Zone (*) | DNSSEC - Informations |
Zone: (root)
| 1 DS RR published
| • Status: Valid because published
| 2 DNSKEY RR found
| Public Key with Algorithm 8, KeyTag 20326, Flags 257 (SEP = Secure Entry Point)
| Public Key with Algorithm 8, KeyTag 59944, Flags 256
| 1 RRSIG RR to validate DNSKEY RR found
| RRSIG-Owner (root), Algorithm: 8, 0 Labels, original TTL: 172800 sec, Signature-expiration: 21.08.2019, 00:00:00 +, Signature-Inception: 31.07.2019, 00:00:00 +, KeyTag 20326, Signer-Name: (root)
| • Status: Good - Algorithmus 8 and DNSKEY with KeyTag 20326 used to validate the DNSKEY RRSet
| • Status: Valid Chain of trust. Parent-DS with Algorithm 8, KeyTag 20326, DigestType 2 and Digest "4G1EuAuPHTmpXAsNfGXQhFjogECbvGg0VxBCN8f47I0=" validates local Key with the same values, Key ist Secure Entry Point (SEP) of the zone
Zone: ro
| 1 DS RR in the parent zone found
| 1 RRSIG RR to validate DS RR found
| RRSIG-Owner ro., Algorithm: 8, 1 Labels, original TTL: 86400 sec, Signature-expiration: 15.08.2019, 05:00:00 +, Signature-Inception: 02.08.2019, 04:00:00 +, KeyTag 59944, Signer-Name: (root)
| • Status: Good - Algorithmus 8 and DNSKEY with KeyTag 59944 used to validate the DS RRSet in the parent zone
| 2 DNSKEY RR found
| Public Key with Algorithm 8, KeyTag 23914, Flags 256
| Public Key with Algorithm 8, KeyTag 61747, Flags 257 (SEP = Secure Entry Point)
| 2 RRSIG RR to validate DNSKEY RR found
| RRSIG-Owner ro., Algorithm: 8, 1 Labels, original TTL: 86400 sec, Signature-expiration: 28.08.2019, 03:12:10 +, Signature-Inception: 29.07.2019, 03:10:49 +, KeyTag 23914, Signer-Name: ro
| RRSIG-Owner ro., Algorithm: 8, 1 Labels, original TTL: 86400 sec, Signature-expiration: 28.08.2019, 03:12:10 +, Signature-Inception: 29.07.2019, 03:10:49 +, KeyTag 61747, Signer-Name: ro
| • Status: Good - Algorithmus 8 and DNSKEY with KeyTag 23914 used to validate the DNSKEY RRSet
| • Status: Good - Algorithmus 8 and DNSKEY with KeyTag 61747 used to validate the DNSKEY RRSet
| • Status: Valid Chain of trust. Parent-DS with Algorithm 8, KeyTag 61747, DigestType 2 and Digest "uBFmG1aZQ+DvdfcitLtzednnBiBRbdiICQd9nzNXh4A=" validates local Key with the same values, Key ist Secure Entry Point (SEP) of the zone
| 0 DS RR in the parent zone found
| DS-Query in the parent zone has a valid NSEC3 RR as result with the hashed query name "tv4uhdbkjlnsk6eobmdp2vp395nt0r49" between the hashed NSEC3-owner "tuvmolovcv6ba3joql92v6sadk8cr6ru" and the hashed NextOwner "tv7pqnr33o58md7ufdqdskqmu2pt7ni2". So the parent zone confirmes the not-existence of a DS RR.
Bitmap: NS, DS, RRSIG Validated: RRSIG-Owner, Algorithm: 8, 2 Labels, original TTL: 3600 sec, Signature-expiration: 16.08.2019, 16:13:46 +, Signature-Inception: 17.07.2019, 16:06:37 +, KeyTag 23914, Signer-Name: ro
| 0 DNSKEY RR found
| 0 DS RR in the parent zone found
Zone: (root)
| 1 DS RR published
| • Status: Valid because published
| 2 DNSKEY RR found
| Public Key with Algorithm 8, KeyTag 20326, Flags 257 (SEP = Secure Entry Point)
| Public Key with Algorithm 8, KeyTag 59944, Flags 256
| 1 RRSIG RR to validate DNSKEY RR found
| RRSIG-Owner (root), Algorithm: 8, 0 Labels, original TTL: 172800 sec, Signature-expiration: 21.08.2019, 00:00:00 +, Signature-Inception: 31.07.2019, 00:00:00 +, KeyTag 20326, Signer-Name: (root)
| • Status: Good - Algorithmus 8 and DNSKEY with KeyTag 20326 used to validate the DNSKEY RRSet
| • Status: Valid Chain of trust. Parent-DS with Algorithm 8, KeyTag 20326, DigestType 2 and Digest "4G1EuAuPHTmpXAsNfGXQhFjogECbvGg0VxBCN8f47I0=" validates local Key with the same values, Key ist Secure Entry Point (SEP) of the zone
Zone: at
| 2 DS RR in the parent zone found
| 3 RRSIG RR to validate DS RR found
| RRSIG-Owner at., Algorithm: 8, 1 Labels, original TTL: 86400 sec, Signature-expiration: 15.08.2019, 05:00:00 +, Signature-Inception: 02.08.2019, 04:00:00 +, KeyTag 59944, Signer-Name: (root)
| • Status: Good - Algorithmus 8 and DNSKEY with KeyTag 59944 used to validate the DS RRSet in the parent zone
| 4 DNSKEY RR found
| Public Key with Algorithm 8, KeyTag 19294, Flags 257 (SEP = Secure Entry Point)
| Public Key with Algorithm 8, KeyTag 19416, Flags 256
| Public Key with Algorithm 8, KeyTag 26039, Flags 257 (SEP = Secure Entry Point)
| Public Key with Algorithm 8, KeyTag 54691, Flags 256
| 1 RRSIG RR to validate DNSKEY RR found
| RRSIG-Owner at., Algorithm: 8, 1 Labels, original TTL: 3600 sec, Signature-expiration: 14.08.2019, 03:19:24 +, Signature-Inception: 31.07.2019, 08:23:30 +, KeyTag 26039, Signer-Name: at
| • Status: Good - Algorithmus 8 and DNSKEY with KeyTag 26039 used to validate the DNSKEY RRSet
| • Status: Valid Chain of trust. Parent-DS with Algorithm 8, KeyTag 26039, DigestType 2 and Digest "HdkPg7qg8H/k28KG097oSpa8fBSVmQj6YbDQysMiu3k=" validates local Key with the same values, Key ist Secure Entry Point (SEP) of the zone
| 0 DS RR in the parent zone found
| DS-Query in the parent zone has a valid NSEC3 RR as result with the hashed query name "40mvkcguo3jocggg9aneokso2egrlh0l" between the hashed NSEC3-owner "40lhoqu4l8ftjg8kj88ouug084i75ai7" and the hashed NextOwner "40odfclo96vds6nrk8on1lc1fmvke3vq". So the parent zone confirmes the not-existence of a DS RR.
Bitmap: NS, DS, RRSIG Validated: RRSIG-Owner, Algorithm: 8, 2 Labels, original TTL: 10800 sec, Signature-expiration: 16.08.2019, 15:17:16 +, Signature-Inception: 02.08.2019, 05:23:31 +, KeyTag 19416, Signer-Name: at
| 0 DNSKEY RR found
| 0 DS RR in the parent zone found
Zone: (root)
| 1 DS RR published
| • Status: Valid because published
| 2 DNSKEY RR found
| Public Key with Algorithm 8, KeyTag 20326, Flags 257 (SEP = Secure Entry Point)
| Public Key with Algorithm 8, KeyTag 59944, Flags 256
| 1 RRSIG RR to validate DNSKEY RR found
| RRSIG-Owner (root), Algorithm: 8, 0 Labels, original TTL: 172800 sec, Signature-expiration: 21.08.2019, 00:00:00 +, Signature-Inception: 31.07.2019, 00:00:00 +, KeyTag 20326, Signer-Name: (root)
| • Status: Good - Algorithmus 8 and DNSKEY with KeyTag 20326 used to validate the DNSKEY RRSet
| • Status: Valid Chain of trust. Parent-DS with Algorithm 8, KeyTag 20326, DigestType 2 and Digest "4G1EuAuPHTmpXAsNfGXQhFjogECbvGg0VxBCN8f47I0=" validates local Key with the same values, Key ist Secure Entry Point (SEP) of the zone
Zone: at
| 2 DS RR in the parent zone found
| 3 RRSIG RR to validate DS RR found
| RRSIG-Owner at., Algorithm: 8, 1 Labels, original TTL: 86400 sec, Signature-expiration: 15.08.2019, 05:00:00 +, Signature-Inception: 02.08.2019, 04:00:00 +, KeyTag 59944, Signer-Name: (root)
| • Status: Good - Algorithmus 8 and DNSKEY with KeyTag 59944 used to validate the DS RRSet in the parent zone
| 4 DNSKEY RR found
| Public Key with Algorithm 8, KeyTag 19294, Flags 257 (SEP = Secure Entry Point)
| Public Key with Algorithm 8, KeyTag 19416, Flags 256
| Public Key with Algorithm 8, KeyTag 26039, Flags 257 (SEP = Secure Entry Point)
| Public Key with Algorithm 8, KeyTag 54691, Flags 256
| 1 RRSIG RR to validate DNSKEY RR found
| RRSIG-Owner at., Algorithm: 8, 1 Labels, original TTL: 3600 sec, Signature-expiration: 14.08.2019, 03:19:24 +, Signature-Inception: 31.07.2019, 08:23:30 +, KeyTag 26039, Signer-Name: at
| • Status: Good - Algorithmus 8 and DNSKEY with KeyTag 26039 used to validate the DNSKEY RRSet
| • Status: Valid Chain of trust. Parent-DS with Algorithm 8, KeyTag 26039, DigestType 2 and Digest "HdkPg7qg8H/k28KG097oSpa8fBSVmQj6YbDQysMiu3k=" validates local Key with the same values, Key ist Secure Entry Point (SEP) of the zone
| 0 DS RR in the parent zone found
| DS-Query in the parent zone has a valid NSEC3 RR as result with the hashed query name "k4j1svjdufeevn7un8tqqkj53llgnhk6" between the hashed NSEC3-owner "k4j1svjdufeevn7un8tqqkj53llgnhk6" and the hashed NextOwner "k4nav9t7m240jrn32odd0ege0kl3m989". So the parent zone confirmes the not-existence of a DS RR.
Bitmap: No Bitmap? Validated: RRSIG-Owner, Algorithm: 8, 2 Labels, original TTL: 10800 sec, Signature-expiration: 16.08.2019, 13:58:32 +, Signature-Inception: 02.08.2019, 05:23:31 +, KeyTag 19416, Signer-Name: at
| 0 DNSKEY RR found
| 0 DS RR in the parent zone found
| DS-Query in the parent zone has a valid NSEC3 RR as result with the hashed query name "23dbo4e9lok90up4mtpg7l6k6vl3s6d3" between the hashed NSEC3-owner "23buk31v3fk3aosvavrbn0bcp4m04kiv" and the hashed NextOwner "23dnhkmm1tpa5dp53e4jgmkhf8pcouu4". So the parent zone confirmes the not-existence of a DS RR.
Bitmap: NS, DS, RRSIG Validated: RRSIG-Owner, Algorithm: 8, 2 Labels, original TTL: 10800 sec, Signature-expiration: 16.08.2019, 16:03:44 +, Signature-Inception: 02.08.2019, 05:23:31 +, KeyTag 19416, Signer-Name: at
| 0 DNSKEY RR found
| 0 DS RR in the parent zone found
| 0 DNSKEY RR found
Zone: (root)
| 1 DS RR published
| • Status: Valid because published
| 2 DNSKEY RR found
| Public Key with Algorithm 8, KeyTag 20326, Flags 257 (SEP = Secure Entry Point)
| Public Key with Algorithm 8, KeyTag 59944, Flags 256
| 1 RRSIG RR to validate DNSKEY RR found
| RRSIG-Owner (root), Algorithm: 8, 0 Labels, original TTL: 172800 sec, Signature-expiration: 21.08.2019, 00:00:00 +, Signature-Inception: 31.07.2019, 00:00:00 +, KeyTag 20326, Signer-Name: (root)
| • Status: Good - Algorithmus 8 and DNSKEY with KeyTag 20326 used to validate the DNSKEY RRSet
| • Status: Valid Chain of trust. Parent-DS with Algorithm 8, KeyTag 20326, DigestType 2 and Digest "4G1EuAuPHTmpXAsNfGXQhFjogECbvGg0VxBCN8f47I0=" validates local Key with the same values, Key ist Secure Entry Point (SEP) of the zone
Zone: at
| 2 DS RR in the parent zone found
| 3 RRSIG RR to validate DS RR found
| RRSIG-Owner at., Algorithm: 8, 1 Labels, original TTL: 86400 sec, Signature-expiration: 15.08.2019, 05:00:00 +, Signature-Inception: 02.08.2019, 04:00:00 +, KeyTag 59944, Signer-Name: (root)
| • Status: Good - Algorithmus 8 and DNSKEY with KeyTag 59944 used to validate the DS RRSet in the parent zone
| 4 DNSKEY RR found
| Public Key with Algorithm 8, KeyTag 19294, Flags 257 (SEP = Secure Entry Point)
| Public Key with Algorithm 8, KeyTag 19416, Flags 256
| Public Key with Algorithm 8, KeyTag 26039, Flags 257 (SEP = Secure Entry Point)
| Public Key with Algorithm 8, KeyTag 54691, Flags 256
| 1 RRSIG RR to validate DNSKEY RR found
| RRSIG-Owner at., Algorithm: 8, 1 Labels, original TTL: 3600 sec, Signature-expiration: 14.08.2019, 03:19:24 +, Signature-Inception: 31.07.2019, 08:23:30 +, KeyTag 26039, Signer-Name: at
| • Status: Good - Algorithmus 8 and DNSKEY with KeyTag 26039 used to validate the DNSKEY RRSet
| • Status: Valid Chain of trust. Parent-DS with Algorithm 8, KeyTag 26039, DigestType 2 and Digest "HdkPg7qg8H/k28KG097oSpa8fBSVmQj6YbDQysMiu3k=" validates local Key with the same values, Key ist Secure Entry Point (SEP) of the zone
| 0 DS RR in the parent zone found
| DS-Query in the parent zone has a valid NSEC3 RR as result with the hashed query name "40mvkcguo3jocggg9aneokso2egrlh0l" between the hashed NSEC3-owner "40lhoqu4l8ftjg8kj88ouug084i75ai7" and the hashed NextOwner "40odfclo96vds6nrk8on1lc1fmvke3vq". So the parent zone confirmes the not-existence of a DS RR.
Bitmap: NS, DS, RRSIG Validated: RRSIG-Owner, Algorithm: 8, 2 Labels, original TTL: 10800 sec, Signature-expiration: 16.08.2019, 15:17:16 +, Signature-Inception: 02.08.2019, 05:23:31 +, KeyTag 19416, Signer-Name: at
| 0 DNSKEY RR found
| 0 DS RR in the parent zone found