Url used (first standard-https-result with http status 200): https://www.arvancloud.ir/en |
Summary |
| Good: No non-document-errors |
| 267 errors |
| 104 warnings |
| Type | Message | num found |
1. | error | Bad value 16px for attribute width on element img : Expected a digit but saw p instead. | 38 |
2. | error | Bad value 24px for attribute height on element img : Expected a digit but saw p instead. | 38 |
3. | error | Attribute :class not allowed on element div at this point. | 21 |
4. | error | Bad value for attribute height on element img : The empty string is not a valid non-negative integer. | 16 |
5. | error | Bad value for attribute width on element img : The empty string is not a valid non-negative integer. | 16 |
6. | error | Attribute x-data not allowed on element div at this point. | 11 |
7. | error | Attribute x-show not allowed on element div at this point. | 8 |
8. | error | Attribute x-on:click not allowed on element div at this point. | 8 |
9. | error | An img element must have an alt attribute, except under certain conditions. For details, consult guidance on providing text alternatives for images. | 8 |
10. | error | Attribute x-on:click not allowed on element button at this point. | 7 |
11. | error | Attribute x-tabs:tab not allowed on element h2 at this point. | 6 |
12. | error | Attribute :class not allowed on element h2 at this point. | 6 |
13. | error | Attribute x-tabs:panel not allowed on element div at this point. | 6 |
14. | error | Duplicate ID . | 5 |
15. | error | Attribute x-bind:class not allowed on element button at this point. | 4 |
16. | error | Attribute menu-id not allowed on element div at this point. | 4 |
17. | error | Bad value auto for attribute width on element img : Expected a digit but saw a instead. | 4 |
18. | error | Attribute x-bind:class not allowed on element div at this point. | 4 |
19. | error | Attribute x-on:click not allowed on element img at this point. | 4 |
20. | error | Bad value for attribute id on element section : An ID must not be the empty string. | 4 |
21. | error | Attribute x-on:keydown.escape.prevent.stop not allowed on element div at this point. | 3 |
22. | error | Duplicate attribute class . | 3 |
23. | error | Attribute @mouseleave not allowed on element div at this point. | 3 |
24. | error | Attribute @mouseover not allowed on element div at this point. | 3 |
25. | error | Attribute x-on:focusin.window not allowed on element div at this point. | 2 |
26. | error | Attribute x-id not allowed on element div at this point. | 2 |
27. | error | Attribute x-ref not allowed on element button at this point. | 2 |
28. | error | Attribute :aria-controls not allowed on element button at this point. | 2 |
29. | error | Attribute :aria-expanded not allowed on element button at this point. | 2 |
30. | error | Attribute :id not allowed on element div at this point. | 2 |
31. | error | Attribute x-ref not allowed on element div at this point. | 2 |
32. | error | Attribute x-on:click.outside not allowed on element div at this point. | 2 |
33. | error | Attribute x-transition.origin.top.left not allowed on element div at this point. | 2 |
34. | error | Attribute :class not allowed on element span at this point. | 2 |
35. | error | Bad value for attribute id on element a : An ID must not be the empty string. | 2 |
36. | error | Element meta is missing one or more of the following attributes: content , name , property . | 1 |
37. | error | Element div not allowed as child of element button in this context. (Suppressing further errors from this subtree.) | 1 |
38. | error | Attribute @click.outside not allowed on element div at this point. | 1 |
39. | error | Attribute :style not allowed on element div at this point. | 1 |
40. | error | Attribute x-data not allowed on element header at this point. | 1 |
41. | error | Attribute x-data not allowed on element ul at this point. | 1 |
42. | error | Attribute :class not allowed on element ul at this point. | 1 |
43. | error | Attribute x-foo not allowed on element div at this point. | 1 |
44. | error | Attribute x-tabs not allowed on element div at this point. | 1 |
45. | error | Attribute x-tabs:list not allowed on element div at this point. | 1 |
46. | error | Attribute x-tabs:panels not allowed on element div at this point. | 1 |
47. | error | Attribute x-intersect:enter not allowed on element div at this point. | 1 |
48. | error | Attribute x-intersect:leave not allowed on element div at this point. | 1 |
49. | error | Attribute x-home-solutions not allowed on element div at this point. | 1 |
50. | error | Stray end tag div . | 1 |
51. | info | Attribute :class is not serializable as XML 1.0. | 30 |
52. | info | Attribute x-on:click is not serializable as XML 1.0. | 19 |
53. | info | Attribute x-bind:class is not serializable as XML 1.0. | 8 |
54. | info | Attribute x-tabs:tab is not serializable as XML 1.0. | 6 |
55. | info | Attribute x-tabs:panel is not serializable as XML 1.0. | 6 |
56. | info | The first occurrence of ID was here. | 5 |
57. | info | Section lacks heading. Consider using h2 -h6 elements to add identifying headings to all sections. | 5 |
58. | info | Attribute x-on:keydown.escape.prevent.stop is not serializable as XML 1.0. | 3 |
59. | info | Attribute @mouseleave is not serializable as XML 1.0. | 3 |
60. | info | Attribute @mouseover is not serializable as XML 1.0. | 3 |
61. | info | Attribute x-on:focusin.window is not serializable as XML 1.0. | 2 |
62. | info | Attribute :aria-controls is not serializable as XML 1.0. | 2 |
63. | info | Attribute :aria-expanded is not serializable as XML 1.0. | 2 |
64. | info | Attribute :id is not serializable as XML 1.0. | 2 |
65. | info | Attribute x-on:click.outside is not serializable as XML 1.0. | 2 |
66. | info | Attribute @click.outside is not serializable as XML 1.0. | 1 |
67. | info | Attribute :style is not serializable as XML 1.0. | 1 |
68. | info | Attribute x-tabs:list is not serializable as XML 1.0. | 1 |
69. | info | Attribute x-tabs:panels is not serializable as XML 1.0. | 1 |
70. | info | Attribute x-intersect:enter is not serializable as XML 1.0. | 1 |
71. | info | Attribute x-intersect:leave is not serializable as XML 1.0. | 1 |
Details |
| Type | Message + Sample |
1 | error | Element meta is missing one or more of the following attributes: content , name , property . |
| From line 10, column 5 to line 10, column 43 |
| aba">
<meta prefix="og: http://ogp.me/ns#" /> |
2 | error | Attribute x-data not allowed on element div at this point. |
| From line 141, column 1 to line 165, column 1 |
| "></span>
open: false,
toggle() {
if (this.open) {
return this.close()
this.open = true
close(focusAfter) {
if (! this.open) return
this.open = false
focusAfter && focusAfter.focus()
x-on:focusin.window="! $refs.panel.contains($event.target) && close()"
< |
3 | error | Attribute x-on:keydown.escape.prevent.stop not allowed on element div at this point. |
| From line 141, column 1 to line 165, column 1 |
| "></span>
open: false,
toggle() {
if (this.open) {
return this.close()
this.open = true
close(focusAfter) {
if (! this.open) return
this.open = false
focusAfter && focusAfter.focus()
x-on:focusin.window="! $refs.panel.contains($event.target) && close()"
< |
4 | error | Attribute x-on:focusin.window not allowed on element div at this point. |
| From line 141, column 1 to line 165, column 1 |
| "></span>
open: false,
toggle() {
if (this.open) {
return this.close()
this.open = true
close(focusAfter) {
if (! this.open) return
this.open = false
focusAfter && focusAfter.focus()
x-on:focusin.window="! $refs.panel.contains($event.target) && close()"
< |
5 | error | Attribute x-id not allowed on element div at this point. |
| From line 141, column 1 to line 165, column 1 |
| "></span>
open: false,
toggle() {
if (this.open) {
return this.close()
this.open = true
close(focusAfter) {
if (! this.open) return
this.open = false
focusAfter && focusAfter.focus()
x-on:focusin.window="! $refs.panel.contains($event.target) && close()"
< |
6 | error | Attribute x-ref not allowed on element button at this point. |
| From line 167, column 5 to line 175, column 5 |
| n -->
> |
7 | error | Attribute x-on:click not allowed on element button at this point. |
| From line 167, column 5 to line 175, column 5 |
| n -->
> |
8 | error | Attribute :aria-expanded not allowed on element button at this point. |
| From line 167, column 5 to line 175, column 5 |
| n -->
> |
9 | error | Attribute :aria-controls not allowed on element button at this point. |
| From line 167, column 5 to line 175, column 5 |
| n -->
> |
10 | error | Element div not allowed as child of element button in this context. (Suppressing further errors from this subtree.) |
| From line 176, column 9 to line 176, column 91 |
| >
<div class="flex items-center gap-2 text-gray-900 hover:text-green-500 transition"> |
11 | error | Attribute x-ref not allowed on element div at this point. |
| From line 194, column 5 to line 202, column 5 |
| l -->
style="display: none;"
class="absolute rtl:left-0 ltr:right-0 mt-2 w-32 bg-white rounded shadow-md overflow-hidden p-2 z-50"
> |
12 | error | Attribute x-show not allowed on element div at this point. |
| From line 194, column 5 to line 202, column 5 |
| l -->
style="display: none;"
class="absolute rtl:left-0 ltr:right-0 mt-2 w-32 bg-white rounded shadow-md overflow-hidden p-2 z-50"
> |
13 | error | Attribute x-transition.origin.top.left not allowed on element div at this point. |
| From line 194, column 5 to line 202, column 5 |
| l -->
style="display: none;"
class="absolute rtl:left-0 ltr:right-0 mt-2 w-32 bg-white rounded shadow-md overflow-hidden p-2 z-50"
> |
14 | error | Attribute x-on:click.outside not allowed on element div at this point. |
| From line 194, column 5 to line 202, column 5 |
| l -->
style="display: none;"
class="absolute rtl:left-0 ltr:right-0 mt-2 w-32 bg-white rounded shadow-md overflow-hidden p-2 z-50"
> |
15 | error | Attribute :id not allowed on element div at this point. |
| From line 194, column 5 to line 202, column 5 |
| l -->
style="display: none;"
class="absolute rtl:left-0 ltr:right-0 mt-2 w-32 bg-white rounded shadow-md overflow-hidden p-2 z-50"
> |
16 | error | Attribute x-data not allowed on element div at this point. |
| From line 218, column 5 to line 219, column 72 |
| /div>
<div class="header-bottom" x-data="header" @click.outside="menuId = null"
x-on:keydown.escape.prevent.stop="menuId = null" id="header-bottom">
< |
17 | error | Attribute @click.outside not allowed on element div at this point. |
| From line 218, column 5 to line 219, column 72 |
| /div>
<div class="header-bottom" x-data="header" @click.outside="menuId = null"
x-on:keydown.escape.prevent.stop="menuId = null" id="header-bottom">
< |
18 | error | Attribute x-on:keydown.escape.prevent.stop not allowed on element div at this point. |
| From line 218, column 5 to line 219, column 72 |
| /div>
<div class="header-bottom" x-data="header" @click.outside="menuId = null"
x-on:keydown.escape.prevent.stop="menuId = null" id="header-bottom">
< |
19 | error | Attribute x-bind:class not allowed on element button at this point. |
| From line 225, column 25 to line 226, column 67 |
| <button class="header-menu-button" x-bind:class="menuId == 'products' && 'active'"
x-on:click="menuIdHandler('products')"> |
20 | error | Attribute x-on:click not allowed on element button at this point. |
| From line 225, column 25 to line 226, column 67 |
| <button class="header-menu-button" x-bind:class="menuId == 'products' && 'active'"
x-on:click="menuIdHandler('products')"> |
21 | error | Attribute x-on:click not allowed on element button at this point. |
| From line 237, column 53 to line 238, column 108 |
| <button x-on:click="menuIdHandler('solutions')"
x-bind:class="menuId == 'solutions' && 'active'" class="header-menu-button"> |
22 | error | Attribute x-bind:class not allowed on element button at this point. |
| From line 237, column 53 to line 238, column 108 |
| <button x-on:click="menuIdHandler('solutions')"
x-bind:class="menuId == 'solutions' && 'active'" class="header-menu-button"> |
23 | error | Attribute x-on:click not allowed on element button at this point. |
| From line 249, column 49 to line 250, column 55 |
| <button x-on:click="menuIdHandler('pricing')" x-bind:class="menuId == 'pricing' && 'active'"
class="header-menu-button"> |
24 | error | Attribute x-bind:class not allowed on element button at this point. |
| From line 249, column 49 to line 250, column 55 |
| <button x-on:click="menuIdHandler('pricing')" x-bind:class="menuId == 'pricing' && 'active'"
class="header-menu-button"> |
25 | error | Attribute x-on:click not allowed on element button at this point. |
| From line 262, column 25 to line 263, column 55 |
| <button x-on:click="menuIdHandler('knowledge')" x-bind:class="menuId == 'knowledge' && 'active'"
class="header-menu-button"> |
26 | error | Attribute x-bind:class not allowed on element button at this point. |
| From line 262, column 25 to line 263, column 55 |
| <button x-on:click="menuIdHandler('knowledge')" x-bind:class="menuId == 'knowledge' && 'active'"
class="header-menu-button"> |
27 | error | Attribute :class not allowed on element div at this point. |
| From line 294, column 9 to line 295, column 88 |
| >
<div class="header-panel" :class="{ 'active': menuId != null }"
:style="menuId != null ? { height: `${menuHeight}px` } : { height: '0px' }"> |
28 | error | Attribute :style not allowed on element div at this point. |
| From line 294, column 9 to line 295, column 88 |
| >
<div class="header-panel" :class="{ 'active': menuId != null }"
:style="menuId != null ? { height: `${menuHeight}px` } : { height: '0px' }"> |
29 | error | Attribute :class not allowed on element div at this point. |
| From line 299, column 13 to line 299, column 121 |
| <div class="header-menu header-products-menu" :class="{ 'active': menuId == 'products' }" menu-id="products">
< |
30 | error | Attribute menu-id not allowed on element div at this point. |
| From line 299, column 13 to line 299, column 121 |
| <div class="header-menu header-products-menu" :class="{ 'active': menuId == 'products' }" menu-id="products">
< |
31 | error | Attribute :class not allowed on element div at this point. |
| From line 302, column 13 to line 302, column 89 |
| <div class="header-menu-primary" :class="{ 'active': menuId == 'products' }"> |
32 | error | Bad value 16px for attribute width on element img : Expected a digit but saw p instead. |
| From line 319, column 37 to line 321, column 67 |
| <img class="transition-all opacity-0 group-hover:opacity-100 ltr:rotate-180"
src="https://www.arvancloud.ir/images/header/green-arrow.svg" alt="arrow"
width="16px" height="24px"> |
33 | error | Bad value 24px for attribute height on element img : Expected a digit but saw p instead. |
| From line 319, column 37 to line 321, column 67 |
| <img class="transition-all opacity-0 group-hover:opacity-100 ltr:rotate-180"
src="https://www.arvancloud.ir/images/header/green-arrow.svg" alt="arrow"
width="16px" height="24px"> |
34 | error | Bad value 16px for attribute width on element img : Expected a digit but saw p instead. |
| From line 337, column 37 to line 339, column 67 |
| <img class="transition-all opacity-0 group-hover:opacity-100 ltr:rotate-180"
src="https://www.arvancloud.ir/images/header/green-arrow.svg" alt="arrow"
width="16px" height="24px"> |
35 | error | Bad value 24px for attribute height on element img : Expected a digit but saw p instead. |
| From line 337, column 37 to line 339, column 67 |
| <img class="transition-all opacity-0 group-hover:opacity-100 ltr:rotate-180"
src="https://www.arvancloud.ir/images/header/green-arrow.svg" alt="arrow"
width="16px" height="24px"> |
36 | error | Bad value 16px for attribute width on element img : Expected a digit but saw p instead. |
| From line 355, column 37 to line 357, column 67 |
| <img class="transition-all opacity-0 group-hover:opacity-100 ltr:rotate-180"
src="https://www.arvancloud.ir/images/header/green-arrow.svg" alt="arrow"
width="16px" height="24px"> |
37 | error | Bad value 24px for attribute height on element img : Expected a digit but saw p instead. |
| From line 355, column 37 to line 357, column 67 |
| <img class="transition-all opacity-0 group-hover:opacity-100 ltr:rotate-180"
src="https://www.arvancloud.ir/images/header/green-arrow.svg" alt="arrow"
width="16px" height="24px"> |
38 | error | Bad value 16px for attribute width on element img : Expected a digit but saw p instead. |
| From line 373, column 37 to line 375, column 67 |
| <img class="transition-all opacity-0 group-hover:opacity-100 ltr:rotate-180"
src="https://www.arvancloud.ir/images/header/green-arrow.svg" alt="arrow"
width="16px" height="24px"> |
39 | error | Bad value 24px for attribute height on element img : Expected a digit but saw p instead. |
| From line 373, column 37 to line 375, column 67 |
| <img class="transition-all opacity-0 group-hover:opacity-100 ltr:rotate-180"
src="https://www.arvancloud.ir/images/header/green-arrow.svg" alt="arrow"
width="16px" height="24px"> |
40 | error | Bad value 16px for attribute width on element img : Expected a digit but saw p instead. |
| From line 391, column 37 to line 393, column 67 |
| <img class="transition-all opacity-0 group-hover:opacity-100 ltr:rotate-180"
src="https://www.arvancloud.ir/images/header/green-arrow.svg" alt="arrow"
width="16px" height="24px"> |
41 | error | Bad value 24px for attribute height on element img : Expected a digit but saw p instead. |
| From line 391, column 37 to line 393, column 67 |
| <img class="transition-all opacity-0 group-hover:opacity-100 ltr:rotate-180"
src="https://www.arvancloud.ir/images/header/green-arrow.svg" alt="arrow"
width="16px" height="24px"> |
42 | error | Bad value 16px for attribute width on element img : Expected a digit but saw p instead. |
| From line 409, column 37 to line 411, column 67 |
| <img class="transition-all opacity-0 group-hover:opacity-100 ltr:rotate-180"
src="https://www.arvancloud.ir/images/header/green-arrow.svg" alt="arrow"
width="16px" height="24px"> |
43 | error | Bad value 24px for attribute height on element img : Expected a digit but saw p instead. |
| From line 409, column 37 to line 411, column 67 |
| <img class="transition-all opacity-0 group-hover:opacity-100 ltr:rotate-180"
src="https://www.arvancloud.ir/images/header/green-arrow.svg" alt="arrow"
width="16px" height="24px"> |
44 | error | Attribute :class not allowed on element div at this point. |
| From line 422, column 13 to line 422, column 102 |
| <div class="header-menu-secondary max-h-full" :class="{ 'active': menuId == 'products' }"> |
45 | error | Attribute :class not allowed on element div at this point. |
| From line 709, column 13 to line 709, column 101 |
| <div class="header-menu" :class="{'active' : menuId == 'solutions'}" menu-id="solutions">
< |
46 | error | Attribute menu-id not allowed on element div at this point. |
| From line 709, column 13 to line 709, column 101 |
| <div class="header-menu" :class="{'active' : menuId == 'solutions'}" menu-id="solutions">
< |
47 | error | Attribute :class not allowed on element div at this point. |
| From line 712, column 13 to line 712, column 91 |
| <div class="header-menu-primary" :class="{ 'active' : menuId == 'solutions' }"> |
48 | error | Bad value 16px for attribute width on element img : Expected a digit but saw p instead. |
| From line 726, column 37 to line 726, column 166 |
| <img class="menu-item-arrow" src="https://www.arvancloud.ir/images/header/green-arrow.svg" alt="arrow" width="16px" height="24px"> |
49 | error | Bad value 24px for attribute height on element img : Expected a digit but saw p instead. |
| From line 726, column 37 to line 726, column 166 |
| <img class="menu-item-arrow" src="https://www.arvancloud.ir/images/header/green-arrow.svg" alt="arrow" width="16px" height="24px"> |
50 | error | Bad value 16px for attribute width on element img : Expected a digit but saw p instead. |
| From line 741, column 37 to line 741, column 166 |
| <img class="menu-item-arrow" src="https://www.arvancloud.ir/images/header/green-arrow.svg" alt="arrow" width="16px" height="24px"> |
51 | error | Bad value 24px for attribute height on element img : Expected a digit but saw p instead. |
| From line 741, column 37 to line 741, column 166 |
| <img class="menu-item-arrow" src="https://www.arvancloud.ir/images/header/green-arrow.svg" alt="arrow" width="16px" height="24px"> |
52 | error | Bad value 16px for attribute width on element img : Expected a digit but saw p instead. |
| From line 756, column 37 to line 756, column 166 |
| <img class="menu-item-arrow" src="https://www.arvancloud.ir/images/header/green-arrow.svg" alt="arrow" width="16px" height="24px"> |
53 | error | Bad value 24px for attribute height on element img : Expected a digit but saw p instead. |
| From line 756, column 37 to line 756, column 166 |
| <img class="menu-item-arrow" src="https://www.arvancloud.ir/images/header/green-arrow.svg" alt="arrow" width="16px" height="24px"> |
54 | error | Attribute :class not allowed on element div at this point. |
| From line 768, column 13 to line 768, column 93 |
| <div class="header-menu-secondary" :class="{ 'active' : menuId == 'solutions' }"> |
55 | error | Attribute :class not allowed on element div at this point. |
| From line 769, column 17 to line 772, column 17 |
| <div
class="grid gap-x-10 transition-all grid-cols-3"
:class="menuId == 'solutions' ? 'opacity-100 translate-x-0 translate-y-0 ease-out duration-300 delay-200' : 'opacity-0 translate-x-[3px] translate-y-[-7px] ease-in'"
> |
56 | error | Bad value 16px for attribute width on element img : Expected a digit but saw p instead. |
| From line 785, column 45 to line 785, column 173 |
| <img class="menu-item-arrow" src="https://www.arvancloud.ir/images/header/gray-arrow.svg" alt="arrow" width="16px" height="24px"> |
57 | error | Bad value 24px for attribute height on element img : Expected a digit but saw p instead. |
| From line 785, column 45 to line 785, column 173 |
| <img class="menu-item-arrow" src="https://www.arvancloud.ir/images/header/gray-arrow.svg" alt="arrow" width="16px" height="24px"> |
58 | error | Bad value 16px for attribute width on element img : Expected a digit but saw p instead. |
| From line 799, column 45 to line 799, column 173 |
| <img class="menu-item-arrow" src="https://www.arvancloud.ir/images/header/gray-arrow.svg" alt="arrow" width="16px" height="24px"> |
59 | error | Bad value 24px for attribute height on element img : Expected a digit but saw p instead. |
| From line 799, column 45 to line 799, column 173 |
| <img class="menu-item-arrow" src="https://www.arvancloud.ir/images/header/gray-arrow.svg" alt="arrow" width="16px" height="24px"> |
60 | error | Bad value 16px for attribute width on element img : Expected a digit but saw p instead. |
| From line 813, column 45 to line 813, column 173 |
| <img class="menu-item-arrow" src="https://www.arvancloud.ir/images/header/gray-arrow.svg" alt="arrow" width="16px" height="24px"> |
61 | error | Bad value 24px for attribute height on element img : Expected a digit but saw p instead. |
| From line 813, column 45 to line 813, column 173 |
| <img class="menu-item-arrow" src="https://www.arvancloud.ir/images/header/gray-arrow.svg" alt="arrow" width="16px" height="24px"> |
62 | error | Bad value 16px for attribute width on element img : Expected a digit but saw p instead. |
| From line 835, column 45 to line 835, column 173 |
| <img class="menu-item-arrow" src="https://www.arvancloud.ir/images/header/gray-arrow.svg" alt="arrow" width="16px" height="24px"> |
63 | error | Bad value 24px for attribute height on element img : Expected a digit but saw p instead. |
| From line 835, column 45 to line 835, column 173 |
| <img class="menu-item-arrow" src="https://www.arvancloud.ir/images/header/gray-arrow.svg" alt="arrow" width="16px" height="24px"> |
64 | error | Bad value 16px for attribute width on element img : Expected a digit but saw p instead. |
| From line 849, column 45 to line 849, column 173 |
| <img class="menu-item-arrow" src="https://www.arvancloud.ir/images/header/gray-arrow.svg" alt="arrow" width="16px" height="24px"> |
65 | error | Bad value 24px for attribute height on element img : Expected a digit but saw p instead. |
| From line 849, column 45 to line 849, column 173 |
| <img class="menu-item-arrow" src="https://www.arvancloud.ir/images/header/gray-arrow.svg" alt="arrow" width="16px" height="24px"> |
66 | error | Bad value 16px for attribute width on element img : Expected a digit but saw p instead. |
| From line 871, column 45 to line 871, column 173 |
| <img class="menu-item-arrow" src="https://www.arvancloud.ir/images/header/gray-arrow.svg" alt="arrow" width="16px" height="24px"> |
67 | error | Bad value 24px for attribute height on element img : Expected a digit but saw p instead. |
| From line 871, column 45 to line 871, column 173 |
| <img class="menu-item-arrow" src="https://www.arvancloud.ir/images/header/gray-arrow.svg" alt="arrow" width="16px" height="24px"> |
68 | error | Bad value 16px for attribute width on element img : Expected a digit but saw p instead. |
| From line 885, column 45 to line 885, column 173 |
| <img class="menu-item-arrow" src="https://www.arvancloud.ir/images/header/gray-arrow.svg" alt="arrow" width="16px" height="24px"> |
69 | error | Bad value 24px for attribute height on element img : Expected a digit but saw p instead. |
| From line 885, column 45 to line 885, column 173 |
| <img class="menu-item-arrow" src="https://www.arvancloud.ir/images/header/gray-arrow.svg" alt="arrow" width="16px" height="24px"> |
70 | error | Bad value 16px for attribute width on element img : Expected a digit but saw p instead. |
| From line 899, column 45 to line 899, column 173 |
| <img class="menu-item-arrow" src="https://www.arvancloud.ir/images/header/gray-arrow.svg" alt="arrow" width="16px" height="24px"> |
71 | error | Bad value 24px for attribute height on element img : Expected a digit but saw p instead. |
| From line 899, column 45 to line 899, column 173 |
| <img class="menu-item-arrow" src="https://www.arvancloud.ir/images/header/gray-arrow.svg" alt="arrow" width="16px" height="24px"> |
72 | error | Bad value 16px for attribute width on element img : Expected a digit but saw p instead. |
| From line 913, column 45 to line 913, column 173 |
| <img class="menu-item-arrow" src="https://www.arvancloud.ir/images/header/gray-arrow.svg" alt="arrow" width="16px" height="24px"> |
73 | error | Bad value 24px for attribute height on element img : Expected a digit but saw p instead. |
| From line 913, column 45 to line 913, column 173 |
| <img class="menu-item-arrow" src="https://www.arvancloud.ir/images/header/gray-arrow.svg" alt="arrow" width="16px" height="24px"> |
74 | error | Attribute :class not allowed on element div at this point. |
| From line 927, column 13 to line 927, column 97 |
| <div class="header-menu" :class="{'active' : menuId == 'pricing'}" menu-id="pricing">
< |
75 | error | Attribute menu-id not allowed on element div at this point. |
| From line 927, column 13 to line 927, column 97 |
| <div class="header-menu" :class="{'active' : menuId == 'pricing'}" menu-id="pricing">
< |
76 | error | Attribute :class not allowed on element div at this point. |
| From line 930, column 13 to line 930, column 89 |
| <div class="header-menu-primary" :class="{ 'active' : menuId == 'pricing' }"> |
77 | error | Bad value 16px for attribute width on element img : Expected a digit but saw p instead. |
| From line 944, column 37 to line 944, column 166 |
| <img class="menu-item-arrow" src="https://www.arvancloud.ir/images/header/green-arrow.svg" alt="arrow" width="16px" height="24px"> |
78 | error | Bad value 24px for attribute height on element img : Expected a digit but saw p instead. |
| From line 944, column 37 to line 944, column 166 |
| <img class="menu-item-arrow" src="https://www.arvancloud.ir/images/header/green-arrow.svg" alt="arrow" width="16px" height="24px"> |
79 | error | Bad value 16px for attribute width on element img : Expected a digit but saw p instead. |
| From line 958, column 37 to line 958, column 166 |
| <img class="menu-item-arrow" src="https://www.arvancloud.ir/images/header/green-arrow.svg" alt="arrow" width="16px" height="24px"> |
80 | error | Bad value 24px for attribute height on element img : Expected a digit but saw p instead. |
| From line 958, column 37 to line 958, column 166 |
| <img class="menu-item-arrow" src="https://www.arvancloud.ir/images/header/green-arrow.svg" alt="arrow" width="16px" height="24px"> |
81 | error | Bad value 16px for attribute width on element img : Expected a digit but saw p instead. |
| From line 972, column 37 to line 972, column 166 |
| <img class="menu-item-arrow" src="https://www.arvancloud.ir/images/header/green-arrow.svg" alt="arrow" width="16px" height="24px"> |
82 | error | Bad value 24px for attribute height on element img : Expected a digit but saw p instead. |
| From line 972, column 37 to line 972, column 166 |
| <img class="menu-item-arrow" src="https://www.arvancloud.ir/images/header/green-arrow.svg" alt="arrow" width="16px" height="24px"> |
83 | error | Attribute :class not allowed on element div at this point. |
| From line 983, column 13 to line 983, column 91 |
| <div class="header-menu-secondary" :class="{ 'active' : menuId == 'pricing' }"> |
84 | error | Bad value 16px for attribute width on element img : Expected a digit but saw p instead. |
| From line 996, column 41 to line 996, column 169 |
| <img class="menu-item-arrow" src="https://www.arvancloud.ir/images/header/gray-arrow.svg" alt="arrow" width="16px" height="24px"> |
85 | error | Bad value 24px for attribute height on element img : Expected a digit but saw p instead. |
| From line 996, column 41 to line 996, column 169 |
| <img class="menu-item-arrow" src="https://www.arvancloud.ir/images/header/gray-arrow.svg" alt="arrow" width="16px" height="24px"> |
86 | error | Bad value 16px for attribute width on element img : Expected a digit but saw p instead. |
| From line 1010, column 41 to line 1010, column 169 |
| <img class="menu-item-arrow" src="https://www.arvancloud.ir/images/header/gray-arrow.svg" alt="arrow" width="16px" height="24px"> |
87 | error | Bad value 24px for attribute height on element img : Expected a digit but saw p instead. |
| From line 1010, column 41 to line 1010, column 169 |
| <img class="menu-item-arrow" src="https://www.arvancloud.ir/images/header/gray-arrow.svg" alt="arrow" width="16px" height="24px"> |
88 | error | Bad value 16px for attribute width on element img : Expected a digit but saw p instead. |
| From line 1024, column 41 to line 1024, column 169 |
| <img class="menu-item-arrow" src="https://www.arvancloud.ir/images/header/gray-arrow.svg" alt="arrow" width="16px" height="24px"> |
89 | error | Bad value 24px for attribute height on element img : Expected a digit but saw p instead. |
| From line 1024, column 41 to line 1024, column 169 |
| <img class="menu-item-arrow" src="https://www.arvancloud.ir/images/header/gray-arrow.svg" alt="arrow" width="16px" height="24px"> |
90 | error | Bad value 16px for attribute width on element img : Expected a digit but saw p instead. |
| From line 1038, column 41 to line 1038, column 169 |
| <img class="menu-item-arrow" src="https://www.arvancloud.ir/images/header/gray-arrow.svg" alt="arrow" width="16px" height="24px"> |
91 | error | Bad value 24px for attribute height on element img : Expected a digit but saw p instead. |
| From line 1038, column 41 to line 1038, column 169 |
| <img class="menu-item-arrow" src="https://www.arvancloud.ir/images/header/gray-arrow.svg" alt="arrow" width="16px" height="24px"> |
92 | error | Bad value 16px for attribute width on element img : Expected a digit but saw p instead. |
| From line 1052, column 41 to line 1052, column 169 |
| <img class="menu-item-arrow" src="https://www.arvancloud.ir/images/header/gray-arrow.svg" alt="arrow" width="16px" height="24px"> |
93 | error | Bad value 24px for attribute height on element img : Expected a digit but saw p instead. |
| From line 1052, column 41 to line 1052, column 169 |
| <img class="menu-item-arrow" src="https://www.arvancloud.ir/images/header/gray-arrow.svg" alt="arrow" width="16px" height="24px"> |
94 | error | Bad value 16px for attribute width on element img : Expected a digit but saw p instead. |
| From line 1066, column 41 to line 1066, column 169 |
| <img class="menu-item-arrow" src="https://www.arvancloud.ir/images/header/gray-arrow.svg" alt="arrow" width="16px" height="24px"> |
95 | error | Bad value 24px for attribute height on element img : Expected a digit but saw p instead. |
| From line 1066, column 41 to line 1066, column 169 |
| <img class="menu-item-arrow" src="https://www.arvancloud.ir/images/header/gray-arrow.svg" alt="arrow" width="16px" height="24px"> |
96 | error | Bad value 16px for attribute width on element img : Expected a digit but saw p instead. |
| From line 1080, column 41 to line 1080, column 169 |
| <img class="menu-item-arrow" src="https://www.arvancloud.ir/images/header/gray-arrow.svg" alt="arrow" width="16px" height="24px"> |
97 | error | Bad value 24px for attribute height on element img : Expected a digit but saw p instead. |
| From line 1080, column 41 to line 1080, column 169 |
| <img class="menu-item-arrow" src="https://www.arvancloud.ir/images/header/gray-arrow.svg" alt="arrow" width="16px" height="24px"> |
98 | error | Attribute :class not allowed on element div at this point. |
| From line 1093, column 13 to line 1093, column 123 |
| <div class="header-menu header-knowledge-menu" :class="{'active' : menuId == 'knowledge'}" menu-id='knowledge'>
< |
99 | error | Attribute menu-id not allowed on element div at this point. |
| From line 1093, column 13 to line 1093, column 123 |
| <div class="header-menu header-knowledge-menu" :class="{'active' : menuId == 'knowledge'}" menu-id='knowledge'>
< |
100 | error | Attribute :class not allowed on element div at this point. |
| From line 1096, column 13 to line 1096, column 91 |
| <div class="header-menu-primary" :class="{ 'active' : menuId == 'knowledge' }"> |
101 | error | Bad value 16px for attribute width on element img : Expected a digit but saw p instead. |
| From line 1110, column 37 to line 1110, column 166 |
| <img class="menu-item-arrow" src="https://www.arvancloud.ir/images/header/green-arrow.svg" alt="arrow" width="16px" height="24px"> |
102 | error | Bad value 24px for attribute height on element img : Expected a digit but saw p instead. |
| From line 1110, column 37 to line 1110, column 166 |
| <img class="menu-item-arrow" src="https://www.arvancloud.ir/images/header/green-arrow.svg" alt="arrow" width="16px" height="24px"> |
103 | error | Bad value 16px for attribute width on element img : Expected a digit but saw p instead. |
| From line 1125, column 37 to line 1125, column 166 |
| <img class="menu-item-arrow" src="https://www.arvancloud.ir/images/header/green-arrow.svg" alt="arrow" width="16px" height="24px"> |
104 | error | Bad value 24px for attribute height on element img : Expected a digit but saw p instead. |
| From line 1125, column 37 to line 1125, column 166 |
| <img class="menu-item-arrow" src="https://www.arvancloud.ir/images/header/green-arrow.svg" alt="arrow" width="16px" height="24px"> |
105 | error | Bad value 16px for attribute width on element img : Expected a digit but saw p instead. |
| From line 1140, column 37 to line 1140, column 166 |
| <img class="menu-item-arrow" src="https://www.arvancloud.ir/images/header/green-arrow.svg" alt="arrow" width="16px" height="24px"> |
106 | error | Bad value 24px for attribute height on element img : Expected a digit but saw p instead. |
| From line 1140, column 37 to line 1140, column 166 |
| <img class="menu-item-arrow" src="https://www.arvancloud.ir/images/header/green-arrow.svg" alt="arrow" width="16px" height="24px"> |
107 | error | Bad value 16px for attribute width on element img : Expected a digit but saw p instead. |
| From line 1155, column 37 to line 1155, column 166 |
| <img class="menu-item-arrow" src="https://www.arvancloud.ir/images/header/green-arrow.svg" alt="arrow" width="16px" height="24px"> |
108 | error | Bad value 24px for attribute height on element img : Expected a digit but saw p instead. |
| From line 1155, column 37 to line 1155, column 166 |
| <img class="menu-item-arrow" src="https://www.arvancloud.ir/images/header/green-arrow.svg" alt="arrow" width="16px" height="24px"> |
109 | error | Attribute :class not allowed on element div at this point. |
| From line 1167, column 13 to line 1167, column 93 |
| <div class="header-menu-secondary" :class="{ 'active' : menuId == 'knowledge' }"> |
110 | error | Bad value 16px for attribute width on element img : Expected a digit but saw p instead. |
| From line 1196, column 37 to line 1196, column 165 |
| <img class="menu-item-arrow" src="https://www.arvancloud.ir/images/header/gray-arrow.svg" alt="arrow" width="16px" height="24px"> |
111 | error | Bad value 24px for attribute height on element img : Expected a digit but saw p instead. |
| From line 1196, column 37 to line 1196, column 165 |
| <img class="menu-item-arrow" src="https://www.arvancloud.ir/images/header/gray-arrow.svg" alt="arrow" width="16px" height="24px"> |
112 | error | Bad value 16px for attribute width on element img : Expected a digit but saw p instead. |
| From line 1210, column 37 to line 1210, column 165 |
| <img class="menu-item-arrow" src="https://www.arvancloud.ir/images/header/gray-arrow.svg" alt="arrow" width="16px" height="24px"> |
113 | error | Bad value 24px for attribute height on element img : Expected a digit but saw p instead. |
| From line 1210, column 37 to line 1210, column 165 |
| <img class="menu-item-arrow" src="https://www.arvancloud.ir/images/header/gray-arrow.svg" alt="arrow" width="16px" height="24px"> |
114 | error | Bad value auto for attribute width on element img : Expected a digit but saw a instead. |
| From line 1222, column 37 to line 1222, column 238 |
| <img src="https://www.arvancloud.ir/images/v6/header/What-is-PaaS-Cover.webp" alt="Everything You Should Know about PaaS" width="auto" height="116" class="rounded-lg w-full h-[116px] mb-3 object-cover"> |
115 | error | Bad value 16px for attribute width on element img : Expected a digit but saw p instead. |
| From line 1234, column 49 to line 1234, column 193 |
| <img src="https://www.arvancloud.ir/images/header/articles-arrow.svg" alt="Read More" width="16px" height="24px" class="rotate-0 rtl:rotate-180"> |
116 | error | Bad value 24px for attribute height on element img : Expected a digit but saw p instead. |
| From line 1234, column 49 to line 1234, column 193 |
| <img src="https://www.arvancloud.ir/images/header/articles-arrow.svg" alt="Read More" width="16px" height="24px" class="rotate-0 rtl:rotate-180"> |
117 | error | Bad value auto for attribute width on element img : Expected a digit but saw a instead. |
| From line 1240, column 37 to line 1240, column 214 |
| <img src="https://www.arvancloud.ir/images/v6/header/En-What-is-VPS-Cover.webp" alt="What is VPS" width="auto" height="116" class="rounded-lg w-full h-[116px] mb-3 object-cover"> |
118 | error | Bad value 16px for attribute width on element img : Expected a digit but saw p instead. |
| From line 1252, column 49 to line 1252, column 193 |
| <img src="https://www.arvancloud.ir/images/header/articles-arrow.svg" alt="Read More" width="16px" height="24px" class="rotate-0 rtl:rotate-180"> |
119 | error | Bad value 24px for attribute height on element img : Expected a digit but saw p instead. |
| From line 1252, column 49 to line 1252, column 193 |
| <img src="https://www.arvancloud.ir/images/header/articles-arrow.svg" alt="Read More" width="16px" height="24px" class="rotate-0 rtl:rotate-180"> |
120 | error | Attribute x-data not allowed on element header at this point. |
| From line 1266, column 5 to line 1270, column 1 |
| /div>
class="block xl:hidden w-full shadow-[inset_0_-5px_5px_-5px_rgba(0,0,0,0.09)] sticky top-0 z-40"
x-data="{ active: false }"
< |
121 | error | Attribute x-bind:class not allowed on element div at this point. |
| From line 1271, column 5 to line 1271, column 83 |
| le"
<div class="header-mobile" x-bind:class=" active && 'active fixed top-0 z-40'"> |
122 | error | Attribute x-on:click not allowed on element button at this point. |
| From line 1283, column 13 to line 1286, column 13 |
| <button
class="w-6 h-6 focus:outline-none"
x-on:click=" active = !active "
> |
123 | error | Attribute :class not allowed on element span at this point. |
| From line 1287, column 17 to line 1287, column 165 |
| <span class="block h-0.5 w-6 bg-black transform transition duration-200 ease-in-out" :class="{'rotate-45 translate-y-0.5': active, 'mb-3': !active}"></span |
124 | error | Attribute :class not allowed on element span at this point. |
| From line 1288, column 17 to line 1288, column 133 |
| <span class="block h-0.5 w-6 bg-black transform transition duration-200 ease-in-out" :class="{'-rotate-45': active}"></span |
125 | error | Attribute x-show not allowed on element div at this point. |
| From line 1294, column 5 to line 1298, column 5 |
| l -->
:class="{'active': active}"
> |
126 | error | Attribute :class not allowed on element div at this point. |
| From line 1294, column 5 to line 1298, column 5 |
| l -->
:class="{'active': active}"
> |
127 | error | Attribute :class not allowed on element ul at this point. |
| From line 1300, column 13 to line 1300, column 123 |
| <ul class="mt-7" :class="activePanel !== null && 'header-mobile-submenu-active' " x-data="{activePanel: null}"> |
128 | error | Attribute x-data not allowed on element ul at this point. |
| From line 1300, column 13 to line 1300, column 123 |
| <ul class="mt-7" :class="activePanel !== null && 'header-mobile-submenu-active' " x-data="{activePanel: null}"> |
129 | error | Attribute x-foo not allowed on element div at this point. |
| From line 1302, column 21 to line 1305, column 1 |
| <div
< |
130 | error | Attribute x-data not allowed on element div at this point. |
| From line 1302, column 21 to line 1305, column 1 |
| <div
< |
131 | error | Attribute x-on:click not allowed on element div at this point. |
| From line 1306, column 5 to line 1306, column 110 |
| 1)"
<div class="py-8 flex justify-between mx-4 font-semibold text-gray-900" x-on:click="expanded = !expanded"> |
132 | error | An img element must have an alt attribute, except under certain conditions. For details, consult guidance on providing text alternatives for images. |
| From line 1308, column 9 to line 1308, column 109 |
| s
<img src="https://www.arvancloud.ir/images/v6/header/arrow-icon.svg" class="rtl:rotate-0 rotate-180">
< |
133 | error | Attribute x-show not allowed on element div at this point. |
| From line 1311, column 5 to line 1311, column 100 |
| div>
<div class="fixed top-0 right-0 z-[60] w-full bg-gray-25 pb-4 min-h-[100dvh]" x-show="expanded"> |
134 | error | Attribute x-on:click not allowed on element img at this point. |
| From line 1313, column 13 to line 1316, column 13 |
| <img class="rotate-0 rtl:rotate-180"
x-on:click="expanded = !expanded"
> |
135 | error | An img element must have an alt attribute, except under certain conditions. For details, consult guidance on providing text alternatives for images. |
| From line 1313, column 13 to line 1316, column 13 |
| <img class="rotate-0 rtl:rotate-180"
x-on:click="expanded = !expanded"
> |
136 | error | Attribute x-data not allowed on element div at this point. |
| From line 1603, column 25 to line 1605, column 1 |
| <div
< |
137 | error | Attribute x-on:click not allowed on element div at this point. |
| From line 1606, column 5 to line 1606, column 110 |
| 2)"
<div class="py-8 flex justify-between mx-4 font-semibold text-gray-900" x-on:click="expanded = !expanded"> |
138 | error | An img element must have an alt attribute, except under certain conditions. For details, consult guidance on providing text alternatives for images. |
| From line 1608, column 9 to line 1608, column 109 |
| s
<img src="https://www.arvancloud.ir/images/v6/header/arrow-icon.svg" class="rtl:rotate-0 rotate-180">
< |
139 | error | Attribute x-show not allowed on element div at this point. |
| From line 1611, column 5 to line 1611, column 100 |
| div>
<div class="fixed top-0 right-0 min-h-[100dvh] z-[60] w-full bg-gray-25 pb-4" x-show="expanded"> |
140 | error | Attribute x-on:click not allowed on element img at this point. |
| From line 1613, column 13 to line 1616, column 13 |
| <img class="rotate-0 rtl:rotate-180"
x-on:click="expanded = !expanded"
> |
141 | error | An img element must have an alt attribute, except under certain conditions. For details, consult guidance on providing text alternatives for images. |
| From line 1613, column 13 to line 1616, column 13 |
| <img class="rotate-0 rtl:rotate-180"
x-on:click="expanded = !expanded"
> |
142 | error | Attribute x-data not allowed on element div at this point. |
| From line 1719, column 21 to line 1721, column 1 |
| <div
< |
143 | error | Attribute x-on:click not allowed on element div at this point. |
| From line 1722, column 5 to line 1722, column 110 |
| 3)"
<div class="py-8 flex justify-between mx-4 font-semibold text-gray-900" x-on:click="expanded = !expanded"> |
144 | error | An img element must have an alt attribute, except under certain conditions. For details, consult guidance on providing text alternatives for images. |
| From line 1724, column 9 to line 1724, column 109 |
| g
<img src="https://www.arvancloud.ir/images/v6/header/arrow-icon.svg" class="rtl:rotate-0 rotate-180">
< |
145 | error | Attribute x-show not allowed on element div at this point. |
| From line 1727, column 5 to line 1727, column 100 |
| div>
<div class="fixed top-0 right-0 min-h-[100dvh] z-[60] w-full bg-gray-25 pb-4" x-show="expanded"> |
146 | error | Attribute x-on:click not allowed on element img at this point. |
| From line 1729, column 13 to line 1732, column 13 |
| <img class="rotate-0 rtl:rotate-180"
x-on:click="expanded = !expanded"
> |
147 | error | An img element must have an alt attribute, except under certain conditions. For details, consult guidance on providing text alternatives for images. |
| From line 1729, column 13 to line 1732, column 13 |
| <img class="rotate-0 rtl:rotate-180"
x-on:click="expanded = !expanded"
> |
148 | error | Attribute x-data not allowed on element div at this point. |
| From line 1810, column 21 to line 1810, column 60 |
| <div x-data="headerMobileTabination(4)">
< |
149 | error | Attribute x-on:click not allowed on element div at this point. |
| From line 1811, column 5 to line 1811, column 110 |
| (4)">
<div class="py-8 flex justify-between mx-4 font-semibold text-gray-900" x-on:click="expanded = !expanded"> |
150 | error | An img element must have an alt attribute, except under certain conditions. For details, consult guidance on providing text alternatives for images. |
| From line 1813, column 9 to line 1813, column 109 |
| e
<img src="https://www.arvancloud.ir/images/v6/header/arrow-icon.svg" class="rtl:rotate-0 rotate-180">
< |
151 | error | Attribute x-show not allowed on element div at this point. |
| From line 1816, column 5 to line 1816, column 100 |
| div>
<div class="fixed top-0 right-0 min-h-[100dvh] z-[60] w-full bg-gray-25 pb-4" x-show="expanded"> |
152 | error | Attribute x-on:click not allowed on element img at this point. |
| From line 1819, column 13 to line 1820, column 50 |
| <img class="rotate-0 rtl:rotate-180" src="https://www.arvancloud.ir/images/v6/header/arrow-left.svg"
x-on:click="expanded = !expanded"> |
153 | error | An img element must have an alt attribute, except under certain conditions. For details, consult guidance on providing text alternatives for images. |
| From line 1819, column 13 to line 1820, column 50 |
| <img class="rotate-0 rtl:rotate-180" src="https://www.arvancloud.ir/images/v6/header/arrow-left.svg"
x-on:click="expanded = !expanded"> |
154 | error | Bad value auto for attribute width on element img : Expected a digit but saw a instead. |
| From line 1898, column 29 to line 1899, column 99 |
| <img src="https://www.arvancloud.ir/images/v6/header/What-is-PaaS-Cover.webp" alt="Everything You Should Know about PaaS" width="auto"
height="116" class="rounded-lg w-full h-[116px] mb-3 object-cover"> |
155 | error | Bad value 16px for attribute width on element img : Expected a digit but saw p instead. |
| From line 1911, column 41 to line 1913, column 76 |
| <img src="https://www.arvancloud.ir/images/header/articles-arrow.svg"
alt="Read More" width="16px" height="24px"
class="rotate-0 rtl:rotate-180"> |
156 | error | Bad value 24px for attribute height on element img : Expected a digit but saw p instead. |
| From line 1911, column 41 to line 1913, column 76 |
| <img src="https://www.arvancloud.ir/images/header/articles-arrow.svg"
alt="Read More" width="16px" height="24px"
class="rotate-0 rtl:rotate-180"> |
157 | error | Bad value auto for attribute width on element img : Expected a digit but saw a instead. |
| From line 1920, column 29 to line 1921, column 99 |
| <img src="https://www.arvancloud.ir/images/v6/header/En-What-is-VPS-Cover.webp" alt="What is VPS" width="auto"
height="116" class="rounded-lg w-full h-[116px] mb-3 object-cover"> |
158 | error | Bad value 16px for attribute width on element img : Expected a digit but saw p instead. |
| From line 1933, column 41 to line 1935, column 76 |
| <img src="https://www.arvancloud.ir/images/header/articles-arrow.svg"
alt="Read More" width="16px" height="24px"
class="rotate-0 rtl:rotate-180"> |
159 | error | Bad value 24px for attribute height on element img : Expected a digit but saw p instead. |
| From line 1933, column 41 to line 1935, column 76 |
| <img src="https://www.arvancloud.ir/images/header/articles-arrow.svg"
alt="Read More" width="16px" height="24px"
class="rotate-0 rtl:rotate-180"> |
160 | error | Attribute x-data not allowed on element div at this point. |
| From line 1946, column 29 to line 1946, column 77 |
| <div x-data="{ activePanel: null }" class="mx-4">
< |
161 | error | Attribute x-data not allowed on element div at this point. |
| From line 1947, column 5 to line 1949, column 5 |
| x-4">
<div x-data="headerMobileTabination(4)"
> |
162 | error | Attribute x-on:click not allowed on element div at this point. |
| From line 1950, column 9 to line 1954, column 9 |
| >
x-on:click="expanded = !expanded"
class="flex w-full items-center justify-between text-gray-700 text-sm px-4"
x-bind:class="expanded && 'text-green-700'"
> |
163 | error | Attribute x-bind:class not allowed on element div at this point. |
| From line 1950, column 9 to line 1954, column 9 |
| >
x-on:click="expanded = !expanded"
class="flex w-full items-center justify-between text-gray-700 text-sm px-4"
x-bind:class="expanded && 'text-green-700'"
> |
164 | error | Attribute x-bind:class not allowed on element div at this point. |
| From line 1956, column 13 to line 1956, column 91 |
| <div x-bind:class=" expanded && '!-rotate-90'" class="rtl:rotate-0 rotate-180"> |
165 | error | Attribute x-show not allowed on element div at this point. |
| From line 1963, column 9 to line 1963, column 119 |
| >
<div x-show="expanded" x-bind:class="expanded ? 'border-gray-100' : 'border-white'" class="mt-6 pb-7 border-b"> |
166 | error | Attribute x-bind:class not allowed on element div at this point. |
| From line 1963, column 9 to line 1963, column 119 |
| >
<div x-show="expanded" x-bind:class="expanded ? 'border-gray-100' : 'border-white'" class="mt-6 pb-7 border-b"> |
167 | error | Bad value for attribute id on element a : An ID must not be the empty string. |
| From line 2018, column 21 to line 2018, column 261 |
| <a href="https://accounts.arvancloud.ir/login?lang=en" class="flex items-center justify-center w-44 lg:w-auto h-12 rounded-lg text-sm lg:text-base font-semibold py-4 px-6 bg-green-600 text-white hover:bg-green-800 transition-all z-20" id=""> |
168 | error | Duplicate ID . |
| From line 2021, column 21 to line 2021, column 350 |
| <a href="https://www.arvancloud.ir/en/contact/sales" class="solutions-hero__btn flex items-center justify-center w-44 lg:w-auto h-12 py-4 px-6 gap-x-2 rounded-lg text-sm lg:text-base font-semibold text-green-600 border-[1.5px] border-green-600 hover:bg-green-600 hover:border-green-600 hover:text-white transition-all z-20" id=""> |
169 | error | Bad value for attribute id on element a : An ID must not be the empty string. |
| From line 2021, column 21 to line 2021, column 350 |
| <a href="https://www.arvancloud.ir/en/contact/sales" class="solutions-hero__btn flex items-center justify-center w-44 lg:w-auto h-12 py-4 px-6 gap-x-2 rounded-lg text-sm lg:text-base font-semibold text-green-600 border-[1.5px] border-green-600 hover:bg-green-600 hover:border-green-600 hover:text-white transition-all z-20" id=""> |
170 | error | Duplicate ID . |
| From line 2028, column 19 to line 2028, column 109 |
| n> <section class="relative py-24 lg:py-32 home__products bg-[#F3F8FC] overflow-hidden" id=""> |
171 | error | Bad value for attribute id on element section : An ID must not be the empty string. |
| From line 2028, column 19 to line 2028, column 109 |
| n> <section class="relative py-24 lg:py-32 home__products bg-[#F3F8FC] overflow-hidden" id=""> |
172 | error | Attribute x-data not allowed on element div at this point. |
| From line 2040, column 9 to line 2040, column 27 |
| >
<div x-data x-tabs> |
173 | error | Attribute x-tabs not allowed on element div at this point. |
| From line 2040, column 9 to line 2040, column 27 |
| >
<div x-data x-tabs> |
174 | error | Attribute x-tabs:list not allowed on element div at this point. |
| From line 2041, column 13 to line 2041, column 72 |
| <div x-tabs:list class="flex mb-6 lg:mb-24 overflow-x-auto"> |
175 | error | Attribute x-tabs:tab not allowed on element h2 at this point. |
| From line 2042, column 61 to line 2043, column 142 |
| <h2 class="relative justify-center flex items-center gap-2 text-base xl:text-xl px-6 py-3 min-w-fit text-gray-800 cursor-pointer focus-visible:outline-none transition-all"
x-tabs:tab :class="{ '!text-gray-800 bg-white rounded-lg shadow-[0px_8px_10px_0px_#0000000A]': $tab.isSelected }"> |
176 | error | Attribute :class not allowed on element h2 at this point. |
| From line 2042, column 61 to line 2043, column 142 |
| <h2 class="relative justify-center flex items-center gap-2 text-base xl:text-xl px-6 py-3 min-w-fit text-gray-800 cursor-pointer focus-visible:outline-none transition-all"
x-tabs:tab :class="{ '!text-gray-800 bg-white rounded-lg shadow-[0px_8px_10px_0px_#0000000A]': $tab.isSelected }"> |
177 | error | Attribute x-tabs:tab not allowed on element h2 at this point. |
| From line 2047, column 81 to line 2048, column 142 |
| <h2 class="relative justify-center flex items-center gap-2 text-base xl:text-xl px-6 py-3 min-w-fit text-gray-800 cursor-pointer focus-visible:outline-none transition-all"
x-tabs:tab :class="{ '!text-gray-800 bg-white rounded-lg shadow-[0px_8px_10px_0px_#0000000A]': $tab.isSelected }"> |
178 | error | Attribute :class not allowed on element h2 at this point. |
| From line 2047, column 81 to line 2048, column 142 |
| <h2 class="relative justify-center flex items-center gap-2 text-base xl:text-xl px-6 py-3 min-w-fit text-gray-800 cursor-pointer focus-visible:outline-none transition-all"
x-tabs:tab :class="{ '!text-gray-800 bg-white rounded-lg shadow-[0px_8px_10px_0px_#0000000A]': $tab.isSelected }"> |
179 | error | Attribute x-tabs:tab not allowed on element h2 at this point. |
| From line 2052, column 81 to line 2053, column 142 |
| <h2 class="relative justify-center flex items-center gap-2 text-base xl:text-xl px-6 py-3 min-w-fit text-gray-800 cursor-pointer focus-visible:outline-none transition-all"
x-tabs:tab :class="{ '!text-gray-800 bg-white rounded-lg shadow-[0px_8px_10px_0px_#0000000A]': $tab.isSelected }"> |
180 | error | Attribute :class not allowed on element h2 at this point. |
| From line 2052, column 81 to line 2053, column 142 |
| <h2 class="relative justify-center flex items-center gap-2 text-base xl:text-xl px-6 py-3 min-w-fit text-gray-800 cursor-pointer focus-visible:outline-none transition-all"
x-tabs:tab :class="{ '!text-gray-800 bg-white rounded-lg shadow-[0px_8px_10px_0px_#0000000A]': $tab.isSelected }"> |
181 | error | Attribute x-tabs:tab not allowed on element h2 at this point. |
| From line 2057, column 81 to line 2058, column 142 |
| <h2 class="relative justify-center flex items-center gap-2 text-base xl:text-xl px-6 py-3 min-w-fit text-gray-800 cursor-pointer focus-visible:outline-none transition-all"
x-tabs:tab :class="{ '!text-gray-800 bg-white rounded-lg shadow-[0px_8px_10px_0px_#0000000A]': $tab.isSelected }"> |
182 | error | Attribute :class not allowed on element h2 at this point. |
| From line 2057, column 81 to line 2058, column 142 |
| <h2 class="relative justify-center flex items-center gap-2 text-base xl:text-xl px-6 py-3 min-w-fit text-gray-800 cursor-pointer focus-visible:outline-none transition-all"
x-tabs:tab :class="{ '!text-gray-800 bg-white rounded-lg shadow-[0px_8px_10px_0px_#0000000A]': $tab.isSelected }"> |
183 | error | Attribute x-tabs:tab not allowed on element h2 at this point. |
| From line 2062, column 81 to line 2063, column 142 |
| <h2 class="relative justify-center flex items-center gap-2 text-base xl:text-xl px-6 py-3 min-w-fit text-gray-800 cursor-pointer focus-visible:outline-none transition-all"
x-tabs:tab :class="{ '!text-gray-800 bg-white rounded-lg shadow-[0px_8px_10px_0px_#0000000A]': $tab.isSelected }"> |
184 | error | Attribute :class not allowed on element h2 at this point. |
| From line 2062, column 81 to line 2063, column 142 |
| <h2 class="relative justify-center flex items-center gap-2 text-base xl:text-xl px-6 py-3 min-w-fit text-gray-800 cursor-pointer focus-visible:outline-none transition-all"
x-tabs:tab :class="{ '!text-gray-800 bg-white rounded-lg shadow-[0px_8px_10px_0px_#0000000A]': $tab.isSelected }"> |
185 | error | Attribute x-tabs:tab not allowed on element h2 at this point. |
| From line 2067, column 81 to line 2068, column 142 |
| <h2 class="relative justify-center flex items-center gap-2 text-base xl:text-xl px-6 py-3 min-w-fit text-gray-800 cursor-pointer focus-visible:outline-none transition-all"
x-tabs:tab :class="{ '!text-gray-800 bg-white rounded-lg shadow-[0px_8px_10px_0px_#0000000A]': $tab.isSelected }"> |
186 | error | Attribute :class not allowed on element h2 at this point. |
| From line 2067, column 81 to line 2068, column 142 |
| <h2 class="relative justify-center flex items-center gap-2 text-base xl:text-xl px-6 py-3 min-w-fit text-gray-800 cursor-pointer focus-visible:outline-none transition-all"
x-tabs:tab :class="{ '!text-gray-800 bg-white rounded-lg shadow-[0px_8px_10px_0px_#0000000A]': $tab.isSelected }"> |
187 | error | Attribute x-tabs:panels not allowed on element div at this point. |
| From line 2074, column 13 to line 2074, column 80 |
| <div x-tabs:panels class="mb-0 xl:mb-[9.5rem] ltr:xl:mb-[6.875rem]"> |
188 | error | Attribute x-tabs:panel not allowed on element div at this point. |
| From line 2075, column 61 to line 2075, column 78 |
| <div x-tabs:panel> |
189 | error | Bad value for attribute width on element img : The empty string is not a valid non-negative integer. |
| From line 2079, column 41 to line 2080, column 95 |
| <img src="https://www.arvancloud.ir/images/v6/home/products/icons/cdn.svg" alt="Be Accessible to Users Everywhere" draggable="false" loading="lazy"
width="" height="" class="rtl:mr-4 ml-4 w-10 h-10 xl:w-12 xl:h-12" onerror="this.remove()"> |
190 | error | Bad value for attribute height on element img : The empty string is not a valid non-negative integer. |
| From line 2079, column 41 to line 2080, column 95 |
| <img src="https://www.arvancloud.ir/images/v6/home/products/icons/cdn.svg" alt="Be Accessible to Users Everywhere" draggable="false" loading="lazy"
width="" height="" class="rtl:mr-4 ml-4 w-10 h-10 xl:w-12 xl:h-12" onerror="this.remove()"> |
191 | error | Bad value for attribute width on element img : The empty string is not a valid non-negative integer. |
| From line 2101, column 37 to line 2102, column 56 |
| <img src="https://www.arvancloud.ir/images/v6/home/products/cdn-en.svg" alt="Be Accessible to Users Everywhere" draggable="false" loading="eager"
width="" height="" class="" onerror="this.remove()"> |
192 | error | Bad value for attribute height on element img : The empty string is not a valid non-negative integer. |
| From line 2101, column 37 to line 2102, column 56 |
| <img src="https://www.arvancloud.ir/images/v6/home/products/cdn-en.svg" alt="Be Accessible to Users Everywhere" draggable="false" loading="eager"
width="" height="" class="" onerror="this.remove()"> |
193 | error | Attribute x-tabs:panel not allowed on element div at this point. |
| From line 2106, column 81 to line 2106, column 98 |
| <div x-tabs:panel> |
194 | error | Bad value for attribute width on element img : The empty string is not a valid non-negative integer. |
| From line 2110, column 41 to line 2111, column 95 |
| <img src="https://www.arvancloud.ir/images/v6/home/products/icons/cloud-computing.svg" alt="Scalable and Economic Cloud Servers" draggable="false" loading="lazy"
width="" height="" class="rtl:mr-4 ml-4 w-10 h-10 xl:w-12 xl:h-12" onerror="this.remove()"> |
195 | error | Bad value for attribute height on element img : The empty string is not a valid non-negative integer. |
| From line 2110, column 41 to line 2111, column 95 |
| <img src="https://www.arvancloud.ir/images/v6/home/products/icons/cloud-computing.svg" alt="Scalable and Economic Cloud Servers" draggable="false" loading="lazy"
width="" height="" class="rtl:mr-4 ml-4 w-10 h-10 xl:w-12 xl:h-12" onerror="this.remove()"> |
196 | error | Bad value for attribute width on element img : The empty string is not a valid non-negative integer. |
| From line 2131, column 37 to line 2132, column 56 |
| <img src="https://www.arvancloud.ir/images/v6/home/products/cloud-server-en.svg" alt="Scalable and Economic Cloud Servers" draggable="false" loading="eager"
width="" height="" class="" onerror="this.remove()"> |
197 | error | Bad value for attribute height on element img : The empty string is not a valid non-negative integer. |
| From line 2131, column 37 to line 2132, column 56 |
| <img src="https://www.arvancloud.ir/images/v6/home/products/cloud-server-en.svg" alt="Scalable and Economic Cloud Servers" draggable="false" loading="eager"
width="" height="" class="" onerror="this.remove()"> |
198 | error | Attribute x-tabs:panel not allowed on element div at this point. |
| From line 2136, column 81 to line 2136, column 98 |
| <div x-tabs:panel> |
199 | error | Bad value for attribute width on element img : The empty string is not a valid non-negative integer. |
| From line 2140, column 41 to line 2141, column 95 |
| <img src="https://www.arvancloud.ir/images/v6/home/products/icons/cloud-storage.svg" alt="Your Most Secure Storage Space" draggable="false" loading="lazy"
width="" height="" class="rtl:mr-4 ml-4 w-10 h-10 xl:w-12 xl:h-12" onerror="this.remove()"> |
200 | error | Bad value for attribute height on element img : The empty string is not a valid non-negative integer. |
| From line 2140, column 41 to line 2141, column 95 |
| <img src="https://www.arvancloud.ir/images/v6/home/products/icons/cloud-storage.svg" alt="Your Most Secure Storage Space" draggable="false" loading="lazy"
width="" height="" class="rtl:mr-4 ml-4 w-10 h-10 xl:w-12 xl:h-12" onerror="this.remove()"> |
201 | error | Bad value for attribute width on element img : The empty string is not a valid non-negative integer. |
| From line 2160, column 37 to line 2161, column 56 |
| <img src="https://www.arvancloud.ir/images/v6/home/products/object-storage-en.svg" alt="Your Most Secure Storage Space" draggable="false" loading="eager"
width="" height="" class="" onerror="this.remove()"> |
202 | error | Bad value for attribute height on element img : The empty string is not a valid non-negative integer. |
| From line 2160, column 37 to line 2161, column 56 |
| <img src="https://www.arvancloud.ir/images/v6/home/products/object-storage-en.svg" alt="Your Most Secure Storage Space" draggable="false" loading="eager"
width="" height="" class="" onerror="this.remove()"> |
203 | error | Attribute x-tabs:panel not allowed on element div at this point. |
| From line 2165, column 81 to line 2165, column 98 |
| <div x-tabs:panel> |
204 | error | Bad value for attribute width on element img : The empty string is not a valid non-negative integer. |
| From line 2169, column 41 to line 2170, column 95 |
| <img src="https://www.arvancloud.ir/images/v6/home/products/icons/video-platform.svg" alt="Video Content Services Made Easy" draggable="false" loading="lazy"
width="" height="" class="rtl:mr-4 ml-4 w-10 h-10 xl:w-12 xl:h-12" onerror="this.remove()"> |
205 | error | Bad value for attribute height on element img : The empty string is not a valid non-negative integer. |
| From line 2169, column 41 to line 2170, column 95 |
| <img src="https://www.arvancloud.ir/images/v6/home/products/icons/video-platform.svg" alt="Video Content Services Made Easy" draggable="false" loading="lazy"
width="" height="" class="rtl:mr-4 ml-4 w-10 h-10 xl:w-12 xl:h-12" onerror="this.remove()"> |
206 | error | Bad value for attribute width on element img : The empty string is not a valid non-negative integer. |
| From line 2191, column 37 to line 2192, column 56 |
| <img src="https://www.arvancloud.ir/images/v6/home/products/video-platform-en.svg" alt="Video Content Services Made Easy" draggable="false" loading="eager"
width="" height="" class="" onerror="this.remove()"> |
207 | error | Bad value for attribute height on element img : The empty string is not a valid non-negative integer. |
| From line 2191, column 37 to line 2192, column 56 |
| <img src="https://www.arvancloud.ir/images/v6/home/products/video-platform-en.svg" alt="Video Content Services Made Easy" draggable="false" loading="eager"
width="" height="" class="" onerror="this.remove()"> |
208 | error | Attribute x-tabs:panel not allowed on element div at this point. |
| From line 2196, column 81 to line 2196, column 98 |
| <div x-tabs:panel> |
209 | error | Bad value for attribute width on element img : The empty string is not a valid non-negative integer. |
| From line 2200, column 41 to line 2201, column 95 |
| <img src="https://www.arvancloud.ir/images/v6/home/products/icons/paas.svg" alt="The Ideal Functional Container Service" draggable="false" loading="lazy"
width="" height="" class="rtl:mr-4 ml-4 w-10 h-10 xl:w-12 xl:h-12" onerror="this.remove()"> |
210 | error | Bad value for attribute height on element img : The empty string is not a valid non-negative integer. |
| From line 2200, column 41 to line 2201, column 95 |
| <img src="https://www.arvancloud.ir/images/v6/home/products/icons/paas.svg" alt="The Ideal Functional Container Service" draggable="false" loading="lazy"
width="" height="" class="rtl:mr-4 ml-4 w-10 h-10 xl:w-12 xl:h-12" onerror="this.remove()"> |
211 | error | Bad value for attribute width on element img : The empty string is not a valid non-negative integer. |
| From line 2222, column 37 to line 2223, column 56 |
| <img src="https://www.arvancloud.ir/images/v6/home/products/container-en.svg" alt="The Ideal Functional Container Service" draggable="false" loading="eager"
width="" height="" class="" onerror="this.remove()"> |
212 | error | Bad value for attribute height on element img : The empty string is not a valid non-negative integer. |
| From line 2222, column 37 to line 2223, column 56 |
| <img src="https://www.arvancloud.ir/images/v6/home/products/container-en.svg" alt="The Ideal Functional Container Service" draggable="false" loading="eager"
width="" height="" class="" onerror="this.remove()"> |
213 | error | Attribute x-tabs:panel not allowed on element div at this point. |
| From line 2227, column 81 to line 2227, column 98 |
| <div x-tabs:panel> |
214 | error | Bad value for attribute width on element img : The empty string is not a valid non-negative integer. |
| From line 2231, column 41 to line 2232, column 95 |
| <img src="https://www.arvancloud.ir/images/v6/home/products/icons/database.svg" alt="A Secure Home for Data" draggable="false" loading="lazy"
width="" height="" class="rtl:mr-4 ml-4 w-10 h-10 xl:w-12 xl:h-12" onerror="this.remove()"> |
215 | error | Bad value for attribute height on element img : The empty string is not a valid non-negative integer. |
| From line 2231, column 41 to line 2232, column 95 |
| <img src="https://www.arvancloud.ir/images/v6/home/products/icons/database.svg" alt="A Secure Home for Data" draggable="false" loading="lazy"
width="" height="" class="rtl:mr-4 ml-4 w-10 h-10 xl:w-12 xl:h-12" onerror="this.remove()"> |
216 | error | Bad value for attribute width on element img : The empty string is not a valid non-negative integer. |
| From line 2251, column 37 to line 2252, column 56 |
| <img src="https://www.arvancloud.ir/images/v6/home/products/dbaas-en.svg" alt="A Secure Home for Data" draggable="false" loading="eager"
width="" height="" class="" onerror="this.remove()"> |
217 | error | Bad value for attribute height on element img : The empty string is not a valid non-negative integer. |
| From line 2251, column 37 to line 2252, column 56 |
| <img src="https://www.arvancloud.ir/images/v6/home/products/dbaas-en.svg" alt="A Secure Home for Data" draggable="false" loading="eager"
width="" height="" class="" onerror="this.remove()"> |
218 | error | Duplicate ID . |
| From line 2260, column 5 to line 2260, column 78 |
| tion>
<section class="relative py-24 lg:py-32 home-globe overflow-hidden" id=""> |
219 | error | Bad value for attribute id on element section : An ID must not be the empty string. |
| From line 2260, column 5 to line 2260, column 78 |
| tion>
<section class="relative py-24 lg:py-32 home-globe overflow-hidden" id=""> |
220 | error | Bad value for attribute width on element img : The empty string is not a valid non-negative integer. |
| From line 2278, column 21 to line 2279, column 56 |
| <img src="https://www.arvancloud.ir/images/v6/home/globe.svg" alt="" draggable="false" loading="eager"
width="" height="" class="" onerror="this.remove()"> |
221 | error | Bad value for attribute height on element img : The empty string is not a valid non-negative integer. |
| From line 2278, column 21 to line 2279, column 56 |
| <img src="https://www.arvancloud.ir/images/v6/home/globe.svg" alt="" draggable="false" loading="eager"
width="" height="" class="" onerror="this.remove()"> |
222 | error | Bad value for attribute width on element img : The empty string is not a valid non-negative integer. |
| From line 2353, column 13 to line 2354, column 63 |
| <img src="https://www.arvancloud.ir/images/v6/home/globe.png" alt="ArvanCloud Network" draggable="false" loading="lazy"
width="" height="" class="mx-auto" onerror="this.remove()"> |
223 | error | Bad value for attribute height on element img : The empty string is not a valid non-negative integer. |
| From line 2353, column 13 to line 2354, column 63 |
| <img src="https://www.arvancloud.ir/images/v6/home/globe.png" alt="ArvanCloud Network" draggable="false" loading="lazy"
width="" height="" class="mx-auto" onerror="this.remove()"> |
224 | error | Duplicate ID . |
| From line 2358, column 6 to line 2358, column 61 |
| ion>
<section class="relative py-24 lg:py-32 bg-white" id=""> |
225 | error | Bad value for attribute id on element section : An ID must not be the empty string. |
| From line 2358, column 6 to line 2358, column 61 |
| ion>
<section class="relative py-24 lg:py-32 bg-white" id=""> |
226 | error | Attribute x-data not allowed on element div at this point. |
| From line 2374, column 5 to line 2374, column 149 |
| /div>
<div class="sm:container" x-data="homeSolutions" x-home-solutions x-intersect:enter='intersectHandler' x-intersect:leave='intersectLeaveHandler'> |
227 | error | Attribute x-home-solutions not allowed on element div at this point. |
| From line 2374, column 5 to line 2374, column 149 |
| /div>
<div class="sm:container" x-data="homeSolutions" x-home-solutions x-intersect:enter='intersectHandler' x-intersect:leave='intersectLeaveHandler'> |
228 | error | Attribute x-intersect:enter not allowed on element div at this point. |
| From line 2374, column 5 to line 2374, column 149 |
| /div>
<div class="sm:container" x-data="homeSolutions" x-home-solutions x-intersect:enter='intersectHandler' x-intersect:leave='intersectLeaveHandler'> |
229 | error | Attribute x-intersect:leave not allowed on element div at this point. |
| From line 2374, column 5 to line 2374, column 149 |
| /div>
<div class="sm:container" x-data="homeSolutions" x-home-solutions x-intersect:enter='intersectHandler' x-intersect:leave='intersectLeaveHandler'> |
230 | error | Attribute :class not allowed on element div at this point. |
| From line 2376, column 29 to line 2378, column 17 |
| <div class="home-solutions__tab text-gray-800 relative min-w-fit transition-all"
:class="accordionId == '0' && 'home-solutions__tab--active' "
> |
231 | error | Attribute x-on:click not allowed on element div at this point. |
| From line 2379, column 21 to line 2379, column 94 |
| <div class="relative cursor-pointer" x-on:click="accordionIdHandler( 0 )"> |
232 | error | Attribute :class not allowed on element div at this point. |
| From line 2405, column 29 to line 2407, column 17 |
| <div class="home-solutions__tab text-gray-800 relative min-w-fit transition-all"
:class="accordionId == '1' && 'home-solutions__tab--active' "
> |
233 | error | Attribute x-on:click not allowed on element div at this point. |
| From line 2408, column 21 to line 2408, column 94 |
| <div class="relative cursor-pointer" x-on:click="accordionIdHandler( 1 )"> |
234 | error | Attribute :class not allowed on element div at this point. |
| From line 2436, column 29 to line 2438, column 17 |
| <div class="home-solutions__tab text-gray-800 relative min-w-fit transition-all"
:class="accordionId == '2' && 'home-solutions__tab--active' "
> |
235 | error | Attribute x-on:click not allowed on element div at this point. |
| From line 2439, column 21 to line 2439, column 94 |
| <div class="relative cursor-pointer" x-on:click="accordionIdHandler( 2 )"> |
236 | error | Duplicate attribute class . |
| From line 2469, column 140 to line 2469, column 140 |
| -active'" class="flex flex-col |
237 | error | Attribute :class not allowed on element div at this point. |
| From line 2469, column 25 to line 2470, column 44 |
| <div class="home-solutions__tab-content" :class="accordionId == '0' && 'home-solutions__tab-content--active'" class="flex flex-col xl:flex-row" @mouseover='mouseEnterHandler'
@mouseleave='mouseLeaveHandler'> |
238 | error | Attribute @mouseover not allowed on element div at this point. |
| From line 2469, column 25 to line 2470, column 44 |
| <div class="home-solutions__tab-content" :class="accordionId == '0' && 'home-solutions__tab-content--active'" class="flex flex-col xl:flex-row" @mouseover='mouseEnterHandler'
@mouseleave='mouseLeaveHandler'> |
239 | error | Attribute @mouseleave not allowed on element div at this point. |
| From line 2469, column 25 to line 2470, column 44 |
| <div class="home-solutions__tab-content" :class="accordionId == '0' && 'home-solutions__tab-content--active'" class="flex flex-col xl:flex-row" @mouseover='mouseEnterHandler'
@mouseleave='mouseLeaveHandler'> |
240 | error | Duplicate attribute class . |
| From line 2526, column 140 to line 2526, column 140 |
| -active'" class="flex flex-col |
241 | error | Attribute :class not allowed on element div at this point. |
| From line 2526, column 25 to line 2527, column 44 |
| <div class="home-solutions__tab-content" :class="accordionId == '1' && 'home-solutions__tab-content--active'" class="flex flex-col xl:flex-row" @mouseover='mouseEnterHandler'
@mouseleave='mouseLeaveHandler'> |
242 | error | Attribute @mouseover not allowed on element div at this point. |
| From line 2526, column 25 to line 2527, column 44 |
| <div class="home-solutions__tab-content" :class="accordionId == '1' && 'home-solutions__tab-content--active'" class="flex flex-col xl:flex-row" @mouseover='mouseEnterHandler'
@mouseleave='mouseLeaveHandler'> |
243 | error | Attribute @mouseleave not allowed on element div at this point. |
| From line 2526, column 25 to line 2527, column 44 |
| <div class="home-solutions__tab-content" :class="accordionId == '1' && 'home-solutions__tab-content--active'" class="flex flex-col xl:flex-row" @mouseover='mouseEnterHandler'
@mouseleave='mouseLeaveHandler'> |
244 | error | Duplicate attribute class . |
| From line 2557, column 140 to line 2557, column 140 |
| -active'" class="flex flex-col |
245 | error | Attribute :class not allowed on element div at this point. |
| From line 2557, column 25 to line 2558, column 44 |
| <div class="home-solutions__tab-content" :class="accordionId == '2' && 'home-solutions__tab-content--active'" class="flex flex-col xl:flex-row" @mouseover='mouseEnterHandler'
@mouseleave='mouseLeaveHandler'> |
246 | error | Attribute @mouseover not allowed on element div at this point. |
| From line 2557, column 25 to line 2558, column 44 |
| <div class="home-solutions__tab-content" :class="accordionId == '2' && 'home-solutions__tab-content--active'" class="flex flex-col xl:flex-row" @mouseover='mouseEnterHandler'
@mouseleave='mouseLeaveHandler'> |
247 | error | Attribute @mouseleave not allowed on element div at this point. |
| From line 2557, column 25 to line 2558, column 44 |
| <div class="home-solutions__tab-content" :class="accordionId == '2' && 'home-solutions__tab-content--active'" class="flex flex-col xl:flex-row" @mouseover='mouseEnterHandler'
@mouseleave='mouseLeaveHandler'> |
248 | error | Stray end tag div . |
| From line 2590, column 5 to line 2590, column 10 |
| /div>
</sec |
249 | error | Bad value for attribute width on element img : The empty string is not a valid non-negative integer. |
| From line 2604, column 17 to line 2605, column 107 |
| <img src="https://www.arvancloud.ir/images/v6/home/banner-mobile.svg" alt="" draggable="false" loading="lazy"
width="" height="" class="home-banner__img home-banner__img-mobile opacity-50" onerror="this.remove()"> |
250 | error | Bad value for attribute height on element img : The empty string is not a valid non-negative integer. |
| From line 2604, column 17 to line 2605, column 107 |
| <img src="https://www.arvancloud.ir/images/v6/home/banner-mobile.svg" alt="" draggable="false" loading="lazy"
width="" height="" class="home-banner__img home-banner__img-mobile opacity-50" onerror="this.remove()"> |
251 | error | Bad value for attribute width on element img : The empty string is not a valid non-negative integer. |
| From line 2606, column 17 to line 2607, column 104 |
| <img src="https://www.arvancloud.ir/images/v6/home/banner.svg" alt="" draggable="false" loading="lazy"
width="" height="" class="home-banner__img home-banner__img-desktop hidden" onerror="this.remove()"> |
252 | error | Bad value for attribute height on element img : The empty string is not a valid non-negative integer. |
| From line 2606, column 17 to line 2607, column 104 |
| <img src="https://www.arvancloud.ir/images/v6/home/banner.svg" alt="" draggable="false" loading="lazy"
width="" height="" class="home-banner__img home-banner__img-desktop hidden" onerror="this.remove()"> |
253 | error | Duplicate ID . |
| From line 2621, column 5 to line 2621, column 62 |
| tion>
<section class="relative py-24 lg:py-32 bg-gray-20" id=""> |
254 | error | Bad value for attribute id on element section : An ID must not be the empty string. |
| From line 2621, column 5 to line 2621, column 62 |
| tion>
<section class="relative py-24 lg:py-32 bg-gray-20" id=""> |
255 | error | Attribute x-data not allowed on element div at this point. |
| From line 3053, column 37 to line 3073, column 39 |
| <div x-data="{
open: false,
toggle() {
if (this.open) {
return this.close()
this.open = true
close(focusAfter) {
if (!this.open) return
this.open = false
focusAfter && focusAfter.focus()
}" x-on:keydown.escape.prevent.stop="close($refs.button)"
x-on:focusin.window="! $refs.panel.contains($event.target) && close()" x-id="['dropdown-button']"
class="relative flex items-center">
< |
256 | error | Attribute x-on:keydown.escape.prevent.stop not allowed on element div at this point. |
| From line 3053, column 37 to line 3073, column 39 |
| <div x-data="{
open: false,
toggle() {
if (this.open) {
return this.close()
this.open = true
close(focusAfter) {
if (!this.open) return
this.open = false
focusAfter && focusAfter.focus()
}" x-on:keydown.escape.prevent.stop="close($refs.button)"
x-on:focusin.window="! $refs.panel.contains($event.target) && close()" x-id="['dropdown-button']"
class="relative flex items-center">
< |
257 | error | Attribute x-on:focusin.window not allowed on element div at this point. |
| From line 3053, column 37 to line 3073, column 39 |
| <div x-data="{
open: false,
toggle() {
if (this.open) {
return this.close()
this.open = true
close(focusAfter) {
if (!this.open) return
this.open = false
focusAfter && focusAfter.focus()
}" x-on:keydown.escape.prevent.stop="close($refs.button)"
x-on:focusin.window="! $refs.panel.contains($event.target) && close()" x-id="['dropdown-button']"
class="relative flex items-center">
< |
258 | error | Attribute x-id not allowed on element div at this point. |
| From line 3053, column 37 to line 3073, column 39 |
| <div x-data="{
open: false,
toggle() {
if (this.open) {
return this.close()
this.open = true
close(focusAfter) {
if (!this.open) return
this.open = false
focusAfter && focusAfter.focus()
}" x-on:keydown.escape.prevent.stop="close($refs.button)"
x-on:focusin.window="! $refs.panel.contains($event.target) && close()" x-id="['dropdown-button']"
class="relative flex items-center">
< |
259 | error | Attribute x-ref not allowed on element button at this point. |
| From line 3075, column 5 to line 3077, column 18 |
| n -->
<button x-ref="button" x-on:click="toggle()" :aria-expanded="open" :aria-controls="$id('dropdown-button')"
type="button" class="footer-language bg-gray-50 rounded-md px-3 h-10 gap-2 flex items-center text-sm font-medium"
dir="rtl"> |
260 | error | Attribute x-on:click not allowed on element button at this point. |
| From line 3075, column 5 to line 3077, column 18 |
| n -->
<button x-ref="button" x-on:click="toggle()" :aria-expanded="open" :aria-controls="$id('dropdown-button')"
type="button" class="footer-language bg-gray-50 rounded-md px-3 h-10 gap-2 flex items-center text-sm font-medium"
dir="rtl"> |
261 | error | Attribute :aria-expanded not allowed on element button at this point. |
| From line 3075, column 5 to line 3077, column 18 |
| n -->
<button x-ref="button" x-on:click="toggle()" :aria-expanded="open" :aria-controls="$id('dropdown-button')"
type="button" class="footer-language bg-gray-50 rounded-md px-3 h-10 gap-2 flex items-center text-sm font-medium"
dir="rtl"> |
262 | error | Attribute :aria-controls not allowed on element button at this point. |
| From line 3075, column 5 to line 3077, column 18 |
| n -->
<button x-ref="button" x-on:click="toggle()" :aria-expanded="open" :aria-controls="$id('dropdown-button')"
type="button" class="footer-language bg-gray-50 rounded-md px-3 h-10 gap-2 flex items-center text-sm font-medium"
dir="rtl"> |
263 | error | Attribute x-ref not allowed on element div at this point. |
| From line 3093, column 5 to line 3095, column 100 |
| l -->
<div x-ref="panel" x-show="open" x-transition.origin.top.left x-on:click.outside="close($refs.button)"
:id="$id('dropdown-button')" style="display: none;"
class="absolute bottom-4 left-0 mb-8 w-full overflow-hidden rounded bg-white p-2 shadow-md"> |
264 | error | Attribute x-show not allowed on element div at this point. |
| From line 3093, column 5 to line 3095, column 100 |
| l -->
<div x-ref="panel" x-show="open" x-transition.origin.top.left x-on:click.outside="close($refs.button)"
:id="$id('dropdown-button')" style="display: none;"
class="absolute bottom-4 left-0 mb-8 w-full overflow-hidden rounded bg-white p-2 shadow-md"> |
265 | error | Attribute x-transition.origin.top.left not allowed on element div at this point. |
| From line 3093, column 5 to line 3095, column 100 |
| l -->
<div x-ref="panel" x-show="open" x-transition.origin.top.left x-on:click.outside="close($refs.button)"
:id="$id('dropdown-button')" style="display: none;"
class="absolute bottom-4 left-0 mb-8 w-full overflow-hidden rounded bg-white p-2 shadow-md"> |
266 | error | Attribute x-on:click.outside not allowed on element div at this point. |
| From line 3093, column 5 to line 3095, column 100 |
| l -->
<div x-ref="panel" x-show="open" x-transition.origin.top.left x-on:click.outside="close($refs.button)"
:id="$id('dropdown-button')" style="display: none;"
class="absolute bottom-4 left-0 mb-8 w-full overflow-hidden rounded bg-white p-2 shadow-md"> |
267 | error | Attribute :id not allowed on element div at this point. |
| From line 3093, column 5 to line 3095, column 100 |
| l -->
<div x-ref="panel" x-show="open" x-transition.origin.top.left x-on:click.outside="close($refs.button)"
:id="$id('dropdown-button')" style="display: none;"
class="absolute bottom-4 left-0 mb-8 w-full overflow-hidden rounded bg-white p-2 shadow-md"> |
268 | info | Attribute x-on:keydown.escape.prevent.stop is not serializable as XML 1.0. |
| From line 141, column 1 to line 165, column 1 |
| "></span>
open: false,
toggle() {
if (this.open) {
return this.close()
this.open = true
close(focusAfter) {
if (! this.open) return
this.open = false
focusAfter && focusAfter.focus()
x-on:focusin.window="! $refs.panel.contains($event.target) && close()"
< |
269 | info | Attribute x-on:focusin.window is not serializable as XML 1.0. |
| From line 141, column 1 to line 165, column 1 |
| "></span>
open: false,
toggle() {
if (this.open) {
return this.close()
this.open = true
close(focusAfter) {
if (! this.open) return
this.open = false
focusAfter && focusAfter.focus()
x-on:focusin.window="! $refs.panel.contains($event.target) && close()"
< |
270 | info | Attribute x-on:click is not serializable as XML 1.0. |
| From line 167, column 5 to line 175, column 5 |
| n -->
> |
271 | info | Attribute :aria-expanded is not serializable as XML 1.0. |
| From line 167, column 5 to line 175, column 5 |
| n -->
> |
272 | info | Attribute :aria-controls is not serializable as XML 1.0. |
| From line 167, column 5 to line 175, column 5 |
| n -->
> |
273 | info | Attribute x-on:click.outside is not serializable as XML 1.0. |
| From line 194, column 5 to line 202, column 5 |
| l -->
style="display: none;"
class="absolute rtl:left-0 ltr:right-0 mt-2 w-32 bg-white rounded shadow-md overflow-hidden p-2 z-50"
> |
274 | info | Attribute :id is not serializable as XML 1.0. |
| From line 194, column 5 to line 202, column 5 |
| l -->
style="display: none;"
class="absolute rtl:left-0 ltr:right-0 mt-2 w-32 bg-white rounded shadow-md overflow-hidden p-2 z-50"
> |
275 | info | Attribute @click.outside is not serializable as XML 1.0. |
| From line 218, column 5 to line 219, column 72 |
| /div>
<div class="header-bottom" x-data="header" @click.outside="menuId = null"
x-on:keydown.escape.prevent.stop="menuId = null" id="header-bottom">
< |
276 | info | Attribute x-on:keydown.escape.prevent.stop is not serializable as XML 1.0. |
| From line 218, column 5 to line 219, column 72 |
| /div>
<div class="header-bottom" x-data="header" @click.outside="menuId = null"
x-on:keydown.escape.prevent.stop="menuId = null" id="header-bottom">
< |
277 | info | Attribute x-bind:class is not serializable as XML 1.0. |
| From line 225, column 25 to line 226, column 67 |
| <button class="header-menu-button" x-bind:class="menuId == 'products' && 'active'"
x-on:click="menuIdHandler('products')"> |
278 | info | Attribute x-on:click is not serializable as XML 1.0. |
| From line 225, column 25 to line 226, column 67 |
| <button class="header-menu-button" x-bind:class="menuId == 'products' && 'active'"
x-on:click="menuIdHandler('products')"> |
279 | info | Attribute x-on:click is not serializable as XML 1.0. |
| From line 237, column 53 to line 238, column 108 |
| <button x-on:click="menuIdHandler('solutions')"
x-bind:class="menuId == 'solutions' && 'active'" class="header-menu-button"> |
280 | info | Attribute x-bind:class is not serializable as XML 1.0. |
| From line 237, column 53 to line 238, column 108 |
| <button x-on:click="menuIdHandler('solutions')"
x-bind:class="menuId == 'solutions' && 'active'" class="header-menu-button"> |
281 | info | Attribute x-on:click is not serializable as XML 1.0. |
| From line 249, column 49 to line 250, column 55 |
| <button x-on:click="menuIdHandler('pricing')" x-bind:class="menuId == 'pricing' && 'active'"
class="header-menu-button"> |
282 | info | Attribute x-bind:class is not serializable as XML 1.0. |
| From line 249, column 49 to line 250, column 55 |
| <button x-on:click="menuIdHandler('pricing')" x-bind:class="menuId == 'pricing' && 'active'"
class="header-menu-button"> |
283 | info | Attribute x-on:click is not serializable as XML 1.0. |
| From line 262, column 25 to line 263, column 55 |
| <button x-on:click="menuIdHandler('knowledge')" x-bind:class="menuId == 'knowledge' && 'active'"
class="header-menu-button"> |
284 | info | Attribute x-bind:class is not serializable as XML 1.0. |
| From line 262, column 25 to line 263, column 55 |
| <button x-on:click="menuIdHandler('knowledge')" x-bind:class="menuId == 'knowledge' && 'active'"
class="header-menu-button"> |
285 | info | Attribute :class is not serializable as XML 1.0. |
| From line 294, column 9 to line 295, column 88 |
| >
<div class="header-panel" :class="{ 'active': menuId != null }"
:style="menuId != null ? { height: `${menuHeight}px` } : { height: '0px' }"> |
286 | info | Attribute :style is not serializable as XML 1.0. |
| From line 294, column 9 to line 295, column 88 |
| >
<div class="header-panel" :class="{ 'active': menuId != null }"
:style="menuId != null ? { height: `${menuHeight}px` } : { height: '0px' }"> |
287 | info | Attribute :class is not serializable as XML 1.0. |
| From line 299, column 13 to line 299, column 121 |
| <div class="header-menu header-products-menu" :class="{ 'active': menuId == 'products' }" menu-id="products">
< |
288 | info | Attribute :class is not serializable as XML 1.0. |
| From line 302, column 13 to line 302, column 89 |
| <div class="header-menu-primary" :class="{ 'active': menuId == 'products' }"> |
289 | info | Attribute :class is not serializable as XML 1.0. |
| From line 422, column 13 to line 422, column 102 |
| <div class="header-menu-secondary max-h-full" :class="{ 'active': menuId == 'products' }"> |
290 | info | Attribute :class is not serializable as XML 1.0. |
| From line 709, column 13 to line 709, column 101 |
| <div class="header-menu" :class="{'active' : menuId == 'solutions'}" menu-id="solutions">
< |
291 | info | Attribute :class is not serializable as XML 1.0. |
| From line 712, column 13 to line 712, column 91 |
| <div class="header-menu-primary" :class="{ 'active' : menuId == 'solutions' }"> |
292 | info | Attribute :class is not serializable as XML 1.0. |
| From line 768, column 13 to line 768, column 93 |
| <div class="header-menu-secondary" :class="{ 'active' : menuId == 'solutions' }"> |
293 | info | Attribute :class is not serializable as XML 1.0. |
| From line 769, column 17 to line 772, column 17 |
| <div
class="grid gap-x-10 transition-all grid-cols-3"
:class="menuId == 'solutions' ? 'opacity-100 translate-x-0 translate-y-0 ease-out duration-300 delay-200' : 'opacity-0 translate-x-[3px] translate-y-[-7px] ease-in'"
> |
294 | info | Attribute :class is not serializable as XML 1.0. |
| From line 927, column 13 to line 927, column 97 |
| <div class="header-menu" :class="{'active' : menuId == 'pricing'}" menu-id="pricing">
< |
295 | info | Attribute :class is not serializable as XML 1.0. |
| From line 930, column 13 to line 930, column 89 |
| <div class="header-menu-primary" :class="{ 'active' : menuId == 'pricing' }"> |
296 | info | Attribute :class is not serializable as XML 1.0. |
| From line 983, column 13 to line 983, column 91 |
| <div class="header-menu-secondary" :class="{ 'active' : menuId == 'pricing' }"> |
297 | info | Attribute :class is not serializable as XML 1.0. |
| From line 1093, column 13 to line 1093, column 123 |
| <div class="header-menu header-knowledge-menu" :class="{'active' : menuId == 'knowledge'}" menu-id='knowledge'>
< |
298 | info | Attribute :class is not serializable as XML 1.0. |
| From line 1096, column 13 to line 1096, column 91 |
| <div class="header-menu-primary" :class="{ 'active' : menuId == 'knowledge' }"> |
299 | info | Attribute :class is not serializable as XML 1.0. |
| From line 1167, column 13 to line 1167, column 93 |
| <div class="header-menu-secondary" :class="{ 'active' : menuId == 'knowledge' }"> |
300 | info | Attribute x-bind:class is not serializable as XML 1.0. |
| From line 1271, column 5 to line 1271, column 83 |
| le"
<div class="header-mobile" x-bind:class=" active && 'active fixed top-0 z-40'"> |
301 | info | Attribute x-on:click is not serializable as XML 1.0. |
| From line 1283, column 13 to line 1286, column 13 |
| <button
class="w-6 h-6 focus:outline-none"
x-on:click=" active = !active "
> |
302 | info | Attribute :class is not serializable as XML 1.0. |
| From line 1287, column 17 to line 1287, column 165 |
| <span class="block h-0.5 w-6 bg-black transform transition duration-200 ease-in-out" :class="{'rotate-45 translate-y-0.5': active, 'mb-3': !active}"></span |
303 | info | Attribute :class is not serializable as XML 1.0. |
| From line 1288, column 17 to line 1288, column 133 |
| <span class="block h-0.5 w-6 bg-black transform transition duration-200 ease-in-out" :class="{'-rotate-45': active}"></span |
304 | info | Attribute :class is not serializable as XML 1.0. |
| From line 1294, column 5 to line 1298, column 5 |
| l -->
:class="{'active': active}"
> |
305 | info | Attribute :class is not serializable as XML 1.0. |
| From line 1300, column 13 to line 1300, column 123 |
| <ul class="mt-7" :class="activePanel !== null && 'header-mobile-submenu-active' " x-data="{activePanel: null}"> |
306 | info | Attribute x-on:click is not serializable as XML 1.0. |
| From line 1306, column 5 to line 1306, column 110 |
| 1)"
<div class="py-8 flex justify-between mx-4 font-semibold text-gray-900" x-on:click="expanded = !expanded"> |
307 | info | Attribute x-on:click is not serializable as XML 1.0. |
| From line 1313, column 13 to line 1316, column 13 |
| <img class="rotate-0 rtl:rotate-180"
x-on:click="expanded = !expanded"
> |
308 | info | Attribute x-on:click is not serializable as XML 1.0. |
| From line 1606, column 5 to line 1606, column 110 |
| 2)"
<div class="py-8 flex justify-between mx-4 font-semibold text-gray-900" x-on:click="expanded = !expanded"> |
309 | info | Attribute x-on:click is not serializable as XML 1.0. |
| From line 1613, column 13 to line 1616, column 13 |
| <img class="rotate-0 rtl:rotate-180"
x-on:click="expanded = !expanded"
> |
310 | info | Attribute x-on:click is not serializable as XML 1.0. |
| From line 1722, column 5 to line 1722, column 110 |
| 3)"
<div class="py-8 flex justify-between mx-4 font-semibold text-gray-900" x-on:click="expanded = !expanded"> |
311 | info | Attribute x-on:click is not serializable as XML 1.0. |
| From line 1729, column 13 to line 1732, column 13 |
| <img class="rotate-0 rtl:rotate-180"
x-on:click="expanded = !expanded"
> |
312 | info | Attribute x-on:click is not serializable as XML 1.0. |
| From line 1811, column 5 to line 1811, column 110 |
| (4)">
<div class="py-8 flex justify-between mx-4 font-semibold text-gray-900" x-on:click="expanded = !expanded"> |
313 | info | Attribute x-on:click is not serializable as XML 1.0. |
| From line 1819, column 13 to line 1820, column 50 |
| <img class="rotate-0 rtl:rotate-180" src="https://www.arvancloud.ir/images/v6/header/arrow-left.svg"
x-on:click="expanded = !expanded"> |
314 | info | Attribute x-on:click is not serializable as XML 1.0. |
| From line 1950, column 9 to line 1954, column 9 |
| >
x-on:click="expanded = !expanded"
class="flex w-full items-center justify-between text-gray-700 text-sm px-4"
x-bind:class="expanded && 'text-green-700'"
> |
315 | info | Attribute x-bind:class is not serializable as XML 1.0. |
| From line 1950, column 9 to line 1954, column 9 |
| >
x-on:click="expanded = !expanded"
class="flex w-full items-center justify-between text-gray-700 text-sm px-4"
x-bind:class="expanded && 'text-green-700'"
> |
316 | info | Attribute x-bind:class is not serializable as XML 1.0. |
| From line 1956, column 13 to line 1956, column 91 |
| <div x-bind:class=" expanded && '!-rotate-90'" class="rtl:rotate-0 rotate-180"> |
317 | info | Attribute x-bind:class is not serializable as XML 1.0. |
| From line 1963, column 9 to line 1963, column 119 |
| >
<div x-show="expanded" x-bind:class="expanded ? 'border-gray-100' : 'border-white'" class="mt-6 pb-7 border-b"> |
318 | info | The first occurrence of ID was here. |
| From line 2018, column 21 to line 2018, column 261 |
| <a href="https://accounts.arvancloud.ir/login?lang=en" class="flex items-center justify-center w-44 lg:w-auto h-12 rounded-lg text-sm lg:text-base font-semibold py-4 px-6 bg-green-600 text-white hover:bg-green-800 transition-all z-20" id=""> |
319 | info | The first occurrence of ID was here. |
| From line 2018, column 21 to line 2018, column 261 |
| <a href="https://accounts.arvancloud.ir/login?lang=en" class="flex items-center justify-center w-44 lg:w-auto h-12 rounded-lg text-sm lg:text-base font-semibold py-4 px-6 bg-green-600 text-white hover:bg-green-800 transition-all z-20" id=""> |
320 | info | The first occurrence of ID was here. |
| From line 2018, column 21 to line 2018, column 261 |
| <a href="https://accounts.arvancloud.ir/login?lang=en" class="flex items-center justify-center w-44 lg:w-auto h-12 rounded-lg text-sm lg:text-base font-semibold py-4 px-6 bg-green-600 text-white hover:bg-green-800 transition-all z-20" id=""> |
321 | info | The first occurrence of ID was here. |
| From line 2018, column 21 to line 2018, column 261 |
| <a href="https://accounts.arvancloud.ir/login?lang=en" class="flex items-center justify-center w-44 lg:w-auto h-12 rounded-lg text-sm lg:text-base font-semibold py-4 px-6 bg-green-600 text-white hover:bg-green-800 transition-all z-20" id=""> |
322 | info | The first occurrence of ID was here. |
| From line 2018, column 21 to line 2018, column 261 |
| <a href="https://accounts.arvancloud.ir/login?lang=en" class="flex items-center justify-center w-44 lg:w-auto h-12 rounded-lg text-sm lg:text-base font-semibold py-4 px-6 bg-green-600 text-white hover:bg-green-800 transition-all z-20" id=""> |
323 | info | Attribute x-tabs:list is not serializable as XML 1.0. |
| From line 2041, column 13 to line 2041, column 72 |
| <div x-tabs:list class="flex mb-6 lg:mb-24 overflow-x-auto"> |
324 | info | Attribute x-tabs:tab is not serializable as XML 1.0. |
| From line 2042, column 61 to line 2043, column 142 |
| <h2 class="relative justify-center flex items-center gap-2 text-base xl:text-xl px-6 py-3 min-w-fit text-gray-800 cursor-pointer focus-visible:outline-none transition-all"
x-tabs:tab :class="{ '!text-gray-800 bg-white rounded-lg shadow-[0px_8px_10px_0px_#0000000A]': $tab.isSelected }"> |
325 | info | Attribute :class is not serializable as XML 1.0. |
| From line 2042, column 61 to line 2043, column 142 |
| <h2 class="relative justify-center flex items-center gap-2 text-base xl:text-xl px-6 py-3 min-w-fit text-gray-800 cursor-pointer focus-visible:outline-none transition-all"
x-tabs:tab :class="{ '!text-gray-800 bg-white rounded-lg shadow-[0px_8px_10px_0px_#0000000A]': $tab.isSelected }"> |
326 | info | Attribute x-tabs:tab is not serializable as XML 1.0. |
| From line 2047, column 81 to line 2048, column 142 |
| <h2 class="relative justify-center flex items-center gap-2 text-base xl:text-xl px-6 py-3 min-w-fit text-gray-800 cursor-pointer focus-visible:outline-none transition-all"
x-tabs:tab :class="{ '!text-gray-800 bg-white rounded-lg shadow-[0px_8px_10px_0px_#0000000A]': $tab.isSelected }"> |
327 | info | Attribute :class is not serializable as XML 1.0. |
| From line 2047, column 81 to line 2048, column 142 |
| <h2 class="relative justify-center flex items-center gap-2 text-base xl:text-xl px-6 py-3 min-w-fit text-gray-800 cursor-pointer focus-visible:outline-none transition-all"
x-tabs:tab :class="{ '!text-gray-800 bg-white rounded-lg shadow-[0px_8px_10px_0px_#0000000A]': $tab.isSelected }"> |
328 | info | Attribute x-tabs:tab is not serializable as XML 1.0. |
| From line 2052, column 81 to line 2053, column 142 |
| <h2 class="relative justify-center flex items-center gap-2 text-base xl:text-xl px-6 py-3 min-w-fit text-gray-800 cursor-pointer focus-visible:outline-none transition-all"
x-tabs:tab :class="{ '!text-gray-800 bg-white rounded-lg shadow-[0px_8px_10px_0px_#0000000A]': $tab.isSelected }"> |
329 | info | Attribute :class is not serializable as XML 1.0. |
| From line 2052, column 81 to line 2053, column 142 |
| <h2 class="relative justify-center flex items-center gap-2 text-base xl:text-xl px-6 py-3 min-w-fit text-gray-800 cursor-pointer focus-visible:outline-none transition-all"
x-tabs:tab :class="{ '!text-gray-800 bg-white rounded-lg shadow-[0px_8px_10px_0px_#0000000A]': $tab.isSelected }"> |
330 | info | Attribute x-tabs:tab is not serializable as XML 1.0. |
| From line 2057, column 81 to line 2058, column 142 |
| <h2 class="relative justify-center flex items-center gap-2 text-base xl:text-xl px-6 py-3 min-w-fit text-gray-800 cursor-pointer focus-visible:outline-none transition-all"
x-tabs:tab :class="{ '!text-gray-800 bg-white rounded-lg shadow-[0px_8px_10px_0px_#0000000A]': $tab.isSelected }"> |
331 | info | Attribute :class is not serializable as XML 1.0. |
| From line 2057, column 81 to line 2058, column 142 |
| <h2 class="relative justify-center flex items-center gap-2 text-base xl:text-xl px-6 py-3 min-w-fit text-gray-800 cursor-pointer focus-visible:outline-none transition-all"
x-tabs:tab :class="{ '!text-gray-800 bg-white rounded-lg shadow-[0px_8px_10px_0px_#0000000A]': $tab.isSelected }"> |
332 | info | Attribute x-tabs:tab is not serializable as XML 1.0. |
| From line 2062, column 81 to line 2063, column 142 |
| <h2 class="relative justify-center flex items-center gap-2 text-base xl:text-xl px-6 py-3 min-w-fit text-gray-800 cursor-pointer focus-visible:outline-none transition-all"
x-tabs:tab :class="{ '!text-gray-800 bg-white rounded-lg shadow-[0px_8px_10px_0px_#0000000A]': $tab.isSelected }"> |
333 | info | Attribute :class is not serializable as XML 1.0. |
| From line 2062, column 81 to line 2063, column 142 |
| <h2 class="relative justify-center flex items-center gap-2 text-base xl:text-xl px-6 py-3 min-w-fit text-gray-800 cursor-pointer focus-visible:outline-none transition-all"
x-tabs:tab :class="{ '!text-gray-800 bg-white rounded-lg shadow-[0px_8px_10px_0px_#0000000A]': $tab.isSelected }"> |
334 | info | Attribute x-tabs:tab is not serializable as XML 1.0. |
| From line 2067, column 81 to line 2068, column 142 |
| <h2 class="relative justify-center flex items-center gap-2 text-base xl:text-xl px-6 py-3 min-w-fit text-gray-800 cursor-pointer focus-visible:outline-none transition-all"
x-tabs:tab :class="{ '!text-gray-800 bg-white rounded-lg shadow-[0px_8px_10px_0px_#0000000A]': $tab.isSelected }"> |
335 | info | Attribute :class is not serializable as XML 1.0. |
| From line 2067, column 81 to line 2068, column 142 |
| <h2 class="relative justify-center flex items-center gap-2 text-base xl:text-xl px-6 py-3 min-w-fit text-gray-800 cursor-pointer focus-visible:outline-none transition-all"
x-tabs:tab :class="{ '!text-gray-800 bg-white rounded-lg shadow-[0px_8px_10px_0px_#0000000A]': $tab.isSelected }"> |
336 | info | Attribute x-tabs:panels is not serializable as XML 1.0. |
| From line 2074, column 13 to line 2074, column 80 |
| <div x-tabs:panels class="mb-0 xl:mb-[9.5rem] ltr:xl:mb-[6.875rem]"> |
337 | info | Attribute x-tabs:panel is not serializable as XML 1.0. |
| From line 2075, column 61 to line 2075, column 78 |
| <div x-tabs:panel> |
338 | info | Attribute x-tabs:panel is not serializable as XML 1.0. |
| From line 2106, column 81 to line 2106, column 98 |
| <div x-tabs:panel> |
339 | info | Attribute x-tabs:panel is not serializable as XML 1.0. |
| From line 2136, column 81 to line 2136, column 98 |
| <div x-tabs:panel> |
340 | info | Attribute x-tabs:panel is not serializable as XML 1.0. |
| From line 2165, column 81 to line 2165, column 98 |
| <div x-tabs:panel> |
341 | info | Attribute x-tabs:panel is not serializable as XML 1.0. |
| From line 2196, column 81 to line 2196, column 98 |
| <div x-tabs:panel> |
342 | info | Attribute x-tabs:panel is not serializable as XML 1.0. |
| From line 2227, column 81 to line 2227, column 98 |
| <div x-tabs:panel> |
343 | info | Section lacks heading. Consider using h2 -h6 elements to add identifying headings to all sections. |
| From line 2260, column 5 to line 2260, column 78 |
| tion>
<section class="relative py-24 lg:py-32 home-globe overflow-hidden" id=""> |
344 | info | Section lacks heading. Consider using h2 -h6 elements to add identifying headings to all sections. |
| From line 2358, column 6 to line 2358, column 61 |
| ion>
<section class="relative py-24 lg:py-32 bg-white" id=""> |
345 | info | Attribute x-intersect:enter is not serializable as XML 1.0. |
| From line 2374, column 5 to line 2374, column 149 |
| /div>
<div class="sm:container" x-data="homeSolutions" x-home-solutions x-intersect:enter='intersectHandler' x-intersect:leave='intersectLeaveHandler'> |
346 | info | Attribute x-intersect:leave is not serializable as XML 1.0. |
| From line 2374, column 5 to line 2374, column 149 |
| /div>
<div class="sm:container" x-data="homeSolutions" x-home-solutions x-intersect:enter='intersectHandler' x-intersect:leave='intersectLeaveHandler'> |
347 | info | Attribute :class is not serializable as XML 1.0. |
| From line 2376, column 29 to line 2378, column 17 |
| <div class="home-solutions__tab text-gray-800 relative min-w-fit transition-all"
:class="accordionId == '0' && 'home-solutions__tab--active' "
> |
348 | info | Attribute x-on:click is not serializable as XML 1.0. |
| From line 2379, column 21 to line 2379, column 94 |
| <div class="relative cursor-pointer" x-on:click="accordionIdHandler( 0 )"> |
349 | info | Attribute :class is not serializable as XML 1.0. |
| From line 2405, column 29 to line 2407, column 17 |
| <div class="home-solutions__tab text-gray-800 relative min-w-fit transition-all"
:class="accordionId == '1' && 'home-solutions__tab--active' "
> |
350 | info | Attribute x-on:click is not serializable as XML 1.0. |
| From line 2408, column 21 to line 2408, column 94 |
| <div class="relative cursor-pointer" x-on:click="accordionIdHandler( 1 )"> |
351 | info | Attribute :class is not serializable as XML 1.0. |
| From line 2436, column 29 to line 2438, column 17 |
| <div class="home-solutions__tab text-gray-800 relative min-w-fit transition-all"
:class="accordionId == '2' && 'home-solutions__tab--active' "
> |
352 | info | Attribute x-on:click is not serializable as XML 1.0. |
| From line 2439, column 21 to line 2439, column 94 |
| <div class="relative cursor-pointer" x-on:click="accordionIdHandler( 2 )"> |
353 | info | Attribute :class is not serializable as XML 1.0. |
| From line 2469, column 25 to line 2470, column 44 |
| <div class="home-solutions__tab-content" :class="accordionId == '0' && 'home-solutions__tab-content--active'" class="flex flex-col xl:flex-row" @mouseover='mouseEnterHandler'
@mouseleave='mouseLeaveHandler'> |
354 | info | Attribute @mouseover is not serializable as XML 1.0. |
| From line 2469, column 25 to line 2470, column 44 |
| <div class="home-solutions__tab-content" :class="accordionId == '0' && 'home-solutions__tab-content--active'" class="flex flex-col xl:flex-row" @mouseover='mouseEnterHandler'
@mouseleave='mouseLeaveHandler'> |
355 | info | Attribute @mouseleave is not serializable as XML 1.0. |
| From line 2469, column 25 to line 2470, column 44 |
| <div class="home-solutions__tab-content" :class="accordionId == '0' && 'home-solutions__tab-content--active'" class="flex flex-col xl:flex-row" @mouseover='mouseEnterHandler'
@mouseleave='mouseLeaveHandler'> |
356 | info | Attribute :class is not serializable as XML 1.0. |
| From line 2526, column 25 to line 2527, column 44 |
| <div class="home-solutions__tab-content" :class="accordionId == '1' && 'home-solutions__tab-content--active'" class="flex flex-col xl:flex-row" @mouseover='mouseEnterHandler'
@mouseleave='mouseLeaveHandler'> |
357 | info | Attribute @mouseover is not serializable as XML 1.0. |
| From line 2526, column 25 to line 2527, column 44 |
| <div class="home-solutions__tab-content" :class="accordionId == '1' && 'home-solutions__tab-content--active'" class="flex flex-col xl:flex-row" @mouseover='mouseEnterHandler'
@mouseleave='mouseLeaveHandler'> |
358 | info | Attribute @mouseleave is not serializable as XML 1.0. |
| From line 2526, column 25 to line 2527, column 44 |
| <div class="home-solutions__tab-content" :class="accordionId == '1' && 'home-solutions__tab-content--active'" class="flex flex-col xl:flex-row" @mouseover='mouseEnterHandler'
@mouseleave='mouseLeaveHandler'> |
359 | info | Attribute :class is not serializable as XML 1.0. |
| From line 2557, column 25 to line 2558, column 44 |
| <div class="home-solutions__tab-content" :class="accordionId == '2' && 'home-solutions__tab-content--active'" class="flex flex-col xl:flex-row" @mouseover='mouseEnterHandler'
@mouseleave='mouseLeaveHandler'> |
360 | info | Attribute @mouseover is not serializable as XML 1.0. |
| From line 2557, column 25 to line 2558, column 44 |
| <div class="home-solutions__tab-content" :class="accordionId == '2' && 'home-solutions__tab-content--active'" class="flex flex-col xl:flex-row" @mouseover='mouseEnterHandler'
@mouseleave='mouseLeaveHandler'> |
361 | info | Attribute @mouseleave is not serializable as XML 1.0. |
| From line 2557, column 25 to line 2558, column 44 |
| <div class="home-solutions__tab-content" :class="accordionId == '2' && 'home-solutions__tab-content--active'" class="flex flex-col xl:flex-row" @mouseover='mouseEnterHandler'
@mouseleave='mouseLeaveHandler'> |
362 | info | Section lacks heading. Consider using h2 -h6 elements to add identifying headings to all sections. |
| From line 2592, column 5 to line 2592, column 78 |
| tion>
<section class="home-banner relative scroll-mt-16 xl:scroll-mt-[8.75rem]">
< |
363 | info | Section lacks heading. Consider using h2 -h6 elements to add identifying headings to all sections. |
| From line 2621, column 5 to line 2621, column 62 |
| tion>
<section class="relative py-24 lg:py-32 bg-gray-20" id=""> |
364 | info | Section lacks heading. Consider using h2 -h6 elements to add identifying headings to all sections. |
| From line 2703, column 5 to line 2703, column 85 |
| tion>
<section class="home-banner-bottom relative py-20 xl:py-28" id="seventh-section"> |
365 | info | Attribute x-on:keydown.escape.prevent.stop is not serializable as XML 1.0. |
| From line 3053, column 37 to line 3073, column 39 |
| <div x-data="{
open: false,
toggle() {
if (this.open) {
return this.close()
this.open = true
close(focusAfter) {
if (!this.open) return
this.open = false
focusAfter && focusAfter.focus()
}" x-on:keydown.escape.prevent.stop="close($refs.button)"
x-on:focusin.window="! $refs.panel.contains($event.target) && close()" x-id="['dropdown-button']"
class="relative flex items-center">
< |
366 | info | Attribute x-on:focusin.window is not serializable as XML 1.0. |
| From line 3053, column 37 to line 3073, column 39 |
| <div x-data="{
open: false,
toggle() {
if (this.open) {
return this.close()
this.open = true
close(focusAfter) {
if (!this.open) return
this.open = false
focusAfter && focusAfter.focus()
}" x-on:keydown.escape.prevent.stop="close($refs.button)"
x-on:focusin.window="! $refs.panel.contains($event.target) && close()" x-id="['dropdown-button']"
class="relative flex items-center">
< |
367 | info | Attribute x-on:click is not serializable as XML 1.0. |
| From line 3075, column 5 to line 3077, column 18 |
| n -->
<button x-ref="button" x-on:click="toggle()" :aria-expanded="open" :aria-controls="$id('dropdown-button')"
type="button" class="footer-language bg-gray-50 rounded-md px-3 h-10 gap-2 flex items-center text-sm font-medium"
dir="rtl"> |
368 | info | Attribute :aria-expanded is not serializable as XML 1.0. |
| From line 3075, column 5 to line 3077, column 18 |
| n -->
<button x-ref="button" x-on:click="toggle()" :aria-expanded="open" :aria-controls="$id('dropdown-button')"
type="button" class="footer-language bg-gray-50 rounded-md px-3 h-10 gap-2 flex items-center text-sm font-medium"
dir="rtl"> |
369 | info | Attribute :aria-controls is not serializable as XML 1.0. |
| From line 3075, column 5 to line 3077, column 18 |
| n -->
<button x-ref="button" x-on:click="toggle()" :aria-expanded="open" :aria-controls="$id('dropdown-button')"
type="button" class="footer-language bg-gray-50 rounded-md px-3 h-10 gap-2 flex items-center text-sm font-medium"
dir="rtl"> |
370 | info | Attribute x-on:click.outside is not serializable as XML 1.0. |
| From line 3093, column 5 to line 3095, column 100 |
| l -->
<div x-ref="panel" x-show="open" x-transition.origin.top.left x-on:click.outside="close($refs.button)"
:id="$id('dropdown-button')" style="display: none;"
class="absolute bottom-4 left-0 mb-8 w-full overflow-hidden rounded bg-white p-2 shadow-md"> |
371 | info | Attribute :id is not serializable as XML 1.0. |
| From line 3093, column 5 to line 3095, column 100 |
| l -->
<div x-ref="panel" x-show="open" x-transition.origin.top.left x-on:click.outside="close($refs.button)"
:id="$id('dropdown-button')" style="display: none;"
class="absolute bottom-4 left-0 mb-8 w-full overflow-hidden rounded bg-white p-2 shadow-md"> |