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| Problems with Content-Type - Header - see details
Missing defer / async attribute.
| application/javascript missing X-Content-Type-Options nosniff |
| This Combination of MediaType "application" and MediaSubType "javascript" is obsolete. Don't use it. See to find a correct Combination. Use "text/javascript" instead.
| No Cache-Control - header
| Compression required: 80927 Bytes
| ETag: "643910f2-13c1f"
| local SRI possible, possible hash-values:
sha256-9nt4LsWmLI/O24lTW89IzAKuBqEZ47l/4rh1+tH/NY8= sha384-LtrjvnR4Twt/qOuYxE721u19sVFLVSA4hf/rRt6PrZTmiPltdZcI7q7PXQBYTKyf sha512-kBFfSXuTKZcABVouRYGnUo35KKa1FBrYgwG4PAx7Z2Heroknm0ca2Fm2TosdrrI356EDHMW383S3ISrwKcVPUw==
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| |
| script
| src
| assets/js/bs-init.js
| 200
| 1
| Problems with Content-Type - Header - see details
Missing defer / async attribute.
| application/javascript missing X-Content-Type-Options nosniff |
| This Combination of MediaType "application" and MediaSubType "javascript" is obsolete. Don't use it. See to find a correct Combination. Use "text/javascript" instead.
| No Cache-Control - header
| Compression required: 1747 Bytes
| ETag: "643910f2-6d3"
| local SRI possible, possible hash-values:
sha256-ANiUYv5zaJWOHXqPZIoATGFXcCNham4yE2oOrZNOdMQ= sha384-gkKjgZwq38NL+rWi9jjhrS7Ez/sg8jOJ/exQ6Q35vp5xGeaYdINIF1Jkvcf5YM/L sha512-3xkmM5xxLgkcW+04lGIcUN+OVXAOiHEuJZXWRcJp29MFHWhldnyBOSc0Kf8zqL0CcWWFKkjwX7HzxckTRkAKvw==
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| |
| script
| src
| assets/js/jquery.min.js
| 200
| 1
| Problems with Content-Type - Header - see details
Missing defer / async attribute.
| application/javascript missing X-Content-Type-Options nosniff |
| This Combination of MediaType "application" and MediaSubType "javascript" is obsolete. Don't use it. See to find a correct Combination. Use "text/javascript" instead.
| No Cache-Control - header
| Compression required: 88145 Bytes
| ETag: "643910f2-15851"
| local SRI possible, possible hash-values:
sha256-CSXorXvZcTkaix6Yvo6HppcZGetbYMGWSFlBw8HfCJo= sha384-vk5WoKIaW/vJyUAd9n/wmopsmNhiy+L2Z+SBxGYnUkunIxVxAv/UtMOhba/xskxh sha512-bnIvzh6FU75ZKxp0GXLH9bewza/OIw6dLVh9ICg0gogclmYGguQJWl8U30WpbsGTqbIiAwxTsbe76DErLq5EDQ==
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| |
| script
| src
| assets/js/main.js
| 200
| 1
| Problems with Content-Type - Header - see details
Missing defer / async attribute.
| application/javascript missing X-Content-Type-Options nosniff |
| This Combination of MediaType "application" and MediaSubType "javascript" is obsolete. Don't use it. See to find a correct Combination. Use "text/javascript" instead.
| No Cache-Control - header
| Compression required: 3400 Bytes
| ETag: "643910f2-d48"
| local SRI possible, possible hash-values:
sha256-/bBtooBE+n1KYmW6vx6/Kulz/oVXUL6omd5xJ/x0DGs= sha384-rO90Ej34ic0QZILhAueMGayJw0iSCPrKEAR3Gmu0o6TiFimqbs69BIewPWRrUHAN sha512-Nh4rlohcU9dIEqyg55Kcpq9pu8PvyJwC3+7+YtLijAdehOHyrtt7GZzj2h4I+gBSD4tsAL8uPVVCIVLUiUpRJQ==
crossorigin="anonymous" integrity="sha256-/bBtooBE+n1KYmW6vx6/Kulz/oVXUL6omd5xJ/x0DGs=" /> |
| |
| script
| src
| assets/js/main-navbar-transparent.js
| 200
| 1
| Problems with Content-Type - Header - see details
Missing defer / async attribute.
| application/javascript missing X-Content-Type-Options nosniff |
| This Combination of MediaType "application" and MediaSubType "javascript" is obsolete. Don't use it. See to find a correct Combination. Use "text/javascript" instead.
| No Cache-Control - header
| 504 Bytes
| ETag: "643910f2-1f8"
| local SRI possible, possible hash-values:
sha256-z/IxnNDhDDvjnycbICcu9k1eqFnkPbLyoP5Dhro2clE= sha384-QD6BT1nTvDpvJJ1MY/M1ePiXTHK/WzcgQmxp051/q+Iro5RrOWSsywOrcfThcxMA sha512-K3+0RYH+Dg8pCbZnsdeD+IEF77fwklkXaTg/z53jxrBTlOZAqC/2YMRBpbqtPxF4sE5E3a15wcGbm1F332wOtQ==
crossorigin="anonymous" integrity="sha256-z/IxnNDhDDvjnycbICcu9k1eqFnkPbLyoP5Dhro2clE=" /> |
| |
| script
| src
| assets/js/swiper.jquery.min.js
| 200
| 1
| Problems with Content-Type - Header - see details
Missing defer / async attribute.
| application/javascript missing X-Content-Type-Options nosniff |
| This Combination of MediaType "application" and MediaSubType "javascript" is obsolete. Don't use it. See to find a correct Combination. Use "text/javascript" instead.
| No Cache-Control - header
| Compression required: 68716 Bytes
| ETag: "643910f2-10c6c"
| local SRI possible, possible hash-values:
sha256-wAu0igje8Dz/KujdpBCxgvBZ1LnX2BsOU6sv7IHLTM4= sha384-XoCpeicxLyBIoX3AkTo9OYJg/JOVAUAV2ojrBOmDPfKVVh3yjV5ocWPIeyFEuRrq sha512-t1b4SfkxEhXGtSnXlefy5+SYQv6mt9K2ksXxzl3ltyOkEHdCvMcAKJWTay6J7pUfw1W/oW9TybcoE3j044OnaA==
crossorigin="anonymous" integrity="sha256-wAu0igje8Dz/KujdpBCxgvBZ1LnX2BsOU6sv7IHLTM4=" /> |
| |
| script
| src
| assets/js/Swiper-Slider-Card-For-Blog-Or-Product.js
| 200
| 1
| Problems with Content-Type - Header - see details
Missing defer / async attribute.
| application/javascript missing X-Content-Type-Options nosniff |
| This Combination of MediaType "application" and MediaSubType "javascript" is obsolete. Don't use it. See to find a correct Combination. Use "text/javascript" instead.
| No Cache-Control - header
| Compression required: 121026 Bytes
| ETag: "643910f2-1d8c2"
| local SRI possible, possible hash-values:
sha256-W4JlA3ZWbtnrBtzEzYagz1kkobHPebQ78DCPnYlRTXo= sha384-Mdk0Qzplb8v3KSImqgHTslVOGCX8ApsBdDOFhoVZ2pH4XGtzXqj1SgVWvNKIbFly sha512-JynnV6XeAq4w9XS4Crm8VfjlwyiDWYDAtIRCENpRUDT4KFOKTymtj77i54zDKyqTHUHiK+HDr9SGVa01jDFixg==
crossorigin="anonymous" integrity="sha256-W4JlA3ZWbtnrBtzEzYagz1kkobHPebQ78DCPnYlRTXo=" /> |
| |
| script
| src
| assets/js/swipe-slide-1.js
| 200
| 1
| Problems with Content-Type - Header - see details
Missing defer / async attribute.
| application/javascript missing X-Content-Type-Options nosniff |
| This Combination of MediaType "application" and MediaSubType "javascript" is obsolete. Don't use it. See to find a correct Combination. Use "text/javascript" instead.
| No Cache-Control - header
| Compression required: 16701 Bytes
| ETag: "643910f2-413d"
| local SRI possible, possible hash-values:
sha256-mkDeLl73eG9RaIH/ecRQ2IRkKWJGnj2nlskKGShyXwQ= sha384-2ug9jhh0HiGLXipVhEDPXBxMdTXectd5P5yx3KJRonjZZW+OidtdwdY7oSoMGwVV sha512-ScXg8wP82ZOWfhhQuj9CgYDZ4Gs13f5qTS9ZI3FpkziM1pCUFMal42B7+GR7w+kCWS5NsRcm91Ymu3lLEk6w8w==
crossorigin="anonymous" integrity="sha256-mkDeLl73eG9RaIH/ecRQ2IRkKWJGnj2nlskKGShyXwQ=" /> |
| |
| script
| src
| 200
| 1
| Problems with Content-Type - Header - see details
defer attribute found
async attribute found
| application/javascript missing X-Content-Type-Options nosniff |
| This Combination of MediaType "application" and MediaSubType "javascript" is obsolete. Don't use it. See to find a correct Combination. Use "text/javascript" instead.
| No Cache-Control - header
| Compression (gzip): 1279/2455 Bytes
| ETag: W/"64955b5b-997"
| Server-Header Access-Control-Allow-Origin: not found
| Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) not supported
| |
| a
| #
| 1
| ok
| |
| |
| |
| a
| ../tm/index.html
| 1
| ok
| |
| |
| |
| a
| about-story_DEL.html
| 1
| ok
| |
| |
| |
| a
| 1
| ok
| |
| |
| |
| a
| index.html
| 3
| ok
| |
| |
| |
| img
| src
| assets/img/br_epilogue.png
| 404
| Not Found
| 1
| missing file
alt: Главная | text/html missing X-Content-Type-Options nosniff |
| | 5650 Bytes
| ETag: "648ac868-1612"
| |
| img
| src
| assets/img/search.png
| 404
| Not Found
| 1
| missing file
alt: Search with Looking glass | text/html missing X-Content-Type-Options nosniff |
| | 5650 Bytes
| ETag: "648ac868-1612"
| |
| img
| src
| 200
| 1
| ok
| no alt-Attribute | image/gif missing X-Content-Type-Options nosniff |
| Cache-Control: no-cache - max-age missing.
| No Compression - 139 Bytes
| Server-Header Access-Control-Allow-Origin: not found
| Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) not supported
| |
| link
| icon
| assets/img/android-chrome-144x144.png
| 404
| Not Found
| 1
| missing file
| | text/html missing X-Content-Type-Options nosniff |
| | 5650 Bytes
| ETag: "648ac868-1612"
| |
| link
| icon
| assets/img/apple-touch-icon.png
| 404
| Not Found
| 1
| missing file
| | text/html missing X-Content-Type-Options nosniff |
| | 5650 Bytes
| ETag: "648ac868-1612"
| |
| link
| icon
| assets/img/favicon-16x16.png
| 404
| Not Found
| 1
| missing file
| | text/html missing X-Content-Type-Options nosniff |
| | 5650 Bytes
| ETag: "648ac868-1612"
| |
| link
| icon
| assets/img/favicon-32x32.png
| 404
| Not Found
| 1
| missing file
| | text/html missing X-Content-Type-Options nosniff |
| | 5650 Bytes
| ETag: "648ac868-1612"
| |
| link
| manifest
| /site.webmanifest
| 1
| ok
| |
| |
| |
| link
| mask-icon
| /safari-pinned-tab.svg
| 200
| 1
| ok
| | image/svg+xml missing X-Content-Type-Options nosniff |
| No Cache-Control header
| No Compression - 8901 Bytes
| ETag: "643910f2-22c5"
| |
| link
| stylesheet
| assets/bootstrap/css/bootstrap.min.css
| 404
| Not Found
| 1
| missing file
| | text/html missing X-Content-Type-Options nosniff |
| | 5650 Bytes
| ETag: "648ac868-1612"
| local SRI possible, possible hash-values:
sha256-VII8PvL3cbbXP8yGKgFDNf+Upp1xiyqTz+MuJcKS0/I= sha384-w3L2Jroin9gvX73HqDY1u9zB8b6eMnRvxTMKRxifWC7WCo1gN4pBfrdOekArRlxC sha512-V/IRehNquAKTrbNaWAhEllT3k6svhULmdh8xJRNIe6dMZYGKYfMKSaGs+fV8RTDf29HS6mhExDpdXqWVrh/oRw==
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crossorigin="anonymous" integrity="sha256-VII8PvL3cbbXP8yGKgFDNf+Upp1xiyqTz+MuJcKS0/I=" /> |
| |
| link
| stylesheet
| assets/css/main.css
| 404
| Not Found
| 1
| missing file
| | text/html missing X-Content-Type-Options nosniff |
| | 5650 Bytes
| ETag: "648ac868-1612"
| local SRI possible, possible hash-values:
sha256-VII8PvL3cbbXP8yGKgFDNf+Upp1xiyqTz+MuJcKS0/I= sha384-w3L2Jroin9gvX73HqDY1u9zB8b6eMnRvxTMKRxifWC7WCo1gN4pBfrdOekArRlxC sha512-V/IRehNquAKTrbNaWAhEllT3k6svhULmdh8xJRNIe6dMZYGKYfMKSaGs+fV8RTDf29HS6mhExDpdXqWVrh/oRw==
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crossorigin="anonymous" integrity="sha256-VII8PvL3cbbXP8yGKgFDNf+Upp1xiyqTz+MuJcKS0/I=" /> |
| |
| link
| stylesheet
| assets/css/text.css
| 404
| Not Found
| 1
| missing file
| | text/html missing X-Content-Type-Options nosniff |
| | 5650 Bytes
| ETag: "648ac868-1612"
| local SRI possible, possible hash-values:
sha256-VII8PvL3cbbXP8yGKgFDNf+Upp1xiyqTz+MuJcKS0/I= sha384-w3L2Jroin9gvX73HqDY1u9zB8b6eMnRvxTMKRxifWC7WCo1gN4pBfrdOekArRlxC sha512-V/IRehNquAKTrbNaWAhEllT3k6svhULmdh8xJRNIe6dMZYGKYfMKSaGs+fV8RTDf29HS6mhExDpdXqWVrh/oRw==
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crossorigin="anonymous" integrity="sha256-VII8PvL3cbbXP8yGKgFDNf+Upp1xiyqTz+MuJcKS0/I=" /> |
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| link
| stylesheet
| assets/fonts/font-awesome.min.css
| 404
| Not Found
| 1
| missing file
| | text/html missing X-Content-Type-Options nosniff |
| | 5650 Bytes
| ETag: "648ac868-1612"
| local SRI possible, possible hash-values:
sha256-VII8PvL3cbbXP8yGKgFDNf+Upp1xiyqTz+MuJcKS0/I= sha384-w3L2Jroin9gvX73HqDY1u9zB8b6eMnRvxTMKRxifWC7WCo1gN4pBfrdOekArRlxC sha512-V/IRehNquAKTrbNaWAhEllT3k6svhULmdh8xJRNIe6dMZYGKYfMKSaGs+fV8RTDf29HS6mhExDpdXqWVrh/oRw==
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crossorigin="anonymous" integrity="sha256-VII8PvL3cbbXP8yGKgFDNf+Upp1xiyqTz+MuJcKS0/I=" /> |
| |
| link
| stylesheet
| 200
| 1
| ok
| | text/css; charset=utf-8 X-Content-Type-Options nosniff found |
| Cache-Control: public, max-age=30672000 - with long duration found.
| Compression (br): 3279/52789 Bytes
| ETag: "5eb03d2a-ce35"
| Server-Header Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
| Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) supported
| missing crossorigin=anonymous|use-credentials and integrity - attribute, possible hash-values:
sha256-j+P6EZJVrbXgwSR5Mx+eCS6FvP9Wq27MBRC/ogVriY0= sha384-OHBBOqpYHNsIqQy8hL1U+8OXf9hH6QRxi0+EODezv82DfnZoV7qoHAZDwMwEJvSw sha512-TyUaMbYrKFZfQfp+9nQGOEt+vGu4nKzLk0KaV3nFifL3K8n7lzb8DayTzLOK0pNyzxGJzGRSw78e8xqJhURJ3Q==
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| |
| link
| stylesheet
| 200
| 1
| ok
| | text/css; charset=utf-8 X-Content-Type-Options nosniff found |
| | 384 Bytes
| Server-Header Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
| Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) supported
| missing crossorigin=anonymous|use-credentials and integrity - attribute, possible hash-values:
sha256-ya8OOuzgn8cr4UScWUIVjPx+Gv3zuwGKGaqojKD2k98= sha384-L4BNJITycMKohbLpCDa2LajDzmQ1dHKGRvFVkZW1405+UVWuBelufL8WOdEIAtMI sha512-WDRqyyYt5q0DKh/P50OoZc5m7FQxSWSVerVmyLu3vgEukaK0YhB0QSTPPFj0wAjL/LGJqxIkN6QXJ8NhlVLhbQ==
rel="stylesheet" href=""
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| |
| link
| stylesheet
| 200
| 1
| ok
| | text/css; charset=utf-8 X-Content-Type-Options nosniff found |
| | Compression (gzip): 749/10944 Bytes
| Server-Header Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
| Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) supported
| missing crossorigin=anonymous|use-credentials and integrity - attribute, possible hash-values:
sha256-BNT4wlqiYmiR7xj1H8tNnpai1gxpdZxvYDIkOjXAUD8= sha384-LC8fljbvyKfzVIvJfE1Sndv51bzl/mnWK/v+tyMXZOH40ILy/vFt2jfMj3eDcROV sha512-xKPjg8+qQCu8/G8xNqNynvNU4lxCoM600wohC+EIkIIwJmjgyz86bxnf8HfCCvg87yavqtdiLvieNQ+mmnDPOA==
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| |
| link
| stylesheet
| 200
| 1
| ok
| | text/css; charset=utf-8 X-Content-Type-Options nosniff found |
| | Compression (gzip): 1565/5973 Bytes
| Server-Header Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
| Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) supported
| missing crossorigin=anonymous|use-credentials and integrity - attribute, possible hash-values:
sha256-V4DcsBEjX3Tr0GCi4dfiFOO9EuE5gr9L1/vgUtPVX2M= sha384-LFgu/6D8bIfbyR4ZKZeK+03yRWN409W0sAcXYg5qi0vDo5ok41PI8HIDZ0hjQA5g sha512-keqItflYY6u7k+aa89f2i9DVw3FsUpSGmmTVwIxXPaj+FpUnmzl9fndlQxhjATrHr7baAFWcSapJ5tTodYDDBg==
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| |
| meta
| charset
| utf-8
| 1
| ok
| |
| |
| |
| meta
| description
| Официальный сайт Омбудсмена - Уполномоченного представителя по правам человека в Туркменистане
| 1
| ok
| |
| |
| |
| meta
| msapplication-TileColor
| #599e48
| 1
| ok
| |
| |
| |
| meta
| theme-color
| #ffffff
| 1
| ok
| |
| |
| |
| meta
| viewport
| width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, shrink-to-fit=no
| 1
| ok
| |
| |
| |
| script
| src
| assets/bootstrap/js/bootstrap.min.js
| 404
| Not Found
| 1
| missing file
Missing defer / async attribute.
| text/html missing X-Content-Type-Options nosniff |
| | 5650 Bytes
| ETag: "648ac868-1612"
| local SRI possible, possible hash-values:
sha256-VII8PvL3cbbXP8yGKgFDNf+Upp1xiyqTz+MuJcKS0/I= sha384-w3L2Jroin9gvX73HqDY1u9zB8b6eMnRvxTMKRxifWC7WCo1gN4pBfrdOekArRlxC sha512-V/IRehNquAKTrbNaWAhEllT3k6svhULmdh8xJRNIe6dMZYGKYfMKSaGs+fV8RTDf29HS6mhExDpdXqWVrh/oRw==
crossorigin="anonymous" integrity="sha256-VII8PvL3cbbXP8yGKgFDNf+Upp1xiyqTz+MuJcKS0/I=" /> |
| |
| script
| src
| assets/js/bs-init.js
| 404
| Not Found
| 1
| missing file
Missing defer / async attribute.
| text/html missing X-Content-Type-Options nosniff |
| | 5650 Bytes
| ETag: "648ac868-1612"
| local SRI possible, possible hash-values:
sha256-VII8PvL3cbbXP8yGKgFDNf+Upp1xiyqTz+MuJcKS0/I= sha384-w3L2Jroin9gvX73HqDY1u9zB8b6eMnRvxTMKRxifWC7WCo1gN4pBfrdOekArRlxC sha512-V/IRehNquAKTrbNaWAhEllT3k6svhULmdh8xJRNIe6dMZYGKYfMKSaGs+fV8RTDf29HS6mhExDpdXqWVrh/oRw==
crossorigin="anonymous" integrity="sha256-VII8PvL3cbbXP8yGKgFDNf+Upp1xiyqTz+MuJcKS0/I=" /> |
| |
| script
| src
| assets/js/jquery.min.js
| 404
| Not Found
| 1
| missing file
Missing defer / async attribute.
| text/html missing X-Content-Type-Options nosniff |
| | 5650 Bytes
| ETag: "648ac868-1612"
| local SRI possible, possible hash-values:
sha256-VII8PvL3cbbXP8yGKgFDNf+Upp1xiyqTz+MuJcKS0/I= sha384-w3L2Jroin9gvX73HqDY1u9zB8b6eMnRvxTMKRxifWC7WCo1gN4pBfrdOekArRlxC sha512-V/IRehNquAKTrbNaWAhEllT3k6svhULmdh8xJRNIe6dMZYGKYfMKSaGs+fV8RTDf29HS6mhExDpdXqWVrh/oRw==
crossorigin="anonymous" integrity="sha256-VII8PvL3cbbXP8yGKgFDNf+Upp1xiyqTz+MuJcKS0/I=" /> |
| |
| script
| src
| assets/js/main.js
| 404
| Not Found
| 1
| missing file
Missing defer / async attribute.
| text/html missing X-Content-Type-Options nosniff |
| | 5650 Bytes
| ETag: "648ac868-1612"
| local SRI possible, possible hash-values:
sha256-VII8PvL3cbbXP8yGKgFDNf+Upp1xiyqTz+MuJcKS0/I= sha384-w3L2Jroin9gvX73HqDY1u9zB8b6eMnRvxTMKRxifWC7WCo1gN4pBfrdOekArRlxC sha512-V/IRehNquAKTrbNaWAhEllT3k6svhULmdh8xJRNIe6dMZYGKYfMKSaGs+fV8RTDf29HS6mhExDpdXqWVrh/oRw==
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| script
| src
| assets/js/main-navbar-transparent.js
| 404
| Not Found
| 1
| missing file
Missing defer / async attribute.
| text/html missing X-Content-Type-Options nosniff |
| | 5650 Bytes
| ETag: "648ac868-1612"
| local SRI possible, possible hash-values:
sha256-VII8PvL3cbbXP8yGKgFDNf+Upp1xiyqTz+MuJcKS0/I= sha384-w3L2Jroin9gvX73HqDY1u9zB8b6eMnRvxTMKRxifWC7WCo1gN4pBfrdOekArRlxC sha512-V/IRehNquAKTrbNaWAhEllT3k6svhULmdh8xJRNIe6dMZYGKYfMKSaGs+fV8RTDf29HS6mhExDpdXqWVrh/oRw==
crossorigin="anonymous" integrity="sha256-VII8PvL3cbbXP8yGKgFDNf+Upp1xiyqTz+MuJcKS0/I=" /> |
| |
| script
| src
| 200
| 1
| Problems with Content-Type - Header - see details
defer attribute found
async attribute found
| application/javascript missing X-Content-Type-Options nosniff |
| This Combination of MediaType "application" and MediaSubType "javascript" is obsolete. Don't use it. See to find a correct Combination. Use "text/javascript" instead.
| No Cache-Control - header
| Compression (gzip): 1279/2455 Bytes
| ETag: W/"64955b5b-997"
| Server-Header Access-Control-Allow-Origin: not found
| Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) not supported
| |