Domainname | Html-Element | name/equiv/ property/rel | href/src/content | HttpStatus | msg | ∑ | Status |
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| ok
| |
| |
| |
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| 2
| ok
| |
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| 2
| ok
| |
| |
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| 1
| ok
| |
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| ok
| |
| |
| |
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| | text/html; charset=UTF-8 missing X-Content-Type-Options nosniff |
| | 332 Bytes
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| Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) not supported
| |
| iframe
| src
| 1
| ok
| |
| |
| |
| img
| src
| 200
| 1
| ok
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| |
| img
| src
| 200
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| img
| src
| 200
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| |
| img
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| 200
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| ok
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| |
| img
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| 200
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| ok
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| |
| img
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| 200
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| ok
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| |
| img
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| 600w
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| img
| src
| 200
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| ok
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| ok
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| 200
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| img
| src
| 200
| 1
| ok
alt: Personalisation | image/png X-Content-Type-Options nosniff found |
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| img
| src
| 200
| 1
| ok
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| link
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| |
| |
| |
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| link
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| |
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| Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) supported
| missing crossorigin=anonymous|use-credentials and integrity - attribute, possible hash-values:
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sha256-ylRcJ4PtSQ2hnl91IqpdL3dvpDlpl1+ZvrF46TeUEZ0= sha384-dFMSsWOgDvZ/qye/mKkjnIO5R9NZdU462NV1SzaDzWpXmhorLv2ZeeNmSR1xRkx/ sha512-ZL3SklNjhL8lc6ZwHZXfpEqgnulXJcUgsU0FMkCfgZ1edhGW7q++rwxJTukEByYFjW4Yq+LzX3Y65rwgmCuOTQ==
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| 324 Bytes
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| local SRI possible, possible hash-values:
sha256-4JRpY178GEIUXj/bwq6G7e+XSLvZdR6zzGxTKpl7Lz4= sha384-ZiinLXG5EyXm5FipNl4F3JsiqeGLVGj77Xw7h6IQUFKfGvUbsfptmlhdsLQfxBnh sha512-xrkau630B5Txvq3Lyk1aqfElhmZicaVqx/jzUOp2kLMxaML4ybFXzOZHPiEIx2keNjdEC7o+FXG/58/ZgJ4Bbg==
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| 155 Bytes
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sha256-uA85CYvTVi4UHdgWwLCYY7frCp9bW6IlbImEbrxw/Gs= sha384-yTARGEBOV32kanFXeX8RoDkXTd98DRqKrY4Nn3qNlptnSMycpgttsfN+06FS3gNX sha512-3LX9LOtWIX78kfchmGDV68npDNxaHeQUGyC1vxfMgF7JOrkZOracMZ1tUpx9jfrQhfogNG5jRL2rov8NMLsecQ==
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| local SRI possible, possible hash-values:
sha256-wCN0oJynO0FbNIa9vs0Xu4qMcQubkJUuklIFhClQxTU= sha384-YZops0bz67sZasXtS0daSF36iN5BT85KuLi1WPReKCFamiGO4C+QvHm5OZi/Xair sha512-RcxN/B9hLvdxY3eBKCPUG9veQthe7SJloYMZ2J2qh4YoX493V7nulkzrEeCEXNCq5E3iE7+N/1QghvpBFlGXSQ==
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| local SRI possible, possible hash-values:
sha256-OzHNBw+E7O0b0hEdUIP8iSNjBml2z3lhgL/QSHaU3e8= sha384-1pU19lOqyviFCeFOzVb732kqmZgO93xKN2b2YXJTbYYvsy8+jlHMTNxSvVQkGEZ1 sha512-Dhszf7YItoAxAzd74WWXbgt1b/OneqWhpazynLfGSw5Tc60aND+mgNrPWwh4RE0AqwUbiacV70x73bnluAR8iA==
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sha256-u8gwqenAiHeBoAIO2nVucsDJiM3692jFbZZAYfU76ak= sha384-wcQJ5gBcI8Xdbp5ci/t90A0CCIBPPC0EluoweqCTjXPDfo7zsw8keS8SG1pdsSfx sha512-9Fh2smQ8XIyeP2S89dQO6M99AVJau6igHYRbOwio8DROts6MMbbaZ+r7QC8Wcl6a4uor1iQ/dipx6EeNy7C+jA==
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sha256-hBsQSfsXYEcnYWQBGPfX32E9h3uJ7y3xrQFSX6TRdUE= sha384-kqpXwnh/IC0aJ+T5NpJCxPxM16HwD+qMDEN4dH9rnQPwb53adE0qhrkRC+vmzDRg sha512-vx3dJUr2jD5RmcgBy3tkL6MDH3I6LCJh6bL3VHnwXew9dctDX+V6IRU/PMbZ4E93laQ1iYTNjR9ERR9CeXHFhA==
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| local SRI possible, possible hash-values:
sha256-qnmJRXJRILo2Vm65YqQYhgvKMbNUKmQqeg9N5deeADQ= sha384-Lf8dlKsra9aiZfHA8D2N2ccEYntySmi2xsmcaGRCoSx0sxGFyP2YtuAFKkbPVVvf sha512-XuOja/FxPYFBFj2MGMsxEma/sIC5kR2oXgQyMOh+2vwxVS8YtwcsRthzoYGroOMK4uzIRVH94EZIAbFDB4+1iw==
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sha256-ZeXoLCzN8CRepngMiPAy8LSYljobPfyJuZec56yx+wg= sha384-8+feiSXjqd4slXC+5QlKgjyJE0WOcgkGIPDa4ZJ6nqwg1jykWtuf7prkp5Sqig44 sha512-xzFtx5KhIh1/DkfC9nWBl7/Anpi7r37OjYVOEQ2k5Yf3ZjZhIsP/d1IbV2Xiqlt6hftPv72sitps6nfHiJPyUg==
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sha256-HDwuG0XXlw5nX78XgcVXP2b/587cQqPPKYPd8y8o0rQ= sha384-tL/8Ehqam6gJAwQWRKzBcD7ET8n1Yes0ir6ZSiodTk6Yq/TQTwy1HCRRFUKD0LH1 sha512-EuLUwifp5cyTYQoy0/ZZIMSf5cb6ToCwd5Nl4ThTrDg6VgfMMsH0Gslyt+wb6JxlpQgQ+TwsikYHtqqdmE1mEA==
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sha256-G05YyQ/BLiPTOvL5MKc0WeM8CfElbOF4Bl7tU6aU1QU= sha384-OE2lv7uLt0VlO3KyXDANOjsAK5W33PzD4uwX3EFIHtd+o+kCRLRPnuAEzKYCn36l sha512-L+IdWQxX7n/VLE2WC08t8CzjQnKNk4OHF72qrUhZvjbD5bKbNngqMo+jA1ZnqzhwXr4mV23REUVY5gTwVx7dZA==
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sha256-2H3fkXt6FEmrReK448mDVGKb3WW2ZZw35gI7vqHOE4Y= sha384-SZXxX4whJ79/gErwcOYf+zWLeJdY/qpuqC4cAa9rOGUstPomtqpuNWT9wdPEn2fk sha512-iBBXm8fW90+nuLcSKlbmrPcLa0OT92xO1BIsZ+ywDWZCvqsWgccV3gFoRBv0z+8dLJgyAHIhR35VZc2oM/gI1w==
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sha256-+vxBYHiL7KZX7D4wQZdigfttVKDoK7TSKkM/fGu4sdY= sha384-zqwOv8uHxy1en75s6t6BV3XeNXUWSYt9e7SMhUDYOFStiNRWZezxLPDlDkYtHD19 sha512-g1KtmlZeAJJCl1nSnpOE+cSl34dP3ESKJHCAmTo6yZlh8Tc31XzEsmunEHpL8gcY2SQpYm4XXNRtu6yieQ6+Aw==
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sha256-qwfTakgIVOyERzJWwBKsH4rUcZYW1kq3VrpKRBSqSJE= sha384-t6IvRA4T6eTOtoT/IzE/muteuqY/PAvjdwjo30e1gGJ/L8TK1hUtNuPD8kxtKUNY sha512-pnGTm/3Ugbl9jmBQfnD0Q32J7dxI8Zg2Iiejye3bckWUV98Zz44JIvcuiHa9v9yk23Tg3CC2N0+EiKjiosT56Q==
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| Communicator migration to the advanced email marketing and SMS service powered by Campaigner. Reliable and secure email marketing automation.
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Missing defer / async attribute.
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Missing defer / async attribute.
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| Problems with Content-Type - Header - see details
Missing defer / async attribute.
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Missing defer / async attribute.
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| This Combination of MediaType "application" and MediaSubType "javascript" is obsolete. Don't use it. See to find a correct Combination. Use "text/javascript" instead.
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| Problems with Content-Type - Header - see details
Missing defer / async attribute.
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| This Combination of MediaType "application" and MediaSubType "javascript" is obsolete. Don't use it. See to find a correct Combination. Use "text/javascript" instead.
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Missing defer / async attribute.
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| This Combination of MediaType "application" and MediaSubType "javascript" is obsolete. Don't use it. See to find a correct Combination. Use "text/javascript" instead.
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| Problems with Content-Type - Header - see details
Missing defer / async attribute.
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| This Combination of MediaType "application" and MediaSubType "javascript" is obsolete. Don't use it. See to find a correct Combination. Use "text/javascript" instead.
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| Problems with Content-Type - Header - see details
Missing defer / async attribute.
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| This Combination of MediaType "application" and MediaSubType "javascript" is obsolete. Don't use it. See to find a correct Combination. Use "text/javascript" instead.
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| local SRI possible, possible hash-values:
sha256-FVLbjlr4mZYckeEVde3lwW+LLLZaqv2HegKEVnDlXh4= sha384-TS0oiTwl9cHVKkjXG5os6mB2HYwf4lFdYa9wfjvYQg7SjrnIR+tbEuOUPsv70Yz2 sha512-zb063RarXNYDrA6t7lr+lwar6BXLX+lQaQZrUpB0M9D4B4Xoy1fvtOYh5L2jaZl8oqgTS/RQm8TBpiegIvn+tg==
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| script
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| Problems with Content-Type - Header - see details
Missing defer / async attribute.
| application/javascript; charset=UTF-8 X-Content-Type-Options nosniff found |
| This Combination of MediaType "application" and MediaSubType "javascript" is obsolete. Don't use it. See to find a correct Combination. Use "text/javascript" instead.
| Cache-Control: public, max-age=31536000, s-maxage=2592000 - with long duration found.
| Compression (br): 4020/15073 Bytes
| ETag: W/"67a1ef52-3ae1"
| local SRI possible, possible hash-values:
sha256-bzUnO4UCcG7gaFTXlzN6tAvBs6dCGWCizrU5KshaD1Q= sha384-7yVHdvz6Y0Huo+pOF6ZCm5meb1SLirtYon+layt8IiYQLSz5FZHsJjnRUzswU5nu sha512-ajKI9hDV9wNEpI+IXqWhh3vYaQNftQ9uUVndwJxnx//MbZqsTMU3gA8+hDSaomNF1CE08wW0G91QBOcbIWDL8Q==
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| script
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| 200
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| Problems with Content-Type - Header - see details
Missing defer / async attribute.
| application/javascript; charset=UTF-8 X-Content-Type-Options nosniff found |
| This Combination of MediaType "application" and MediaSubType "javascript" is obsolete. Don't use it. See to find a correct Combination. Use "text/javascript" instead.
| Cache-Control: public, max-age=31536000, s-maxage=2592000 - with long duration found.
| Compression (br): 10185/44708 Bytes
| ETag: W/"67a1ef53-aea4"
| local SRI possible, possible hash-values:
sha256-iC2zjJLiD0vFsCIo8Y7sP0bu+NgooYzepiDpWv0S/Kc= sha384-0zvadvHbZhFta1ujkRZ9eQuPNVENuKU37zGwD4AlcBi1daQy9nhLDrD3I7HEBJ4m sha512-7vIip/ls+23CMWqVaBnRaYoLfhazBcuzz8IZ4Oh+bQNtuBli6YFnVAvpKtP0HzrQo65L/Ar4YNN56skRbcoRFA==
crossorigin="anonymous" integrity="sha256-iC2zjJLiD0vFsCIo8Y7sP0bu+NgooYzepiDpWv0S/Kc=" /> |
| |
| script
| src
| 200
| 1
| Problems with Content-Type - Header - see details
Missing defer / async attribute.
| application/javascript; charset=UTF-8 X-Content-Type-Options nosniff found |
| This Combination of MediaType "application" and MediaSubType "javascript" is obsolete. Don't use it. See to find a correct Combination. Use "text/javascript" instead.
| Cache-Control: public, max-age=31536000, s-maxage=2592000 - with long duration found.
| Compression (br): 6265/24210 Bytes
| ETag: W/"67a1ef53-5e92"
| local SRI possible, possible hash-values:
sha256-hBj3ThkWbph2HIpXbB0W4fuPWXoo6o2XSMCHQPqJO74= sha384-tLH6Bfvn8pEQ/UAUbk8oba3FxBWXL4DAMp3q9Jc0X0MerEWMKYmQduMYmSJLAyn4 sha512-1p8SNcCRBAuY9ZiobrvF6lHiNn47qUbWeNtKKC7RXXHlrj4V4IW//0xqtvKUtgfhOHKEyLJmu/KDsyA785qUYg==
crossorigin="anonymous" integrity="sha256-hBj3ThkWbph2HIpXbB0W4fuPWXoo6o2XSMCHQPqJO74=" /> |
| |
| script
| src
| 200
| 1
| Problems with Content-Type - Header - see details
Missing defer / async attribute.
| application/javascript; charset=UTF-8 X-Content-Type-Options nosniff found |
| This Combination of MediaType "application" and MediaSubType "javascript" is obsolete. Don't use it. See to find a correct Combination. Use "text/javascript" instead.
| Cache-Control: public, max-age=31536000, s-maxage=2592000 - with long duration found.
| Compression (br): 2629/6263 Bytes
| ETag: W/"67a1ef53-1877"
| local SRI possible, possible hash-values:
sha256-10v38jRGYl6bDHqzYwTEMxk+AvpT6CClZbiGOrJ2DYs= sha384-lN+raGd+NinpJ8ex65KgH9EkNDEztKfmQRHjkJxEmH2ed5k/vGEdYw8OeySA7SJV sha512-HIZciFmn4JGLGKLQm08xa8FoMXGWbCaYMz1bdHGLfcrQbEHmmgztz8ozwyagCV25HUUSgcuS2/BjUBkP3zoi2w==
crossorigin="anonymous" integrity="sha256-10v38jRGYl6bDHqzYwTEMxk+AvpT6CClZbiGOrJ2DYs=" /> |
| |
| script
| src
| 200
| 1
| Problems with Content-Type - Header - see details
Missing defer / async attribute.
| application/javascript; charset=UTF-8 X-Content-Type-Options nosniff found |
| This Combination of MediaType "application" and MediaSubType "javascript" is obsolete. Don't use it. See to find a correct Combination. Use "text/javascript" instead.
| Cache-Control: public, max-age=31536000, s-maxage=2592000 - with long duration found.
| Compression (br): 1443/3721 Bytes
| ETag: W/"67a1ef53-e89"
| local SRI possible, possible hash-values:
sha256-NLvRw2f/x9gPz/hsfl+Hd+cPSRG7Mk6Oz8fdNgSpbmg= sha384-E/L8r4LI/dWsw/aLtD0Tfo3xPDB22Y0BcyPioc3o2v8UfHTIC14t/Sx0bIgWVpe5 sha512-bJ9kKIDHAoYuF/aGbrtg17gsanaI0ouXHC7n+jrTAdjkWiO7Tn9nBi2RkzdPdksDNeg0I+fqEjQQ7b3b96Tg6g==
crossorigin="anonymous" integrity="sha256-NLvRw2f/x9gPz/hsfl+Hd+cPSRG7Mk6Oz8fdNgSpbmg=" /> |
| |
| script
| src
| 200
| 1
| Problems with Content-Type - Header - see details
defer attribute found
| application/javascript; charset=UTF-8 X-Content-Type-Options nosniff found |
| This Combination of MediaType "application" and MediaSubType "javascript" is obsolete. Don't use it. See to find a correct Combination. Use "text/javascript" instead.
| Cache-Control: public, max-age=31536000, s-maxage=2592000 - with long duration found.
| 194 Bytes
| ETag: W/"6703abc6-1e6"
| local SRI possible, possible hash-values:
sha256-i7wKdzdkPdfCNEupYVkmMhU8tTU8ksUSczlifhSwkUM= sha384-aEmUi7ZqWlqrP0CJgaEUcxUY7icEBS7q1vnBABSmm3khb7ROJPl3aXIMdJWDMl+c sha512-+rBxIAqQVzJngDBMMcRGww9+LO313lLSNxFO2i9f2YEvs94OVQSHny5fnyjo0tH9+WdYxUIwKa6qV78YjdXJJQ==
crossorigin="anonymous" integrity="sha256-i7wKdzdkPdfCNEupYVkmMhU8tTU8ksUSczlifhSwkUM=" /> |
| |
| script
| src
| 200
| 1
| Problems with Content-Type - Header - see details
Missing defer / async attribute.
| application/javascript; charset=UTF-8 X-Content-Type-Options nosniff found |
| This Combination of MediaType "application" and MediaSubType "javascript" is obsolete. Don't use it. See to find a correct Combination. Use "text/javascript" instead.
| Cache-Control: public, max-age=31536000, s-maxage=2592000 - with long duration found.
| Compression (br): 3655/8214 Bytes
| ETag: W/"67a1ef57-2016"
| local SRI possible, possible hash-values:
sha256-gHQZ1fYPeNDC0EsL9eP4BBD+f/qiv+4wZG5Mb0eDi08= sha384-i8e+EOqD+zRb3id2VXU5dyY493JVOGX8mQvqCxxSj2gBomwzzlavNZcascVqXNyj sha512-AS1aXipWIkO68FhJoVc6JakV+31TztiGtAZlFvK21TCgnqvwEHBgW3PN2B2sgIVTa9VMcTX7nAU/LsUH8Rhl0A==
crossorigin="anonymous" integrity="sha256-gHQZ1fYPeNDC0EsL9eP4BBD+f/qiv+4wZG5Mb0eDi08=" /> |
| |
| script
| src
| 200
| 1
| Problems with Content-Type - Header - see details
Missing defer / async attribute.
| application/javascript; charset=UTF-8 X-Content-Type-Options nosniff found |
| This Combination of MediaType "application" and MediaSubType "javascript" is obsolete. Don't use it. See to find a correct Combination. Use "text/javascript" instead.
| Cache-Control: public, max-age=31536000, s-maxage=2592000 - with long duration found.
| Compression (br): 549/1936 Bytes
| ETag: W/"67975013-790"
| local SRI possible, possible hash-values:
sha256-oKvIz03Jc3vS3sZHMGe76go9OU+QGMcV5aLEUqnJVaA= sha384-fAiIugmvxu3xKKUN6IHuge5SH1Hd2+PMmEXuzAzz04wuZHprc/qsJGVlk36WYpvr sha512-/mEAJxFZzzAp1gnnm3/XO3A9nZ7TDijPCZ/nRlIeXHNx+Po2hKKoCOHNz0br49et9ygL/IobmRcVFmo/InsyNw==
crossorigin="anonymous" integrity="sha256-oKvIz03Jc3vS3sZHMGe76go9OU+QGMcV5aLEUqnJVaA=" /> |
| |
| script
| src
| 200
| 1
| Problems with Content-Type - Header - see details
Missing defer / async attribute.
| application/javascript; charset=UTF-8 X-Content-Type-Options nosniff found |
| This Combination of MediaType "application" and MediaSubType "javascript" is obsolete. Don't use it. See to find a correct Combination. Use "text/javascript" instead.
| Cache-Control: public, max-age=31536000, s-maxage=2592000 - with long duration found.
| Compression (br): 1571/4776 Bytes
| ETag: W/"6733cbeb-12a8"
| local SRI possible, possible hash-values:
sha256-mh4NOLaR8dIqks/2XsBDm0KBcKw5pEk8fssG1VhfVqM= sha384-pxTjBnigEnMXhtg90Mtw6a5mXSHRa4Nv395ZqF3X/2cGGG83EExR3VWxBru+8FCY sha512-inZjBMqpyIjPyrZOq6uQaQWWXn+8/E95x0qxIriSRWq60hXQiD3xcCOhahi6Faaks9D6U0XKtxc9d49yW4J8Mw==
crossorigin="anonymous" integrity="sha256-mh4NOLaR8dIqks/2XsBDm0KBcKw5pEk8fssG1VhfVqM=" /> |
| |
| script
| src
| 200
| 1
| Problems with Content-Type - Header - see details
Missing defer / async attribute.
| application/javascript; charset=UTF-8 X-Content-Type-Options nosniff found |
| This Combination of MediaType "application" and MediaSubType "javascript" is obsolete. Don't use it. See to find a correct Combination. Use "text/javascript" instead.
| Cache-Control: public, max-age=31536000, s-maxage=2592000 - with long duration found.
| Compression (br): 3539/9141 Bytes
| ETag: W/"660c7abb-23b5"
| local SRI possible, possible hash-values:
sha256-8xPRLqYSS9KPxKa3Fj0lO7g9Wuq17c5ZSIDFw99HXLw= sha384-hnYVmuCsg8n73pCGzT+E9KjbkAocBcDlqspluS9v15qsGTxkG9DsycOTtzXltpsQ sha512-qhDdxbKZBcYKBY+u0/XxlfdXfOrEZIngJGG1E1cyGU2qOu9KpHMSe/jHUzEuAgdM/ayND48MyKpUTH+OAr69CA==
crossorigin="anonymous" integrity="sha256-8xPRLqYSS9KPxKa3Fj0lO7g9Wuq17c5ZSIDFw99HXLw=" /> |
| |
| script
| src
| 200
| 1
| Problems with Content-Type - Header - see details
Missing defer / async attribute.
| application/javascript; charset=UTF-8 X-Content-Type-Options nosniff found |
| This Combination of MediaType "application" and MediaSubType "javascript" is obsolete. Don't use it. See to find a correct Combination. Use "text/javascript" instead.
| Cache-Control: public, max-age=31536000, s-maxage=2592000 - with long duration found.
| Compression (br): 29597/87553 Bytes
| ETag: W/"654aae5e-15601"
| local SRI possible, possible hash-values:
sha256-y28tMsSdHCsl6f/Jqq+j+DB1NGwBvNSubrGHOSpCks8= sha384-vT0xsrWPQ3JMjk9+X3p3J4glfdqQsMBzYwpxS1LPybrkJs6kZDw7slFXJ2iUkUy4 sha512-/Hn9t2djAl3Dn6wEWiFf8VXvL0kqDpZAB51vCJ+mIYrys6t8bq9jaCfe6SlOaTmpWrJFVOhwyXZnnCVWetY3TA==
crossorigin="anonymous" integrity="sha256-y28tMsSdHCsl6f/Jqq+j+DB1NGwBvNSubrGHOSpCks8=" /> |
| |
| script
| src
| 200
| 1
| Problems with Content-Type - Header - see details
Missing defer / async attribute.
| application/javascript; charset=UTF-8 X-Content-Type-Options nosniff found |
| This Combination of MediaType "application" and MediaSubType "javascript" is obsolete. Don't use it. See to find a correct Combination. Use "text/javascript" instead.
| Cache-Control: public, max-age=31536000, s-maxage=2592000 - with long duration found.
| Compression (br): 4677/13577 Bytes
| ETag: W/"64d2b64a-3509"
| local SRI possible, possible hash-values:
sha256-UnTxHm+zKuDPLfufgEMnKGXDl6fEIjtM+n1Q6lL73ok= sha384-ez4i72z0XhJqm0ZRoQkpPN0bDV8Kw8PK3n8kjEZsWhRDrfICLd0AGghHJB+vytx0 sha512-jWvlRVCKHDgni4rXgMN1iuSKJeThLu5EM3WqVgMdmzVvjJDyLU8lEUD6P2VgOvQFIxZeM8ri4tYvx47BBuPXMQ==
crossorigin="anonymous" integrity="sha256-UnTxHm+zKuDPLfufgEMnKGXDl6fEIjtM+n1Q6lL73ok=" /> |
| |
| script
| src
| 200
| 1
| Problems with Content-Type - Header - see details
Missing defer / async attribute.
| application/javascript; charset=UTF-8 X-Content-Type-Options nosniff found |
| This Combination of MediaType "application" and MediaSubType "javascript" is obsolete. Don't use it. See to find a correct Combination. Use "text/javascript" instead.
| Cache-Control: public, max-age=31536000, s-maxage=2592000 - with long duration found.
| Compression (br): 6792/21464 Bytes
| ETag: W/"6696e95b-53d8"
| local SRI possible, possible hash-values:
sha256-foTJ+NcbxustrC/OWabK6mLaUf+oz1a0GAb1k4arEyI= sha384-6yOz1pz5q2PaSBd1tZ+r5lrDl5Ylh4NZVmDtdgEbssoHSePKIWYcAySEwwUjZzFW sha512-MRihmKNxDIOcFdbEtdyfmtzWN5E68uJvQ4sByAsnKB9JN+JarSgXhV2LPrNiB8Ya4W1isX5ph5nFMW6G9SrG/A==
crossorigin="anonymous" integrity="sha256-foTJ+NcbxustrC/OWabK6mLaUf+oz1a0GAb1k4arEyI=" /> |
| |
| script
| src
| 200
| 1
| ok
Missing defer / async attribute.
| text/javascript; charset=utf-8 X-Content-Type-Options nosniff found |
| Cache-Control: max-age=300, private - max-age too short.
| 589 Bytes
| Server-Header Access-Control-Allow-Origin: not found
| Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) not supported
| |
| style
| 200
| 1
| ok
| | image/svg+xml X-Content-Type-Options nosniff found |
| Cache-Control: public, max-age=31536000, s-maxage=2592000 with long duration found.
| Compression (br): 907/3454 Bytes
| ETag: W/"61b9ed1f-d7e"
| |