-Type - Header - see details
defer attribute found
| application/javascript; charset=UTF-8 missing X-Content-Type-Options nosniff |
| This Combination of MediaType "application" and MediaSubType "javascript" is obsolete. Don't use it. See to find a correct Combination. Use "text/javascript" instead.
| Cache-Control: public, max-age=31536000, immutable - with long duration found.
| Compression (gzip): 27659/95704 Bytes
| ETag: W/"175d8-18b118ac8f0"
| local SRI possible, possible hash-values:
sha256-KyyXWvNGIy8eyVbaT0Xa+bViJQN/yH9cHMm08SqX8y4= sha384-FawZnwlb+2HeOv+sjaz3YGY3ak2w7iHs+d9m0bDFw65gCHvmc5jR9kBiTh98CjEe sha512-lBZL4ddmjCn7Pg566yQnKlxGK2BLtl3Vp9VLBpFqOXHDx9U0klP4pAfy3zcvjwcPMMLP0fdRV+z0coUINafJcw==
crossorigin="anonymous" integrity="sha256-KyyXWvNGIy8eyVbaT0Xa+bViJQN/yH9cHMm08SqX8y4=" /> |
| |
| script
| src
| /_next/static/chunks/pages/_app-ae907860a06fe57a.js
| 200
| 1
| Problems with Content-Type - Header - see details
defer attribute found
| application/javascript; charset=UTF-8 missing X-Content-Type-Options nosniff |
| This Combination of MediaType "application" and MediaSubType "javascript" is obsolete. Don't use it. See to find a correct Combination. Use "text/javascript" instead.
| Cache-Control: public, max-age=31536000, immutable - with long duration found.
| 282 Bytes
| ETag: W/"1d7-18b118ac8f0"
| local SRI possible, possible hash-values:
sha256-j5zxB2EMw2Kf8dASI6G9VYwMd5hx1mYkBAWF6eO6324= sha384-G1bpPJ78hshCmy1P2AeDrqCzXtLhh1DBm/rL6GJEeRDtvb2uUEsdB4jcdYWMq9eQ sha512-/TmwRIMTYDif5X7MQqiiffWDtZF/iSAIpCItWzfLtgnJ5qjU1rbk2EImE1m6XTgaDNiLRz6tFcmgXEQCEPndtQ==
crossorigin="anonymous" integrity="sha256-j5zxB2EMw2Kf8dASI6G9VYwMd5hx1mYkBAWF6eO6324=" /> |
| |
| script
| src
| /_next/static/chunks/pages/index-d57c8b97aec8179e.js
| 200
| 1
| Problems with Content-Type - Header - see details
defer attribute found
| application/javascript; charset=UTF-8 missing X-Content-Type-Options nosniff |
| This Combination of MediaType "application" and MediaSubType "javascript" is obsolete. Don't use it. See to find a correct Combination. Use "text/javascript" instead.
| Cache-Control: public, max-age=31536000, immutable - with long duration found.
| Compression (gzip): 3106/10655 Bytes
| ETag: W/"299f-18b118ac8f0"
| local SRI possible, possible hash-values:
sha256-VmfQ5r6Dy5Gfk7IwXYLxcaKHyS2jqb3wH9aUrSDiOPI= sha384-c8vSuRSUxJqBzKF5ce4ft3OPWbxaCjRdiMY8sqhQwvFse6zuNNpYApHQHRjG2SZh sha512-rthUTJaVoSkRc91Bx5StdI3imEOsXqIYZiBYkOHavCoGyS2aDg5xhW1PlAEPoWpagfxmVxomDAx3r+lik0q2QA==
crossorigin="anonymous" integrity="sha256-VmfQ5r6Dy5Gfk7IwXYLxcaKHyS2jqb3wH9aUrSDiOPI=" /> |
| |
| script
| src
| /_next/static/chunks/polyfills-c67a75d1b6f99dc8.js
| 200
| 1
| Problems with Content-Type - Header - see details
defer attribute found
| application/javascript; charset=UTF-8 missing X-Content-Type-Options nosniff |
| This Combination of MediaType "application" and MediaSubType "javascript" is obsolete. Don't use it. See to find a correct Combination. Use "text/javascript" instead.
| Cache-Control: public, max-age=31536000, immutable - with long duration found.
| Compression (gzip): 31096/91460 Bytes
| ETag: W/"16544-18b118ac8f0"
| local SRI possible, possible hash-values:
sha256-AiXrA00CSgO9yQ6mx59WGTZi58Pu6QlpYpiCDlF8u4M= sha384-Rwxo9iWvLcRtLkKlT/+5rJhqiLYkrmdjZCwrEqLTD81E/BlNY/lHeUMMw6Nv7jBG sha512-3PXwA1H4bBQRGRzLsaNQlJZck+XyDpuVGpNYlTHAHDFchU2zHxzY2i9bbCq7yoNE1dFGV5CCDMO1wgoKrKxLYQ==
crossorigin="anonymous" integrity="sha256-AiXrA00CSgO9yQ6mx59WGTZi58Pu6QlpYpiCDlF8u4M=" /> |
| |
| script
| src
| /_next/static/chunks/webpack-5146130448d8adf7.js
| 200
| 1
| Problems with Content-Type - Header - see details
defer attribute found
| application/javascript; charset=UTF-8 missing X-Content-Type-Options nosniff |
| This Combination of MediaType "application" and MediaSubType "javascript" is obsolete. Don't use it. See to find a correct Combination. Use "text/javascript" instead.
| Cache-Control: public, max-age=31536000, immutable - with long duration found.
| Compression (gzip): 944/1936 Bytes
| ETag: W/"790-18b118ac8f0"
| local SRI possible, possible hash-values:
sha256-qWBmnJkHQTdywYDwDeYxz4WYMR44nu7izUrtW41vvg0= sha384-oNZLSXB//D230TuncdcEH8w21AgUAyIFysO3mVTFUOM6a1uQlDJgZxNG3Pj2F4wF sha512-8ZO3uMOvsaOZ5TzBT6KKlNSe57lHSCKCMBRP16uGp7Ip38zfhX64ugVis15IHJdyvaYct40V1t+ExkdI8aabQQ==
crossorigin="anonymous" integrity="sha256-qWBmnJkHQTdywYDwDeYxz4WYMR44nu7izUrtW41vvg0=" /> |
| |
| script
| src
| /_next/static/QPyJ2qs29DXGMzX0kvUHS/_buildManifest.js
| 200
| 1
| Problems with Content-Type - Header - see details
defer attribute found
| application/javascript; charset=UTF-8 missing X-Content-Type-Options nosniff |
| This Combination of MediaType "application" and MediaSubType "javascript" is obsolete. Don't use it. See to find a correct Combination. Use "text/javascript" instead.
| Cache-Control: public, max-age=31536000, immutable - with long duration found.
| 212 Bytes
| ETag: W/"142-18b118ac8f0"
| local SRI possible, possible hash-values:
sha256-4GFfSR+X5RK8TZwg3scvDBBlYcttiu9IyvOskASk2Zc= sha384-Z1Y8d+NrC89tVYrJsCpyXO34YdS0oj69ujRwdGI0yY/sH+ux/fE/oopANr69uduv sha512-mU0BqCGL5Vm5WJeygkBVYrRpzL/A5ir9KLvcZ/Wrl9xnxknbRqF64XNlrn3tdWM9JcUG8/Y+9iNgiktWRtG30g==
crossorigin="anonymous" integrity="sha256-4GFfSR+X5RK8TZwg3scvDBBlYcttiu9IyvOskASk2Zc=" /> |
| |
| script
| src
| /_next/static/QPyJ2qs29DXGMzX0kvUHS/_ssgManifest.js
| 200
| 1
| Problems with Content-Type - Header - see details
defer attribute found
| application/javascript; charset=UTF-8 missing X-Content-Type-Options nosniff |
| This Combination of MediaType "application" and MediaSubType "javascript" is obsolete. Don't use it. See to find a correct Combination. Use "text/javascript" instead.
| Cache-Control: public, max-age=31536000, immutable - with long duration found.
| 52 Bytes
| ETag: W/"4d-18b118ac8f0"
| local SRI possible, possible hash-values:
sha256-b1tKoA0vjWrtmTW0cYBr96zvRk0MHTkCYOX+J/gAxn4= sha384-3aXL6K9hEH0v7VEPSdSPEfP6gaGeEGnUA/ujvO7qqr9y/dysVarqY7VCk8KSf3Tg sha512-M5DFZj75CBiF34zbxxn2wvFZek4lFoUpWYCX6UcmCKSmLsf34LxADSKqyBv26pJlMohuTcbk4nLTtYhJCgkEcw==
crossorigin="anonymous" integrity="sha256-b1tKoA0vjWrtmTW0cYBr96zvRk0MHTkCYOX+J/gAxn4=" /> |
| |
| style
| 200
| 9
| ok
| | font/woff2 X-Content-Type-Options nosniff found |
| Cache-Control: public, max-age=31536000 with long duration found.
| No Compression (): 9808/9808 Bytes, font already compressed
| Server-Header Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
| Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) supported
| missing crossorigin=anonymous|use-credentials and integrity - attribute, possible hash-values:
sha256-W+i824JgFPU0xePY8ci4BcIZrO7GaYkHBz65csJ969g= sha384-p+Fna2J9pB2E2G28RF/fDkL2bji+C0+jBkHiuBSi/nBgO+LGG8xy3DnzAmy/rDd+ sha512-JJN79ls2UIGNhy+nQpSrQL59HN/O7Coq/LMqZaHLZqKgDSD1kfXiUQrgLCh3uJ5Dvilbr9EqdJ13hlPtA84fdw==
crossorigin="anonymous" integrity="sha256-W+i824JgFPU0xePY8ci4BcIZrO7GaYkHBz65csJ969g=" /> |
| |
| style
| 200
| 9
| ok
| | font/woff2 X-Content-Type-Options nosniff found |
| Cache-Control: public, max-age=31536000 with long duration found.
| No Compression (): 1704/1704 Bytes, font already compressed
| Server-Header Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
| Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) supported
| missing crossorigin=anonymous|use-credentials and integrity - attribute, possible hash-values:
sha256-ScFCc2B2oilEeJt2a1+xK59/4wsfk9GVkldlvkWN2v8= sha384-V55vNrtNVxhYExjrRtD2akXrWrpECMs9IsQ6FJcYXbChb2nTWN9YGAgP6ttOS9Rp sha512-GdGWyVl8loGPz5NTuO2W8+cRjBDEHwjoR0w/ofm1nIQ50IubQEsXQnGGFO27RiYlZqsYIFtax3wuVJtzkoac4g==
crossorigin="anonymous" integrity="sha256-ScFCc2B2oilEeJt2a1+xK59/4wsfk9GVkldlvkWN2v8=" /> |
| |
| style
| 200
| 9
| ok
| | font/woff2 X-Content-Type-Options nosniff found |
| Cache-Control: public, max-age=31536000 with long duration found.
| No Compression (): 35760/35760 Bytes, font already compressed
| Server-Header Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
| Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) supported
| missing crossorigin=anonymous|use-credentials and integrity - attribute, possible hash-values:
sha256-znKRqrcMUZmhDeanLepnIYpChKWFiy4kvNSQ2E8kOWs= sha384-KbS/cTEMD6uFCR673laK9MMm+jWwulFyNORLyu+CjjtGg3SLldN65kVkn4xN73Go sha512-Eom56PxlAAXYho84iROMr5Fzx01SgrP20T0n2cAmOQB/V48ZSbOomWNFC0qTuowuu+l9XgV9NSmQZryEzxr0vw==
crossorigin="anonymous" integrity="sha256-znKRqrcMUZmhDeanLepnIYpChKWFiy4kvNSQ2E8kOWs=" /> |
| |
| style
| 200
| 9
| ok
| | font/woff2 X-Content-Type-Options nosniff found |
| Cache-Control: public, max-age=31536000 with long duration found.
| No Compression (): 20044/20044 Bytes, font already compressed
| Server-Header Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
| Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) supported
| missing crossorigin=anonymous|use-credentials and integrity - attribute, possible hash-values:
sha256-4E+aljXSc+HEAV3j2gNcprknuDoV4z89BpiRlDlHGOY= sha384-gfkh7d4+sXEnKrxDrn/vaYXeCCvcjS81yYJIJswHG3QKvvumjVpStD4pyFRHm8G7 sha512-FsK8bBbgpQL2W4mnHscS0EBEqFsVvMXCiurW0iXV53KA1NzXLe4kadHgQ3B7SuzOAEfLKSPSFM4QnlfGhl9+kA==
crossorigin="anonymous" integrity="sha256-4E+aljXSc+HEAV3j2gNcprknuDoV4z89BpiRlDlHGOY=" /> |
| |
| style
| 200
| 9
| ok
| | font/woff2 X-Content-Type-Options nosniff found |
| Cache-Control: public, max-age=31536000 with long duration found.
| No Compression (): 34716/34716 Bytes, font already compressed
| Server-Header Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
| Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) supported
| missing crossorigin=anonymous|use-credentials and integrity - attribute, possible hash-values:
sha256-ndW1toTu2LdvfRo0VKV6pAme3KV5tEGszl2o0eEc0XU= sha384-nKCFrybSaheW8CefnRPCB1yPBcgxRM34x0x5CgY2zYkxn3Ffm54AXILpGelmoDz7 sha512-8rS/ym4IwXYjhcZDuWeNNJUDJcn5gOp/Co0MCgoBJ3H7RW5rrxN+v333xqzzwwMsW2eNNIgQFeu9eyZHKm0Vqw==
crossorigin="anonymous" integrity="sha256-ndW1toTu2LdvfRo0VKV6pAme3KV5tEGszl2o0eEc0XU=" /> |
| |
| style
| 200
| 9
| ok
| | font/woff2 X-Content-Type-Options nosniff found |
| Cache-Control: public, max-age=31536000 with long duration found.
| No Compression (): 1636/1636 Bytes, font already compressed
| Server-Header Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
| Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) supported
| missing crossorigin=anonymous|use-credentials and integrity - attribute, possible hash-values:
sha256-JCrqXDntgmQCoeWavlopE+bD4JJkwb++RhFSH2kOlp4= sha384-n12P6KQTjzDDJ5MLoCLPTgtgaeKnjpFI0BD/M7r4q4COrfJXKCNlJUEzgycOKDiB sha512-NIPf8yQjO3SQ+Dp+lBRwPO3r5HsqvJmgaKQ+GKmSr1HVvu3wImnvSKtijmD/SFjvDoyEYfwQGvJyhft4jMjJsQ==
crossorigin="anonymous" integrity="sha256-JCrqXDntgmQCoeWavlopE+bD4JJkwb++RhFSH2kOlp4=" /> |
| |
| style
| 200
| 9
| ok
| | font/woff2 X-Content-Type-Options nosniff found |
| Cache-Control: public, max-age=31536000 with long duration found.
| No Compression (): 9224/9224 Bytes, font already compressed
| Server-Header Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
| Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) supported
| missing crossorigin=anonymous|use-credentials and integrity - attribute, possible hash-values:
sha256-VJl5oDXf7GX9xaeTJtZ06RKaD/5iVnNIz/GSkPzbYVs= sha384-gHQaFARLH307w8iXcfSuDdIm2DncYP24ceutAw/gkH1ZdSkU5GozAeo52Fa1wLDm sha512-qiiTm54WM58FJ2cQJV0V9HW9E7wNgkKzk2qYyzSxjbypDK32EoT+/PggSjxQnCpS8ruwf7oq7KErGPuwlp7hIA==
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| |
| style
| 200
| 9
| ok
| | font/woff2 X-Content-Type-Options nosniff found |
| Cache-Control: public, max-age=31536000 with long duration found.
| No Compression (): 19340/19340 Bytes, font already compressed
| Server-Header Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
| Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) supported
| missing crossorigin=anonymous|use-credentials and integrity - attribute, possible hash-values:
sha256-jcHyNm3wbAhE8BvbtkpmPgZIea9GVb/C8/3PghSDTf4= sha384-Ttff4SRUeUqBG2jXU9rJoeMX2hD2TB4w9N+Gbqb/tLAHvdcDd4cHjRhGfMpHSLMR sha512-BZ+4J2qN3mcOudHYpDn2ZEY1aeTBeObwl5xmKc4qub0BUOknaCxTOI87YGrKy+BCOqYwWWmXRcQXKbdILdPU0A==
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| |
| style
| 200
| 1
| ok
| | font/woff X-Content-Type-Options nosniff found |
| Cache-Control: public, max-age=31536000 with long duration found.
| No Compression (): 28556/28556 Bytes, font already compressed
| Server-Header Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
| Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) supported
| missing crossorigin=anonymous|use-credentials and integrity - attribute, possible hash-values:
sha256-FoWI2mS0ZjN2HWsmZNO+S/kebCr8teYvLCTAB0kUpRw= sha384-5na+D4Wqwu0AYKIB49dLiUkaMlfb5k0Jadf7+gUWHzcGfyScchBGPHII3mt8wvt/ sha512-fuKOuULLwPxwUDDqOy/5o/ykqKqzvFpEAtNoziXPf1DOXxklB93GYclDKRZz2xgBOI2/QhYL4JSJxHs0F6MJlg==
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| |
| style
| 200
| 1
| ok
| | font/woff X-Content-Type-Options nosniff found |
| Cache-Control: public, max-age=31536000 with long duration found.
| No Compression (): 30616/30616 Bytes, font already compressed
| Server-Header Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
| Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) supported
| missing crossorigin=anonymous|use-credentials and integrity - attribute, possible hash-values:
sha256-R2JeRZULvIqeffa9T+4l323OGh70tefjmkYH4VAOMYo= sha384-ztXEwSJIAghj7LfMSlZcAtPzu0THNJcPm0NVH4GCl9gJGuboxc90LgDdOkW+RFIt sha512-qSLnpxxfJAW6oc3NTjiiXLIkF+dNzo5jMRDvYDE3hOy+ltFLQUG54pjZc7MCatbf+629gakRonMZLA6Gr8QZQQ==
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| |
| style
| 200
| 1
| ok
| | font/woff X-Content-Type-Options nosniff found |
| Cache-Control: public, max-age=31536000 with long duration found.
| No Compression (): 29156/29156 Bytes, font already compressed
| Server-Header Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
| Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) supported
| missing crossorigin=anonymous|use-credentials and integrity - attribute, possible hash-values:
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| link
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sha256-+eM/EFjOUH7/H2rmeXLOsyNjD1ifkq6+aIOzyJX4+2c= sha384-h5qHZjrVRZuhdVLEeUuphUnhqiRv9SoeYZjHQarzCRmszaIWyh4COBr1UMZpHD5t sha512-pidlOITcmu603vD12l5KjUY2z2Yq8ARgISzwifcWWUtDFRaePYC/Y+6d6L1u/SWEk1pDiLR/Ggvs/TJbaBWKaQ==
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| The official Snakecraft Hosting website.
| 1
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| Home - Snakecraft Hosting
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| Snakecraft Hosting
| 1
| ok
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| ok
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| meta
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| Snakecraft Hosting provides reliable, high-performance game and cloud server hosting. Experience seamless gameplay and cloud computing with our affordable and customizable packages.
| 1
| ok
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| meta
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| Game Hosting, Minecraft Server Hosting, Game Server Hosting, High Performance Game Servers, Customizable Game Servers, Affordable Minecraft Hosting
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| ok
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| Snakecraft Hosting provides reliable, high-performance game and cloud server hosting. Experience seamless gameplay and cloud computing with our affordable and customizable packages.
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| ok
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| Snakecraft Hosting provides reliable, high-performance game and cloud server hosting. Experience seamless gameplay and cloud computing with our affordable and customizable packages.
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| The official Snakecraft Hosting website.
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| meta
| twitter:title
| Home - Snakecraft Hosting
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| ok
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| ok
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Missing defer / async attribute.
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| Problems with Content-Type - Header - see details
Missing defer / async attribute.
| application/javascript missing X-Content-Type-Options nosniff |
| This Combination of MediaType "application" and MediaSubType "javascript" is obsolete. Don't use it. See to find a correct Combination. Use "text/javascript" instead.
| No Cache-Control - header
| 63 Bytes
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| Server-Header Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
| Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) supported
| missing crossorigin=anonymous|use-credentials and integrity - attribute, possible hash-values:
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| Problems with Content-Type - Header - see details
Missing defer / async attribute.
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| This Combination of MediaType "application" and MediaSubType "javascript" is obsolete. Don't use it. See to find a correct Combination. Use "text/javascript" instead.
| Cache-Control: max-age=600 - max-age too short.
| Compression required: 3070 Bytes
| ETag: "41e00fdcfcc6fb8d31eacb37f79abb55bc447ed2eba535878bb286b459e43aec"
| Server-Header Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
| Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) supported
| missing crossorigin=anonymous|use-credentials and integrity - attribute, possible hash-values:
sha256-Si+6flEm5oUbm6ywqXRQyTFA1BXFGMGyzzqVakLbkRw= sha384-I+zBJ8YSGlFXEobploR9MSKwx4tOiT+YQHMZGzeSBQ7M22gEbWnyJ4E9uMkozzSp sha512-7tk0dr8V50jV8lbvoqcl6c4GhxgKaE5Num69ZDpZzL86LFCVahGtVmXhuxMa9f01RWxDlZL7NGGS2OXjHT0TWA==
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Missing defer / async attribute.
| text/javascript missing X-Content-Type-Options nosniff |
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| Server-Header Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
| Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) supported
| missing crossorigin=anonymous|use-credentials and integrity - attribute, possible hash-values:
sha256-5LKCJ73BTtpF8XPwbrBnbUwc1usbKktgb3OqlzqcRDQ= sha384-Ibf46gDf2TEdx92+LzJ3TD0W8MsWtzUUu0b3ZS4YgaP2e5opGeqLk2y+tNkP6wf6 sha512-m9/higPHd8BnDCCzUfUXWtbDoCWxk2qqnR/wIvAVIxYNfOrZb/D0BljbJ8l3mN2ll/fN3rLO5Fcru8fJW2aGJw==
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| script
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defer attribute found
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| Server-Header Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
| Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) supported
| missing crossorigin=anonymous|use-credentials and integrity - attribute, possible hash-values:
sha256-ihjRMBUza8GEgZpadoRHRiIC7zEF7FEb9C7YMEp+2U8= sha384-hJDP7NI6FO4138GY4jrpuIrG8Efal6X0upzc6/p/SGWC2GA1v3ktQ/8krA0yHfkl sha512-ZpsOmlRQV6y907TI0dKBHq9Md29nnaEIPlkf84rnaERnq6zvWvPUqr2ft8M1aS28oN72PdrCzSjY4U6VaAw1EQ==
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| script
| src
| 200
| 1
| Problems with Content-Type - Header - see details
async attribute found
| application/javascript; charset=UTF-8 missing X-Content-Type-Options nosniff |
| This Combination of MediaType "application" and MediaSubType "javascript" is obsolete. Don't use it. See to find a correct Combination. Use "text/javascript" instead.
| Cache-Control: max-age=900, private - max-age too short.
| Compression (br): 104921/307741 Bytes
| Server-Header Access-Control-Allow-Origin:
| Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) not supported
| |
| script
| src
| 200
| 1
| Problems with Content-Type - Header - see details
async attribute found
| application/javascript; charset=UTF-8 missing X-Content-Type-Options nosniff |
| This Combination of MediaType "application" and MediaSubType "javascript" is obsolete. Don't use it. See to find a correct Combination. Use "text/javascript" instead.
| Cache-Control: max-age=900, private - max-age too short.
| Compression (br): 138313/430256 Bytes
| Server-Header Access-Control-Allow-Origin:
| Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) not supported
| |
| script
| src
| js/custom_xE8pYt3I.js?p=C5wAM1TD&rnd=79197
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Missing defer / async attribute.
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| This Combination of MediaType "application" and MediaSubType "javascript" is obsolete. Don't use it. See to find a correct Combination. Use "text/javascript" instead.
| Cache-Control: max-age=5356800 - with long duration found.
| Compression (br): 2100/6355 Bytes
| ETag: W/"673f6a95-18d3"
| local SRI possible, possible hash-values:
sha256-ntbVs9K4b+b/Xt3UNcZAAT+9wxwq1hPE0rtc9q8yllo= sha384-xl9KFeXvoYCGWeZoyWloGFX/NgAANFRSTEL11IoPkP/E0DjWZozun4Lko8xEM8WW sha512-Rj47kOyZ+zznbZC9plMji8VAc5LSfLanlQjmZJuKKOGXHQKhNsXvlXzLOAbjkI/zAdFVMDNMZNqJdApBB8LQnw==
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| js/slides.min.js?62360
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| Problems with Content-Type - Header - see details
Missing defer / async attribute.
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| This Combination of MediaType "application" and MediaSubType "javascript" is obsolete. Don't use it. See to find a correct Combination. Use "text/javascript" instead.
| Cache-Control: max-age=5356800 - with long duration found.
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sha256-OazOMEbxN/D27wBki2Xs4pIcIN0z6K2soQs69jtD7bo= sha384-LotYVbVqLBEQuYH/pUFKE5DMgKx2qH0KU3j4qMcD8VNa5yAP19P1sIvSYXLNHz66 sha512-CMzzQSdyV2FVeSePnByRrwL95Yzt4zn4imEuT+/d86ou5/RxrFyu/65pSWqGObAhYX2yHA19wXgP5qgey3LGGA==
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| |
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| ok
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| |
| |
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| 7
| ok
| |
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| 6
| ok
| |
| |
| |
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| 5
| ok
| |
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| 3
| ok
| |
| |
| |
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| 3
| ok
| |
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| /network-status
| 2
| ok
| |
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| a
| /order
| 6
| ok
| |
| |
| |
| a
| /ryzen-vps
| 4
| ok
| |
| |
| |
| a
| /value-vps
| 4
| ok
| |
| |
| |
| a
| /web-hosting
| 3
| ok
| |
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| 3
| ok
| |
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| a
| 2
| ok
| |
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| a
| 1
| ok
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| a
| 3
| ok
| |
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| a
| 2
| ok
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| 1
| ok
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| 3
| ok
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| 2
| ok
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| 1
| ok
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| 1
| ok
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| a
| 6
| ok
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| 1
| ok
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| 1
| ok
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| 3
| ok
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| 1
| ok
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| 3
| ok
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| 2
| ok
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| 1
| ok
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| 2
| ok
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| 1
| ok
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| 2
| ok
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| 1
| ok
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| 3
| ok
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| 3
| ok
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| 3
| ok
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| a
| 1
| ok
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| a
| 1
| ok
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| a
| 1
| ok
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| 1
| ok
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| a
| 1
| ok
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| a
| 1
| ok
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| assets/uploads/20240327-221004-50.webp?p=C5wAM1TD
| 200
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| img
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| link
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| link
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| link
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| link
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sha256-+eM/EFjOUH7/H2rmeXLOsyNjD1ifkq6+aIOzyJX4+2c= sha384-h5qHZjrVRZuhdVLEeUuphUnhqiRv9SoeYZjHQarzCRmszaIWyh4COBr1UMZpHD5t sha512-pidlOITcmu603vD12l5KjUY2z2Yq8ARgISzwifcWWUtDFRaePYC/Y+6d6L1u/SWEk1pDiLR/Ggvs/TJbaBWKaQ==
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| | 347 Bytes
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| Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) supported
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sha256-w71O+P0KcEUPiz3BLtn9PhAqWPtMBtDsuKVAHlV5y5U= sha384-ZAYPvf3b2Bi6W64jeI2cpZqE3r+jL2TwNuS5wDeQut7SmXG/Lz8pl1EZAbNMlaQP sha512-EQvoang97BgLWDO/GGXJfyCXEPsRg76zfMWWLcC57SghLfymBgOhuGQnyO0Zw4odhMlGDWmomZ+NUbhwtymNBg==
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| meta
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| UTF-8
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| ok
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| meta
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| The official Snakecraft Hosting website.
| 1
| ok
| |
| |
| |
| meta
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| |
| meta
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| Home - Snakecraft Hosting
| 1
| ok
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| meta
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| Snakecraft Hosting
| 1
| ok
| |
| |
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| meta
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| yes
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| apple-mobile-web-app-title
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| ok
| |
| |
| |
| meta
| application-name
| Snakecraft Hosting
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| ok
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| |
| meta
| description
| Snakecraft Hosting provides reliable, high-performance game and cloud server hosting. Experience seamless gameplay and cloud computing with our affordable and customizable packages.
| 1
| ok
| |
| |
| |
| meta
| keywords
| Game Hosting, Minecraft Server Hosting, Game Server Hosting, High Performance Game Servers, Customizable Game Servers, Affordable Minecraft Hosting
| 1
| ok
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| |
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| #da532c
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| ok
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| meta
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| Snakecraft Hosting provides reliable, high-performance game and cloud server hosting. Experience seamless gameplay and cloud computing with our affordable and customizable packages.
| 1
| ok
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| |
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| meta
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| assets/uploads/home-min.png?p=C5wAM1TD
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| Snakecraft Hosting provides reliable, high-performance game and cloud server hosting. Experience seamless gameplay and cloud computing with our affordable and customizable packages.
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| ok
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| twitter:description
| The official Snakecraft Hosting website.
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| |
| meta
| twitter:title
| Home - Snakecraft Hosting
| 1
| ok
| |
| |
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| Snakecraft Hosting
| 1
| ok
| |
| |
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Missing defer / async attribute.
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| script
| src
| 200
| 1
| Problems with Content-Type - Header - see details
Missing defer / async attribute.
| application/javascript missing X-Content-Type-Options nosniff |
| This Combination of MediaType "application" and MediaSubType "javascript" is obsolete. Don't use it. See to find a correct Combination. Use "text/javascript" instead.
| No Cache-Control - header
| 63 Bytes
| ETag: "4f0b831358ab22e23249b74909135678"
| Server-Header Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
| Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) supported
| missing crossorigin=anonymous|use-credentials and integrity - attribute, possible hash-values:
sha256-KtypgJlvjwQzq60K2Z6YHFFyROlioRwpTsbKse8dpYY= sha384-oVMAdNjwkv00rW+GSTaycBtVNs7vB0O1Qpp7WGuB0MInEZF9dcfoNxkmAIJ2dC1h sha512-1rvpIkgo8PVAo7L9arE8oSKXRiBcBkSR2Ho7sp31Bas/XdsEpnW3hT2vKmo7zOarNcDOLiyLX54OrmSs3hwPog==
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| script
| src
| 200
| 1
| Problems with Content-Type - Header - see details
Missing defer / async attribute.
| application/javascript missing X-Content-Type-Options nosniff |
| This Combination of MediaType "application" and MediaSubType "javascript" is obsolete. Don't use it. See to find a correct Combination. Use "text/javascript" instead.
| Cache-Control: max-age=600 - max-age too short.
| Compression required: 3070 Bytes
| ETag: "41e00fdcfcc6fb8d31eacb37f79abb55bc447ed2eba535878bb286b459e43aec"
| Server-Header Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
| Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) supported
| missing crossorigin=anonymous|use-credentials and integrity - attribute, possible hash-values:
sha256-Si+6flEm5oUbm6ywqXRQyTFA1BXFGMGyzzqVakLbkRw= sha384-I+zBJ8YSGlFXEobploR9MSKwx4tOiT+YQHMZGzeSBQ7M22gEbWnyJ4E9uMkozzSp sha512-7tk0dr8V50jV8lbvoqcl6c4GhxgKaE5Num69ZDpZzL86LFCVahGtVmXhuxMa9f01RWxDlZL7NGGS2OXjHT0TWA==
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Missing defer / async attribute.
| text/javascript missing X-Content-Type-Options nosniff |
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| Server-Header Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
| Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) supported
| missing crossorigin=anonymous|use-credentials and integrity - attribute, possible hash-values:
sha256-5LKCJ73BTtpF8XPwbrBnbUwc1usbKktgb3OqlzqcRDQ= sha384-Ibf46gDf2TEdx92+LzJ3TD0W8MsWtzUUu0b3ZS4YgaP2e5opGeqLk2y+tNkP6wf6 sha512-m9/higPHd8BnDCCzUfUXWtbDoCWxk2qqnR/wIvAVIxYNfOrZb/D0BljbJ8l3mN2ll/fN3rLO5Fcru8fJW2aGJw==
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| |
| script
| src
| 200
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| ok
defer attribute found
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| | Compression (gzip): 6883/19948 Bytes
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| Server-Header Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
| Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) supported
| missing crossorigin=anonymous|use-credentials and integrity - attribute, possible hash-values:
sha256-ihjRMBUza8GEgZpadoRHRiIC7zEF7FEb9C7YMEp+2U8= sha384-hJDP7NI6FO4138GY4jrpuIrG8Efal6X0upzc6/p/SGWC2GA1v3ktQ/8krA0yHfkl sha512-ZpsOmlRQV6y907TI0dKBHq9Md29nnaEIPlkf84rnaERnq6zvWvPUqr2ft8M1aS28oN72PdrCzSjY4U6VaAw1EQ==
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| |
| script
| src
| 200
| 1
| Problems with Content-Type - Header - see details
async attribute found
| application/javascript; charset=UTF-8 missing X-Content-Type-Options nosniff |
| This Combination of MediaType "application" and MediaSubType "javascript" is obsolete. Don't use it. See to find a correct Combination. Use "text/javascript" instead.
| Cache-Control: max-age=900, private - max-age too short.
| Compression (br): 104789/307754 Bytes
| Server-Header Access-Control-Allow-Origin:
| Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) not supported
| |
| script
| src
| 200
| 1
| Problems with Content-Type - Header - see details
async attribute found
| application/javascript; charset=UTF-8 missing X-Content-Type-Options nosniff |
| This Combination of MediaType "application" and MediaSubType "javascript" is obsolete. Don't use it. See to find a correct Combination. Use "text/javascript" instead.
| Cache-Control: max-age=900, private - max-age too short.
| Compression (br): 138423/430250 Bytes
| Server-Header Access-Control-Allow-Origin:
| Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) not supported
| |
| script
| src
| js/custom_xE8pYt3I.js?p=C5wAM1TD&rnd=79197
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| Problems with Content-Type - Header - see details
Missing defer / async attribute.
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| This Combination of MediaType "application" and MediaSubType "javascript" is obsolete. Don't use it. See to find a correct Combination. Use "text/javascript" instead.
| Cache-Control: max-age=5356800 - with long duration found.
| Compression (br): 2100/6355 Bytes
| ETag: W/"673f6a95-18d3"
| local SRI possible, possible hash-values:
sha256-ntbVs9K4b+b/Xt3UNcZAAT+9wxwq1hPE0rtc9q8yllo= sha384-xl9KFeXvoYCGWeZoyWloGFX/NgAANFRSTEL11IoPkP/E0DjWZozun4Lko8xEM8WW sha512-Rj47kOyZ+zznbZC9plMji8VAc5LSfLanlQjmZJuKKOGXHQKhNsXvlXzLOAbjkI/zAdFVMDNMZNqJdApBB8LQnw==
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| script
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| js/slides.min.js?62360
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| Problems with Content-Type - Header - see details
Missing defer / async attribute.
| application/javascript missing X-Content-Type-Options nosniff |
| This Combination of MediaType "application" and MediaSubType "javascript" is obsolete. Don't use it. See to find a correct Combination. Use "text/javascript" instead.
| Cache-Control: max-age=5356800 - with long duration found.
| Compression (br): 39827/131370 Bytes
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sha256-OazOMEbxN/D27wBki2Xs4pIcIN0z6K2soQs69jtD7bo= sha384-LotYVbVqLBEQuYH/pUFKE5DMgKx2qH0KU3j4qMcD8VNa5yAP19P1sIvSYXLNHz66 sha512-CMzzQSdyV2FVeSePnByRrwL95Yzt4zn4imEuT+/d86ou5/RxrFyu/65pSWqGObAhYX2yHA19wXgP5qgey3LGGA==
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| |
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| 13
| ok
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| |
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| 7
| ok
| |
| |
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| 6
| ok
| |
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| |
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| 5
| ok
| |
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| 3
| ok
| |
| |
| |
| a
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| 3
| ok
| |
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| /network-status
| 2
| ok
| |
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| a
| /order
| 6
| ok
| |
| |
| |
| a
| /ryzen-vps
| 4
| ok
| |
| |
| |
| a
| /value-vps
| 4
| ok
| |
| |
| |
| a
| /web-hosting
| 3
| ok
| |
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| |
| a
| 3
| ok
| |
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| a
| 2
| ok
| |
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| a
| 1
| ok
| |
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| 3
| ok
| |
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| a
| 2
| ok
| |
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| 1
| ok
| |
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| 3
| ok
| |
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| 2
| ok
| |
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| 1
| ok
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| a
| 1
| ok
| |
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| a
| 6
| ok
| |
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| a
| 1
| ok
| |
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| a
| 1
| ok
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| a
| 3
| ok
| |
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| a
| 1
| ok
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| a
| 3
| ok
| |
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| a
| 2
| ok
| |
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| a
| 1
| ok
| |
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| a
| 2
| ok
| |
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| a
| 1
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| 2
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| 1
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| 1
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| 1
| ok
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| 1
| ok
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| 1
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| img
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| link
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| link
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| link
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sha256-+eM/EFjOUH7/H2rmeXLOsyNjD1ifkq6+aIOzyJX4+2c= sha384-h5qHZjrVRZuhdVLEeUuphUnhqiRv9SoeYZjHQarzCRmszaIWyh4COBr1UMZpHD5t sha512-pidlOITcmu603vD12l5KjUY2z2Yq8ARgISzwifcWWUtDFRaePYC/Y+6d6L1u/SWEk1pDiLR/Ggvs/TJbaBWKaQ==
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sha256-w71O+P0KcEUPiz3BLtn9PhAqWPtMBtDsuKVAHlV5y5U= sha384-ZAYPvf3b2Bi6W64jeI2cpZqE3r+jL2TwNuS5wDeQut7SmXG/Lz8pl1EZAbNMlaQP sha512-EQvoang97BgLWDO/GGXJfyCXEPsRg76zfMWWLcC57SghLfymBgOhuGQnyO0Zw4odhMlGDWmomZ+NUbhwtymNBg==
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| The official Snakecraft Hosting website.
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| ok
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| |
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| Home - Snakecraft Hosting
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| ok
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| ok
| |
| |
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| apple-mobile-web-app-title
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| ok
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| |
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| application-name
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| ok
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| |
| meta
| description
| Snakecraft Hosting provides reliable, high-performance game and cloud server hosting. Experience seamless gameplay and cloud computing with our affordable and customizable packages.
| 1
| ok
| |
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| meta
| keywords
| Game Hosting, Minecraft Server Hosting, Game Server Hosting, High Performance Game Servers, Customizable Game Servers, Affordable Minecraft Hosting
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| ok
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| Snakecraft Hosting provides reliable, high-performance game and cloud server hosting. Experience seamless gameplay and cloud computing with our affordable and customizable packages.
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| ok
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| Snakecraft Hosting provides reliable, high-performance game and cloud server hosting. Experience seamless gameplay and cloud computing with our affordable and customizable packages.
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| The official Snakecraft Hosting website.
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| |
| meta
| twitter:title
| Home - Snakecraft Hosting
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| ok
| |
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| ok
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| |
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Missing defer / async attribute.
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| script
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| Problems with Content-Type - Header - see details
Missing defer / async attribute.
| application/javascript missing X-Content-Type-Options nosniff |
| This Combination of MediaType "application" and MediaSubType "javascript" is obsolete. Don't use it. See to find a correct Combination. Use "text/javascript" instead.
| No Cache-Control - header
| 63 Bytes
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| Server-Header Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
| Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) supported
| missing crossorigin=anonymous|use-credentials and integrity - attribute, possible hash-values:
sha256-KtypgJlvjwQzq60K2Z6YHFFyROlioRwpTsbKse8dpYY= sha384-oVMAdNjwkv00rW+GSTaycBtVNs7vB0O1Qpp7WGuB0MInEZF9dcfoNxkmAIJ2dC1h sha512-1rvpIkgo8PVAo7L9arE8oSKXRiBcBkSR2Ho7sp31Bas/XdsEpnW3hT2vKmo7zOarNcDOLiyLX54OrmSs3hwPog==
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| script
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| Problems with Content-Type - Header - see details
Missing defer / async attribute.
| application/javascript missing X-Content-Type-Options nosniff |
| This Combination of MediaType "application" and MediaSubType "javascript" is obsolete. Don't use it. See to find a correct Combination. Use "text/javascript" instead.
| Cache-Control: max-age=600 - max-age too short.
| Compression required: 3070 Bytes
| ETag: "41e00fdcfcc6fb8d31eacb37f79abb55bc447ed2eba535878bb286b459e43aec"
| Server-Header Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
| Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) supported
| missing crossorigin=anonymous|use-credentials and integrity - attribute, possible hash-values:
sha256-Si+6flEm5oUbm6ywqXRQyTFA1BXFGMGyzzqVakLbkRw= sha384-I+zBJ8YSGlFXEobploR9MSKwx4tOiT+YQHMZGzeSBQ7M22gEbWnyJ4E9uMkozzSp sha512-7tk0dr8V50jV8lbvoqcl6c4GhxgKaE5Num69ZDpZzL86LFCVahGtVmXhuxMa9f01RWxDlZL7NGGS2OXjHT0TWA==
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Missing defer / async attribute.
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| Server-Header Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
| Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) supported
| missing crossorigin=anonymous|use-credentials and integrity - attribute, possible hash-values:
sha256-5LKCJ73BTtpF8XPwbrBnbUwc1usbKktgb3OqlzqcRDQ= sha384-Ibf46gDf2TEdx92+LzJ3TD0W8MsWtzUUu0b3ZS4YgaP2e5opGeqLk2y+tNkP6wf6 sha512-m9/higPHd8BnDCCzUfUXWtbDoCWxk2qqnR/wIvAVIxYNfOrZb/D0BljbJ8l3mN2ll/fN3rLO5Fcru8fJW2aGJw==
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| script
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| ok
defer attribute found
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| Server-Header Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
| Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) supported
| missing crossorigin=anonymous|use-credentials and integrity - attribute, possible hash-values:
sha256-ihjRMBUza8GEgZpadoRHRiIC7zEF7FEb9C7YMEp+2U8= sha384-hJDP7NI6FO4138GY4jrpuIrG8Efal6X0upzc6/p/SGWC2GA1v3ktQ/8krA0yHfkl sha512-ZpsOmlRQV6y907TI0dKBHq9Md29nnaEIPlkf84rnaERnq6zvWvPUqr2ft8M1aS28oN72PdrCzSjY4U6VaAw1EQ==
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| |
| script
| src
| 200
| 1
| Problems with Content-Type - Header - see details
async attribute found
| application/javascript; charset=UTF-8 missing X-Content-Type-Options nosniff |
| This Combination of MediaType "application" and MediaSubType "javascript" is obsolete. Don't use it. See to find a correct Combination. Use "text/javascript" instead.
| Cache-Control: max-age=900, private - max-age too short.
| Compression (br): 104946/307757 Bytes
| Server-Header Access-Control-Allow-Origin:
| Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) not supported
| |
| script
| src
| 200
| 1
| Problems with Content-Type - Header - see details
async attribute found
| application/javascript; charset=UTF-8 missing X-Content-Type-Options nosniff |
| This Combination of MediaType "application" and MediaSubType "javascript" is obsolete. Don't use it. See to find a correct Combination. Use "text/javascript" instead.
| Cache-Control: max-age=900, private - max-age too short.
| Compression (br): 138483/430247 Bytes
| Server-Header Access-Control-Allow-Origin:
| Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) not supported
| |
| script
| src
| js/custom_xE8pYt3I.js?p=C5wAM1TD&rnd=79197
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| Problems with Content-Type - Header - see details
Missing defer / async attribute.
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| This Combination of MediaType "application" and MediaSubType "javascript" is obsolete. Don't use it. See to find a correct Combination. Use "text/javascript" instead.
| Cache-Control: max-age=5356800 - with long duration found.
| Compression (br): 2100/6355 Bytes
| ETag: W/"673f6a95-18d3"
| local SRI possible, possible hash-values:
sha256-ntbVs9K4b+b/Xt3UNcZAAT+9wxwq1hPE0rtc9q8yllo= sha384-xl9KFeXvoYCGWeZoyWloGFX/NgAANFRSTEL11IoPkP/E0DjWZozun4Lko8xEM8WW sha512-Rj47kOyZ+zznbZC9plMji8VAc5LSfLanlQjmZJuKKOGXHQKhNsXvlXzLOAbjkI/zAdFVMDNMZNqJdApBB8LQnw==
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| script
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| js/slides.min.js?62360
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| Problems with Content-Type - Header - see details
Missing defer / async attribute.
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| This Combination of MediaType "application" and MediaSubType "javascript" is obsolete. Don't use it. See to find a correct Combination. Use "text/javascript" instead.
| Cache-Control: max-age=5356800 - with long duration found.
| Compression (br): 39827/131370 Bytes
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sha256-OazOMEbxN/D27wBki2Xs4pIcIN0z6K2soQs69jtD7bo= sha384-LotYVbVqLBEQuYH/pUFKE5DMgKx2qH0KU3j4qMcD8VNa5yAP19P1sIvSYXLNHz66 sha512-CMzzQSdyV2FVeSePnByRrwL95Yzt4zn4imEuT+/d86ou5/RxrFyu/65pSWqGObAhYX2yHA19wXgP5qgey3LGGA==
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| 7
| ok
| |
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| 6
| ok
| |
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| 5
| ok
| |
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| 3
| ok
| |
| |
| |
| a
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| 3
| ok
| |
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| /network-status
| 2
| ok
| |
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| /order
| 6
| ok
| |
| |
| |
| a
| /ryzen-vps
| 4
| ok
| |
| |
| |
| a
| /value-vps
| 4
| ok
| |
| |
| |
| a
| /web-hosting
| 3
| ok
| |
| |
| |
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| 3
| ok
| |
| |
| |
| a
| 2
| ok
| |
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| a
| 1
| ok
| |
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| a
| 3
| ok
| |
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| a
| 2
| ok
| |
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| a
| 1
| ok
| |
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| ok
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| ok
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| ok
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| ok
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| ok
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| ok
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| ok
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| ok
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| ok
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| ok
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| ok
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| ok
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| ok
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| ok
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| ok
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| link
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sha256-+eM/EFjOUH7/H2rmeXLOsyNjD1ifkq6+aIOzyJX4+2c= sha384-h5qHZjrVRZuhdVLEeUuphUnhqiRv9SoeYZjHQarzCRmszaIWyh4COBr1UMZpHD5t sha512-pidlOITcmu603vD12l5KjUY2z2Yq8ARgISzwifcWWUtDFRaePYC/Y+6d6L1u/SWEk1pDiLR/Ggvs/TJbaBWKaQ==
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sha256-w71O+P0KcEUPiz3BLtn9PhAqWPtMBtDsuKVAHlV5y5U= sha384-ZAYPvf3b2Bi6W64jeI2cpZqE3r+jL2TwNuS5wDeQut7SmXG/Lz8pl1EZAbNMlaQP sha512-EQvoang97BgLWDO/GGXJfyCXEPsRg76zfMWWLcC57SghLfymBgOhuGQnyO0Zw4odhMlGDWmomZ+NUbhwtymNBg==
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| The official Snakecraft Hosting website.
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| Home - Snakecraft Hosting
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| ok
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| ok
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| application-name
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| ok
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| meta
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| Snakecraft Hosting provides reliable, high-performance game and cloud server hosting. Experience seamless gameplay and cloud computing with our affordable and customizable packages.
| 1
| ok
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| meta
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| Game Hosting, Minecraft Server Hosting, Game Server Hosting, High Performance Game Servers, Customizable Game Servers, Affordable Minecraft Hosting
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| ok
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| Snakecraft Hosting provides reliable, high-performance game and cloud server hosting. Experience seamless gameplay and cloud computing with our affordable and customizable packages.
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| ok
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| Snakecraft Hosting provides reliable, high-performance game and cloud server hosting. Experience seamless gameplay and cloud computing with our affordable and customizable packages.
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| The official Snakecraft Hosting website.
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| meta
| twitter:title
| Home - Snakecraft Hosting
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| ok
| |
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| ok
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| |
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Missing defer / async attribute.
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| script
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| Problems with Content-Type - Header - see details
Missing defer / async attribute.
| application/javascript missing X-Content-Type-Options nosniff |
| This Combination of MediaType "application" and MediaSubType "javascript" is obsolete. Don't use it. See to find a correct Combination. Use "text/javascript" instead.
| No Cache-Control - header
| 63 Bytes
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| Server-Header Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
| Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) supported
| missing crossorigin=anonymous|use-credentials and integrity - attribute, possible hash-values:
sha256-KtypgJlvjwQzq60K2Z6YHFFyROlioRwpTsbKse8dpYY= sha384-oVMAdNjwkv00rW+GSTaycBtVNs7vB0O1Qpp7WGuB0MInEZF9dcfoNxkmAIJ2dC1h sha512-1rvpIkgo8PVAo7L9arE8oSKXRiBcBkSR2Ho7sp31Bas/XdsEpnW3hT2vKmo7zOarNcDOLiyLX54OrmSs3hwPog==
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| script
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| Problems with Content-Type - Header - see details
Missing defer / async attribute.
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| This Combination of MediaType "application" and MediaSubType "javascript" is obsolete. Don't use it. See to find a correct Combination. Use "text/javascript" instead.
| Cache-Control: max-age=600 - max-age too short.
| Compression required: 3070 Bytes
| ETag: "41e00fdcfcc6fb8d31eacb37f79abb55bc447ed2eba535878bb286b459e43aec"
| Server-Header Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
| Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) supported
| missing crossorigin=anonymous|use-credentials and integrity - attribute, possible hash-values:
sha256-Si+6flEm5oUbm6ywqXRQyTFA1BXFGMGyzzqVakLbkRw= sha384-I+zBJ8YSGlFXEobploR9MSKwx4tOiT+YQHMZGzeSBQ7M22gEbWnyJ4E9uMkozzSp sha512-7tk0dr8V50jV8lbvoqcl6c4GhxgKaE5Num69ZDpZzL86LFCVahGtVmXhuxMa9f01RWxDlZL7NGGS2OXjHT0TWA==
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Missing defer / async attribute.
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| Server-Header Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
| Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) supported
| missing crossorigin=anonymous|use-credentials and integrity - attribute, possible hash-values:
sha256-5LKCJ73BTtpF8XPwbrBnbUwc1usbKktgb3OqlzqcRDQ= sha384-Ibf46gDf2TEdx92+LzJ3TD0W8MsWtzUUu0b3ZS4YgaP2e5opGeqLk2y+tNkP6wf6 sha512-m9/higPHd8BnDCCzUfUXWtbDoCWxk2qqnR/wIvAVIxYNfOrZb/D0BljbJ8l3mN2ll/fN3rLO5Fcru8fJW2aGJw==
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| script
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defer attribute found
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| Server-Header Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
| Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) supported
| missing crossorigin=anonymous|use-credentials and integrity - attribute, possible hash-values:
sha256-ihjRMBUza8GEgZpadoRHRiIC7zEF7FEb9C7YMEp+2U8= sha384-hJDP7NI6FO4138GY4jrpuIrG8Efal6X0upzc6/p/SGWC2GA1v3ktQ/8krA0yHfkl sha512-ZpsOmlRQV6y907TI0dKBHq9Md29nnaEIPlkf84rnaERnq6zvWvPUqr2ft8M1aS28oN72PdrCzSjY4U6VaAw1EQ==
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| script
| src
| 200
| 1
| Problems with Content-Type - Header - see details
async attribute found
| application/javascript; charset=UTF-8 missing X-Content-Type-Options nosniff |
| This Combination of MediaType "application" and MediaSubType "javascript" is obsolete. Don't use it. See to find a correct Combination. Use "text/javascript" instead.
| Cache-Control: max-age=900, private - max-age too short.
| Compression (br): 104905/307731 Bytes
| Server-Header Access-Control-Allow-Origin:
| Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) not supported
| |
| script
| src
| 200
| 1
| Problems with Content-Type - Header - see details
async attribute found
| application/javascript; charset=UTF-8 missing X-Content-Type-Options nosniff |
| This Combination of MediaType "application" and MediaSubType "javascript" is obsolete. Don't use it. See to find a correct Combination. Use "text/javascript" instead.
| Cache-Control: max-age=900, private - max-age too short.
| Compression (br): 138458/430267 Bytes
| Server-Header Access-Control-Allow-Origin:
| Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) not supported
| |
| script
| src
| js/custom_xE8pYt3I.js?p=C5wAM1TD&rnd=79197
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Missing defer / async attribute.
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| This Combination of MediaType "application" and MediaSubType "javascript" is obsolete. Don't use it. See to find a correct Combination. Use "text/javascript" instead.
| Cache-Control: max-age=5356800 - with long duration found.
| Compression (br): 2100/6355 Bytes
| ETag: W/"673f6a95-18d3"
| local SRI possible, possible hash-values:
sha256-ntbVs9K4b+b/Xt3UNcZAAT+9wxwq1hPE0rtc9q8yllo= sha384-xl9KFeXvoYCGWeZoyWloGFX/NgAANFRSTEL11IoPkP/E0DjWZozun4Lko8xEM8WW sha512-Rj47kOyZ+zznbZC9plMji8VAc5LSfLanlQjmZJuKKOGXHQKhNsXvlXzLOAbjkI/zAdFVMDNMZNqJdApBB8LQnw==
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| js/slides.min.js?62360
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| Problems with Content-Type - Header - see details
Missing defer / async attribute.
| application/javascript missing X-Content-Type-Options nosniff |
| This Combination of MediaType "application" and MediaSubType "javascript" is obsolete. Don't use it. See to find a correct Combination. Use "text/javascript" instead.
| Cache-Control: max-age=5356800 - with long duration found.
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sha256-OazOMEbxN/D27wBki2Xs4pIcIN0z6K2soQs69jtD7bo= sha384-LotYVbVqLBEQuYH/pUFKE5DMgKx2qH0KU3j4qMcD8VNa5yAP19P1sIvSYXLNHz66 sha512-CMzzQSdyV2FVeSePnByRrwL95Yzt4zn4imEuT+/d86ou5/RxrFyu/65pSWqGObAhYX2yHA19wXgP5qgey3LGGA==
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| |