Zone (*) | DNSSEC - Informations |
Zone: (root)
| 1 DS RR published
| • Status: Valid because published
| 2 DNSKEY RR found
| Public Key with Algorithm 8, KeyTag 20326, Flags 257 (SEP = Secure Entry Point)
| Public Key with Algorithm 8, KeyTag 59944, Flags 256
| 1 RRSIG RR to validate DNSKEY RR found
| RRSIG-Owner (root), Algorithm: 8, 0 Labels, original TTL: 172800 sec, Signature-expiration: 30.09.2019, 00:00:00 +, Signature-Inception: 09.09.2019, 00:00:00 +, KeyTag 20326, Signer-Name: (root)
| • Status: Good - Algorithmus 8 and DNSKEY with KeyTag 20326 used to validate the DNSKEY RRSet
| • Status: Valid Chain of trust. Parent-DS with Algorithm 8, KeyTag 20326, DigestType 2 and Digest "4G1EuAuPHTmpXAsNfGXQhFjogECbvGg0VxBCN8f47I0=" validates local Key with the same values, Key ist Secure Entry Point (SEP) of the zone
Zone: com
| 1 DS RR in the parent zone found
| 2 RRSIG RR to validate DS RR found
| RRSIG-Owner com., Algorithm: 8, 1 Labels, original TTL: 86400 sec, Signature-expiration: 27.09.2019, 05:00:00 +, Signature-Inception: 14.09.2019, 04:00:00 +, KeyTag 59944, Signer-Name: (root)
| • Status: Good - Algorithmus 8 and DNSKEY with KeyTag 59944 used to validate the DS RRSet in the parent zone
| 2 DNSKEY RR found
| Public Key with Algorithm 8, KeyTag 17708, Flags 256
| Public Key with Algorithm 8, KeyTag 30909, Flags 257 (SEP = Secure Entry Point)
| 1 RRSIG RR to validate DNSKEY RR found
| RRSIG-Owner com., Algorithm: 8, 1 Labels, original TTL: 86400 sec, Signature-expiration: 24.09.2019, 18:25:33 +, Signature-Inception: 09.09.2019, 18:20:33 +, KeyTag 30909, Signer-Name: com
| • Status: Good - Algorithmus 8 and DNSKEY with KeyTag 30909 used to validate the DNSKEY RRSet
| • Status: Valid Chain of trust. Parent-DS with Algorithm 8, KeyTag 30909, DigestType 2 and Digest "4tPJFvbe6scylOgmj7WIUESoM/xUWViPSpGEz8QaV2Y=" validates local Key with the same values, Key ist Secure Entry Point (SEP) of the zone
| 0 DS RR in the parent zone found
| DS-Query in the parent zone has a valid NSEC3 RR as result with the hashed query name "uid68iuv15sj0susv0d89kd5j0gqsu7r" between the hashed NSEC3-owner "uid4i821b6vlog6faiktjnb7nhcahfle" and the hashed NextOwner "uid76d25qgn5h4lofnf2cq31ltc0dfoo". So the parent zone confirmes the not-existence of a DS RR.
Bitmap: NS, DS, RRSIG Validated: RRSIG-Owner, Algorithm: 8, 2 Labels, original TTL: 86400 sec, Signature-expiration: 20.09.2019, 05:12:08 +, Signature-Inception: 13.09.2019, 04:02:08 +, KeyTag 17708, Signer-Name: com
| 0 DNSKEY RR found
| 0 DS RR in the parent zone found
Zone: (root)
| 1 DS RR published
| • Status: Valid because published
| 2 DNSKEY RR found
| Public Key with Algorithm 8, KeyTag 20326, Flags 257 (SEP = Secure Entry Point)
| Public Key with Algorithm 8, KeyTag 59944, Flags 256
| 1 RRSIG RR to validate DNSKEY RR found
| RRSIG-Owner (root), Algorithm: 8, 0 Labels, original TTL: 172800 sec, Signature-expiration: 30.09.2019, 00:00:00 +, Signature-Inception: 09.09.2019, 00:00:00 +, KeyTag 20326, Signer-Name: (root)
| • Status: Good - Algorithmus 8 and DNSKEY with KeyTag 20326 used to validate the DNSKEY RRSet
| • Status: Valid Chain of trust. Parent-DS with Algorithm 8, KeyTag 20326, DigestType 2 and Digest "4G1EuAuPHTmpXAsNfGXQhFjogECbvGg0VxBCN8f47I0=" validates local Key with the same values, Key ist Secure Entry Point (SEP) of the zone
Zone: com
| 1 DS RR in the parent zone found
| 2 RRSIG RR to validate DS RR found
| RRSIG-Owner com., Algorithm: 8, 1 Labels, original TTL: 86400 sec, Signature-expiration: 27.09.2019, 05:00:00 +, Signature-Inception: 14.09.2019, 04:00:00 +, KeyTag 59944, Signer-Name: (root)
| • Status: Good - Algorithmus 8 and DNSKEY with KeyTag 59944 used to validate the DS RRSet in the parent zone
| 2 DNSKEY RR found
| Public Key with Algorithm 8, KeyTag 17708, Flags 256
| Public Key with Algorithm 8, KeyTag 30909, Flags 257 (SEP = Secure Entry Point)
| 1 RRSIG RR to validate DNSKEY RR found
| RRSIG-Owner com., Algorithm: 8, 1 Labels, original TTL: 86400 sec, Signature-expiration: 24.09.2019, 18:25:33 +, Signature-Inception: 09.09.2019, 18:20:33 +, KeyTag 30909, Signer-Name: com
| • Status: Good - Algorithmus 8 and DNSKEY with KeyTag 30909 used to validate the DNSKEY RRSet
| • Status: Valid Chain of trust. Parent-DS with Algorithm 8, KeyTag 30909, DigestType 2 and Digest "4tPJFvbe6scylOgmj7WIUESoM/xUWViPSpGEz8QaV2Y=" validates local Key with the same values, Key ist Secure Entry Point (SEP) of the zone
| 0 DS RR in the parent zone found
| DS-Query in the parent zone has a valid NSEC3 RR as result with the hashed query name "la5aphutgpjaph4c4q4ju0hq8scb5a3l" between the hashed NSEC3-owner "la5acd74q7tdcu969l726o890292ggpa" and the hashed NextOwner "la5auqjfnlg7jc1ek63fgrak8hj7p78i". So the parent zone confirmes the not-existence of a DS RR.
Bitmap: NS, DS, RRSIG Validated: RRSIG-Owner, Algorithm: 8, 2 Labels, original TTL: 86400 sec, Signature-expiration: 19.09.2019, 05:44:20 +, Signature-Inception: 12.09.2019, 04:34:20 +, KeyTag 17708, Signer-Name: com
| 0 DNSKEY RR found
| 0 DS RR in the parent zone found
| 0 DNSKEY RR found