| 1. General Results, most used to calculate the result |
A | name "" is ipv4 address, public suffix is not defined
A | Good: All ip addresses are public addresses
A | Good - only one version with Http-Status 200
A | Good: No cookie sent via http.
A | Good: All urls with http status 200/404 have a complete Content-Type header (MediaType / MediaSubType + correct charset)
H | Fatal error: No https - result with http-status 200, no encryption
H | Fatal error: http result with http-status 200, no encryption. Add a redirect http ⇒ https, so every connection is secure. Perhaps in your port 80 vHost something like "RewriteEngine on" + "RewriteRule ^ https://%{SERVER_NAME}%{REQUEST_URI} [END,QSA,R=permanent]" (two rows, without the "). Don't add this in your port 443 vHost, that would create a loop.
I |
| Content problems or problems with resources included - http links, files doesn't exist, different Content-Type definitions. Not used to calculate the result because it's a http - check. But listed so you should fix it.
V |
| Connect failure - perhaps firewall
V |
| Connect failure - perhaps firewall
B | No _mta-sts TXT record found (mta-sts: Mail Transfer Agent Strict Transport Security - see RFC 8461). Read the result of server-daten.de (Url-Checks, Comments, Connections and DomainServiceRecords) to see a complete definition. Domainname: _mta-sts.
| 2. Header-Checks |
U |
| No https result with http status 2** or 4** (standard-check) found, no header checked.
| 3. DNS- and NameServer - Checks |
| 4. Content- and Performance-critical Checks |
A | Good: All checks /.well-known/acme-challenge/random-filename without redirects answer with the expected http status 404 - Not Found. Creating a Letsencrypt certificate via http-01 challenge should work. If it doesn't work: Check your vHost configuration (apachectl -S, httpd -S, nginx -T). Every combination of port and ServerName / ServerAlias (Apache) or Server (Nginx) must be unique. Merge duplicated entries in one vHost. If you use an IIS, extensionless files must be allowed in the /.well-known/acme-challenge subdirectory. Create a web.config in that directory. Content: <configuration><system.webServer><staticContent><mimeMap fileExtension="." mimeType="text/plain" /></staticContent></system.webServer></configuration>. If you have a redirect http ⇒ https, that's ok, Letsencrypt follows such redirects to port 80 / 443 (same or other server). There must be a certificate. But the certificate may be expired, self signed or with a not matching domain name. Checking the validation file Letsencrypt ignores such certificate errors. Trouble creating a certificate? Use https://community.letsencrypt.org/ to ask.
| Critical: Some script Elements (type text/javascript) with a src-Attribute don't have a defer / async - Attribute. Loading and executing these JavaScripts blocks parsing and rendering the Html-Output. That's bad if your site is large or the connection is slow / mobile usage. Use "async" if the js file has only functions (so nothing is executed after parsing the file) or is independend. Use "defer" if the order of the scripts is important. All "defer" scripts are executed before the DOMContentLoaded event is fired. Check https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/script to see some details.: 6 script elements without defer/async.
A | Good: All CSS / JavaScript files are sent compressed (gzip, deflate, br checked). That reduces the content of the files. 3 external CSS / JavaScript files found
| Warning: CSS / JavaScript files with a missing or too short Cache-Control header found. Browsers should cache and re-use these files. 18 external CSS / JavaScript files without Cache-Control-Header, 0 with Cache-Control, but no max-age, 3 with Cache-Control max-age too short (minimum 7 days), 0 with Cache-Control long enough, 21 complete.
A | Good: All checked attribute values are enclosed in quotation marks (" or ').
A | Info: No img element found, no alt attribute checked
| Warning: HSTS header sent via http has no effect
A | Duration: 30970 milliseconds, 30.970 seconds