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Missing defer / async attribute.
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| 200
| 1
| ok
Missing defer / async attribute.
| application/x-javascript X-Content-Type-Options nosniff found |
| No Cache-Control - header
| Compression required: 30011 Bytes
| local SRI possible, possible hash-values:
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| |
| script
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| 200
| 1
| ok
Missing defer / async attribute.
| application/x-javascript X-Content-Type-Options nosniff found |
| No Cache-Control - header
| Compression required: 1283 Bytes
| local SRI possible, possible hash-values:
sha256-/1gDmXbWK+7zby03ULY5581XFmL+bGw0zGe+thZH8xI= sha384-MAxp0hg3FgAwZbVQ5m0JC5OFolDKln5gF9kHIKS9IBnhPNA1tjzuWijqnFgryKd9 sha512-1+qUtKoh9XZW7j+6LhRMAyOrgSQKenQ4mluTR+cvxXjP1Z54RxZuzstR/H9kgPXQsVB8IW7DMDFUJpzLjvhGSQ==
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| |
| script
| src
| 200
| 1
| ok
Missing defer / async attribute.
| application/x-javascript X-Content-Type-Options nosniff found |
| No Cache-Control - header
| Compression required: 46279 Bytes
| local SRI possible, possible hash-values:
sha256-Wp+GTytzKBd6H5a4dQWC1le5ElOwLRHsMuCIDJPFUbs= sha384-8L1jG3JSBJ7ZRWHPzOcCimfR2rgWvoyWhHJO0w72FPC5KEPID0Qj3ka3U+lkVBK3 sha512-aTR+8Gx6MKPThn8VGpbKkVoqLVI29wcr5G3T0LLDJNFKP1NgMZ6pRtpVRFPAbzUdJYYJO5QOzVjw4OfE8F2Uwg==
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| |
| script
| src
| 200
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| ok
Missing defer / async attribute.
| application/x-javascript X-Content-Type-Options nosniff found |
| No Cache-Control - header
| 406 Bytes
| local SRI possible, possible hash-values:
sha256-0jvoOnajB4dWzgsRa8+XGHnpEqhEE7VlycGsBlxYVQY= sha384-ZALSRV13jkHe8ie0k8iIZGC2Gsa4Fy1VsHqavFMZ3gpNe2AE9K8I7oZjF/3q3Imh sha512-SDyzNqWrRh94tNJ/kNNErBTZHe78YnbX7J+39UgjFrZ6c+qeVL0GnAlEA7E5GWmAQsl3ovxRo1jaqQnzeD51jw==
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| |
| script
| src
| 200
| 1
| ok
Missing defer / async attribute.
| application/x-javascript X-Content-Type-Options nosniff found |
| No Cache-Control - header
| 132 Bytes
| local SRI possible, possible hash-values:
sha256-IFUPe8sqgXrJpYeeBCYNqCaOlxwLgDGmt6L0ilXuYNU= sha384-6GCnNwht3ah21jD1RH1O2f/WuMzxMRl0/3IJmYlLAwmw246oeQBu+FOXTmDlOKu4 sha512-dmOkQ9Dae0oLFgcLYGTdqV+8oE9SVgaXF8EBOQGqy8LiaVtLbuIVvVehLTmP0Ds+YKCRL3i4mwBwT6b88RV7bA==
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| |
| script
| src
| 200
| 1
| ok
Missing defer / async attribute.
| application/x-javascript X-Content-Type-Options nosniff found |
| No Cache-Control - header
| Compression required: 1894 Bytes
| local SRI possible, possible hash-values:
sha256-7OVlofZqMjR9/tg1YsQo/3c2ZI3nKwAn3Y8ODyfgwyc= sha384-UyW9kmMvnnYg9IKH34gu1AamQdgJJngNQOtdCzMR/g/UQOwnibMh6DwTws8AIYfl sha512-gdhtclwUZCkHSSb/Q79++RssWL4eDLKHO15TC7kR/XnvlNyzcvZDRLn4BIuxadMWGIxPuj/IbFBInMpYockVCA==
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| |
| script
| src
| 200
| 1
| ok
Missing defer / async attribute.
| application/x-javascript X-Content-Type-Options nosniff found |
| No Cache-Control - header
| 251 Bytes
| local SRI possible, possible hash-values:
sha256-reOBNgWPzXWIDTZzhVr/hZ7jd9WRXlnMzySpc9QYvrs= sha384-AOqgGZYQj25uKg0pZVEFRkRy/SUpWAcnmG8YfwHgDIL+bW83woTAL+sr09fIQpAq sha512-QnCqiawZ7calf8cFVYAPIU0WfIU3vI/dVMifX3p9+r+MefE9q2L0mPPIUb+sA5kE9IJPYGpoR8ArHz/vabUnyw==
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| |
| script
| src
| 200
| 1
| ok
defer attribute found
| application/x-javascript X-Content-Type-Options nosniff found |
| No Cache-Control - header
| Compression required: 30375 Bytes
| local SRI possible, possible hash-values:
sha256-svQUoVkqS3wYTfmd8zG2Uesi6VrUQVOU/MWG4AbMGbc= sha384-wwRs6j8ebE5vF11JyIJjDKBh0PpUlwnxluK51WkO6rvDqbCF3jdpkIim3fKi/SMo sha512-KMMdInf1vnbXILU1kkm4KGLdBwyjhQ38y8sfVytjuAt+MR/z5CTdiFYpVGAuzlBIVCqn/OpnXG+fM0Txv/EzoQ==
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| |
| script
| src
| 200
| 1
| ok
Missing defer / async attribute.
| application/x-javascript X-Content-Type-Options nosniff found |
| No Cache-Control - header
| 241 Bytes
| local SRI possible, possible hash-values:
sha256-t13VcRA/ZnKxh36L0prmRON9HtF9JriHzN0aGytY/Y4= sha384-3ax4vjYuayCkCzTadf0iKTbcTqAJ8sJJsW7ZwikzwEgfVL7+8XQmd4lGicHA1JRk sha512-05l56cNFVXjhdpI2sYFVki2pUfxI7HhtPAY7gX1C+6pnYfyRIIINsLC9JA3NMMemQROHDRQIpF4upgjDR5MtNg==
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| |
| script
| src
| 200
| 1
| ok
defer attribute found
| application/x-javascript X-Content-Type-Options nosniff found |
| No Cache-Control - header
| Compression required: 1579 Bytes
| local SRI possible, possible hash-values:
sha256-6Arox48EF9zmfiI1JAaY+fh3tUXJDP2BrssfqJ/ReSI= sha384-RICaVHp0NLXfYBxNUXUl97GuIydZeYMKHkRrFHIVTSBIvwYOb8KeXUceKk50UbaO sha512-AzGpOMmQX3Wzp+iyOuRoLcwWOrcE+5VvgNOe59sUOxzjI+lcJ51hXGDrYbFQTMSoSrmD5S7ckJdVlmOwxbxLBQ==
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| |
| script
| src
| 200
| 1
| ok
defer attribute found
| application/x-javascript X-Content-Type-Options nosniff found |
| No Cache-Control - header
| Compression required: 2515 Bytes
| local SRI possible, possible hash-values:
sha256-J6H2Oy7h+SgMPaFo2KAK2YmIdfELNxBqE28ySylyhvk= sha384-mp6S2+L3or7kqqHAfti9tibpoFJP+X2/jbHpu+0hPeqoN/GY5KRF6p0/TTF2VngW sha512-lwxNgfoIYq+Dmfa/K8KQsT+ofHpIBmq8OfORI1I6bcEwSq4WbRjWapo6GyHOvLN+2/FsvwNIoA/KxtCJI77vHA==
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| |
| script
| src
| 200
| 1
| ok
defer attribute found
| application/x-javascript X-Content-Type-Options nosniff found |
| No Cache-Control - header
| 182 Bytes
| local SRI possible, possible hash-values:
sha256-gr8/y4bTOO0CE/JwSQUDZHNpH8VrUGHizO4K3JdQjdM= sha384-5tcqpdal2fhExz35PBDTBgI3LzqwCHFNzR6zLUKKJrgtO6n+yEd9tgUzZ+/Kt3O9 sha512-xx6aHiH/CQ0aZUC0UL11KkDsah9LN8G6liVRZ9Sxl2Kngg4sxeKja3wPv0IgwAG50bYrurus9Omk0gkWDRfbPA==
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| |
| script
| src
| 200
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| ok
Missing defer / async attribute.
| application/x-javascript X-Content-Type-Options nosniff found |
| No Cache-Control - header
| 491 Bytes
| local SRI possible, possible hash-values:
sha256-CMC7RCNGDx297HT03nomiuJMREwXfIokQJcpee8p6oo= sha384-NBtRL0EYda3fV8o27bS2aARWKw3Wy4KPbdgmLc4PcKis4YKiHceFjbQTEV7deqcU sha512-xPhcNBINPBpN1+kabi9LT6ZgQSxOj+ofVtJ0d3krisQEOP1ji97zkZk4yQE9Za97PQ37+LdXOx/OmEeHLn9znQ==
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| |
| script
| src
| 200
| 1
| ok
Missing defer / async attribute.
| application/x-javascript X-Content-Type-Options nosniff found |
| No Cache-Control - header
| Compression required: 699 Bytes
| local SRI possible, possible hash-values:
sha256-zRzBS1n1kY4RclZD7zY4G4XPVpxmJvtP2+OcLrqb3+g= sha384-b1HE+tTeQ8Xp6XCUKD8qHX8FnWWyp7+sBrOHD6VN4esxD++ovp6KTI1f7pXeg80y sha512-ThVkvs99bcS4BYceW1d7O9QSYzOQMzON6Q9sQNWxBdQ5TWeLi5c1waTRRza87JnJqINvszhM7u/ZaPeVSlaO1Q==
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| |
| script
| src
| 200
| 1
| ok
Missing defer / async attribute.
| application/x-javascript X-Content-Type-Options nosniff found |
| No Cache-Control - header
| Compression required: 30953 Bytes
| local SRI possible, possible hash-values:
sha256-vU3mo/wPto1vdrp7k1FLlqkuWFwpW1NRwxrZKksHd+o= sha384-6BnydonqXiTPDOlS4q8aytTU5M4fDh+r5IaVdRQvZui41RLR4mTn6+6F9cKmSapn sha512-BGkNmHXpj1rmv5T1xxt6AXezdLwJYJoPWDEuHDNzSHSaQOB/4iZzfcJIvY/i9qSJBxJYYZr/x/HfZE5CVRWWFQ==
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| |
| script
| src
| 200
| 1
| ok
Missing defer / async attribute.
| application/x-javascript X-Content-Type-Options nosniff found |
| No Cache-Control - header
| Compression required: 4169 Bytes
| local SRI possible, possible hash-values:
sha256-Ap4KLoCf1rXb52q+i3p0k2vjBsmownyBTE1EqlRiMwA= sha384-Pm1fyRwPgIbpBpjdSYtcKzBv+Z/nHekZIGmhoVSBTSJ+cynSJChqUaVhkQZvb7FV sha512-IX+G/uhx+jbspPJYMOORfHv1emgRQLE1xQiqMvKh4+/1qAZh87W6RnR9DDBa8QtljSB/RJVQ89QX2WgyFv7qjw==
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| |
| script
| src
| 200
| 1
| ok
Missing defer / async attribute.
| application/x-javascript X-Content-Type-Options nosniff found |
| No Cache-Control - header
| Compression required: 765 Bytes
| local SRI possible, possible hash-values:
sha256-W+YUvOU/dnmTpfXxSmut1qrmvzr3y9v00xUg3knieZE= sha384-1fSp7bxBjaZxltBoL0IAHXwwEXX3pwbtPS1FMhW3t5QhX/H3tj+wEY+JQXac1X4Q sha512-WtNM8RrPRa4layZBSWvhOTnNXgISgQxDqyDK27MTodmcs6RRFI4WDYDx+VKoUUSAwpU7xsoMRpekZqAeHD1fjQ==
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| |
| script
| src
| 200
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| ok
Missing defer / async attribute.
| text/javascript; charset=UTF-8 X-Content-Type-Options nosniff found |
| Cache-Control: private, max-age=300 - max-age too short.
| 584 Bytes
| Server-Header Access-Control-Allow-Origin: not found
| Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) not supported
| |
| script
| src
| 200
| 1
| ok
Missing defer / async attribute.
| text/javascript; charset=UTF-8 X-Content-Type-Options nosniff found |
| Cache-Control: private, max-age=300 - max-age too short.
| 584 Bytes
| Server-Header Access-Control-Allow-Origin: not found
| Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) not supported
| |
| style
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| 200
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| ok
| | text/html; charset=UTF-8 X-Content-Type-Options nosniff found |
| | 36715 Bytes
| |
| style
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| ok
| | application/font-woff X-Content-Type-Options nosniff found |
| This Combination of MediaType "application" and MediaSubType "font-woff" is deprecated. Don't use it. See to find a correct Combination. Use "font/woff" instead.
| No Cache-Control header
| No Compression (): 14624/14624 Bytes, font already compressed
| |
| style
| 200
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| ok
| | font/woff2 X-Content-Type-Options nosniff found |
| No Cache-Control header
| No Compression (): 11776/11776 Bytes, font already compressed
| |
| style
| 200
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| ok
| | application/font-woff X-Content-Type-Options nosniff found |
| This Combination of MediaType "application" and MediaSubType "font-woff" is deprecated. Don't use it. See to find a correct Combination. Use "font/woff" instead.
| No Cache-Control header
| No Compression (): 15802/15800 Bytes, font already compressed
| |
| style
| 200
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| ok
| | font/woff2 X-Content-Type-Options nosniff found |
| No Cache-Control header
| No Compression (): 12872/12872 Bytes, font already compressed
| |
| style
| 200
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| ok
| | application/font-woff X-Content-Type-Options nosniff found |
| This Combination of MediaType "application" and MediaSubType "font-woff" is deprecated. Don't use it. See to find a correct Combination. Use "font/woff" instead.
| No Cache-Control header
| No Compression (): 14782/14780 Bytes, font already compressed
| |
| style
| 200
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| ok
| | font/woff2 X-Content-Type-Options nosniff found |
| No Cache-Control header
| No Compression (): 11964/11964 Bytes, font already compressed
| |
| style
| 200
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| ok
| | application/font-woff X-Content-Type-Options nosniff found |
| This Combination of MediaType "application" and MediaSubType "font-woff" is deprecated. Don't use it. See to find a correct Combination. Use "font/woff" instead.
| No Cache-Control header
| No Compression (): 9917/9996 Bytes, font already compressed
| |
| style
| 200
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| ok
| | font/woff2 X-Content-Type-Options nosniff found |
| No Cache-Control header
| No Compression (): 8164/8164 Bytes, font already compressed
| |
| style
| 200
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| ok
| | application/font-woff X-Content-Type-Options nosniff found |
| This Combination of MediaType "application" and MediaSubType "font-woff" is deprecated. Don't use it. See to find a correct Combination. Use "font/woff" instead.
| No Cache-Control header
| No Compression (): 15626/15624 Bytes, font already compressed
| |
| style
| 200
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| ok
| | font/woff2 X-Content-Type-Options nosniff found |
| No Cache-Control header
| No Compression (): 12756/12756 Bytes, font already compressed
| |
| style
| 200
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| ok
| | application/font-woff X-Content-Type-Options nosniff found |
| This Combination of MediaType "application" and MediaSubType "font-woff" is deprecated. Don't use it. See to find a correct Combination. Use "font/woff" instead.
| No Cache-Control header
| No Compression (): 74167/74468 Bytes, font already compressed
| |
| style
| 200
| 1
| ok
| | font/woff2 X-Content-Type-Options nosniff found |
| No Cache-Control header
| No Compression (): 47616/47616 Bytes, font already compressed
| |
| style
| 200
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| ok
| | application/font-woff X-Content-Type-Options nosniff found |
| This Combination of MediaType "application" and MediaSubType "font-woff" is deprecated. Don't use it. See to find a correct Combination. Use "font/woff" instead.
| No Cache-Control header
| No Compression (): 69014/69280 Bytes, font already compressed
| |
| style
| 200
| 1
| ok
| | font/woff2 X-Content-Type-Options nosniff found |
| No Cache-Control header
| No Compression (): 45596/45596 Bytes, font already compressed
| |
| style
| 200
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| ok
| | application/font-woff X-Content-Type-Options nosniff found |
| This Combination of MediaType "application" and MediaSubType "font-woff" is deprecated. Don't use it. See to find a correct Combination. Use "font/woff" instead.
| No Cache-Control header
| No Compression (): 73982/74280 Bytes, font already compressed
| |
| style
| 200
| 1
| ok
| | font/woff2 X-Content-Type-Options nosniff found |
| No Cache-Control header
| No Compression (): 47536/47536 Bytes, font already compressed
| |
| style
| 200
| 1
| ok
| | application/font-woff X-Content-Type-Options nosniff found |
| This Combination of MediaType "application" and MediaSubType "font-woff" is deprecated. Don't use it. See to find a correct Combination. Use "font/woff" instead.
| No Cache-Control header
| No Compression (): 8706/8740 Bytes, font already compressed
| |
| style
| 200
| 1
| ok
| | font/woff2 X-Content-Type-Options nosniff found |
| No Cache-Control header
| No Compression (): 6892/6892 Bytes, font already compressed
| |
| style
| 200
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| ok
| | application/font-woff X-Content-Type-Options nosniff found |
| This Combination of MediaType "application" and MediaSubType "font-woff" is deprecated. Don't use it. See to find a correct Combination. Use "font/woff" instead.
| No Cache-Control header
| No Compression (): 69061/69320 Bytes, font already compressed
| |
| style
| 200
| 1
| ok
| | font/woff2 X-Content-Type-Options nosniff found |
| No Cache-Control header
| No Compression (): 45660/45660 Bytes, font already compressed
| |
| style
| 200
| 1
| ok
| | application/font-woff X-Content-Type-Options nosniff found |
| This Combination of MediaType "application" and MediaSubType "font-woff" is deprecated. Don't use it. See to find a correct Combination. Use "font/woff" instead.
| No Cache-Control header
| No Compression (): 27135/27136 Bytes, font already compressed
| |
| style
| 200
| 1
| ok
| | font/woff2 X-Content-Type-Options nosniff found |
| No Cache-Control header
| No Compression (): 18644/18644 Bytes, font already compressed
| |
| style
| 200
| 1
| ok
| | application/font-woff X-Content-Type-Options nosniff found |
| This Combination of MediaType "application" and MediaSubType "font-woff" is deprecated. Don't use it. See to find a correct Combination. Use "font/woff" instead.
| No Cache-Control header
| No Compression (): 26197/26224 Bytes, font already compressed
| |
| style
| 200
| 1
| ok
| | font/woff2 X-Content-Type-Options nosniff found |
| No Cache-Control header
| No Compression (): 18160/18160 Bytes, font already compressed
| |
| style
| 200
| 1
| ok
| | application/font-woff X-Content-Type-Options nosniff found |
| This Combination of MediaType "application" and MediaSubType "font-woff" is deprecated. Don't use it. See to find a correct Combination. Use "font/woff" instead.
| No Cache-Control header
| No Compression (): 26139/26128 Bytes, font already compressed
| |
| style
| 200
| 1
| ok
| | font/woff2 X-Content-Type-Options nosniff found |
| No Cache-Control header
| No Compression (): 18064/18064 Bytes, font already compressed
| |
| style
| 200
| 1
| ok
| | application/font-woff X-Content-Type-Options nosniff found |
| This Combination of MediaType "application" and MediaSubType "font-woff" is deprecated. Don't use it. See to find a correct Combination. Use "font/woff" instead.
| No Cache-Control header
| No Compression (): 12074/12080 Bytes, font already compressed
| |
| style
| 200
| 1
| ok
| | font/woff2 X-Content-Type-Options nosniff found |
| No Cache-Control header
| No Compression (): 9776/9776 Bytes, font already compressed
| |
| style
| 200
| 1
| ok
| | application/font-woff X-Content-Type-Options nosniff found |
| This Combination of MediaType "application" and MediaSubType "font-woff" is deprecated. Don't use it. See to find a correct Combination. Use "font/woff" instead.
| No Cache-Control header
| No Compression (): 26114/26112 Bytes, font already compressed
| |
| style
| 200
| 1
| ok
| | font/woff2 X-Content-Type-Options nosniff found |
| No Cache-Control header
| No Compression (): 18196/18196 Bytes, font already compressed
| |
| style
| 200
| 1
| ok
| | application/font-woff X-Content-Type-Options nosniff found |
| This Combination of MediaType "application" and MediaSubType "font-woff" is deprecated. Don't use it. See to find a correct Combination. Use "font/woff" instead.
| No Cache-Control header
| No Compression (): 37069/37048 Bytes, font already compressed
| |
| style
| 200
| 1
| ok
| | font/woff2 X-Content-Type-Options nosniff found |
| No Cache-Control header
| No Compression (): 31024/31024 Bytes, font already compressed
| |
| style
| 200
| 1
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Missing defer / async attribute.
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| ok
Missing defer / async attribute.
| application/x-javascript X-Content-Type-Options nosniff found |
| No Cache-Control - header
| Compression required: 30011 Bytes
| local SRI possible, possible hash-values:
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| script
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| ok
Missing defer / async attribute.
| application/x-javascript X-Content-Type-Options nosniff found |
| No Cache-Control - header
| Compression required: 1283 Bytes
| local SRI possible, possible hash-values:
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| script
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| ok
Missing defer / async attribute.
| application/x-javascript X-Content-Type-Options nosniff found |
| No Cache-Control - header
| Compression required: 46279 Bytes
| local SRI possible, possible hash-values:
sha256-Wp+GTytzKBd6H5a4dQWC1le5ElOwLRHsMuCIDJPFUbs= sha384-8L1jG3JSBJ7ZRWHPzOcCimfR2rgWvoyWhHJO0w72FPC5KEPID0Qj3ka3U+lkVBK3 sha512-aTR+8Gx6MKPThn8VGpbKkVoqLVI29wcr5G3T0LLDJNFKP1NgMZ6pRtpVRFPAbzUdJYYJO5QOzVjw4OfE8F2Uwg==
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| script
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| ok
Missing defer / async attribute.
| application/x-javascript X-Content-Type-Options nosniff found |
| No Cache-Control - header
| 406 Bytes
| local SRI possible, possible hash-values:
sha256-0jvoOnajB4dWzgsRa8+XGHnpEqhEE7VlycGsBlxYVQY= sha384-ZALSRV13jkHe8ie0k8iIZGC2Gsa4Fy1VsHqavFMZ3gpNe2AE9K8I7oZjF/3q3Imh sha512-SDyzNqWrRh94tNJ/kNNErBTZHe78YnbX7J+39UgjFrZ6c+qeVL0GnAlEA7E5GWmAQsl3ovxRo1jaqQnzeD51jw==
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| script
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| 200
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| ok
Missing defer / async attribute.
| application/x-javascript X-Content-Type-Options nosniff found |
| No Cache-Control - header
| 132 Bytes
| local SRI possible, possible hash-values:
sha256-IFUPe8sqgXrJpYeeBCYNqCaOlxwLgDGmt6L0ilXuYNU= sha384-6GCnNwht3ah21jD1RH1O2f/WuMzxMRl0/3IJmYlLAwmw246oeQBu+FOXTmDlOKu4 sha512-dmOkQ9Dae0oLFgcLYGTdqV+8oE9SVgaXF8EBOQGqy8LiaVtLbuIVvVehLTmP0Ds+YKCRL3i4mwBwT6b88RV7bA==
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| script
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| 200
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| ok
Missing defer / async attribute.
| application/x-javascript X-Content-Type-Options nosniff found |
| No Cache-Control - header
| Compression required: 1894 Bytes
| local SRI possible, possible hash-values:
sha256-7OVlofZqMjR9/tg1YsQo/3c2ZI3nKwAn3Y8ODyfgwyc= sha384-UyW9kmMvnnYg9IKH34gu1AamQdgJJngNQOtdCzMR/g/UQOwnibMh6DwTws8AIYfl sha512-gdhtclwUZCkHSSb/Q79++RssWL4eDLKHO15TC7kR/XnvlNyzcvZDRLn4BIuxadMWGIxPuj/IbFBInMpYockVCA==
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| |
| script
| src
| 200
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| ok
Missing defer / async attribute.
| application/x-javascript X-Content-Type-Options nosniff found |
| No Cache-Control - header
| 251 Bytes
| local SRI possible, possible hash-values:
sha256-reOBNgWPzXWIDTZzhVr/hZ7jd9WRXlnMzySpc9QYvrs= sha384-AOqgGZYQj25uKg0pZVEFRkRy/SUpWAcnmG8YfwHgDIL+bW83woTAL+sr09fIQpAq sha512-QnCqiawZ7calf8cFVYAPIU0WfIU3vI/dVMifX3p9+r+MefE9q2L0mPPIUb+sA5kE9IJPYGpoR8ArHz/vabUnyw==
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| script
| src
| 200
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| ok
defer attribute found
| application/x-javascript X-Content-Type-Options nosniff found |
| No Cache-Control - header
| Compression required: 30375 Bytes
| local SRI possible, possible hash-values:
sha256-svQUoVkqS3wYTfmd8zG2Uesi6VrUQVOU/MWG4AbMGbc= sha384-wwRs6j8ebE5vF11JyIJjDKBh0PpUlwnxluK51WkO6rvDqbCF3jdpkIim3fKi/SMo sha512-KMMdInf1vnbXILU1kkm4KGLdBwyjhQ38y8sfVytjuAt+MR/z5CTdiFYpVGAuzlBIVCqn/OpnXG+fM0Txv/EzoQ==
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| |
| script
| src
| 200
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| ok
Missing defer / async attribute.
| application/x-javascript X-Content-Type-Options nosniff found |
| No Cache-Control - header
| 241 Bytes
| local SRI possible, possible hash-values:
sha256-t13VcRA/ZnKxh36L0prmRON9HtF9JriHzN0aGytY/Y4= sha384-3ax4vjYuayCkCzTadf0iKTbcTqAJ8sJJsW7ZwikzwEgfVL7+8XQmd4lGicHA1JRk sha512-05l56cNFVXjhdpI2sYFVki2pUfxI7HhtPAY7gX1C+6pnYfyRIIINsLC9JA3NMMemQROHDRQIpF4upgjDR5MtNg==
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| script
| src
| 200
| 1
| ok
defer attribute found
| application/x-javascript X-Content-Type-Options nosniff found |
| No Cache-Control - header
| Compression required: 1579 Bytes
| local SRI possible, possible hash-values:
sha256-6Arox48EF9zmfiI1JAaY+fh3tUXJDP2BrssfqJ/ReSI= sha384-RICaVHp0NLXfYBxNUXUl97GuIydZeYMKHkRrFHIVTSBIvwYOb8KeXUceKk50UbaO sha512-AzGpOMmQX3Wzp+iyOuRoLcwWOrcE+5VvgNOe59sUOxzjI+lcJ51hXGDrYbFQTMSoSrmD5S7ckJdVlmOwxbxLBQ==
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| script
| src
| 200
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| ok
defer attribute found
| application/x-javascript X-Content-Type-Options nosniff found |
| No Cache-Control - header
| Compression required: 2515 Bytes
| local SRI possible, possible hash-values:
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| script
| src
| 200
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| ok
defer attribute found
| application/x-javascript X-Content-Type-Options nosniff found |
| No Cache-Control - header
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| local SRI possible, possible hash-values:
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| script
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| 200
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| ok
Missing defer / async attribute.
| application/x-javascript X-Content-Type-Options nosniff found |
| No Cache-Control - header
| 491 Bytes
| local SRI possible, possible hash-values:
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| script
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| 200
| 1
| ok
Missing defer / async attribute.
| application/x-javascript X-Content-Type-Options nosniff found |
| No Cache-Control - header
| Compression required: 699 Bytes
| local SRI possible, possible hash-values:
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| script
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| 200
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| ok
Missing defer / async attribute.
| application/x-javascript X-Content-Type-Options nosniff found |
| No Cache-Control - header
| Compression required: 30953 Bytes
| local SRI possible, possible hash-values:
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| script
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| 200
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| ok
Missing defer / async attribute.
| application/x-javascript X-Content-Type-Options nosniff found |
| No Cache-Control - header
| Compression required: 4169 Bytes
| local SRI possible, possible hash-values:
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| |
| script
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| 200
| 1
| ok
Missing defer / async attribute.
| application/x-javascript X-Content-Type-Options nosniff found |
| No Cache-Control - header
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| local SRI possible, possible hash-values:
sha256-W+YUvOU/dnmTpfXxSmut1qrmvzr3y9v00xUg3knieZE= sha384-1fSp7bxBjaZxltBoL0IAHXwwEXX3pwbtPS1FMhW3t5QhX/H3tj+wEY+JQXac1X4Q sha512-WtNM8RrPRa4layZBSWvhOTnNXgISgQxDqyDK27MTodmcs6RRFI4WDYDx+VKoUUSAwpU7xsoMRpekZqAeHD1fjQ==
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| |
| script
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| 200
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| ok
Missing defer / async attribute.
| text/javascript; charset=UTF-8 X-Content-Type-Options nosniff found |
| Cache-Control: private, max-age=300 - max-age too short.
| 584 Bytes
| Server-Header Access-Control-Allow-Origin: not found
| Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) not supported
| |
| script
| src
| 200
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| ok
Missing defer / async attribute.
| text/javascript; charset=UTF-8 X-Content-Type-Options nosniff found |
| Cache-Control: private, max-age=300 - max-age too short.
| 584 Bytes
| Server-Header Access-Control-Allow-Origin: not found
| Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) not supported
| |
| style
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| This Combination of MediaType "application" and MediaSubType "font-woff" is deprecated. Don't use it. See to find a correct Combination. Use "font/woff" instead.
| No Cache-Control header
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| |
| style
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| This Combination of MediaType "application" and MediaSubType "font-woff" is deprecated. Don't use it. See to find a correct Combination. Use "font/woff" instead.
| No Cache-Control header
| No Compression (): 15802/15800 Bytes, font already compressed
| |
| style
| 200
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| style
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| This Combination of MediaType "application" and MediaSubType "font-woff" is deprecated. Don't use it. See to find a correct Combination. Use "font/woff" instead.
| No Cache-Control header
| No Compression (): 14782/14780 Bytes, font already compressed
| |
| style
| 200
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| This Combination of MediaType "application" and MediaSubType "font-woff" is deprecated. Don't use it. See to find a correct Combination. Use "font/woff" instead.
| No Cache-Control header
| No Compression (): 9917/9996 Bytes, font already compressed
| |
| style
| 200
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| |
| style
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| | application/font-woff X-Content-Type-Options nosniff found |
| This Combination of MediaType "application" and MediaSubType "font-woff" is deprecated. Don't use it. See to find a correct Combination. Use "font/woff" instead.
| No Cache-Control header
| No Compression (): 15626/15624 Bytes, font already compressed
| |
| style
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| This Combination of MediaType "application" and MediaSubType "font-woff" is deprecated. Don't use it. See to find a correct Combination. Use "font/woff" instead.
| No Cache-Control header
| No Compression (): 74167/74468 Bytes, font already compressed
| |
| style
| 200
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| style
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| ok
| | application/font-woff X-Content-Type-Options nosniff found |
| This Combination of MediaType "application" and MediaSubType "font-woff" is deprecated. Don't use it. See to find a correct Combination. Use "font/woff" instead.
| No Cache-Control header
| No Compression (): 69014/69280 Bytes, font already compressed
| |
| style
| 200
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| ok
| | font/woff2 X-Content-Type-Options nosniff found |
| No Cache-Control header
| No Compression (): 45596/45596 Bytes, font already compressed
| |
| style
| 200
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| ok
| | application/font-woff X-Content-Type-Options nosniff found |
| This Combination of MediaType "application" and MediaSubType "font-woff" is deprecated. Don't use it. See to find a correct Combination. Use "font/woff" instead.
| No Cache-Control header
| No Compression (): 73982/74280 Bytes, font already compressed
| |
| style
| 200
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| |
| style
| 200
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| ok
| | application/font-woff X-Content-Type-Options nosniff found |
| This Combination of MediaType "application" and MediaSubType "font-woff" is deprecated. Don't use it. See to find a correct Combination. Use "font/woff" instead.
| No Cache-Control header
| No Compression (): 8706/8740 Bytes, font already compressed
| |
| style
| 200
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| ok
| | font/woff2 X-Content-Type-Options nosniff found |
| No Cache-Control header
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| |
| style
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| ok
| | application/font-woff X-Content-Type-Options nosniff found |
| This Combination of MediaType "application" and MediaSubType "font-woff" is deprecated. Don't use it. See to find a correct Combination. Use "font/woff" instead.
| No Cache-Control header
| No Compression (): 69061/69320 Bytes, font already compressed
| |
| style
| 200
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| ok
| | font/woff2 X-Content-Type-Options nosniff found |
| No Cache-Control header
| No Compression (): 45660/45660 Bytes, font already compressed
| |
| style
| 200
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| ok
| | application/font-woff X-Content-Type-Options nosniff found |
| This Combination of MediaType "application" and MediaSubType "font-woff" is deprecated. Don't use it. See to find a correct Combination. Use "font/woff" instead.
| No Cache-Control header
| No Compression (): 27135/27136 Bytes, font already compressed
| |
| style
| 200
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| ok
| | font/woff2 X-Content-Type-Options nosniff found |
| No Cache-Control header
| No Compression (): 18644/18644 Bytes, font already compressed
| |
| style
| 200
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| ok