Url used (first standard-https-result with http status 200): https://www.lendisoft.com/ |
Summary |
| Good: No non-document-errors |
| 155 errors |
| 18 warnings |
| Type | Message | num found |
1. | error | Saw <? . Probable cause: Attempt to use an XML processing instruction in HTML. (XML processing instructions are not supported in HTML.) | 36 |
2. | error | CSS: Parse Error. | 12 |
3. | error | CSS: color : var(--txt2, var(--color_15, color_15)) is not a valid color 3 or 6 hexadecimals numbers. | 6 |
4. | error | CSS: background-color : var(--bgf, 255,255,255) is not a valid color 3 or 6 hexadecimals numbers. | 4 |
5. | error | CSS: color : var(--txth, var(--color_15, color_15)) is not a valid color 3 or 6 hexadecimals numbers. | 4 |
6. | error | CSS: background-color : var(--dotsColor, var(--color_12, color_12)) is not a valid color 3 or 6 hexadecimals numbers. | 4 |
7. | error | Attribute position not allowed on element link at this point. | 4 |
8. | error | Stray end tag link . | 4 |
9. | error | CSS: color : var(--inputTextColor, var(--color_15, color_15)) is not a valid color 3 or 6 hexadecimals numbers. | 3 |
10. | error | CSS: --container-corvid-border-color : var(--brd, var(--color_15, color_15)) is not a valid color 3 or 6 hexadecimals numbers. | 3 |
11. | error | CSS: --container-corvid-background-color : var(--bg, var(--color_11, color_11)) is not a valid color 3 or 6 hexadecimals numbers. | 3 |
12. | error | CSS: fill : var(--arrowColor, var(--color_12, color_12)) is not a valid color 3 or 6 hexadecimals numbers. | 3 |
13. | error | CSS: stroke-color : Property stroke-color doesn't exist. | 2 |
14. | error | CSS: background : var(--inputFocusBackgroundColor, var(--color_11, color_11)) is not a valid color 3 or 6 hexadecimals numbers. | 2 |
15. | error | CSS: color : var(--searchInputIconColor, var(--color_15, color_15)) is not a valid color 3 or 6 hexadecimals numbers. | 2 |
16. | error | CSS: border : var(--inputBorderColor, var(--color_15, color_15)) is not a valid color 3 or 6 hexadecimals numbers. | 2 |
17. | error | CSS: background : var(--buttonHoverBackgroundColor, var(--color_15, color_15)) is not a valid color 3 or 6 hexadecimals numbers. | 2 |
18. | error | CSS: box-shadow : var(--shd, 0 0 0 transparent) is not a box-shadow value. | 2 |
19. | error | CSS: direction : var(--inputDirection, "inherit") is not a direction value. | 2 |
20. | error | CSS: background-color : var(--bgh, 255,255,255) is not a valid color 3 or 6 hexadecimals numbers. | 2 |
21. | error | CSS: background-color : var(--bgd, 204,204,204) is not a valid color 3 or 6 hexadecimals numbers. | 2 |
22. | error | CSS: color : var(--txtlbl, var(--color_15, color_15)) is not a valid color 3 or 6 hexadecimals numbers. | 2 |
23. | error | CSS: background-color : var(--bgh, var(--color_18, color_18)) is not a valid color 3 or 6 hexadecimals numbers. | 2 |
24. | error | CSS: border-color : var(--brdh, var(--color_15, color_15)) is not a valid color 3 or 6 hexadecimals numbers. | 2 |
25. | error | CSS: opacity : Parse Error. | 2 |
26. | error | CSS: --rows-number : Parse Error. | 2 |
27. | error | CSS: background-color : var(--dotsSelectedColor, var(--color_11, color_11)) is not a valid color 3 or 6 hexadecimals numbers. | 2 |
28. | error | CSS: border : var(--dotsColor, var(--color_12, color_12)) is not a valid color 3 or 6 hexadecimals numbers. | 2 |
29. | error | Element img is missing required attribute src . | 2 |
30. | error | CSS: container-type : Property container-type doesn't exist. | 1 |
31. | error | CSS: --one-unit : Unknown dimension. | 1 |
32. | error | CSS: mix-blend-mode : plus-lighter is not a mix-blend-mode value. | 1 |
33. | error | Bad value pageHtmlEmbeds.head start for attribute id on element script : An ID must not contain whitespace. | 1 |
34. | error | Bad value pageHtmlEmbeds.head end for attribute id on element script : An ID must not contain whitespace. | 1 |
35. | error | Bad value X-Wix-Meta-Site-Id for attribute http-equiv on element meta . | 1 |
36. | error | Bad value X-Wix-Application-Instance-Id for attribute http-equiv on element meta . | 1 |
37. | error | Bad value X-Wix-Published-Version for attribute http-equiv on element meta . | 1 |
38. | error | Bad value etag for attribute http-equiv on element meta . | 1 |
39. | error | CSS: border-top : var(--brd, var(--color_15, color_15)) is not a valid color 3 or 6 hexadecimals numbers. | 1 |
40. | error | CSS: view-transition-name : Property view-transition-name doesn't exist. | 1 |
41. | error | CSS: vector-effect : Property vector-effect doesn't exist. | 1 |
42. | error | CSS: text-transform : var(--textTransform, "none") is not a text-transform value. | 1 |
43. | error | CSS: background : var(--inputTextColor, color_15) is not a valid color 3 or 6 hexadecimals numbers. | 1 |
44. | error | CSS: background : var(--buttonBackgroundColor, var(--color_15, color_15)) is not a valid color 3 or 6 hexadecimals numbers. | 1 |
45. | error | CSS: color : var(--buttonIconColor, var(--color_11, color_11)) is not a valid color 3 or 6 hexadecimals numbers. | 1 |
46. | error | CSS: color : var(--errorTextColor, #ff4040) is not a valid color 3 or 6 hexadecimals numbers. | 1 |
47. | error | CSS: background-color : var(--inputTextColor, var(--color_15, color_15)) is not a valid color 3 or 6 hexadecimals numbers. | 1 |
48. | error | CSS: background : var(--inputBackgroundColor, buttonBackgroundColor) is not a valid color 3 or 6 hexadecimals numbers. | 1 |
49. | error | CSS: box-shadow : var(--inputShadow, none) is not a box-shadow value. | 1 |
50. | error | CSS: background-color : var(--bgctr, var(--color_11, color_11)) is not a valid color 3 or 6 hexadecimals numbers. | 1 |
51. | error | CSS: background-color : var(--bg, var(--color_11, color_11)) is not a valid color 3 or 6 hexadecimals numbers. | 1 |
52. | error | CSS: background-color : var(--bg-scrl, var(--color_11, color_11)) is not a valid color 3 or 6 hexadecimals numbers. | 1 |
53. | error | CSS: font : var(--item-font, font_6) is not a font value. | 1 |
54. | error | CSS: stroke : var(--arrowColor, var(--color_12, color_12)) is not a valid color 3 or 6 hexadecimals numbers. | 1 |
55. | error | CSS: fill : var(--arrowContainerColor, var(--color_11, color_11)) is not a valid color 3 or 6 hexadecimals numbers. | 1 |
56. | error | CSS: will-change : var(--corners-overflow-fix-will-change, initial) is not a will-change value. | 1 |
57. | error | CSS: border : var(--brd, var(--color_11, color_11)) is not a valid color 3 or 6 hexadecimals numbers. | 1 |
58. | error | CSS: Unknown pseudo-element or pseudo-class ::leftalignmentscrollitem . | 1 |
59. | error | CSS: Unknown pseudo-element or pseudo-class ::rightalignmentscrollitem . | 1 |
60. | error | Bad value pageHtmlEmbeds.bodyStart start for attribute id on element script : An ID must not contain whitespace. | 1 |
61. | error | Bad value pageHtmlEmbeds.bodyStart end for attribute id on element script : An ID must not contain whitespace. | 1 |
62. | error | Element div not allowed as child of element button in this context. (Suppressing further errors from this subtree.) | 1 |
63. | error | Bad value pageHtmlEmbeds.bodyEnd start for attribute id on element script : An ID must not contain whitespace. | 1 |
64. | error | Bad value pageHtmlEmbeds.bodyEnd end for attribute id on element script : An ID must not contain whitespace. | 1 |
65. | warning | Section lacks heading. Consider using h2 -h6 elements to add identifying headings to all sections, or else use a div element instead for any cases where no heading is needed. | 14 |
66. | warning | Possible misuse of aria-label . (If you disagree with this warning, file an issue report or send e-mail to www-validator@w3.org.) | 2 |
67. | warning | The type attribute is unnecessary for JavaScript resources. | 1 |
68. | warning | Consider using the h1 element as a top-level heading only (all h1 elements are treated as top-level headings by many screen readers and other tools). | 1 |
Details |
| Type | Message + Sample |
1 | error | CSS: Parse Error. |
| From line 85, column 2611 to line 85, column 2611 |
| -old(page-group){animation:sli |
2 | error | CSS: Parse Error. |
| From line 85, column 2779 to line 85, column 2779 |
| -new(page-group){animation:sli |
3 | error | CSS: Parse Error. |
| From line 85, column 2946 to line 85, column 2946 |
| -old(page-group){animation:sli |
4 | error | CSS: Parse Error. |
| From line 85, column 3110 to line 85, column 3110 |
| -new(page-group){animation:sli |
5 | error | CSS: Parse Error. |
| From line 85, column 3267 to line 85, column 3267 |
| -old(page-group){animation:out |
6 | error | CSS: Parse Error. |
| From line 85, column 3394 to line 85, column 3394 |
| -new(page-group){animation:out |
7 | error | CSS: Parse Error. |
| From line 85, column 3526 to line 85, column 3526 |
| nsition-group(*),::view-transi |
8 | error | CSS: Parse Error. |
| From line 85, column 3551 to line 85, column 3551 |
| ransition-new(*),::view-transi |
9 | error | CSS: Parse Error. |
| From line 85, column 3576 to line 85, column 3576 |
| ransition-old(*){animation:non |
10 | error | CSS: stroke-color : Property stroke-color doesn't exist. |
| From line 85, column 4111 to line 85, column 4121 |
| oke-color:transparent){:roo |
11 | error | CSS: container-type : Property container-type doesn't exist. |
| From line 85, column 4184 to line 85, column 4194 |
| iner-type:inline-size){:roo |
12 | error | CSS: --one-unit : Unknown dimension. |
| From line 85, column 4214 to line 85, column 4217 |
| -one-unit:1cqw}}[id^ |
13 | error | CSS: mix-blend-mode : plus-lighter is not a mix-blend-mode value. |
| From line 85, column 4254 to line 85, column 4265 |
| lend-mode:plus-lighter;trans |
14 | error | Bad value pageHtmlEmbeds.head start for attribute id on element script : An ID must not contain whitespace. |
| From line 105, column 7 to line 105, column 67 |
| -->
<script type="wix/htmlEmbeds" id="pageHtmlEmbeds.head start"></scri |
15 | error | Bad value pageHtmlEmbeds.head end for attribute id on element script : An ID must not contain whitespace. |
| From line 107, column 7 to line 107, column 65 |
| <script type="wix/htmlEmbeds" id="pageHtmlEmbeds.head end"></scri |
16 | error | Bad value X-Wix-Meta-Site-Id for attribute http-equiv on element meta . |
| From line 118, column 1 to line 118, column 85 |
| <meta http-equiv="X-Wix-Meta-Site-Id" content="9ffef438-7d11-4fd3-beb2-953bbb70bd1f">
<meta |
17 | error | Bad value X-Wix-Application-Instance-Id for attribute http-equiv on element meta . |
| From line 119, column 1 to line 119, column 96 |
| b70bd1f">
<meta http-equiv="X-Wix-Application-Instance-Id" content="730cf98c-d90e-474b-8da1-0cf28fcd6c4a"> |
18 | error | Bad value X-Wix-Published-Version for attribute http-equiv on element meta . |
| From line 121, column 5 to line 121, column 63 |
| 4a">
<meta http-equiv="X-Wix-Published-Version" content="1418"/> |
19 | error | Bad value etag for attribute http-equiv on element meta . |
| From line 125, column 5 to line 125, column 43 |
| />
<meta http-equiv="etag" content="bug"/>
<!-- |
20 | error | CSS: border-top : var(--brd, var(--color_15, color_15)) is not a valid color 3 or 6 hexadecimals numbers. |
| From line 129, column 262 to line 129, column 262 |
| (--alpha-brd,1));box-sizing:bo |
21 | error | CSS: view-transition-name : Property view-transition-name doesn't exist. |
| From line 130, column 1740 to line 130, column 1749 |
| tion-name:page-group}.AnQk |
22 | error | CSS: vector-effect : Property vector-effect doesn't exist. |
| From line 130, column 4854 to line 130, column 4871 |
| or-effect:non-scaling-stroke}@supp |
23 | error | CSS: stroke-color : Property stroke-color doesn't exist. |
| From line 130, column 6584 to line 130, column 6594 |
| oke-color:transparent){.lq2 |
24 | error | CSS: text-transform : var(--textTransform, "none") is not a text-transform value. |
| From line 130, column 8422 to line 130, column 8422 |
| ransform,"none")}.SxM0TO>*,.c9 |
25 | error | CSS: background : var(--inputFocusBackgroundColor, var(--color_11, color_11)) is not a valid color 3 or 6 hexadecimals numbers. |
| From line 132, column 4686 to line 132, column 4686 |
| kgroundColor,1));overflow:auto |
26 | error | CSS: background : var(--inputTextColor, color_15) is not a valid color 3 or 6 hexadecimals numbers. |
| From line 132, column 4865 to line 132, column 4865 |
| r,color_15),.05)}:host(:not(.d |
27 | error | CSS: background : var(--inputFocusBackgroundColor, var(--color_11, color_11)) is not a valid color 3 or 6 hexadecimals numbers. |
| From line 132, column 7744 to line 132, column 7744 |
| kgroundColor,1));color:inherit |
28 | error | CSS: color : var(--searchInputIconColor, var(--color_15, color_15)) is not a valid color 3 or 6 hexadecimals numbers. |
| From line 132, column 9716 to line 132, column 9716 |
| putIconColor,1))}.aXOBOn .lS0Z |
29 | error | CSS: background : var(--buttonBackgroundColor, var(--color_15, color_15)) is not a valid color 3 or 6 hexadecimals numbers. |
| From line 132, column 9859 to line 132, column 9859 |
| kgroundColor,1));border:solid |
30 | error | CSS: border : var(--inputBorderColor, var(--color_15, color_15)) is not a valid color 3 or 6 hexadecimals numbers. |
| From line 132, column 9978 to line 132, column 9978 |
| r(--borderWidth);border-bottom |
31 | error | CSS: color : var(--buttonIconColor, var(--color_11, color_11)) is not a valid color 3 or 6 hexadecimals numbers. |
| From line 132, column 10090 to line 132, column 10090 |
| r_11,color_11)));cursor:pointe |
32 | error | CSS: background : var(--buttonHoverBackgroundColor, var(--color_15, color_15)) is not a valid color 3 or 6 hexadecimals numbers. |
| From line 132, column 10379 to line 132, column 10379 |
| kgroundColor,1))}.aXOBOn .lS0Z |
33 | error | CSS: box-shadow : var(--shd, 0 0 0 transparent) is not a box-shadow value. |
| From line 132, column 12917 to line 132, column 12917 |
| 0 0 transparent);box-sizing:bo |
34 | error | CSS: direction : var(--inputDirection, "inherit") is not a direction value. |
| From line 132, column 12991 to line 132, column 12991 |
| ction,"inherit");font:var(--fn |
35 | error | CSS: color : var(--txt2, var(--color_15, color_15)) is not a valid color 3 or 6 hexadecimals numbers. |
| From line 132, column 13440 to line 132, column 13440 |
| r_15,color_15)))}.MpKiNN .KvoM |
36 | error | CSS: color : var(--txt2, var(--color_15, color_15)) is not a valid color 3 or 6 hexadecimals numbers. |
| From line 132, column 13526 to line 132, column 13526 |
| r_15,color_15)))}.MpKiNN .KvoM |
37 | error | CSS: color : var(--txt2, var(--color_15, color_15)) is not a valid color 3 or 6 hexadecimals numbers. |
| From line 132, column 13603 to line 132, column 13603 |
| r_15,color_15)))}.MpKiNN .KvoM |
38 | error | CSS: background-color : var(--bgh, 255,255,255) is not a valid color 3 or 6 hexadecimals numbers. |
| From line 132, column 13690 to line 132, column 13690 |
| (--alpha-bgh,1));border-color: |
39 | error | CSS: background-color : var(--bgd, 204,204,204) is not a valid color 3 or 6 hexadecimals numbers. |
| From line 132, column 13891 to line 132, column 13891 |
| (--alpha-bgd,1));border-color: |
40 | error | CSS: background-color : var(--bgf, 255,255,255) is not a valid color 3 or 6 hexadecimals numbers. |
| From line 132, column 14137 to line 132, column 14137 |
| (--alpha-bgf,1));border-color: |
41 | error | CSS: background-color : var(--bgf, 255,255,255) is not a valid color 3 or 6 hexadecimals numbers. |
| From line 132, column 14563 to line 132, column 14563 |
| (--alpha-bgf,1));border-color: |
42 | error | CSS: color : var(--txtlbl, var(--color_15, color_15)) is not a valid color 3 or 6 hexadecimals numbers. |
| From line 132, column 14776 to line 132, column 14776 |
| r_15,color_15)));direction:var |
43 | error | CSS: box-shadow : var(--shd, 0 0 0 transparent) is not a box-shadow value. |
| From line 132, column 16239 to line 132, column 16239 |
| 0 0 transparent);box-sizing:bo |
44 | error | CSS: direction : var(--inputDirection, "inherit") is not a direction value. |
| From line 132, column 16313 to line 132, column 16313 |
| ction,"inherit");flex:1;font:v |
45 | error | CSS: color : var(--txt2, var(--color_15, color_15)) is not a valid color 3 or 6 hexadecimals numbers. |
| From line 132, column 16713 to line 132, column 16713 |
| r_15,color_15)))}.ZXdXNL .KvoM |
46 | error | CSS: color : var(--txt2, var(--color_15, color_15)) is not a valid color 3 or 6 hexadecimals numbers. |
| From line 132, column 16799 to line 132, column 16799 |
| r_15,color_15)))}.ZXdXNL .KvoM |
47 | error | CSS: color : var(--txt2, var(--color_15, color_15)) is not a valid color 3 or 6 hexadecimals numbers. |
| From line 132, column 16876 to line 132, column 16876 |
| r_15,color_15)))}.ZXdXNL .KvoM |
48 | error | CSS: background-color : var(--bgh, 255,255,255) is not a valid color 3 or 6 hexadecimals numbers. |
| From line 132, column 16963 to line 132, column 16963 |
| (--alpha-bgh,1));border-color: |
49 | error | CSS: background-color : var(--bgd, 204,204,204) is not a valid color 3 or 6 hexadecimals numbers. |
| From line 132, column 17164 to line 132, column 17164 |
| (--alpha-bgd,1));border-color: |
50 | error | CSS: background-color : var(--bgf, 255,255,255) is not a valid color 3 or 6 hexadecimals numbers. |
| From line 132, column 17410 to line 132, column 17410 |
| (--alpha-bgf,1));border-color: |
51 | error | CSS: background-color : var(--bgf, 255,255,255) is not a valid color 3 or 6 hexadecimals numbers. |
| From line 132, column 17836 to line 132, column 17836 |
| (--alpha-bgf,1));border-color: |
52 | error | CSS: color : var(--txtlbl, var(--color_15, color_15)) is not a valid color 3 or 6 hexadecimals numbers. |
| From line 132, column 18049 to line 132, column 18049 |
| r_15,color_15)));direction:var |
53 | error | CSS: color : var(--errorTextColor, #ff4040) is not a valid color 3 or 6 hexadecimals numbers. |
| From line 132, column 18566 to line 132, column 18566 |
| tColor,#ff4040));direction:var |
54 | error | CSS: color : var(--inputTextColor, var(--color_15, color_15)) is not a valid color 3 or 6 hexadecimals numbers. |
| From line 132, column 18960 to line 132, column 18960 |
| r_15,color_15)));cursor:pointe |
55 | error | CSS: background-color : var(--inputTextColor, var(--color_15, color_15)) is not a valid color 3 or 6 hexadecimals numbers. |
| From line 132, column 19266 to line 132, column 19266 |
| olor, 1) * .06));border-radius |
56 | error | CSS: color : var(--inputTextColor, var(--color_15, color_15)) is not a valid color 3 or 6 hexadecimals numbers. |
| From line 132, column 19368 to line 132, column 19368 |
| r_15,color_15)));opacity:1}.HR |
57 | error | CSS: background : var(--inputBackgroundColor, buttonBackgroundColor) is not a valid color 3 or 6 hexadecimals numbers. |
| From line 132, column 19508 to line 132, column 19508 |
| kgroundColor,1));border:solid |
58 | error | CSS: border : var(--inputBorderColor, var(--color_15, color_15)) is not a valid color 3 or 6 hexadecimals numbers. |
| From line 132, column 19627 to line 132, column 19627 |
| r(--borderWidth);border-radius |
59 | error | CSS: color : var(--searchInputIconColor, var(--color_15, color_15)) is not a valid color 3 or 6 hexadecimals numbers. |
| From line 132, column 19769 to line 132, column 19769 |
| putIconColor,1));cursor:pointe |
60 | error | CSS: background : var(--buttonHoverBackgroundColor, var(--color_15, color_15)) is not a valid color 3 or 6 hexadecimals numbers. |
| From line 132, column 20011 to line 132, column 20011 |
| kgroundColor,1))}.HRqysE:focus |
61 | error | CSS: box-shadow : var(--inputShadow, none) is not a box-shadow value. |
| From line 132, column 20364 to line 132, column 20364 |
| nputShadow,none);box-sizing:bo |
62 | error | CSS: color : var(--inputTextColor, var(--color_15, color_15)) is not a valid color 3 or 6 hexadecimals numbers. |
| From line 132, column 20475 to line 132, column 20475 |
| putTextColor,1));display:grid; |
63 | error | CSS: background-color : var(--bgh, var(--color_18, color_18)) is not a valid color 3 or 6 hexadecimals numbers. |
| From line 133, column 1596 to line 133, column 1596 |
| (--alpha-bgh,1));border-color: |
64 | error | CSS: border-color : var(--brdh, var(--color_15, color_15)) is not a valid color 3 or 6 hexadecimals numbers. |
| From line 133, column 1672 to line 133, column 1672 |
| --alpha-brdh,1))}:host(.device |
65 | error | CSS: color : var(--txth, var(--color_15, color_15)) is not a valid color 3 or 6 hexadecimals numbers. |
| From line 133, column 1869 to line 133, column 1869 |
| r_15,color_15)))}:host(:not(.d |
66 | error | CSS: background-color : var(--bgh, var(--color_18, color_18)) is not a valid color 3 or 6 hexadecimals numbers. |
| From line 133, column 2106 to line 133, column 2106 |
| (--alpha-bgh,1));border-color: |
67 | error | CSS: border-color : var(--brdh, var(--color_15, color_15)) is not a valid color 3 or 6 hexadecimals numbers. |
| From line 133, column 2182 to line 133, column 2182 |
| --alpha-brdh,1))}:host(:not(.d |
68 | error | CSS: color : var(--txth, var(--color_15, color_15)) is not a valid color 3 or 6 hexadecimals numbers. |
| From line 133, column 2389 to line 133, column 2389 |
| r_15,color_15)))}.FubTgk[aria- |
69 | error | CSS: color : var(--txth, var(--color_15, color_15)) is not a valid color 3 or 6 hexadecimals numbers. |
| From line 133, column 3279 to line 133, column 3279 |
| r_15,color_15)));transition:va |
70 | error | CSS: color : var(--txth, var(--color_15, color_15)) is not a valid color 3 or 6 hexadecimals numbers. |
| From line 133, column 3528 to line 133, column 3528 |
| r_15,color_15)));transition:va |
71 | error | CSS: opacity : Parse Error. |
| From line 133, column 8442 to line 133, column 8442 |
| layer-i__) + 1))}.UORcXs{--div |
72 | error | CSS: background-color : var(--bgctr, var(--color_11, color_11)) is not a valid color 3 or 6 hexadecimals numbers. |
| From line 133, column 14038 to line 133, column 14038 |
| -alpha-bgctr,1));border-radius |
73 | error | CSS: background-color : var(--bg, var(--color_11, color_11)) is not a valid color 3 or 6 hexadecimals numbers. |
| From line 133, column 20820 to line 133, column 20820 |
| r(--alpha-bg,1));overflow:hidd |
74 | error | CSS: background-color : var(--bg-scrl, var(--color_11, color_11)) is not a valid color 3 or 6 hexadecimals numbers. |
| From line 134, column 1402 to line 134, column 1402 |
| lpha-bg-scrl,1));border-bottom |
75 | error | CSS: font : var(--item-font, font_6) is not a font value. |
| From line 135, column 3493 to line 135, column 3493 |
| tem-font,font_6);letter-spacin |
76 | error | CSS: --rows-number : Parse Error. |
| From line 135, column 6449 to line 135, column 6449 |
| -number) + 0.49);-moz-column-g |
77 | error | CSS: --rows-number : Parse Error. |
| From line 135, column 6975 to line 135, column 6975 |
| columns-number))}}.vTZZB3{disp |
78 | error | CSS: --container-corvid-border-color : var(--brd, var(--color_15, color_15)) is not a valid color 3 or 6 hexadecimals numbers. |
| From line 135, column 25245 to line 135, column 25245 |
| (--alpha-brd,1));--container-c |
79 | error | CSS: --container-corvid-background-color : var(--bg, var(--color_11, color_11)) is not a valid color 3 or 6 hexadecimals numbers. |
| From line 135, column 25386 to line 135, column 25386 |
| r(--alpha-bg,1));--backdrop-fi |
80 | error | CSS: Parse Error. |
| From line 135, column 25422 to line 135, column 25422 |
| backdrop-filter}.uYj0Sg{-webki |
81 | error | CSS: --container-corvid-border-color : var(--brd, var(--color_15, color_15)) is not a valid color 3 or 6 hexadecimals numbers. |
| From line 137, column 288 to line 137, column 288 |
| (--alpha-brd,1));--container-c |
82 | error | CSS: --container-corvid-background-color : var(--bg, var(--color_11, color_11)) is not a valid color 3 or 6 hexadecimals numbers. |
| From line 137, column 429 to line 137, column 429 |
| r(--alpha-bg,1));--backdrop-fi |
83 | error | CSS: Parse Error. |
| From line 137, column 465 to line 137, column 465 |
| backdrop-filter}.uYj0Sg{-webki |
84 | error | CSS: opacity : Parse Error. |
| From line 139, column 3750 to line 139, column 3750 |
| layer-i__) + 1))}.xnZvZH{--div |
85 | error | CSS: fill : var(--arrowColor, var(--color_12, color_12)) is not a valid color 3 or 6 hexadecimals numbers. |
| From line 140, column 2548 to line 140, column 2548 |
| a-arrowColor,1));stroke:rgba(v |
86 | error | CSS: stroke : var(--arrowColor, var(--color_12, color_12)) is not a valid color 3 or 6 hexadecimals numbers. |
| From line 140, column 2630 to line 140, column 2630 |
| a-arrowColor,1));stroke-width: |
87 | error | CSS: background-color : var(--dotsColor, var(--color_12, color_12)) is not a valid color 3 or 6 hexadecimals numbers. |
| From line 140, column 2753 to line 140, column 2753 |
| ha-dotsColor,1));border-radius |
88 | error | CSS: background-color : var(--dotsSelectedColor, var(--color_11, color_11)) is not a valid color 3 or 6 hexadecimals numbers. |
| From line 140, column 2900 to line 140, column 2900 |
| electedColor,1))}.QodGTM .ZVUG |
89 | error | CSS: background-color : var(--dotsColor, var(--color_12, color_12)) is not a valid color 3 or 6 hexadecimals numbers. |
| From line 140, column 3006 to line 140, column 3006 |
| ha-dotsColor,1));border-radius |
90 | error | CSS: border : var(--dotsColor, var(--color_12, color_12)) is not a valid color 3 or 6 hexadecimals numbers. |
| From line 140, column 3166 to line 140, column 3166 |
| ha-dotsColor,1))}.ENJ6Ca.mDzRg |
91 | error | CSS: fill : var(--arrowColor, var(--color_12, color_12)) is not a valid color 3 or 6 hexadecimals numbers. |
| From line 140, column 5059 to line 140, column 5059 |
| a-arrowColor,1))}.ENJ6Ca .ZVUG |
92 | error | CSS: background-color : var(--dotsColor, var(--color_12, color_12)) is not a valid color 3 or 6 hexadecimals numbers. |
| From line 140, column 5165 to line 140, column 5165 |
| ha-dotsColor,1));border-radius |
93 | error | CSS: border : var(--dotsColor, var(--color_12, color_12)) is not a valid color 3 or 6 hexadecimals numbers. |
| From line 140, column 5325 to line 140, column 5325 |
| ha-dotsColor,1))}.ghJlnq.mDzRg |
94 | error | CSS: fill : var(--arrowContainerColor, var(--color_11, color_11)) is not a valid color 3 or 6 hexadecimals numbers. |
| From line 140, column 7253 to line 140, column 7253 |
| ntainerColor,1))}.ghJlnq .XvQ3 |
95 | error | CSS: fill : var(--arrowColor, var(--color_12, color_12)) is not a valid color 3 or 6 hexadecimals numbers. |
| From line 140, column 7369 to line 140, column 7369 |
| a-arrowColor,1))}.ghJlnq .ZVUG |
96 | error | CSS: background-color : var(--dotsColor, var(--color_12, color_12)) is not a valid color 3 or 6 hexadecimals numbers. |
| From line 140, column 7475 to line 140, column 7475 |
| ha-dotsColor,1))}.ghJlnq .ZVUG |
97 | error | CSS: background-color : var(--dotsSelectedColor, var(--color_11, color_11)) is not a valid color 3 or 6 hexadecimals numbers. |
| From line 140, column 7604 to line 140, column 7604 |
| electedColor,1))}.XVHXq_.mDzRg |
98 | error | CSS: will-change : var(--corners-overflow-fix-will-change, initial) is not a will-change value. |
| From line 141, column 255 to line 141, column 255 |
| -change,initial)}.imK94d .wfm0 |
99 | error | CSS: border : var(--brd, var(--color_11, color_11)) is not a valid color 3 or 6 hexadecimals numbers. |
| From line 141, column 358 to line 141, column 358 |
| (--alpha-brd,1));border-radius |
100 | error | CSS: --container-corvid-border-color : var(--brd, var(--color_15, color_15)) is not a valid color 3 or 6 hexadecimals numbers. |
| From line 142, column 267 to line 142, column 267 |
| (--alpha-brd,1));--container-c |
101 | error | CSS: --container-corvid-background-color : var(--bg, var(--color_11, color_11)) is not a valid color 3 or 6 hexadecimals numbers. |
| From line 142, column 408 to line 142, column 408 |
| r(--alpha-bg,1));--overflow-wr |
102 | error | CSS: Parse Error. |
| From line 142, column 487 to line 142, column 487 |
| backdrop-filter}.YJEKQk{backgr |
103 | error | CSS: Unknown pseudo-element or pseudo-class ::leftalignmentscrollitem . |
| From line 1150, column 39 to line 1150, column 61 |
| bn__root::leftAlignmentScrollItem {
104 | error | CSS: Unknown pseudo-element or pseudo-class ::rightalignmentscrollitem . |
| From line 1176, column 39 to line 1176, column 62 |
| bn__root::rightAlignmentScrollItem {flex |
105 | error | Bad value pageHtmlEmbeds.bodyStart start for attribute id on element script : An ID must not contain whitespace. |
| From line 4743, column 5 to line 4743, column 70 |
| rt-->
<script type="wix/htmlEmbeds" id="pageHtmlEmbeds.bodyStart start"></scri |
106 | error | Bad value pageHtmlEmbeds.bodyStart end for attribute id on element script : An ID must not contain whitespace. |
| From line 4745, column 5 to line 4745, column 68 |
| <script type="wix/htmlEmbeds" id="pageHtmlEmbeds.bodyStart end"></scri |
107 | error | Saw <? . Probable cause: Attempt to use an XML processing instruction in HTML. (XML processing instructions are not supported in HTML.) |
| From line 4778, column 2275 to line 4778, column 2275 |
| omp-lfm7tpng"><?xml version="1 |
108 | error | Saw <? . Probable cause: Attempt to use an XML processing instruction in HTML. (XML processing instructions are not supported in HTML.) |
| From line 4819, column 20 to line 4819, column 20 |
| <?xml version="1 |
109 | error | Saw <? . Probable cause: Attempt to use an XML processing instruction in HTML. (XML processing instructions are not supported in HTML.) |
| From line 4853, column 20 to line 4853, column 20 |
| <?xml version="1 |
110 | error | Saw <? . Probable cause: Attempt to use an XML processing instruction in HTML. (XML processing instructions are not supported in HTML.) |
| From line 4886, column 20 to line 4886, column 20 |
| <?xml version="1 |
111 | error | Saw <? . Probable cause: Attempt to use an XML processing instruction in HTML. (XML processing instructions are not supported in HTML.) |
| From line 4920, column 20 to line 4920, column 20 |
| <?xml version="1 |
112 | error | Saw <? . Probable cause: Attempt to use an XML processing instruction in HTML. (XML processing instructions are not supported in HTML.) |
| From line 4959, column 20 to line 4959, column 20 |
| <?xml version="1 |
113 | error | Saw <? . Probable cause: Attempt to use an XML processing instruction in HTML. (XML processing instructions are not supported in HTML.) |
| From line 4988, column 20 to line 4988, column 20 |
| <?xml version="1 |
114 | error | Saw <? . Probable cause: Attempt to use an XML processing instruction in HTML. (XML processing instructions are not supported in HTML.) |
| From line 5023, column 20 to line 5023, column 20 |
| <?xml version="1 |
115 | error | Saw <? . Probable cause: Attempt to use an XML processing instruction in HTML. (XML processing instructions are not supported in HTML.) |
| From line 5065, column 20 to line 5065, column 20 |
| <?xml version="1 |
116 | error | Saw <? . Probable cause: Attempt to use an XML processing instruction in HTML. (XML processing instructions are not supported in HTML.) |
| From line 5105, column 20 to line 5105, column 20 |
| <?xml version="1 |
117 | error | Saw <? . Probable cause: Attempt to use an XML processing instruction in HTML. (XML processing instructions are not supported in HTML.) |
| From line 5145, column 20 to line 5145, column 20 |
| <?xml version="1 |
118 | error | Saw <? . Probable cause: Attempt to use an XML processing instruction in HTML. (XML processing instructions are not supported in HTML.) |
| From line 5187, column 20 to line 5187, column 20 |
| <?xml version="1 |
119 | error | Element div not allowed as child of element button in this context. (Suppressing further errors from this subtree.) |
| From line 5254, column 3723 to line 5254, column 3765 |
| ="submit"><div class="TmqMif wixui-search-bar__icon"><svg x |
120 | error | Saw <? . Probable cause: Attempt to use an XML processing instruction in HTML. (XML processing instructions are not supported in HTML.) |
| From line 5281, column 20 to line 5281, column 20 |
| <?xml version="1 |
121 | error | Saw <? . Probable cause: Attempt to use an XML processing instruction in HTML. (XML processing instructions are not supported in HTML.) |
| From line 5310, column 20 to line 5310, column 20 |
| <?xml version="1 |
122 | error | Saw <? . Probable cause: Attempt to use an XML processing instruction in HTML. (XML processing instructions are not supported in HTML.) |
| From line 5339, column 20 to line 5339, column 20 |
| <?xml version="1 |
123 | error | Saw <? . Probable cause: Attempt to use an XML processing instruction in HTML. (XML processing instructions are not supported in HTML.) |
| From line 5368, column 20 to line 5368, column 20 |
| <?xml version="1 |
124 | error | Saw <? . Probable cause: Attempt to use an XML processing instruction in HTML. (XML processing instructions are not supported in HTML.) |
| From line 5397, column 20 to line 5397, column 20 |
| <?xml version="1 |
125 | error | Saw <? . Probable cause: Attempt to use an XML processing instruction in HTML. (XML processing instructions are not supported in HTML.) |
| From line 5425, column 20 to line 5425, column 20 |
| <?xml version="1 |
126 | error | Saw <? . Probable cause: Attempt to use an XML processing instruction in HTML. (XML processing instructions are not supported in HTML.) |
| From line 5437, column 1947 to line 5437, column 1947 |
| mp-lpu1ep113"><?xml version="1 |
127 | error | Saw <? . Probable cause: Attempt to use an XML processing instruction in HTML. (XML processing instructions are not supported in HTML.) |
| From line 5479, column 1615 to line 5479, column 1615 |
| omp-lpu1ep4h"><?xml version="1 |
128 | error | Saw <? . Probable cause: Attempt to use an XML processing instruction in HTML. (XML processing instructions are not supported in HTML.) |
| From line 5542, column 20 to line 5542, column 20 |
| <?xml version="1 |
129 | error | Saw <? . Probable cause: Attempt to use an XML processing instruction in HTML. (XML processing instructions are not supported in HTML.) |
| From line 5581, column 20 to line 5581, column 20 |
| <?xml version="1 |
130 | error | Saw <? . Probable cause: Attempt to use an XML processing instruction in HTML. (XML processing instructions are not supported in HTML.) |
| From line 5620, column 20 to line 5620, column 20 |
| <?xml version="1 |
131 | error | Saw <? . Probable cause: Attempt to use an XML processing instruction in HTML. (XML processing instructions are not supported in HTML.) |
| From line 5659, column 20 to line 5659, column 20 |
| <?xml version="1 |
132 | error | Saw <? . Probable cause: Attempt to use an XML processing instruction in HTML. (XML processing instructions are not supported in HTML.) |
| From line 5698, column 20 to line 5698, column 20 |
| <?xml version="1 |
133 | error | Saw <? . Probable cause: Attempt to use an XML processing instruction in HTML. (XML processing instructions are not supported in HTML.) |
| From line 5742, column 20 to line 5742, column 20 |
| <?xml version="1 |
134 | error | Saw <? . Probable cause: Attempt to use an XML processing instruction in HTML. (XML processing instructions are not supported in HTML.) |
| From line 5785, column 20 to line 5785, column 20 |
| <?xml version="1 |
135 | error | Saw <? . Probable cause: Attempt to use an XML processing instruction in HTML. (XML processing instructions are not supported in HTML.) |
| From line 5824, column 20 to line 5824, column 20 |
| <?xml version="1 |
136 | error | Saw <? . Probable cause: Attempt to use an XML processing instruction in HTML. (XML processing instructions are not supported in HTML.) |
| From line 5863, column 20 to line 5863, column 20 |
| <?xml version="1 |
137 | error | Saw <? . Probable cause: Attempt to use an XML processing instruction in HTML. (XML processing instructions are not supported in HTML.) |
| From line 5902, column 20 to line 5902, column 20 |
| <?xml version="1 |
138 | error | Saw <? . Probable cause: Attempt to use an XML processing instruction in HTML. (XML processing instructions are not supported in HTML.) |
| From line 5942, column 20 to line 5942, column 20 |
| <?xml version="1 |
139 | error | Saw <? . Probable cause: Attempt to use an XML processing instruction in HTML. (XML processing instructions are not supported in HTML.) |
| From line 5984, column 20 to line 5984, column 20 |
| <?xml version="1 |
140 | error | Saw <? . Probable cause: Attempt to use an XML processing instruction in HTML. (XML processing instructions are not supported in HTML.) |
| From line 6024, column 20 to line 6024, column 20 |
| <?xml version="1 |
141 | error | Saw <? . Probable cause: Attempt to use an XML processing instruction in HTML. (XML processing instructions are not supported in HTML.) |
| From line 6064, column 20 to line 6064, column 20 |
| <?xml version="1 |
142 | error | Saw <? . Probable cause: Attempt to use an XML processing instruction in HTML. (XML processing instructions are not supported in HTML.) |
| From line 6106, column 20 to line 6106, column 20 |
| <?xml version="1 |
143 | error | Saw <? . Probable cause: Attempt to use an XML processing instruction in HTML. (XML processing instructions are not supported in HTML.) |
| From line 6133, column 4359 to line 6133, column 4359 |
| omp-lpu1epci"><?xml version="1 |
144 | error | Element img is missing required attribute src . |
| From line 6230, column 1529 to line 6230, column 1548 |
| x, 100%)"><img alt="Youtube"/></wow- |
145 | error | Element img is missing required attribute src . |
| From line 6230, column 2292 to line 6230, column 2312 |
| x, 100%)"><img alt="LinkedIn"/></wow- |
146 | error | Attribute position not allowed on element link at this point. |
| From line 6277, column 5 to line 6277, column 2298 |
| <link href="https://siteassets.parastorage.com/pages/pages/thunderbolt?appDefinitionIdToSiteRevision=%7B%2214bcded7-0066-7c35-14d7-466cb3f09103%22%3A%221335%22%2C%2214271d6f-ba62-d045-549b-ab972ae1f70e%22%3A%2225%22%2C%221522827f-c56c-a5c9-2ac9-00f9e6ae12d3%22%3A%221869%22%7D&beckyExperiments=.DatePickerPortal%2C.PayPalButtonRedirectFlow%2C.TextInputAutoFillFix%2C.WRichTextVerticalTextNowidth%2C.buttonUdp%2C.fetchBlocksDevCenterWidgetIds%2C.fiveGridLineStudioSkins%2C.fixDisabledLinkButtonStyles%2C.fixRatingsInputLeftShift%2C.minMaxInCheckboxGroup%2C.motionFeature%2C.removeHeaderFooterWrappers%2C.useInternalBlocksRefType%2C.useSvgLoaderFeature&blocksBuilderManifestGeneratorVersion=1.92.0&contentType=application%2Fjson&deviceType=Desktop&dfCk=6&dfVersion=1.4069.0&disableStaticPagesUrlHierarchy=false&editorName=Unknown&experiments=dm_deleteLayoutOverridesForRefComponents%2Cdm_fixAnchorUrlFragment%2Cdm_removeTpaChildren%2Cspecs.thunderbolt.use_data_fixed_pages_upstream&externalBaseUrl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.lendisoft.com&fileId=6fd02d8d.bundle.min&formFactor=desktop&hasTPAWorkerOnSite=false&isHttps=true&isInSeo=false&isMultilingualEnabled=false&isPremiumDomain=true&isTrackClicksAnalyticsEnabled=false&isUrlMigrated=true&isWixCodeOnPage=false&isWixCodeOnSite=true&language=en&languageResolutionMethod=QueryParam&metaSiteId=9ffef438-7d11-4fd3-beb2-953bbb70bd1f&migratingToOoiWidgetIds=14fd5970-8072-c276-1246-058b79e70c1a&module=thunderbolt-features&oneDocEnabled=true&originalLanguage=en&pageId=39c8ca_ab4cdb10e5864f9cc04b2e8c2ad9366b_1418.json&quickActionsMenuEnabled=false®istryLibrariesTopology=%5B%7B%22artifactId%22%3A%22editor-elements%22%2C%22namespace%22%3A%22wixui%22%2C%22url%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fstatic.parastorage.com%2Fservices%2Feditor-elements%2F1.12898.0%22%7D%2C%7B%22artifactId%22%3A%22editor-elements%22%2C%22namespace%22%3A%22dsgnsys%22%2C%22url%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fstatic.parastorage.com%2Fservices%2Feditor-elements%2F1.12898.0%22%7D%5D&remoteWidgetStructureBuilderVersion=1.251.0&siteId=730cf98c-d90e-474b-8da1-0cf28fcd6c4a&siteRevision=1418&staticHTMLComponentUrl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww-lendisoft-com.filesusr.com%2F&useSandboxInHTMLComp=false&viewMode=desktop" id="features_masterPage" as="fetch" position="post-scripts" rel="preload" crossorigin="anonymous"></link |
147 | error | Stray end tag link . |
| From line 6277, column 2299 to line 6277, column 2305 |
| nonymous"></link> |
148 | error | Attribute position not allowed on element link at this point. |
| From line 6280, column 5 to line 6280, column 2293 |
| <link href="https://siteassets.parastorage.com/pages/pages/thunderbolt?appDefinitionIdToSiteRevision=%7B%2214bcded7-0066-7c35-14d7-466cb3f09103%22%3A%221335%22%2C%2214271d6f-ba62-d045-549b-ab972ae1f70e%22%3A%2225%22%2C%221522827f-c56c-a5c9-2ac9-00f9e6ae12d3%22%3A%221869%22%7D&beckyExperiments=.DatePickerPortal%2C.PayPalButtonRedirectFlow%2C.TextInputAutoFillFix%2C.WRichTextVerticalTextNowidth%2C.buttonUdp%2C.fetchBlocksDevCenterWidgetIds%2C.fiveGridLineStudioSkins%2C.fixDisabledLinkButtonStyles%2C.fixRatingsInputLeftShift%2C.minMaxInCheckboxGroup%2C.motionFeature%2C.removeHeaderFooterWrappers%2C.useInternalBlocksRefType%2C.useSvgLoaderFeature&blocksBuilderManifestGeneratorVersion=1.92.0&contentType=application%2Fjson&deviceType=Desktop&dfCk=6&dfVersion=1.4069.0&disableStaticPagesUrlHierarchy=false&editorName=Unknown&experiments=dm_deleteLayoutOverridesForRefComponents%2Cdm_fixAnchorUrlFragment%2Cdm_removeTpaChildren%2Cspecs.thunderbolt.use_data_fixed_pages_upstream&externalBaseUrl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.lendisoft.com&fileId=6fd02d8d.bundle.min&formFactor=desktop&hasTPAWorkerOnSite=false&isHttps=true&isInSeo=false&isMultilingualEnabled=false&isPremiumDomain=true&isTrackClicksAnalyticsEnabled=false&isUrlMigrated=true&isWixCodeOnPage=false&isWixCodeOnSite=true&language=en&languageResolutionMethod=QueryParam&metaSiteId=9ffef438-7d11-4fd3-beb2-953bbb70bd1f&migratingToOoiWidgetIds=14fd5970-8072-c276-1246-058b79e70c1a&module=thunderbolt-features&oneDocEnabled=true&originalLanguage=en&pageId=39c8ca_9d87ad8561ee0e718726286708007788_1398.json&quickActionsMenuEnabled=false®istryLibrariesTopology=%5B%7B%22artifactId%22%3A%22editor-elements%22%2C%22namespace%22%3A%22wixui%22%2C%22url%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fstatic.parastorage.com%2Fservices%2Feditor-elements%2F1.12898.0%22%7D%2C%7B%22artifactId%22%3A%22editor-elements%22%2C%22namespace%22%3A%22dsgnsys%22%2C%22url%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fstatic.parastorage.com%2Fservices%2Feditor-elements%2F1.12898.0%22%7D%5D&remoteWidgetStructureBuilderVersion=1.251.0&siteId=730cf98c-d90e-474b-8da1-0cf28fcd6c4a&siteRevision=1418&staticHTMLComponentUrl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww-lendisoft-com.filesusr.com%2F&useSandboxInHTMLComp=false&viewMode=desktop" id="features_gil8z" as="fetch" position="post-scripts" rel="preload" crossorigin="anonymous"></link |
149 | error | Stray end tag link . |
| From line 6280, column 2294 to line 6280, column 2300 |
| nonymous"></link> |
150 | error | Attribute position not allowed on element link at this point. |
| From line 6283, column 5 to line 6283, column 2045 |
| <link href="https://siteassets.parastorage.com/pages/pages/thunderbolt?appDefinitionIdToSiteRevision=%7B%2214bcded7-0066-7c35-14d7-466cb3f09103%22%3A%221335%22%2C%2214271d6f-ba62-d045-549b-ab972ae1f70e%22%3A%2225%22%2C%221522827f-c56c-a5c9-2ac9-00f9e6ae12d3%22%3A%221869%22%7D&beckyExperiments=.DatePickerPortal%2C.PayPalButtonRedirectFlow%2C.TextInputAutoFillFix%2C.WRichTextVerticalTextNowidth%2C.buttonUdp%2C.fetchBlocksDevCenterWidgetIds%2C.fiveGridLineStudioSkins%2C.fixDisabledLinkButtonStyles%2C.fixRatingsInputLeftShift%2C.minMaxInCheckboxGroup%2C.useInternalBlocksRefType&blocksBuilderManifestGeneratorVersion=1.92.0&contentType=application%2Fjson&dfCk=6&dfVersion=1.4069.0&editorName=Unknown&experiments=dm_deleteLayoutOverridesForRefComponents%2Cdm_fixAnchorUrlFragment%2Cdm_removeTpaChildren%2Cspecs.thunderbolt.use_data_fixed_pages_upstream&externalBaseUrl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.lendisoft.com&fileId=4ad597a6.bundle.min&formFactor=desktop&hasTPAWorkerOnSite=false&isHttps=true&isInSeo=false&isPremiumDomain=true&isUrlMigrated=true&isWixCodeOnPage=false&isWixCodeOnSite=true&language=en&metaSiteId=9ffef438-7d11-4fd3-beb2-953bbb70bd1f&migratingToOoiWidgetIds=14fd5970-8072-c276-1246-058b79e70c1a&module=thunderbolt-platform&oneDocEnabled=true&originalLanguage=en&pageId=39c8ca_ab4cdb10e5864f9cc04b2e8c2ad9366b_1418.json&quickActionsMenuEnabled=false®istryLibrariesTopology=%5B%7B%22artifactId%22%3A%22editor-elements%22%2C%22namespace%22%3A%22wixui%22%2C%22url%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fstatic.parastorage.com%2Fservices%2Feditor-elements%2F1.12898.0%22%7D%2C%7B%22artifactId%22%3A%22editor-elements%22%2C%22namespace%22%3A%22dsgnsys%22%2C%22url%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fstatic.parastorage.com%2Fservices%2Feditor-elements%2F1.12898.0%22%7D%5D&remoteWidgetStructureBuilderVersion=1.251.0&siteId=730cf98c-d90e-474b-8da1-0cf28fcd6c4a&siteRevision=1418&staticHTMLComponentUrl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww-lendisoft-com.filesusr.com%2F&viewMode=desktop" id="platform_masterPage" as="fetch" position="post-scripts" rel="preload" crossorigin="anonymous"></link |
151 | error | Stray end tag link . |
| From line 6283, column 2046 to line 6283, column 2052 |
| nonymous"></link> |
152 | error | Attribute position not allowed on element link at this point. |
| From line 6286, column 5 to line 6286, column 2040 |
| <link href="https://siteassets.parastorage.com/pages/pages/thunderbolt?appDefinitionIdToSiteRevision=%7B%2214bcded7-0066-7c35-14d7-466cb3f09103%22%3A%221335%22%2C%2214271d6f-ba62-d045-549b-ab972ae1f70e%22%3A%2225%22%2C%221522827f-c56c-a5c9-2ac9-00f9e6ae12d3%22%3A%221869%22%7D&beckyExperiments=.DatePickerPortal%2C.PayPalButtonRedirectFlow%2C.TextInputAutoFillFix%2C.WRichTextVerticalTextNowidth%2C.buttonUdp%2C.fetchBlocksDevCenterWidgetIds%2C.fiveGridLineStudioSkins%2C.fixDisabledLinkButtonStyles%2C.fixRatingsInputLeftShift%2C.minMaxInCheckboxGroup%2C.useInternalBlocksRefType&blocksBuilderManifestGeneratorVersion=1.92.0&contentType=application%2Fjson&dfCk=6&dfVersion=1.4069.0&editorName=Unknown&experiments=dm_deleteLayoutOverridesForRefComponents%2Cdm_fixAnchorUrlFragment%2Cdm_removeTpaChildren%2Cspecs.thunderbolt.use_data_fixed_pages_upstream&externalBaseUrl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.lendisoft.com&fileId=4ad597a6.bundle.min&formFactor=desktop&hasTPAWorkerOnSite=false&isHttps=true&isInSeo=false&isPremiumDomain=true&isUrlMigrated=true&isWixCodeOnPage=false&isWixCodeOnSite=true&language=en&metaSiteId=9ffef438-7d11-4fd3-beb2-953bbb70bd1f&migratingToOoiWidgetIds=14fd5970-8072-c276-1246-058b79e70c1a&module=thunderbolt-platform&oneDocEnabled=true&originalLanguage=en&pageId=39c8ca_9d87ad8561ee0e718726286708007788_1398.json&quickActionsMenuEnabled=false®istryLibrariesTopology=%5B%7B%22artifactId%22%3A%22editor-elements%22%2C%22namespace%22%3A%22wixui%22%2C%22url%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fstatic.parastorage.com%2Fservices%2Feditor-elements%2F1.12898.0%22%7D%2C%7B%22artifactId%22%3A%22editor-elements%22%2C%22namespace%22%3A%22dsgnsys%22%2C%22url%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fstatic.parastorage.com%2Fservices%2Feditor-elements%2F1.12898.0%22%7D%5D&remoteWidgetStructureBuilderVersion=1.251.0&siteId=730cf98c-d90e-474b-8da1-0cf28fcd6c4a&siteRevision=1418&staticHTMLComponentUrl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww-lendisoft-com.filesusr.com%2F&viewMode=desktop" id="platform_gil8z" as="fetch" position="post-scripts" rel="preload" crossorigin="anonymous"></link |
153 | error | Stray end tag link . |
| From line 6286, column 2041 to line 6286, column 2047 |
| nonymous"></link> |
154 | error | Bad value pageHtmlEmbeds.bodyEnd start for attribute id on element script : An ID must not contain whitespace. |
| From line 6380, column 5 to line 6380, column 68 |
| rt-->
<script type="wix/htmlEmbeds" id="pageHtmlEmbeds.bodyEnd start"></scri |
155 | error | Bad value pageHtmlEmbeds.bodyEnd end for attribute id on element script : An ID must not contain whitespace. |
| From line 6384, column 5 to line 6384, column 66 |
| <script type="wix/htmlEmbeds" id="pageHtmlEmbeds.bodyEnd end"></scri |
156 | warning | The type attribute is unnecessary for JavaScript resources. |
| From line 4731, column 1 to line 4731, column 31 |
| lass='' >
<script type="text/javascript">
v |
157 | warning | Section lacks heading. Consider using h2 -h6 elements to add identifying headings to all sections, or else use a div element instead for any cases where no heading is needed. |
| From line 4778, column 1176 to line 4778, column 1251 |
| -content"><section id="comp-lh2ucmqt" class="comp-lh2ucmqt CohWsy wixui-column-strip"><div i |
158 | warning | Section lacks heading. Consider using h2 -h6 elements to add identifying headings to all sections, or else use a div element instead for any cases where no heading is needed. |
| From line 4802, column 1471 to line 4802, column 1546 |
| class=""><section id="comp-lh2w4kxi" class="comp-lh2w4kxi CohWsy wixui-column-strip"><div i |
159 | warning | Section lacks heading. Consider using h2 -h6 elements to add identifying headings to all sections, or else use a div element instead for any cases where no heading is needed. |
| From line 5005, column 2892 to line 5005, column 2969 |
| class=""><section id="comp-lh34zdgu1" class="comp-lh34zdgu1 CohWsy wixui-column-strip"><div i |
160 | warning | Section lacks heading. Consider using h2 -h6 elements to add identifying headings to all sections, or else use a div element instead for any cases where no heading is needed. |
| From line 5209, column 2824 to line 5209, column 2899 |
| class=""><section id="comp-lh3535x2" class="comp-lh3535x2 CohWsy wixui-column-strip"><div i |
161 | warning | Section lacks heading. Consider using h2 -h6 elements to add identifying headings to all sections, or else use a div element instead for any cases where no heading is needed. |
| From line 5234, column 1263 to line 5234, column 1338 |
| class=""><section id="comp-lhi8ing5" class="comp-lhi8ing5 CohWsy wixui-column-strip"><div i |
162 | warning | Possible misuse of aria-label . (If you disagree with this warning, file an issue report or send e-mail to www-validator@w3.org.) |
| From line 5254, column 1342 to line 5254, column 1590 |
| 85__root"><div aria-hidden="true" aria-label="scroll" class="ScrollButton2305195801__root ScrollButton2305195801---side-4-left StylableHorizontalMenu3372578893__scrollButton" data-menu-scroll-action="page" data-testid="scrollPageToTheLeft" data-hidden="true"><span |
163 | warning | Possible misuse of aria-label . (If you disagree with this warning, file an issue report or send e-mail to www-validator@w3.org.) |
| From line 5254, column 1763 to line 5254, column 2013 |
| pan></div><div aria-hidden="true" aria-label="scroll" class="ScrollButton2305195801__root ScrollButton2305195801---side-5-right StylableHorizontalMenu3372578893__scrollButton" data-menu-scroll-action="page" data-testid="scrollPageToTheRight" data-hidden="true"><span |
164 | warning | Section lacks heading. Consider using h2 -h6 elements to add identifying headings to all sections, or else use a div element instead for any cases where no heading is needed. |
| From line 5259, column 645 to line 5259, column 775 |
| -content"><section id="comp-m0pmsrly1" tabindex="-1" class="Oqnisf comp-m0pmsrly1 wixui-section" data-block-level-container="ClassicSection"><div i |
165 | warning | Consider using the h1 element as a top-level heading only (all h1 elements are treated as top-level headings by many screen readers and other tools). |
| From line 5259, column 3194 to line 5259, column 3258 |
| tElement"><h1 class="font_0 wixui-rich-text__text" style="font-size:60px;"><span |
166 | warning | Section lacks heading. Consider using h2 -h6 elements to add identifying headings to all sections, or else use a div element instead for any cases where no heading is needed. |
| From line 5456, column 1233 to line 5456, column 1361 |
| </section><section id="comp-m0pmsrm0" tabindex="-1" class="Oqnisf comp-m0pmsrm0 wixui-section" data-block-level-container="ClassicSection"><div i |
167 | warning | Section lacks heading. Consider using h2 -h6 elements to add identifying headings to all sections, or else use a div element instead for any cases where no heading is needed. |
| From line 5461, column 32 to line 5461, column 107 |
| </a></div><section id="comp-lpu1ep3z" class="comp-lpu1ep3z CohWsy wixui-column-strip"><div i |
168 | warning | Section lacks heading. Consider using h2 -h6 elements to add identifying headings to all sections, or else use a div element instead for any cases where no heading is needed. |
| From line 5520, column 1036 to line 5520, column 1166 |
| </section><section id="comp-m0pmsrm01" tabindex="-1" class="Oqnisf comp-m0pmsrm01 wixui-section" data-block-level-container="ClassicSection"><div i |
169 | warning | Section lacks heading. Consider using h2 -h6 elements to add identifying headings to all sections, or else use a div element instead for any cases where no heading is needed. |
| From line 5924, column 1465 to line 5924, column 1542 |
| </p></div><section id="comp-lpu1epah4" class="comp-lpu1epah4 CohWsy wixui-column-strip"><div i |
170 | warning | Section lacks heading. Consider using h2 -h6 elements to add identifying headings to all sections, or else use a div element instead for any cases where no heading is needed. |
| From line 6128, column 88 to line 6128, column 216 |
| </section><section id="comp-m0pmsrm2" tabindex="-1" class="Oqnisf comp-m0pmsrm2 wixui-section" data-block-level-container="ClassicSection"><div i |
171 | warning | Section lacks heading. Consider using h2 -h6 elements to add identifying headings to all sections, or else use a div element instead for any cases where no heading is needed. |
| From line 6133, column 1574 to line 6133, column 1704 |
| </section><section id="comp-m0pmsrm21" tabindex="-1" class="Oqnisf comp-m0pmsrm21 wixui-section" data-block-level-container="ClassicSection"><div i |
172 | warning | Section lacks heading. Consider using h2 -h6 elements to add identifying headings to all sections, or else use a div element instead for any cases where no heading is needed. |
| From line 6133, column 2137 to line 6133, column 2212 |
| -content"><section id="comp-lpu1epc6" class="comp-lpu1epc6 CohWsy wixui-column-strip"><div i |
173 | warning | Section lacks heading. Consider using h2 -h6 elements to add identifying headings to all sections, or else use a div element instead for any cases where no heading is needed. |
| From line 6150, column 586 to line 6150, column 661 |
| -content"><section id="comp-lhorr0bz" class="comp-lhorr0bz CohWsy wixui-column-strip"><div i |