Connect failure - perhaps firewall
Checked: 12.02.2024 07:31:07
Older results
No older results found
1. IP-Addresses Host Type IP-Address is auth. ∑ Queries ∑ Timeout 2806:2f0:5340:f9e6:d5e7:a23c:d70b:3b82 AAAA 2806:2f0:5340:f9e6:d5e7:a23c:d70b:3b82 Tlaquepaque/Jalisco/Mexico (MX) - Total Play Telecomunicaciones SA De CV yes
No DNSSEC - Informations found
3. Name Servers
No Nameserver entries found
4. SOA-Entries
No SOA entries found
5. Screenshots
No Screenshot listed, because no url-check with https + http status 200-299, 400-599 + not-ACME-check found.
6. Url-Checks Domainname Http-Status redirect Sec. G • http://[2806:02f0:5340:f9e6:d5e7:a23c:d70b:3b82]/2806:2f0:5340:f9e6:d5e7:a23c:d70b:3b82
-16 1.717 V UnknownError - Es konnte keine Verbindung hergestellt werden, da der Zielcomputer die Verbindung verweigerte. [2806:2f0:5340:f9e6:d5e7:a23c:d70b:3b82]:80 ([2806:2f0:5340:f9e6:d5e7:a23c:d70b:3b82]:80) • https://[2806:02f0:5340:f9e6:d5e7:a23c:d70b:3b82]/2806:2f0:5340:f9e6:d5e7:a23c:d70b:3b82
-16 1.626 V UnknownError - Es konnte keine Verbindung hergestellt werden, da der Zielcomputer die Verbindung verweigerte. [2806:2f0:5340:f9e6:d5e7:a23c:d70b:3b82]:443 ([2806:2f0:5340:f9e6:d5e7:a23c:d70b:3b82]:443) • http://[2806:02f0:5340:f9e6:d5e7:a23c:d70b:3b82]/.well-known/acme-challenge/check-your-website-dot-server-daten-dot-de2806:2f0:5340:f9e6:d5e7:a23c:d70b:3b82
-16 1.577 V UnknownError - Es konnte keine Verbindung hergestellt werden, da der Zielcomputer die Verbindung verweigerte. [2806:2f0:5340:f9e6:d5e7:a23c:d70b:3b82]:80 ([2806:2f0:5340:f9e6:d5e7:a23c:d70b:3b82]:80)
Visible Content: • https://[2806:02f0:5340:f9e6:d5e7:a23c:d70b:3b82]/2806:2f0:5340:f9e6:d5e7:a23c:d70b:3b82
-16 1.656 V UnknownError - Es konnte keine Verbindung hergestellt werden, da der Zielcomputer die Verbindung verweigerte. [2806:2f0:5340:f9e6:d5e7:a23c:d70b:3b82]:443 ([2806:2f0:5340:f9e6:d5e7:a23c:d70b:3b82]:443)
7. Comments 1. General Results, most used to calculate the result A name "2806:2f0:5340:f9e6:d5e7:a23c:d70b:3b82" is ipv6 address, public suffix is not defined A Good: All ip addresses are public addresses B No _mta-sts TXT record found (mta-sts: Mail Transfer Agent Strict Transport Security - see RFC 8461). Read the result of server-daten.de (Url-Checks, Comments, Connections and DomainServiceRecords) to see a complete definition. Domainname: _mta-sts.2806:2f0:5340:f9e6:d5e7:a23c:d70b:3b82 2. Header-Checks (Cross-Origin-* headers are alpha - started 2024-06-05) U No https result with http status 2** or 4** (standard-check) found, no header checked. 3. DNS- and NameServer - Checks 4. Content- and Performance-critical Checks http://[2806:02f0:5340:f9e6:d5e7:a23c:d70b:3b82]/.well-known/acme-challenge/check-your-website-dot-server-daten-dot-de 2806:2f0:5340:f9e6:d5e7:a23c:d70b:3b82 Fatal: Check of /.well-known/acme-challenge/random-filename is blocked, http connection error. Creating a Letsencrypt certificate via http-01 challenge can't work. You need a running webserver (http) and an open port 80. If it's a home server + ipv4, perhaps a correct port forwarding port 80 extern ⇒ working port intern is required. Port 80 / http can redirect to another domain port 80 or port 443, but not other ports. If it's a home server, perhaps your ISP blocks port 80. Then you may use the dns-01 challenge. Trouble creating a certificate? Use https://community.letsencrypt.org/ to ask. A Info: No img element found, no alt attribute checked A Duration: 10767 milliseconds, 10.767 seconds
8. Connections
No connection informations found. Perhaps only http - connections.
9. Certificates
No certificate informations found. Perhaps only http - connections.
10. Last Certificates - Certificate Transparency Log Check 1. Source CertSpotter - active certificates (one check per day)
No CertSpotter - CT-Log entries found
2. Source crt.sh - old and new certificates, sometimes very slow - only certificates with "not after" > of the last months are listed
No CRT - CT-Log entries found
11. Html-Content - Entries
No Html-Content entries found. Only checked if https + status 200/401/403/404
12. Nameserver - IP-Adresses
Required Root-climbing DNS-Queries to find ip addresses of all Name Servers:
No NameServer - IP address - Informations found
13. CAA - Entries
No CAA entries found
14. TXT - Entries
No TXT entries found
15. DomainService - Entries (SPF-Check is alpha - 2024-06-22, DMARC-Detailcheck is alpha - 2024-07-06, SMTP-TLS-Reporting is alpa - 2024-07-13)
No DomainServiceEntries entries found
16. Cipher Suites No results
17. Portchecks
No open Ports <> 80 / 443 found, so no additional Ports checked.
Last Result:
https://check-your-website.server-daten.de/?q=%5B2806%3A2f0%3A5340%3Af9e6%3Ad5e7%3Aa23c%3Ad70b%3A3b82%5D - 2024-02-12 07:31:07
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