| 1.
| CN=tuinnovates.com, OU=Domain Control Validated
| 29.06.2018
| 06.06.2019 2010 days expired | tuinnovates.com, www.tuinnovates.com, www.engagetu.com, continuingeducationdev.resiusa.org, dev.engagetu.com, dev.tuinnovates.com, engagetu.com, dev.mdgeography.org, www.cumuonline.org, continuingeducation.towson.edu, dev.tugisconference.com, itacchelp.org, tugisconference.com, www.itacchelp.org, cumuonline.org, mdgeography.org, www.tugisconference.com, dev.cumuonline.org, dev.itacchelp.org, www.mdgeography.org - 20 entries
| 1.
| CN=tuinnovates.com, OU=Domain Control Validated
| 29.06.2018
06.06.2019 2010 days expired |
| tuinnovates.com, www.tuinnovates.com, www.engagetu.com, continuingeducationdev.resiusa.org, dev.engagetu.com, dev.tuinnovates.com, engagetu.com, dev.mdgeography.org, www.cumuonline.org, continuingeducation.towson.edu, dev.tugisconference.com, itacchelp.org, tugisconference.com, www.itacchelp.org, cumuonline.org, mdgeography.org, www.tugisconference.com, dev.cumuonline.org, dev.itacchelp.org, www.mdgeography.org - 20 entries
| Keyalgorithm | RSA encryption (2048 bit) | Signatur: | SHA256 With RSA-Encryption
| Serial Number: | 00C3A1EA5C96C4DBE2
| Thumbprint: | 4DD5CB44F9CC93810D6272D7702579954ECE9460
| SHA256 / Certificate: | T6MX8SIBPuYwML+OxRHSbvizsRlmxYjI+1KYHpb4dkA=
| SHA256 hex / Cert (DANE * 0 1): | 4fa317f122013ee63030bf8ec511d26ef8b3b11966c588c8fb52981e96f87640
| SHA256 hex / PublicKey (DANE * 1 1): | 109a097e9a9d12e64845acd5387790158114622bf7de8ed7b3644d7012e3a188
| SHA256 hex / Subject Public Key Information (SPKI): | 109a097e9a9d12e64845acd5387790158114622bf7de8ed7b3644d7012e3a188
| SPKI checked via https://v1.pwnedkeys.com/spki-hash: | Good: Key isn't compromised
| OCSP - Url: | http://ocsp.godaddy.com/
| OCSP - must staple: | no
| Certificate Transparency: | yes
| Enhanced Key Usage: | Server Authentication (, Client Authentication (
| 2.
| CN=tuinnovates.com, OU=Domain Control Validated
| 29.06.2018
| 06.06.2019 2010 days expired | tuinnovates.com, www.tuinnovates.com, www.engagetu.com, continuingeducationdev.resiusa.org, dev.engagetu.com, dev.tuinnovates.com, engagetu.com, dev.mdgeography.org, www.cumuonline.org, continuingeducation.towson.edu, dev.tugisconference.com, itacchelp.org, tugisconference.com, www.itacchelp.org, cumuonline.org, mdgeography.org, www.tugisconference.com, dev.cumuonline.org, dev.itacchelp.org, www.mdgeography.org - 20 entries
| 2.
| CN=tuinnovates.com, OU=Domain Control Validated
| 29.06.2018
06.06.2019 2010 days expired |
| tuinnovates.com, www.tuinnovates.com, www.engagetu.com, continuingeducationdev.resiusa.org, dev.engagetu.com, dev.tuinnovates.com, engagetu.com, dev.mdgeography.org, www.cumuonline.org, continuingeducation.towson.edu, dev.tugisconference.com, itacchelp.org, tugisconference.com, www.itacchelp.org, cumuonline.org, mdgeography.org, www.tugisconference.com, dev.cumuonline.org, dev.itacchelp.org, www.mdgeography.org - 20 entries
| Keyalgorithm | RSA encryption (2048 bit) | Signatur: | SHA256 With RSA-Encryption
| Serial Number: | 00C3A1EA5C96C4DBE2
| Thumbprint: | 4DD5CB44F9CC93810D6272D7702579954ECE9460
| SHA256 / Certificate: | T6MX8SIBPuYwML+OxRHSbvizsRlmxYjI+1KYHpb4dkA=
| SHA256 hex / Cert (DANE * 0 1): | 4fa317f122013ee63030bf8ec511d26ef8b3b11966c588c8fb52981e96f87640
| SHA256 hex / PublicKey (DANE * 1 1): | 109a097e9a9d12e64845acd5387790158114622bf7de8ed7b3644d7012e3a188
| SHA256 hex / Subject Public Key Information (SPKI): | 109a097e9a9d12e64845acd5387790158114622bf7de8ed7b3644d7012e3a188
| SPKI checked via https://v1.pwnedkeys.com/spki-hash: | Good: Key isn't compromised
| OCSP - Url: | http://ocsp.godaddy.com/
| OCSP - must staple: | no
| Certificate Transparency: | yes
| Enhanced Key Usage: | Server Authentication (, Client Authentication (
| 3.
| CN=tuinnovates.com, OU=Domain Control Validated
| 29.06.2018
| 06.06.2019 2010 days expired | tuinnovates.com, www.tuinnovates.com, www.engagetu.com, continuingeducationdev.resiusa.org, dev.engagetu.com, dev.tuinnovates.com, engagetu.com, dev.mdgeography.org, www.cumuonline.org, continuingeducation.towson.edu, dev.tugisconference.com, itacchelp.org, tugisconference.com, www.itacchelp.org, cumuonline.org, mdgeography.org, www.tugisconference.com, dev.cumuonline.org, dev.itacchelp.org, www.mdgeography.org - 20 entries
| 3.
| CN=tuinnovates.com, OU=Domain Control Validated
| 29.06.2018
06.06.2019 2010 days expired |
| tuinnovates.com, www.tuinnovates.com, www.engagetu.com, continuingeducationdev.resiusa.org, dev.engagetu.com, dev.tuinnovates.com, engagetu.com, dev.mdgeography.org, www.cumuonline.org, continuingeducation.towson.edu, dev.tugisconference.com, itacchelp.org, tugisconference.com, www.itacchelp.org, cumuonline.org, mdgeography.org, www.tugisconference.com, dev.cumuonline.org, dev.itacchelp.org, www.mdgeography.org - 20 entries
| Keyalgorithm | RSA encryption (2048 bit) | Signatur: | SHA256 With RSA-Encryption
| Serial Number: | 00C3A1EA5C96C4DBE2
| Thumbprint: | 4DD5CB44F9CC93810D6272D7702579954ECE9460
| SHA256 / Certificate: | T6MX8SIBPuYwML+OxRHSbvizsRlmxYjI+1KYHpb4dkA=
| SHA256 hex / Cert (DANE * 0 1): | 4fa317f122013ee63030bf8ec511d26ef8b3b11966c588c8fb52981e96f87640
| SHA256 hex / PublicKey (DANE * 1 1): | 109a097e9a9d12e64845acd5387790158114622bf7de8ed7b3644d7012e3a188
| SHA256 hex / Subject Public Key Information (SPKI): | 109a097e9a9d12e64845acd5387790158114622bf7de8ed7b3644d7012e3a188
| SPKI checked via https://v1.pwnedkeys.com/spki-hash: | Good: Key isn't compromised
| OCSP - Url: | http://ocsp.godaddy.com/
| OCSP - must staple: | no
| Certificate Transparency: | yes
| Enhanced Key Usage: | Server Authentication (, Client Authentication (
| 4.
| CN=Go Daddy Secure Certificate Authority - G2, OU=http://certs.godaddy.com/repository/, O="GoDaddy.com, Inc.", L=Scottsdale, S=Arizona, C=US
| 03.05.2011
| 03.05.2031 expires in 2339 days |
| 4.
| CN=Go Daddy Secure Certificate Authority - G2, OU=http://certs.godaddy.com/repository/, O="GoDaddy.com, Inc.", L=Scottsdale, S=Arizona, C=US
| 03.05.2011
03.05.2031 expires in 2339 days |
| Keyalgorithm | RSA encryption (2048 bit) | Signatur: | SHA256 With RSA-Encryption
| Serial Number: | 07
| Thumbprint: | 27AC9369FAF25207BB2627CEFACCBE4EF9C319B8
| SHA256 / Certificate: | lzpBJ2/9AeAnoqrUnjTDeEbT6Xb/amILZxLjODIEGqY=
| SHA256 hex / Cert (DANE * 0 1): | 973a41276ffd01e027a2aad49e34c37846d3e976ff6a620b6712e33832041aa6
| SHA256 hex / PublicKey (DANE * 1 1): | f11c3dd048f74edb7c45192b83e5980d2f67ec84b4ddb9396e33ff5173ed698f
| SHA256 hex / Subject Public Key Information (SPKI): | f11c3dd048f74edb7c45192b83e5980d2f67ec84b4ddb9396e33ff5173ed698f
| SPKI checked via https://v1.pwnedkeys.com/spki-hash: | Good: Key isn't compromised
| OCSP - Url: | http://ocsp.godaddy.com/
| OCSP - must staple: | no
| Certificate Transparency: | no
| Enhanced Key Usage: |
| 5.
| CN=Go Daddy Secure Certificate Authority - G2, OU=http://certs.godaddy.com/repository/, O="GoDaddy.com, Inc.", L=Scottsdale, S=Arizona, C=US
| 03.05.2011
| 03.05.2031 expires in 2339 days |
| 5.
| CN=Go Daddy Secure Certificate Authority - G2, OU=http://certs.godaddy.com/repository/, O="GoDaddy.com, Inc.", L=Scottsdale, S=Arizona, C=US
| 03.05.2011
03.05.2031 expires in 2339 days |
| Keyalgorithm | RSA encryption (2048 bit) | Signatur: | SHA256 With RSA-Encryption
| Serial Number: | 07
| Thumbprint: | 27AC9369FAF25207BB2627CEFACCBE4EF9C319B8
| SHA256 / Certificate: | lzpBJ2/9AeAnoqrUnjTDeEbT6Xb/amILZxLjODIEGqY=
| SHA256 hex / Cert (DANE * 0 1): | e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855
| SHA256 hex / PublicKey (DANE * 1 1): | f11c3dd048f74edb7c45192b83e5980d2f67ec84b4ddb9396e33ff5173ed698f
| SHA256 hex / Subject Public Key Information (SPKI): | f11c3dd048f74edb7c45192b83e5980d2f67ec84b4ddb9396e33ff5173ed698f
| SPKI checked via https://v1.pwnedkeys.com/spki-hash: | Check unknown. No result 404 / 200
| OCSP - Url: | http://ocsp.godaddy.com/
| OCSP - must staple: | no
| Certificate Transparency: | no
| Enhanced Key Usage: |
| 6.
| CN=Go Daddy Secure Certificate Authority - G2, OU=http://certs.godaddy.com/repository/, O="GoDaddy.com, Inc.", L=Scottsdale, S=Arizona, C=US
| 03.05.2011
| 03.05.2031 expires in 2339 days |
| 6.
| CN=Go Daddy Secure Certificate Authority - G2, OU=http://certs.godaddy.com/repository/, O="GoDaddy.com, Inc.", L=Scottsdale, S=Arizona, C=US
| 03.05.2011
03.05.2031 expires in 2339 days |
| Keyalgorithm | RSA encryption (2048 bit) | Signatur: | SHA256 With RSA-Encryption
| Serial Number: | 07
| Thumbprint: | 27AC9369FAF25207BB2627CEFACCBE4EF9C319B8
| SHA256 / Certificate: | lzpBJ2/9AeAnoqrUnjTDeEbT6Xb/amILZxLjODIEGqY=
| SHA256 hex / Cert (DANE * 0 1): | e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855
| SHA256 hex / PublicKey (DANE * 1 1): | f11c3dd048f74edb7c45192b83e5980d2f67ec84b4ddb9396e33ff5173ed698f
| SHA256 hex / Subject Public Key Information (SPKI): | f11c3dd048f74edb7c45192b83e5980d2f67ec84b4ddb9396e33ff5173ed698f
| SPKI checked via https://v1.pwnedkeys.com/spki-hash: | Check unknown. No result 404 / 200
| OCSP - Url: | http://ocsp.godaddy.com/
| OCSP - must staple: | no
| Certificate Transparency: | no
| Enhanced Key Usage: |
| 7.
| CN=Go Daddy Root Certificate Authority - G2, O="GoDaddy.com, Inc.", L=Scottsdale, S=Arizona, C=US
| 01.01.2014
| 30.05.2031 expires in 2366 days |
| 7.
| CN=Go Daddy Root Certificate Authority - G2, O="GoDaddy.com, Inc.", L=Scottsdale, S=Arizona, C=US
| 01.01.2014
30.05.2031 expires in 2366 days |
| Keyalgorithm | RSA encryption (2048 bit) | Signatur: | SHA256 With RSA-Encryption
| Serial Number: | 1BE715
| Thumbprint: | 340B2880F446FCC04E59ED33F52B3D08D6242964
| SHA256 / Certificate: | Oi++kokeV/4F1XCH9I5zDxflpfU+9APWGOW3TXp+bss=
| SHA256 hex / Cert (DANE * 0 1): | 3a2fbe92891e57fe05d57087f48e730f17e5a5f53ef403d618e5b74d7a7e6ecb
| SHA256 hex / PublicKey (DANE * 1 1): | 2a8f2d8af0eb123898f74c866ac3fa669054e23c17bc7a95bd0234192dc635d0
| SHA256 hex / Subject Public Key Information (SPKI): | 2a8f2d8af0eb123898f74c866ac3fa669054e23c17bc7a95bd0234192dc635d0
| SPKI checked via https://v1.pwnedkeys.com/spki-hash: | Good: Key isn't compromised
| OCSP - Url: | http://ocsp.godaddy.com/
| OCSP - must staple: | no
| Certificate Transparency: | no
| Enhanced Key Usage: |
| 8.
| CN=Go Daddy Root Certificate Authority - G2, O="GoDaddy.com, Inc.", L=Scottsdale, S=Arizona, C=US
| 01.09.2009
| 01.01.2038 expires in 4774 days |
| 8.
| CN=Go Daddy Root Certificate Authority - G2, O="GoDaddy.com, Inc.", L=Scottsdale, S=Arizona, C=US
| 01.09.2009
01.01.2038 expires in 4774 days |
| Keyalgorithm | RSA encryption (2048 bit) | Signatur: | SHA256 With RSA-Encryption
| Serial Number: | 00
| Thumbprint: | 47BEABC922EAE80E78783462A79F45C254FDE68B
| SHA256 / Certificate: | RRQLMkfrnMjFtPDXtTCR9zKSCJ5uWmPidJ3TrKkZjto=
| SHA256 hex / Cert (DANE * 0 1): | 45140b3247eb9cc8c5b4f0d7b53091f73292089e6e5a63e2749dd3aca9198eda
| SHA256 hex / PublicKey (DANE * 1 1): | 2a8f2d8af0eb123898f74c866ac3fa669054e23c17bc7a95bd0234192dc635d0
| SHA256 hex / Subject Public Key Information (SPKI): | 2a8f2d8af0eb123898f74c866ac3fa669054e23c17bc7a95bd0234192dc635d0
| SPKI checked via https://v1.pwnedkeys.com/spki-hash: | Good: Key isn't compromised
| OCSP - Url: |
| OCSP - must staple: | no
| Certificate Transparency: | no
| Enhanced Key Usage: |
| 9.
| CN=Go Daddy Root Certificate Authority - G2, OU=https://certs.godaddy.com/repository/, O="GoDaddy.com, Inc.", L=Scottsdale, S=Arizona, C=US
| 03.05.2011
| 03.05.2031 expires in 2339 days |
| 9.
| CN=Go Daddy Root Certificate Authority - G2, OU=https://certs.godaddy.com/repository/, O="GoDaddy.com, Inc.", L=Scottsdale, S=Arizona, C=US
| 03.05.2011
03.05.2031 expires in 2339 days |
| Keyalgorithm | RSA encryption (2048 bit) | Signatur: | SHA256 With RSA-Encryption
| Serial Number: | 2003
| Thumbprint: | 841D4A9FC9D3B2F0CA5FAB95525AB2066ACF8322
| SHA256 / Certificate: | m/WJZ1RZlhlFEtthdxUa/plwauo9o2/u562fizwFB8s=
| SHA256 hex / Cert (DANE * 0 1): | e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855
| SHA256 hex / PublicKey (DANE * 1 1): | 2a8f2d8af0eb123898f74c866ac3fa669054e23c17bc7a95bd0234192dc635d0
| SHA256 hex / Subject Public Key Information (SPKI): | 2a8f2d8af0eb123898f74c866ac3fa669054e23c17bc7a95bd0234192dc635d0
| SPKI checked via https://v1.pwnedkeys.com/spki-hash: | Check unknown. No result 404 / 200
| OCSP - Url: | http://ocsp.godaddy.com/
| OCSP - must staple: | no
| Certificate Transparency: | no
| Enhanced Key Usage: |
| 10.
| OU=Go Daddy Class 2 Certification Authority, O="The Go Daddy Group, Inc.", C=US
| 29.06.2004
| 29.06.2034 expires in 3492 days |
| 10.
| OU=Go Daddy Class 2 Certification Authority, O="The Go Daddy Group, Inc.", C=US
| 29.06.2004
29.06.2034 expires in 3492 days |
| Keyalgorithm | RSA encryption ( bit) | Signatur: | SHA-1 with RSA Encryption
| Serial Number: | 00
| Thumbprint: | 2796BAE63F1801E277261BA0D77770028F20EEE4
| SHA256 / Certificate: | w4Rr8kuek8pkJ0wOxnwezF4CT/ys0tdAGTUOgf5UauQ=
| SHA256 hex / Cert (DANE * 0 1): | c3846bf24b9e93ca64274c0ec67c1ecc5e024ffcacd2d74019350e81fe546ae4
| SHA256 hex / PublicKey (DANE * 1 1): | 5632d97bfa775bf3c99ddea52fc2553410864016729c52dd6524c8a9c3b4489f
| SHA256 hex / Subject Public Key Information (SPKI): | 5632d97bfa775bf3c99ddea52fc2553410864016729c52dd6524c8a9c3b4489f
| SPKI checked via https://v1.pwnedkeys.com/spki-hash: | Good: Key isn't compromised
| OCSP - Url: |
| OCSP - must staple: | no
| Certificate Transparency: | no
| Enhanced Key Usage: |
| 11.
| OU=Go Daddy Class 2 Certification Authority, O="The Go Daddy Group, Inc.", C=US
| 29.06.2004
| 29.06.2034 expires in 3492 days |
| 11.
| OU=Go Daddy Class 2 Certification Authority, O="The Go Daddy Group, Inc.", C=US
| 29.06.2004
29.06.2034 expires in 3492 days |
| Keyalgorithm | RSA encryption ( bit) | Signatur: | SHA-1 with RSA Encryption
| Serial Number: | 00
| Thumbprint: | 2796BAE63F1801E277261BA0D77770028F20EEE4
| SHA256 / Certificate: | w4Rr8kuek8pkJ0wOxnwezF4CT/ys0tdAGTUOgf5UauQ=
| SHA256 hex / Cert (DANE * 0 1): | c3846bf24b9e93ca64274c0ec67c1ecc5e024ffcacd2d74019350e81fe546ae4
| SHA256 hex / PublicKey (DANE * 1 1): | 5632d97bfa775bf3c99ddea52fc2553410864016729c52dd6524c8a9c3b4489f
| SHA256 hex / Subject Public Key Information (SPKI): | 5632d97bfa775bf3c99ddea52fc2553410864016729c52dd6524c8a9c3b4489f
| SPKI checked via https://v1.pwnedkeys.com/spki-hash: | Good: Key isn't compromised
| OCSP - Url: |
| OCSP - must staple: | no
| Certificate Transparency: | no
| Enhanced Key Usage: |