Url used (first standard-https-result with http status 200): https://wanderclub.eu/ |
Summary |
| Good: No non-document-errors |
| 142 errors |
| 88 warnings |
| Type | Message | num found |
1. | error | Element script must not have attribute defer unless attribute src is also specified. | 17 |
2. | error | Duplicate ID svg1 . | 15 |
3. | error | Duplicate ID defs1 . | 15 |
4. | error | Duplicate ID g2 . | 14 |
5. | error | Duplicate ID path3 . | 14 |
6. | error | Duplicate ID path1-9 . | 14 |
7. | error | Bad value auto for attribute sizes on element img : Bad CSS number token: Expected a minus sign or a digit but saw a instead at auto . | 10 |
8. | error | Duplicate ID Layer_1 . | 9 |
9. | error | Attribute original-href not allowed on element style at this point. | 7 |
10. | error | CSS: Unrecognized at-rule @container | 7 |
11. | error | Duplicate attribute width . | 4 |
12. | error | Duplicate attribute height . | 4 |
13. | error | Bad value for attribute imagesizes on element link : Must not be empty. | 2 |
14. | error | Bad value for attribute imagesrcset on element link : Must contain one or more image candidate strings. | 2 |
15. | error | Element style not allowed as child of element div in this context. (Suppressing further errors from this subtree.) | 2 |
16. | error | CSS: justify-content : rightMobile is not a justify-content value. | 1 |
17. | error | A document must not include more than one meta element with a charset attribute. | 1 |
18. | error | Attribute charset not allowed on element meta at this point. | 1 |
19. | error | Element meta is missing one or more of the following attributes: content , itemprop , property . | 1 |
20. | error | A charset attribute on a meta element found after the first 1024 bytes. | 1 |
21. | error | Element style not allowed as child of element body in this context. (Suppressing further errors from this subtree.) | 1 |
22. | warning | The first occurrence of ID svg1 was here. | 15 |
23. | warning | The first occurrence of ID defs1 was here. | 15 |
24. | warning | The first occurrence of ID g2 was here. | 14 |
25. | warning | The first occurrence of ID path3 was here. | 14 |
26. | warning | The first occurrence of ID path1-9 was here. | 14 |
27. | warning | The first occurrence of ID Layer_1 was here. | 9 |
28. | warning | Empty heading. | 6 |
29. | warning | The type attribute is unnecessary for JavaScript resources. | 1 |
Details |
| Type | Message + Sample |
1 | error | Bad value for attribute imagesizes on element link : Must not be empty. |
| From line 6, column 1 to line 6, column 154 |
| l</title>
<link rel='preload' href='https://wanderclub.eu/wp-content/plugins/sitepress-multilingual-cms/res/flags/de.svg' as='image' imagesrcset='' imagesizes='' />
<link |
2 | error | Bad value for attribute imagesrcset on element link : Must contain one or more image candidate strings. |
| From line 6, column 1 to line 6, column 154 |
| l</title>
<link rel='preload' href='https://wanderclub.eu/wp-content/plugins/sitepress-multilingual-cms/res/flags/de.svg' as='image' imagesrcset='' imagesizes='' />
<link |
3 | error | Bad value for attribute imagesizes on element link : Must not be empty. |
| From line 7, column 1 to line 7, column 154 |
| zes='' />
<link rel='preload' href='https://wanderclub.eu/wp-content/plugins/sitepress-multilingual-cms/res/flags/en.svg' as='image' imagesrcset='' imagesizes='' />
<met |
4 | error | Bad value for attribute imagesrcset on element link : Must contain one or more image candidate strings. |
| From line 7, column 1 to line 7, column 154 |
| zes='' />
<link rel='preload' href='https://wanderclub.eu/wp-content/plugins/sitepress-multilingual-cms/res/flags/en.svg' as='image' imagesrcset='' imagesizes='' />
<met |
5 | error | Attribute original-href not allowed on element style at this point. |
| From line 19, column 1 to line 19, column 129 |
| }</style>
<style class='flying-press-used-css' original-href='https://wanderclub.eu/wp-content/cache/flying-press/4940e4ae72b6.styles.css'>.wpml- |
6 | error | Attribute original-href not allowed on element style at this point. |
| From line 21, column 1 to line 21, column 132 |
| </style>
<style class='flying-press-used-css' original-href='https://wanderclub.eu/wp-content/cache/flying-press/6f1ecd534f48.style.min.css'>.wpml- |
7 | error | Attribute original-href not allowed on element style at this point. |
| From line 24, column 1 to line 24, column 131 |
| }</style>
<style class='flying-press-used-css' original-href='https://wanderclub.eu/wp-content/cache/flying-press/b7e067012db6.main.min.css'>blockq |
8 | error | Attribute original-href not allowed on element style at this point. |
| From line 31, column 1 to line 31, column 132 |
| </style>
<style class='flying-press-used-css' original-href='https://wanderclub.eu/wp-content/cache/flying-press/1bedca3142c8.style.min.css'>body{b |
9 | error | Attribute original-href not allowed on element style at this point. |
| From line 33, column 1 to line 33, column 128 |
| </style>
<style class='flying-press-used-css' original-href='https://wanderclub.eu/wp-content/cache/flying-press/e0ecd826ef55.style.css'></styl |
10 | error | Attribute original-href not allowed on element style at this point. |
| From line 35, column 1 to line 35, column 133 |
| </style>
<style class='flying-press-used-css' original-href='https://wanderclub.eu/wp-content/cache/flying-press/8620466903d4.style-3575.css'>.gb-co |
11 | error | CSS: justify-content : rightMobile is not a justify-content value. |
| From line 35, column 27851 to line 35, column 27861 |
| y-content:rightMobile;text- |
12 | error | Attribute original-href not allowed on element style at this point. |
| From line 37, column 1 to line 37, column 134 |
| </style>
<style class='flying-press-used-css' original-href='https://wanderclub.eu/wp-content/cache/flying-press/620bdc2e2626.offside.min.css'>.offsi |
13 | error | Element script must not have attribute defer unless attribute src is also specified. |
| From line 41, column 1 to line 41, column 366 |
| }</style>
<script id="wpml-cookie-js-extra" defer data-src="data:text/javascript,var%20wpml_cookies%20%3D%20%7B%22wp-wpml_current_language%22%3A%7B%22value%22%3A%22de%22%2C%22expires%22%3A1%2C%22path%22%3A%22%5C%2F%22%7D%7D%3B%0Avar%20wpml_cookies%20%3D%20%7B%22wp-wpml_current_language%22%3A%7B%22value%22%3A%22de%22%2C%22expires%22%3A1%2C%22path%22%3A%22%5C%2F%22%7D%7D%3B"></scri |
14 | error | Element script must not have attribute defer unless attribute src is also specified. |
| From line 42, column 1 to line 42, column 189 |
| </script>
<script id="wpml-cookie-js" defer data-wp-strategy="defer" data-src="https://wanderclub.eu/wp-content/plugins/sitepress-multilingual-cms/res/js/cookies/language-cookie.js?ver=c6a55456af47"></scri |
15 | error | Duplicate attribute width . |
| From line 167, column 11 to line 167, column 11 |
| t=12
width="18" height="1 |
16 | error | Duplicate attribute height . |
| From line 167, column 23 to line 167, column 23 |
| dth="18" height="12" loading=" |
17 | error | Duplicate attribute width . |
| From line 176, column 11 to line 176, column 11 |
| t=12
width="18" height="1 |
18 | error | Duplicate attribute height . |
| From line 176, column 23 to line 176, column 23 |
| dth="18" height="12" loading=" |
19 | error | Element style not allowed as child of element div in this context. (Suppressing further errors from this subtree.) |
| From line 267, column 1 to line 267, column 7 |
| en</p>
<style>#conta |
20 | error | Duplicate ID svg1 . |
| From line 333, column 68 to line 333, column 190 |
| "gb-icon"><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" id="svg1" version="1.1" viewbox="0 0 163.48761 94.147831" height="2em" width="2em"> <de |
21 | error | Duplicate ID defs1 . |
| From line 333, column 194 to line 333, column 210 |
| ="2em"> <defs id="defs1"></defs |
22 | error | Duplicate ID g2 . |
| From line 333, column 221 to line 333, column 297 |
| </defs> <g transform="matrix(2.1374978,0,0,2.1184373,-3.6479673,-175.97448)" id="g2"> < |
23 | error | Duplicate ID path3 . |
| From line 333, column 303 to line 333, column 3142 |
| "g2"> <path style="fill:#ff7514;fill-opacity:1;stroke-width:1.84896" id="path3" d="m 68.947397,110.80246 h -1.84896 c -1.022478,0 -1.848967,-0.82649 -1.848967,-1.84895 0,-1.0225 0.826489,-1.84896 1.848967,-1.84896 h 1.84896 c 1.022471,0 1.84895,0.82646 1.84895,1.84896 0,1.02246 -0.826479,1.84895 -1.84895,1.84895 z m 1.84895,5.54687 c 0,-1.02245 -0.826479,-1.84896 -1.84895,-1.84896 h -1.84896 c -1.022478,0 -1.848967,0.82651 -1.848967,1.84896 0,1.02248 0.826489,1.84896 1.848967,1.84896 h 1.84896 c 1.022471,0 1.84895,-0.82648 1.84895,-1.84896 z M 63.40051,94.161782 c 0,-1.022452 -0.826499,-1.848958 -1.848931,-1.848958 h -1.848957 c -1.022491,0 -1.84898,0.826506 -1.84898,1.848958 0,1.0225 0.826489,1.848982 1.84898,1.848982 h 1.848957 c 1.022432,0 1.848931,-0.826482 1.848931,-1.848982 z m 7.395837,0 c 0,-1.022452 -0.826479,-1.848958 -1.84895,-1.848958 h -1.84896 c -1.022478,0 -1.848967,0.826506 -1.848967,1.848958 0,1.0225 0.826489,1.848982 1.848967,1.848982 h 1.84896 c 1.022471,0 1.84895,-0.826482 1.84895,-1.848982 z m 0,7.395838 c 0,-1.02246 -0.826479,-1.848966 -1.84895,-1.848966 h -1.84896 c -1.022478,0 -1.848967,0.826506 -1.848967,1.848966 0,1.0225 0.826489,1.84899 1.848967,1.84899 h 1.84896 c 1.022471,0 1.84895,-0.82649 1.84895,-1.84899 z m 7.395816,16.64067 V 92.312824 c 0,-5.09756 -4.147203,-9.244763 -9.244766,-9.244763 h -9.244775 c -5.097593,0 -9.244786,4.147203 -9.244786,9.244763 0,1.022501 0.826487,1.848958 1.848928,1.848958 1.022501,0 1.84897,-0.826457 1.84897,-1.848958 0,-3.058175 2.488703,-5.546873 5.546888,-5.546873 h 9.244775 c 3.058175,0 5.546878,2.488698 5.546878,5.546873 v 25.885466 c 0,3.05817 -2.488703,5.54685 -5.546878,5.54685 h -1.84896 c -1.022478,0 -1.848967,0.82648 -1.848967,1.84898 0,1.02247 0.826489,1.84895 1.848967,1.84895 h 1.84896 c 5.097563,0 9.244766,-4.1472 9.244766,-9.24478 z m -14.791653,0.92445 v -7.67683 c 0,-2.86222 -1.292418,-5.51362 -3.548127,-7.28125 l -5.546877,-4.343189 c -3.353985,-2.621826 -8.039274,-2.623682 -11.393279,0 l -5.546848,4.341359 c -2.255729,1.76577 -3.548136,4.41903 -3.548136,7.28122 v 7.67686 c 0,4.58726 3.733034,8.32031 8.320277,8.32031 h 12.942703 c 4.587262,0 8.320287,-3.73305 8.320287,-8.32031 z m -11.37294,-16.38734 5.546878,4.34136 c 1.351599,1.05947 2.128174,2.65329 2.128174,4.36915 v 7.67683 c 0,2.54973 -2.072689,4.6224 -4.622399,4.6224 H 42.13752 c -2.549711,0 -4.622369,-2.07267 -4.622369,-4.6224 v -7.67683 c 0,-1.71769 0.776535,-3.30968 2.128114,-4.36915 l 5.546895,-4.33948 c 1.005809,-0.78767 2.211357,-1.18149 3.418716,-1.18149 1.207357,0 2.412898,0.39382 3.418694,1.17961 z m 0.279194,13.61393 v -3.69792 c 0,-1.02059 -0.828315,-1.84895 -1.848928,-1.84895 h -3.69792 c -1.020623,0 -1.848957,0.82836 -1.848957,1.84895 v 3.69792 c 0,1.02064 0.828334,1.84896 1.848957,1.84896 h 3.69792 c 1.020613,0 1.848928,-0.82832 1.848928,-1.84896 z"></path |
24 | error | Duplicate ID path1-9 . |
| From line 333, column 3155 to line 333, column 3838 |
| path> <path style="clip-rule:evenodd;fill:#008c27;fill-opacity:1;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke-width:0.257235" id="path1-9" d="m 28.557258,121.07245 c 1.293887,1.72862 2.410283,3.16399 3.014782,4.81545 0.589072,1.61028 0.828298,2.34339 -0.509318,0.67653 -1.245014,-1.55371 -2.407717,-3.06367 -4.110609,-4.49647 -0.120907,0.0282 -0.246935,0.0542 -0.38328,0.0824 -15.392927,3.05594 -26.60579126,-3.86881 -24.6379382,-26.250878 11.8585172,4.105468 28.6507972,2.438599 26.9118962,23.472728 -0.06173,0.782 -0.120907,1.31706 -0.285533,1.70034 z m -4.131191,-3.36461 c -3.868808,-8.33443 -13.808354,-11.19232 -18.7395522,-16.89266 5.3530562,10.4412 8.2726692,9.98075 18.7395522,16.89266 z" class="st0"></path |
25 | error | Bad value auto for attribute sizes on element img : Bad CSS number token: Expected a minus sign or a digit but saw a instead at auto . |
| From line 335, column 56 to line 335, column 2115 |
| c82ad773"><img fetchpriority="low" decoding="async" width="2304" height="1792" src="https://wanderclub.eu/wp-content/uploads/WDMN-cleaning-service-doing-windows-cleaning-in-modern-family-house-90731.avif" class="gb-image-c82ad773" alt="WDMN-Kunde-Arbeiter-Professional-Profidienst" srcset="https://wanderclub.eu/wp-content/uploads/WDMN-cleaning-service-doing-windows-cleaning-in-modern-family-house-90731.avif 2304w, https://wanderclub.eu/wp-content/uploads/WDMN-cleaning-service-doing-windows-cleaning-in-modern-family-house-90731-300x233.avif 300w, https://wanderclub.eu/wp-content/uploads/WDMN-cleaning-service-doing-windows-cleaning-in-modern-family-house-90731-1024x796.avif 1024w, https://wanderclub.eu/wp-content/uploads/WDMN-cleaning-service-doing-windows-cleaning-in-modern-family-house-90731-150x117.avif 150w, https://wanderclub.eu/wp-content/uploads/WDMN-cleaning-service-doing-windows-cleaning-in-modern-family-house-90731-768x597.avif 768w, https://wanderclub.eu/wp-content/uploads/WDMN-cleaning-service-doing-windows-cleaning-in-modern-family-house-90731-1536x1195.avif 1536w, https://wanderclub.eu/wp-content/uploads/WDMN-cleaning-service-doing-windows-cleaning-in-modern-family-house-90731-2048x1593.avif 2048w, https://wanderclub.eu/wp-content/uploads/WDMN-cleaning-service-doing-windows-cleaning-in-modern-family-house-90731-640x498.avif 640w, https://wanderclub.eu/wp-content/uploads/WDMN-cleaning-service-doing-windows-cleaning-in-modern-family-house-90731-960x747.avif 960w, https://wanderclub.eu/wp-content/uploads/WDMN-cleaning-service-doing-windows-cleaning-in-modern-family-house-90731-1280x996.avif 1280w, https://wanderclub.eu/wp-content/uploads/WDMN-cleaning-service-doing-windows-cleaning-in-modern-family-house-90731-823x640.avif 823w, https://wanderclub.eu/wp-content/uploads/WDMN-cleaning-service-doing-windows-cleaning-in-modern-family-house-90731-1234x960.avif 1234w, https://wanderclub.eu/wp-content/uploads/WDMN-cleaning-service-doing-windows-cleaning-in-modern-family-house-90731-1646x1280.avif 1646w" sizes="auto" loading="lazy"/></figu |
26 | error | Duplicate ID svg1 . |
| From line 349, column 68 to line 349, column 190 |
| "gb-icon"><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" id="svg1" version="1.1" viewbox="0 0 163.48761 94.147831" height="2em" width="2em"> <de |
27 | error | Duplicate ID defs1 . |
| From line 349, column 194 to line 349, column 210 |
| ="2em"> <defs id="defs1"></defs |
28 | error | Duplicate ID g2 . |
| From line 349, column 221 to line 349, column 297 |
| </defs> <g transform="matrix(2.1374978,0,0,2.1184373,-3.6479673,-175.97448)" id="g2"> < |
29 | error | Duplicate ID path3 . |
| From line 349, column 303 to line 349, column 3142 |
| "g2"> <path style="fill:#ff7514;fill-opacity:1;stroke-width:1.84896" id="path3" d="m 68.947397,110.80246 h -1.84896 c -1.022478,0 -1.848967,-0.82649 -1.848967,-1.84895 0,-1.0225 0.826489,-1.84896 1.848967,-1.84896 h 1.84896 c 1.022471,0 1.84895,0.82646 1.84895,1.84896 0,1.02246 -0.826479,1.84895 -1.84895,1.84895 z m 1.84895,5.54687 c 0,-1.02245 -0.826479,-1.84896 -1.84895,-1.84896 h -1.84896 c -1.022478,0 -1.848967,0.82651 -1.848967,1.84896 0,1.02248 0.826489,1.84896 1.848967,1.84896 h 1.84896 c 1.022471,0 1.84895,-0.82648 1.84895,-1.84896 z M 63.40051,94.161782 c 0,-1.022452 -0.826499,-1.848958 -1.848931,-1.848958 h -1.848957 c -1.022491,0 -1.84898,0.826506 -1.84898,1.848958 0,1.0225 0.826489,1.848982 1.84898,1.848982 h 1.848957 c 1.022432,0 1.848931,-0.826482 1.848931,-1.848982 z m 7.395837,0 c 0,-1.022452 -0.826479,-1.848958 -1.84895,-1.848958 h -1.84896 c -1.022478,0 -1.848967,0.826506 -1.848967,1.848958 0,1.0225 0.826489,1.848982 1.848967,1.848982 h 1.84896 c 1.022471,0 1.84895,-0.826482 1.84895,-1.848982 z m 0,7.395838 c 0,-1.02246 -0.826479,-1.848966 -1.84895,-1.848966 h -1.84896 c -1.022478,0 -1.848967,0.826506 -1.848967,1.848966 0,1.0225 0.826489,1.84899 1.848967,1.84899 h 1.84896 c 1.022471,0 1.84895,-0.82649 1.84895,-1.84899 z m 7.395816,16.64067 V 92.312824 c 0,-5.09756 -4.147203,-9.244763 -9.244766,-9.244763 h -9.244775 c -5.097593,0 -9.244786,4.147203 -9.244786,9.244763 0,1.022501 0.826487,1.848958 1.848928,1.848958 1.022501,0 1.84897,-0.826457 1.84897,-1.848958 0,-3.058175 2.488703,-5.546873 5.546888,-5.546873 h 9.244775 c 3.058175,0 5.546878,2.488698 5.546878,5.546873 v 25.885466 c 0,3.05817 -2.488703,5.54685 -5.546878,5.54685 h -1.84896 c -1.022478,0 -1.848967,0.82648 -1.848967,1.84898 0,1.02247 0.826489,1.84895 1.848967,1.84895 h 1.84896 c 5.097563,0 9.244766,-4.1472 9.244766,-9.24478 z m -14.791653,0.92445 v -7.67683 c 0,-2.86222 -1.292418,-5.51362 -3.548127,-7.28125 l -5.546877,-4.343189 c -3.353985,-2.621826 -8.039274,-2.623682 -11.393279,0 l -5.546848,4.341359 c -2.255729,1.76577 -3.548136,4.41903 -3.548136,7.28122 v 7.67686 c 0,4.58726 3.733034,8.32031 8.320277,8.32031 h 12.942703 c 4.587262,0 8.320287,-3.73305 8.320287,-8.32031 z m -11.37294,-16.38734 5.546878,4.34136 c 1.351599,1.05947 2.128174,2.65329 2.128174,4.36915 v 7.67683 c 0,2.54973 -2.072689,4.6224 -4.622399,4.6224 H 42.13752 c -2.549711,0 -4.622369,-2.07267 -4.622369,-4.6224 v -7.67683 c 0,-1.71769 0.776535,-3.30968 2.128114,-4.36915 l 5.546895,-4.33948 c 1.005809,-0.78767 2.211357,-1.18149 3.418716,-1.18149 1.207357,0 2.412898,0.39382 3.418694,1.17961 z m 0.279194,13.61393 v -3.69792 c 0,-1.02059 -0.828315,-1.84895 -1.848928,-1.84895 h -3.69792 c -1.020623,0 -1.848957,0.82836 -1.848957,1.84895 v 3.69792 c 0,1.02064 0.828334,1.84896 1.848957,1.84896 h 3.69792 c 1.020613,0 1.848928,-0.82832 1.848928,-1.84896 z"></path |
30 | error | Duplicate ID path1-9 . |
| From line 349, column 3155 to line 349, column 3838 |
| path> <path style="clip-rule:evenodd;fill:#008c27;fill-opacity:1;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke-width:0.257235" id="path1-9" d="m 28.557258,121.07245 c 1.293887,1.72862 2.410283,3.16399 3.014782,4.81545 0.589072,1.61028 0.828298,2.34339 -0.509318,0.67653 -1.245014,-1.55371 -2.407717,-3.06367 -4.110609,-4.49647 -0.120907,0.0282 -0.246935,0.0542 -0.38328,0.0824 -15.392927,3.05594 -26.60579126,-3.86881 -24.6379382,-26.250878 11.8585172,4.105468 28.6507972,2.438599 26.9118962,23.472728 -0.06173,0.782 -0.120907,1.31706 -0.285533,1.70034 z m -4.131191,-3.36461 c -3.868808,-8.33443 -13.808354,-11.19232 -18.7395522,-16.89266 5.3530562,10.4412 8.2726692,9.98075 18.7395522,16.89266 z" class="st0"></path |
31 | error | Bad value auto for attribute sizes on element img : Bad CSS number token: Expected a minus sign or a digit but saw a instead at auto . |
| From line 351, column 56 to line 351, column 2241 |
| c82ad773"><img decoding="async" width="2304" height="1792" src="https://wanderclub.eu/wp-content/uploads/WDMN-and-customer-meeting-in-front-of-a-office-building-and-consulting-plans.-Mode.avif" class="gb-image-c82ad773" alt="WDMN-Kunde-Arbeiter-Professional-Profidienst" srcset="https://wanderclub.eu/wp-content/uploads/WDMN-and-customer-meeting-in-front-of-a-office-building-and-consulting-plans.-Mode.avif 2304w, https://wanderclub.eu/wp-content/uploads/WDMN-and-customer-meeting-in-front-of-a-office-building-and-consulting-plans.-Mode-300x233.avif 300w, https://wanderclub.eu/wp-content/uploads/WDMN-and-customer-meeting-in-front-of-a-office-building-and-consulting-plans.-Mode-1024x796.avif 1024w, https://wanderclub.eu/wp-content/uploads/WDMN-and-customer-meeting-in-front-of-a-office-building-and-consulting-plans.-Mode-150x117.avif 150w, https://wanderclub.eu/wp-content/uploads/WDMN-and-customer-meeting-in-front-of-a-office-building-and-consulting-plans.-Mode-768x597.avif 768w, https://wanderclub.eu/wp-content/uploads/WDMN-and-customer-meeting-in-front-of-a-office-building-and-consulting-plans.-Mode-1536x1195.avif 1536w, https://wanderclub.eu/wp-content/uploads/WDMN-and-customer-meeting-in-front-of-a-office-building-and-consulting-plans.-Mode-2048x1593.avif 2048w, https://wanderclub.eu/wp-content/uploads/WDMN-and-customer-meeting-in-front-of-a-office-building-and-consulting-plans.-Mode-640x498.avif 640w, https://wanderclub.eu/wp-content/uploads/WDMN-and-customer-meeting-in-front-of-a-office-building-and-consulting-plans.-Mode-960x747.avif 960w, https://wanderclub.eu/wp-content/uploads/WDMN-and-customer-meeting-in-front-of-a-office-building-and-consulting-plans.-Mode-1280x996.avif 1280w, https://wanderclub.eu/wp-content/uploads/WDMN-and-customer-meeting-in-front-of-a-office-building-and-consulting-plans.-Mode-823x640.avif 823w, https://wanderclub.eu/wp-content/uploads/WDMN-and-customer-meeting-in-front-of-a-office-building-and-consulting-plans.-Mode-1234x960.avif 1234w, https://wanderclub.eu/wp-content/uploads/WDMN-and-customer-meeting-in-front-of-a-office-building-and-consulting-plans.-Mode-1646x1280.avif 1646w" sizes="auto" loading="lazy" fetchpriority="low"/></figu |
32 | error | Duplicate ID svg1 . |
| From line 365, column 68 to line 365, column 190 |
| "gb-icon"><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" id="svg1" version="1.1" viewbox="0 0 163.48761 94.147831" height="2em" width="2em"> <de |
33 | error | Duplicate ID defs1 . |
| From line 365, column 194 to line 365, column 210 |
| ="2em"> <defs id="defs1"></defs |
34 | error | Duplicate ID g2 . |
| From line 365, column 221 to line 365, column 297 |
| </defs> <g transform="matrix(2.1374978,0,0,2.1184373,-3.6479673,-175.97448)" id="g2"> < |
35 | error | Duplicate ID path3 . |
| From line 365, column 303 to line 365, column 3142 |
| "g2"> <path style="fill:#ff7514;fill-opacity:1;stroke-width:1.84896" id="path3" d="m 68.947397,110.80246 h -1.84896 c -1.022478,0 -1.848967,-0.82649 -1.848967,-1.84895 0,-1.0225 0.826489,-1.84896 1.848967,-1.84896 h 1.84896 c 1.022471,0 1.84895,0.82646 1.84895,1.84896 0,1.02246 -0.826479,1.84895 -1.84895,1.84895 z m 1.84895,5.54687 c 0,-1.02245 -0.826479,-1.84896 -1.84895,-1.84896 h -1.84896 c -1.022478,0 -1.848967,0.82651 -1.848967,1.84896 0,1.02248 0.826489,1.84896 1.848967,1.84896 h 1.84896 c 1.022471,0 1.84895,-0.82648 1.84895,-1.84896 z M 63.40051,94.161782 c 0,-1.022452 -0.826499,-1.848958 -1.848931,-1.848958 h -1.848957 c -1.022491,0 -1.84898,0.826506 -1.84898,1.848958 0,1.0225 0.826489,1.848982 1.84898,1.848982 h 1.848957 c 1.022432,0 1.848931,-0.826482 1.848931,-1.848982 z m 7.395837,0 c 0,-1.022452 -0.826479,-1.848958 -1.84895,-1.848958 h -1.84896 c -1.022478,0 -1.848967,0.826506 -1.848967,1.848958 0,1.0225 0.826489,1.848982 1.848967,1.848982 h 1.84896 c 1.022471,0 1.84895,-0.826482 1.84895,-1.848982 z m 0,7.395838 c 0,-1.02246 -0.826479,-1.848966 -1.84895,-1.848966 h -1.84896 c -1.022478,0 -1.848967,0.826506 -1.848967,1.848966 0,1.0225 0.826489,1.84899 1.848967,1.84899 h 1.84896 c 1.022471,0 1.84895,-0.82649 1.84895,-1.84899 z m 7.395816,16.64067 V 92.312824 c 0,-5.09756 -4.147203,-9.244763 -9.244766,-9.244763 h -9.244775 c -5.097593,0 -9.244786,4.147203 -9.244786,9.244763 0,1.022501 0.826487,1.848958 1.848928,1.848958 1.022501,0 1.84897,-0.826457 1.84897,-1.848958 0,-3.058175 2.488703,-5.546873 5.546888,-5.546873 h 9.244775 c 3.058175,0 5.546878,2.488698 5.546878,5.546873 v 25.885466 c 0,3.05817 -2.488703,5.54685 -5.546878,5.54685 h -1.84896 c -1.022478,0 -1.848967,0.82648 -1.848967,1.84898 0,1.02247 0.826489,1.84895 1.848967,1.84895 h 1.84896 c 5.097563,0 9.244766,-4.1472 9.244766,-9.24478 z m -14.791653,0.92445 v -7.67683 c 0,-2.86222 -1.292418,-5.51362 -3.548127,-7.28125 l -5.546877,-4.343189 c -3.353985,-2.621826 -8.039274,-2.623682 -11.393279,0 l -5.546848,4.341359 c -2.255729,1.76577 -3.548136,4.41903 -3.548136,7.28122 v 7.67686 c 0,4.58726 3.733034,8.32031 8.320277,8.32031 h 12.942703 c 4.587262,0 8.320287,-3.73305 8.320287,-8.32031 z m -11.37294,-16.38734 5.546878,4.34136 c 1.351599,1.05947 2.128174,2.65329 2.128174,4.36915 v 7.67683 c 0,2.54973 -2.072689,4.6224 -4.622399,4.6224 H 42.13752 c -2.549711,0 -4.622369,-2.07267 -4.622369,-4.6224 v -7.67683 c 0,-1.71769 0.776535,-3.30968 2.128114,-4.36915 l 5.546895,-4.33948 c 1.005809,-0.78767 2.211357,-1.18149 3.418716,-1.18149 1.207357,0 2.412898,0.39382 3.418694,1.17961 z m 0.279194,13.61393 v -3.69792 c 0,-1.02059 -0.828315,-1.84895 -1.848928,-1.84895 h -3.69792 c -1.020623,0 -1.848957,0.82836 -1.848957,1.84895 v 3.69792 c 0,1.02064 0.828334,1.84896 1.848957,1.84896 h 3.69792 c 1.020613,0 1.848928,-0.82832 1.848928,-1.84896 z"></path |
36 | error | Duplicate ID path1-9 . |
| From line 365, column 3155 to line 365, column 3838 |
| path> <path style="clip-rule:evenodd;fill:#008c27;fill-opacity:1;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke-width:0.257235" id="path1-9" d="m 28.557258,121.07245 c 1.293887,1.72862 2.410283,3.16399 3.014782,4.81545 0.589072,1.61028 0.828298,2.34339 -0.509318,0.67653 -1.245014,-1.55371 -2.407717,-3.06367 -4.110609,-4.49647 -0.120907,0.0282 -0.246935,0.0542 -0.38328,0.0824 -15.392927,3.05594 -26.60579126,-3.86881 -24.6379382,-26.250878 11.8585172,4.105468 28.6507972,2.438599 26.9118962,23.472728 -0.06173,0.782 -0.120907,1.31706 -0.285533,1.70034 z m -4.131191,-3.36461 c -3.868808,-8.33443 -13.808354,-11.19232 -18.7395522,-16.89266 5.3530562,10.4412 8.2726692,9.98075 18.7395522,16.89266 z" class="st0"></path |
37 | error | Bad value auto for attribute sizes on element img : Bad CSS number token: Expected a minus sign or a digit but saw a instead at auto . |
| From line 367, column 56 to line 367, column 2227 |
| c82ad773"><img decoding="async" width="2304" height="1792" src="https://wanderclub.eu/wp-content/uploads/WDMN-maintenance-engineer-doing-a-maintenance-in-a-heating-room-of-a-family-house.avif" class="gb-image-c82ad773" alt="WDMN-Kunde-Arbeiter-Professional-Profidienst" srcset="https://wanderclub.eu/wp-content/uploads/WDMN-maintenance-engineer-doing-a-maintenance-in-a-heating-room-of-a-family-house.avif 2304w, https://wanderclub.eu/wp-content/uploads/WDMN-maintenance-engineer-doing-a-maintenance-in-a-heating-room-of-a-family-house-300x233.avif 300w, https://wanderclub.eu/wp-content/uploads/WDMN-maintenance-engineer-doing-a-maintenance-in-a-heating-room-of-a-family-house-1024x796.avif 1024w, https://wanderclub.eu/wp-content/uploads/WDMN-maintenance-engineer-doing-a-maintenance-in-a-heating-room-of-a-family-house-150x117.avif 150w, https://wanderclub.eu/wp-content/uploads/WDMN-maintenance-engineer-doing-a-maintenance-in-a-heating-room-of-a-family-house-768x597.avif 768w, https://wanderclub.eu/wp-content/uploads/WDMN-maintenance-engineer-doing-a-maintenance-in-a-heating-room-of-a-family-house-1536x1195.avif 1536w, https://wanderclub.eu/wp-content/uploads/WDMN-maintenance-engineer-doing-a-maintenance-in-a-heating-room-of-a-family-house-2048x1593.avif 2048w, https://wanderclub.eu/wp-content/uploads/WDMN-maintenance-engineer-doing-a-maintenance-in-a-heating-room-of-a-family-house-640x498.avif 640w, https://wanderclub.eu/wp-content/uploads/WDMN-maintenance-engineer-doing-a-maintenance-in-a-heating-room-of-a-family-house-960x747.avif 960w, https://wanderclub.eu/wp-content/uploads/WDMN-maintenance-engineer-doing-a-maintenance-in-a-heating-room-of-a-family-house-1280x996.avif 1280w, https://wanderclub.eu/wp-content/uploads/WDMN-maintenance-engineer-doing-a-maintenance-in-a-heating-room-of-a-family-house-823x640.avif 823w, https://wanderclub.eu/wp-content/uploads/WDMN-maintenance-engineer-doing-a-maintenance-in-a-heating-room-of-a-family-house-1234x960.avif 1234w, https://wanderclub.eu/wp-content/uploads/WDMN-maintenance-engineer-doing-a-maintenance-in-a-heating-room-of-a-family-house-1646x1280.avif 1646w" sizes="auto" loading="lazy" fetchpriority="low"/></figu |
38 | error | Duplicate ID svg1 . |
| From line 381, column 68 to line 381, column 190 |
| "gb-icon"><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" id="svg1" version="1.1" viewbox="0 0 163.48761 94.147831" height="2em" width="2em"> <de |
39 | error | Duplicate ID defs1 . |
| From line 381, column 194 to line 381, column 210 |
| ="2em"> <defs id="defs1"></defs |
40 | error | Duplicate ID g2 . |
| From line 381, column 221 to line 381, column 297 |
| </defs> <g transform="matrix(2.1374978,0,0,2.1184373,-3.6479673,-175.97448)" id="g2"> < |
41 | error | Duplicate ID path3 . |
| From line 381, column 303 to line 381, column 3142 |
| "g2"> <path style="fill:#ff7514;fill-opacity:1;stroke-width:1.84896" id="path3" d="m 68.947397,110.80246 h -1.84896 c -1.022478,0 -1.848967,-0.82649 -1.848967,-1.84895 0,-1.0225 0.826489,-1.84896 1.848967,-1.84896 h 1.84896 c 1.022471,0 1.84895,0.82646 1.84895,1.84896 0,1.02246 -0.826479,1.84895 -1.84895,1.84895 z m 1.84895,5.54687 c 0,-1.02245 -0.826479,-1.84896 -1.84895,-1.84896 h -1.84896 c -1.022478,0 -1.848967,0.82651 -1.848967,1.84896 0,1.02248 0.826489,1.84896 1.848967,1.84896 h 1.84896 c 1.022471,0 1.84895,-0.82648 1.84895,-1.84896 z M 63.40051,94.161782 c 0,-1.022452 -0.826499,-1.848958 -1.848931,-1.848958 h -1.848957 c -1.022491,0 -1.84898,0.826506 -1.84898,1.848958 0,1.0225 0.826489,1.848982 1.84898,1.848982 h 1.848957 c 1.022432,0 1.848931,-0.826482 1.848931,-1.848982 z m 7.395837,0 c 0,-1.022452 -0.826479,-1.848958 -1.84895,-1.848958 h -1.84896 c -1.022478,0 -1.848967,0.826506 -1.848967,1.848958 0,1.0225 0.826489,1.848982 1.848967,1.848982 h 1.84896 c 1.022471,0 1.84895,-0.826482 1.84895,-1.848982 z m 0,7.395838 c 0,-1.02246 -0.826479,-1.848966 -1.84895,-1.848966 h -1.84896 c -1.022478,0 -1.848967,0.826506 -1.848967,1.848966 0,1.0225 0.826489,1.84899 1.848967,1.84899 h 1.84896 c 1.022471,0 1.84895,-0.82649 1.84895,-1.84899 z m 7.395816,16.64067 V 92.312824 c 0,-5.09756 -4.147203,-9.244763 -9.244766,-9.244763 h -9.244775 c -5.097593,0 -9.244786,4.147203 -9.244786,9.244763 0,1.022501 0.826487,1.848958 1.848928,1.848958 1.022501,0 1.84897,-0.826457 1.84897,-1.848958 0,-3.058175 2.488703,-5.546873 5.546888,-5.546873 h 9.244775 c 3.058175,0 5.546878,2.488698 5.546878,5.546873 v 25.885466 c 0,3.05817 -2.488703,5.54685 -5.546878,5.54685 h -1.84896 c -1.022478,0 -1.848967,0.82648 -1.848967,1.84898 0,1.02247 0.826489,1.84895 1.848967,1.84895 h 1.84896 c 5.097563,0 9.244766,-4.1472 9.244766,-9.24478 z m -14.791653,0.92445 v -7.67683 c 0,-2.86222 -1.292418,-5.51362 -3.548127,-7.28125 l -5.546877,-4.343189 c -3.353985,-2.621826 -8.039274,-2.623682 -11.393279,0 l -5.546848,4.341359 c -2.255729,1.76577 -3.548136,4.41903 -3.548136,7.28122 v 7.67686 c 0,4.58726 3.733034,8.32031 8.320277,8.32031 h 12.942703 c 4.587262,0 8.320287,-3.73305 8.320287,-8.32031 z m -11.37294,-16.38734 5.546878,4.34136 c 1.351599,1.05947 2.128174,2.65329 2.128174,4.36915 v 7.67683 c 0,2.54973 -2.072689,4.6224 -4.622399,4.6224 H 42.13752 c -2.549711,0 -4.622369,-2.07267 -4.622369,-4.6224 v -7.67683 c 0,-1.71769 0.776535,-3.30968 2.128114,-4.36915 l 5.546895,-4.33948 c 1.005809,-0.78767 2.211357,-1.18149 3.418716,-1.18149 1.207357,0 2.412898,0.39382 3.418694,1.17961 z m 0.279194,13.61393 v -3.69792 c 0,-1.02059 -0.828315,-1.84895 -1.848928,-1.84895 h -3.69792 c -1.020623,0 -1.848957,0.82836 -1.848957,1.84895 v 3.69792 c 0,1.02064 0.828334,1.84896 1.848957,1.84896 h 3.69792 c 1.020613,0 1.848928,-0.82832 1.848928,-1.84896 z"></path |
42 | error | Duplicate ID path1-9 . |
| From line 381, column 3155 to line 381, column 3838 |
| path> <path style="clip-rule:evenodd;fill:#008c27;fill-opacity:1;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke-width:0.257235" id="path1-9" d="m 28.557258,121.07245 c 1.293887,1.72862 2.410283,3.16399 3.014782,4.81545 0.589072,1.61028 0.828298,2.34339 -0.509318,0.67653 -1.245014,-1.55371 -2.407717,-3.06367 -4.110609,-4.49647 -0.120907,0.0282 -0.246935,0.0542 -0.38328,0.0824 -15.392927,3.05594 -26.60579126,-3.86881 -24.6379382,-26.250878 11.8585172,4.105468 28.6507972,2.438599 26.9118962,23.472728 -0.06173,0.782 -0.120907,1.31706 -0.285533,1.70034 z m -4.131191,-3.36461 c -3.868808,-8.33443 -13.808354,-11.19232 -18.7395522,-16.89266 5.3530562,10.4412 8.2726692,9.98075 18.7395522,16.89266 z" class="st0"></path |
43 | error | Bad value auto for attribute sizes on element img : Bad CSS number token: Expected a minus sign or a digit but saw a instead at auto . |
| From line 383, column 56 to line 383, column 2241 |
| c82ad773"><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" width="2304" height="1792" src="https://wanderclub.eu/wp-content/uploads/WDMN-painter-painting-the-ceiling-in-the-bathroom-of-modern-looking-family-house-6.avif" class="gb-image-c82ad773" alt="WDMN-Kunde-Arbeiter-Professional-Profidienst" srcset="https://wanderclub.eu/wp-content/uploads/WDMN-painter-painting-the-ceiling-in-the-bathroom-of-modern-looking-family-house-6.avif 2304w, https://wanderclub.eu/wp-content/uploads/WDMN-painter-painting-the-ceiling-in-the-bathroom-of-modern-looking-family-house-6-300x233.avif 300w, https://wanderclub.eu/wp-content/uploads/WDMN-painter-painting-the-ceiling-in-the-bathroom-of-modern-looking-family-house-6-1024x796.avif 1024w, https://wanderclub.eu/wp-content/uploads/WDMN-painter-painting-the-ceiling-in-the-bathroom-of-modern-looking-family-house-6-150x117.avif 150w, https://wanderclub.eu/wp-content/uploads/WDMN-painter-painting-the-ceiling-in-the-bathroom-of-modern-looking-family-house-6-768x597.avif 768w, https://wanderclub.eu/wp-content/uploads/WDMN-painter-painting-the-ceiling-in-the-bathroom-of-modern-looking-family-house-6-1536x1195.avif 1536w, https://wanderclub.eu/wp-content/uploads/WDMN-painter-painting-the-ceiling-in-the-bathroom-of-modern-looking-family-house-6-2048x1593.avif 2048w, https://wanderclub.eu/wp-content/uploads/WDMN-painter-painting-the-ceiling-in-the-bathroom-of-modern-looking-family-house-6-640x498.avif 640w, https://wanderclub.eu/wp-content/uploads/WDMN-painter-painting-the-ceiling-in-the-bathroom-of-modern-looking-family-house-6-960x747.avif 960w, https://wanderclub.eu/wp-content/uploads/WDMN-painter-painting-the-ceiling-in-the-bathroom-of-modern-looking-family-house-6-1280x996.avif 1280w, https://wanderclub.eu/wp-content/uploads/WDMN-painter-painting-the-ceiling-in-the-bathroom-of-modern-looking-family-house-6-823x640.avif 823w, https://wanderclub.eu/wp-content/uploads/WDMN-painter-painting-the-ceiling-in-the-bathroom-of-modern-looking-family-house-6-1234x960.avif 1234w, https://wanderclub.eu/wp-content/uploads/WDMN-painter-painting-the-ceiling-in-the-bathroom-of-modern-looking-family-house-6-1646x1280.avif 1646w" sizes="auto" fetchpriority="low"/></figu |
44 | error | Duplicate ID svg1 . |
| From line 397, column 68 to line 397, column 190 |
| "gb-icon"><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" id="svg1" version="1.1" viewbox="0 0 163.48761 94.147831" height="2em" width="2em"> <de |
45 | error | Duplicate ID defs1 . |
| From line 397, column 194 to line 397, column 210 |
| ="2em"> <defs id="defs1"></defs |
46 | error | Duplicate ID g2 . |
| From line 397, column 221 to line 397, column 297 |
| </defs> <g transform="matrix(2.1374978,0,0,2.1184373,-3.6479673,-175.97448)" id="g2"> < |
47 | error | Duplicate ID path3 . |
| From line 397, column 303 to line 397, column 3142 |
| "g2"> <path style="fill:#ff7514;fill-opacity:1;stroke-width:1.84896" id="path3" d="m 68.947397,110.80246 h -1.84896 c -1.022478,0 -1.848967,-0.82649 -1.848967,-1.84895 0,-1.0225 0.826489,-1.84896 1.848967,-1.84896 h 1.84896 c 1.022471,0 1.84895,0.82646 1.84895,1.84896 0,1.02246 -0.826479,1.84895 -1.84895,1.84895 z m 1.84895,5.54687 c 0,-1.02245 -0.826479,-1.84896 -1.84895,-1.84896 h -1.84896 c -1.022478,0 -1.848967,0.82651 -1.848967,1.84896 0,1.02248 0.826489,1.84896 1.848967,1.84896 h 1.84896 c 1.022471,0 1.84895,-0.82648 1.84895,-1.84896 z M 63.40051,94.161782 c 0,-1.022452 -0.826499,-1.848958 -1.848931,-1.848958 h -1.848957 c -1.022491,0 -1.84898,0.826506 -1.84898,1.848958 0,1.0225 0.826489,1.848982 1.84898,1.848982 h 1.848957 c 1.022432,0 1.848931,-0.826482 1.848931,-1.848982 z m 7.395837,0 c 0,-1.022452 -0.826479,-1.848958 -1.84895,-1.848958 h -1.84896 c -1.022478,0 -1.848967,0.826506 -1.848967,1.848958 0,1.0225 0.826489,1.848982 1.848967,1.848982 h 1.84896 c 1.022471,0 1.84895,-0.826482 1.84895,-1.848982 z m 0,7.395838 c 0,-1.02246 -0.826479,-1.848966 -1.84895,-1.848966 h -1.84896 c -1.022478,0 -1.848967,0.826506 -1.848967,1.848966 0,1.0225 0.826489,1.84899 1.848967,1.84899 h 1.84896 c 1.022471,0 1.84895,-0.82649 1.84895,-1.84899 z m 7.395816,16.64067 V 92.312824 c 0,-5.09756 -4.147203,-9.244763 -9.244766,-9.244763 h -9.244775 c -5.097593,0 -9.244786,4.147203 -9.244786,9.244763 0,1.022501 0.826487,1.848958 1.848928,1.848958 1.022501,0 1.84897,-0.826457 1.84897,-1.848958 0,-3.058175 2.488703,-5.546873 5.546888,-5.546873 h 9.244775 c 3.058175,0 5.546878,2.488698 5.546878,5.546873 v 25.885466 c 0,3.05817 -2.488703,5.54685 -5.546878,5.54685 h -1.84896 c -1.022478,0 -1.848967,0.82648 -1.848967,1.84898 0,1.02247 0.826489,1.84895 1.848967,1.84895 h 1.84896 c 5.097563,0 9.244766,-4.1472 9.244766,-9.24478 z m -14.791653,0.92445 v -7.67683 c 0,-2.86222 -1.292418,-5.51362 -3.548127,-7.28125 l -5.546877,-4.343189 c -3.353985,-2.621826 -8.039274,-2.623682 -11.393279,0 l -5.546848,4.341359 c -2.255729,1.76577 -3.548136,4.41903 -3.548136,7.28122 v 7.67686 c 0,4.58726 3.733034,8.32031 8.320277,8.32031 h 12.942703 c 4.587262,0 8.320287,-3.73305 8.320287,-8.32031 z m -11.37294,-16.38734 5.546878,4.34136 c 1.351599,1.05947 2.128174,2.65329 2.128174,4.36915 v 7.67683 c 0,2.54973 -2.072689,4.6224 -4.622399,4.6224 H 42.13752 c -2.549711,0 -4.622369,-2.07267 -4.622369,-4.6224 v -7.67683 c 0,-1.71769 0.776535,-3.30968 2.128114,-4.36915 l 5.546895,-4.33948 c 1.005809,-0.78767 2.211357,-1.18149 3.418716,-1.18149 1.207357,0 2.412898,0.39382 3.418694,1.17961 z m 0.279194,13.61393 v -3.69792 c 0,-1.02059 -0.828315,-1.84895 -1.848928,-1.84895 h -3.69792 c -1.020623,0 -1.848957,0.82836 -1.848957,1.84895 v 3.69792 c 0,1.02064 0.828334,1.84896 1.848957,1.84896 h 3.69792 c 1.020613,0 1.848928,-0.82832 1.848928,-1.84896 z"></path |
48 | error | Duplicate ID path1-9 . |
| From line 397, column 3155 to line 397, column 3838 |
| path> <path style="clip-rule:evenodd;fill:#008c27;fill-opacity:1;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke-width:0.257235" id="path1-9" d="m 28.557258,121.07245 c 1.293887,1.72862 2.410283,3.16399 3.014782,4.81545 0.589072,1.61028 0.828298,2.34339 -0.509318,0.67653 -1.245014,-1.55371 -2.407717,-3.06367 -4.110609,-4.49647 -0.120907,0.0282 -0.246935,0.0542 -0.38328,0.0824 -15.392927,3.05594 -26.60579126,-3.86881 -24.6379382,-26.250878 11.8585172,4.105468 28.6507972,2.438599 26.9118962,23.472728 -0.06173,0.782 -0.120907,1.31706 -0.285533,1.70034 z m -4.131191,-3.36461 c -3.868808,-8.33443 -13.808354,-11.19232 -18.7395522,-16.89266 5.3530562,10.4412 8.2726692,9.98075 18.7395522,16.89266 z" class="st0"></path |
49 | error | Bad value auto for attribute sizes on element img : Bad CSS number token: Expected a minus sign or a digit but saw a instead at auto . |
| From line 399, column 56 to line 399, column 1835 |
| c82ad773"><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" width="2304" height="1792" src="https://wanderclub.eu/wp-content/uploads/WDMN-professional-worker-electric-wiring-family-house.avif" class="gb-image-c82ad773" alt="WDMN-Kunde-Arbeiter-Professional-Profidienst" srcset="https://wanderclub.eu/wp-content/uploads/WDMN-professional-worker-electric-wiring-family-house.avif 2304w, https://wanderclub.eu/wp-content/uploads/WDMN-professional-worker-electric-wiring-family-house-300x233.avif 300w, https://wanderclub.eu/wp-content/uploads/WDMN-professional-worker-electric-wiring-family-house-1024x796.avif 1024w, https://wanderclub.eu/wp-content/uploads/WDMN-professional-worker-electric-wiring-family-house-150x117.avif 150w, https://wanderclub.eu/wp-content/uploads/WDMN-professional-worker-electric-wiring-family-house-768x597.avif 768w, https://wanderclub.eu/wp-content/uploads/WDMN-professional-worker-electric-wiring-family-house-1536x1195.avif 1536w, https://wanderclub.eu/wp-content/uploads/WDMN-professional-worker-electric-wiring-family-house-2048x1593.avif 2048w, https://wanderclub.eu/wp-content/uploads/WDMN-professional-worker-electric-wiring-family-house-640x498.avif 640w, https://wanderclub.eu/wp-content/uploads/WDMN-professional-worker-electric-wiring-family-house-960x747.avif 960w, https://wanderclub.eu/wp-content/uploads/WDMN-professional-worker-electric-wiring-family-house-1280x996.avif 1280w, https://wanderclub.eu/wp-content/uploads/WDMN-professional-worker-electric-wiring-family-house-823x640.avif 823w, https://wanderclub.eu/wp-content/uploads/WDMN-professional-worker-electric-wiring-family-house-1234x960.avif 1234w, https://wanderclub.eu/wp-content/uploads/WDMN-professional-worker-electric-wiring-family-house-1646x1280.avif 1646w" sizes="auto" fetchpriority="low"/></figu |
50 | error | Duplicate ID svg1 . |
| From line 413, column 68 to line 413, column 190 |
| "gb-icon"><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" id="svg1" version="1.1" viewbox="0 0 163.48761 94.147831" height="2em" width="2em"> <de |
51 | error | Duplicate ID defs1 . |
| From line 413, column 194 to line 413, column 210 |
| ="2em"> <defs id="defs1"></defs |
52 | error | Duplicate ID g2 . |
| From line 413, column 221 to line 413, column 297 |
| </defs> <g transform="matrix(2.1374978,0,0,2.1184373,-3.6479673,-175.97448)" id="g2"> < |
53 | error | Duplicate ID path3 . |
| From line 413, column 303 to line 413, column 3142 |
| "g2"> <path style="fill:#ff7514;fill-opacity:1;stroke-width:1.84896" id="path3" d="m 68.947397,110.80246 h -1.84896 c -1.022478,0 -1.848967,-0.82649 -1.848967,-1.84895 0,-1.0225 0.826489,-1.84896 1.848967,-1.84896 h 1.84896 c 1.022471,0 1.84895,0.82646 1.84895,1.84896 0,1.02246 -0.826479,1.84895 -1.84895,1.84895 z m 1.84895,5.54687 c 0,-1.02245 -0.826479,-1.84896 -1.84895,-1.84896 h -1.84896 c -1.022478,0 -1.848967,0.82651 -1.848967,1.84896 0,1.02248 0.826489,1.84896 1.848967,1.84896 h 1.84896 c 1.022471,0 1.84895,-0.82648 1.84895,-1.84896 z M 63.40051,94.161782 c 0,-1.022452 -0.826499,-1.848958 -1.848931,-1.848958 h -1.848957 c -1.022491,0 -1.84898,0.826506 -1.84898,1.848958 0,1.0225 0.826489,1.848982 1.84898,1.848982 h 1.848957 c 1.022432,0 1.848931,-0.826482 1.848931,-1.848982 z m 7.395837,0 c 0,-1.022452 -0.826479,-1.848958 -1.84895,-1.848958 h -1.84896 c -1.022478,0 -1.848967,0.826506 -1.848967,1.848958 0,1.0225 0.826489,1.848982 1.848967,1.848982 h 1.84896 c 1.022471,0 1.84895,-0.826482 1.84895,-1.848982 z m 0,7.395838 c 0,-1.02246 -0.826479,-1.848966 -1.84895,-1.848966 h -1.84896 c -1.022478,0 -1.848967,0.826506 -1.848967,1.848966 0,1.0225 0.826489,1.84899 1.848967,1.84899 h 1.84896 c 1.022471,0 1.84895,-0.82649 1.84895,-1.84899 z m 7.395816,16.64067 V 92.312824 c 0,-5.09756 -4.147203,-9.244763 -9.244766,-9.244763 h -9.244775 c -5.097593,0 -9.244786,4.147203 -9.244786,9.244763 0,1.022501 0.826487,1.848958 1.848928,1.848958 1.022501,0 1.84897,-0.826457 1.84897,-1.848958 0,-3.058175 2.488703,-5.546873 5.546888,-5.546873 h 9.244775 c 3.058175,0 5.546878,2.488698 5.546878,5.546873 v 25.885466 c 0,3.05817 -2.488703,5.54685 -5.546878,5.54685 h -1.84896 c -1.022478,0 -1.848967,0.82648 -1.848967,1.84898 0,1.02247 0.826489,1.84895 1.848967,1.84895 h 1.84896 c 5.097563,0 9.244766,-4.1472 9.244766,-9.24478 z m -14.791653,0.92445 v -7.67683 c 0,-2.86222 -1.292418,-5.51362 -3.548127,-7.28125 l -5.546877,-4.343189 c -3.353985,-2.621826 -8.039274,-2.623682 -11.393279,0 l -5.546848,4.341359 c -2.255729,1.76577 -3.548136,4.41903 -3.548136,7.28122 v 7.67686 c 0,4.58726 3.733034,8.32031 8.320277,8.32031 h 12.942703 c 4.587262,0 8.320287,-3.73305 8.320287,-8.32031 z m -11.37294,-16.38734 5.546878,4.34136 c 1.351599,1.05947 2.128174,2.65329 2.128174,4.36915 v 7.67683 c 0,2.54973 -2.072689,4.6224 -4.622399,4.6224 H 42.13752 c -2.549711,0 -4.622369,-2.07267 -4.622369,-4.6224 v -7.67683 c 0,-1.71769 0.776535,-3.30968 2.128114,-4.36915 l 5.546895,-4.33948 c 1.005809,-0.78767 2.211357,-1.18149 3.418716,-1.18149 1.207357,0 2.412898,0.39382 3.418694,1.17961 z m 0.279194,13.61393 v -3.69792 c 0,-1.02059 -0.828315,-1.84895 -1.848928,-1.84895 h -3.69792 c -1.020623,0 -1.848957,0.82836 -1.848957,1.84895 v 3.69792 c 0,1.02064 0.828334,1.84896 1.848957,1.84896 h 3.69792 c 1.020613,0 1.848928,-0.82832 1.848928,-1.84896 z"></path |
54 | error | Duplicate ID path1-9 . |
| From line 413, column 3155 to line 413, column 3838 |
| path> <path style="clip-rule:evenodd;fill:#008c27;fill-opacity:1;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke-width:0.257235" id="path1-9" d="m 28.557258,121.07245 c 1.293887,1.72862 2.410283,3.16399 3.014782,4.81545 0.589072,1.61028 0.828298,2.34339 -0.509318,0.67653 -1.245014,-1.55371 -2.407717,-3.06367 -4.110609,-4.49647 -0.120907,0.0282 -0.246935,0.0542 -0.38328,0.0824 -15.392927,3.05594 -26.60579126,-3.86881 -24.6379382,-26.250878 11.8585172,4.105468 28.6507972,2.438599 26.9118962,23.472728 -0.06173,0.782 -0.120907,1.31706 -0.285533,1.70034 z m -4.131191,-3.36461 c -3.868808,-8.33443 -13.808354,-11.19232 -18.7395522,-16.89266 5.3530562,10.4412 8.2726692,9.98075 18.7395522,16.89266 z" class="st0"></path |
55 | error | Bad value auto for attribute sizes on element img : Bad CSS number token: Expected a minus sign or a digit but saw a instead at auto . |
| From line 415, column 56 to line 415, column 2241 |
| c82ad773"><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" width="2304" height="1792" src="https://wanderclub.eu/wp-content/uploads/WDMN-worker-cleaning-a-stone-pathway-in-a-garden-of-family-house-with-high-pressur.avif" class="gb-image-c82ad773" alt="WDMN-Kunde-Arbeiter-Professional-Profidienst" srcset="https://wanderclub.eu/wp-content/uploads/WDMN-worker-cleaning-a-stone-pathway-in-a-garden-of-family-house-with-high-pressur.avif 2304w, https://wanderclub.eu/wp-content/uploads/WDMN-worker-cleaning-a-stone-pathway-in-a-garden-of-family-house-with-high-pressur-300x233.avif 300w, https://wanderclub.eu/wp-content/uploads/WDMN-worker-cleaning-a-stone-pathway-in-a-garden-of-family-house-with-high-pressur-1024x796.avif 1024w, https://wanderclub.eu/wp-content/uploads/WDMN-worker-cleaning-a-stone-pathway-in-a-garden-of-family-house-with-high-pressur-150x117.avif 150w, https://wanderclub.eu/wp-content/uploads/WDMN-worker-cleaning-a-stone-pathway-in-a-garden-of-family-house-with-high-pressur-768x597.avif 768w, https://wanderclub.eu/wp-content/uploads/WDMN-worker-cleaning-a-stone-pathway-in-a-garden-of-family-house-with-high-pressur-1536x1195.avif 1536w, https://wanderclub.eu/wp-content/uploads/WDMN-worker-cleaning-a-stone-pathway-in-a-garden-of-family-house-with-high-pressur-2048x1593.avif 2048w, https://wanderclub.eu/wp-content/uploads/WDMN-worker-cleaning-a-stone-pathway-in-a-garden-of-family-house-with-high-pressur-640x498.avif 640w, https://wanderclub.eu/wp-content/uploads/WDMN-worker-cleaning-a-stone-pathway-in-a-garden-of-family-house-with-high-pressur-960x747.avif 960w, https://wanderclub.eu/wp-content/uploads/WDMN-worker-cleaning-a-stone-pathway-in-a-garden-of-family-house-with-high-pressur-1280x996.avif 1280w, https://wanderclub.eu/wp-content/uploads/WDMN-worker-cleaning-a-stone-pathway-in-a-garden-of-family-house-with-high-pressur-823x640.avif 823w, https://wanderclub.eu/wp-content/uploads/WDMN-worker-cleaning-a-stone-pathway-in-a-garden-of-family-house-with-high-pressur-1234x960.avif 1234w, https://wanderclub.eu/wp-content/uploads/WDMN-worker-cleaning-a-stone-pathway-in-a-garden-of-family-house-with-high-pressur-1646x1280.avif 1646w" sizes="auto" fetchpriority="low"/></figu |
56 | error | Duplicate ID svg1 . |
| From line 429, column 68 to line 429, column 190 |
| "gb-icon"><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" id="svg1" version="1.1" viewbox="0 0 163.48761 94.147831" height="2em" width="2em"> <de |
57 | error | Duplicate ID defs1 . |
| From line 429, column 194 to line 429, column 210 |
| ="2em"> <defs id="defs1"></defs |
58 | error | Duplicate ID g2 . |
| From line 429, column 221 to line 429, column 297 |
| </defs> <g transform="matrix(2.1374978,0,0,2.1184373,-3.6479673,-175.97448)" id="g2"> < |
59 | error | Duplicate ID path3 . |
| From line 429, column 303 to line 429, column 3142 |
| "g2"> <path style="fill:#ff7514;fill-opacity:1;stroke-width:1.84896" id="path3" d="m 68.947397,110.80246 h -1.84896 c -1.022478,0 -1.848967,-0.82649 -1.848967,-1.84895 0,-1.0225 0.826489,-1.84896 1.848967,-1.84896 h 1.84896 c 1.022471,0 1.84895,0.82646 1.84895,1.84896 0,1.02246 -0.826479,1.84895 -1.84895,1.84895 z m 1.84895,5.54687 c 0,-1.02245 -0.826479,-1.84896 -1.84895,-1.84896 h -1.84896 c -1.022478,0 -1.848967,0.82651 -1.848967,1.84896 0,1.02248 0.826489,1.84896 1.848967,1.84896 h 1.84896 c 1.022471,0 1.84895,-0.82648 1.84895,-1.84896 z M 63.40051,94.161782 c 0,-1.022452 -0.826499,-1.848958 -1.848931,-1.848958 h -1.848957 c -1.022491,0 -1.84898,0.826506 -1.84898,1.848958 0,1.0225 0.826489,1.848982 1.84898,1.848982 h 1.848957 c 1.022432,0 1.848931,-0.826482 1.848931,-1.848982 z m 7.395837,0 c 0,-1.022452 -0.826479,-1.848958 -1.84895,-1.848958 h -1.84896 c -1.022478,0 -1.848967,0.826506 -1.848967,1.848958 0,1.0225 0.826489,1.848982 1.848967,1.848982 h 1.84896 c 1.022471,0 1.84895,-0.826482 1.84895,-1.848982 z m 0,7.395838 c 0,-1.02246 -0.826479,-1.848966 -1.84895,-1.848966 h -1.84896 c -1.022478,0 -1.848967,0.826506 -1.848967,1.848966 0,1.0225 0.826489,1.84899 1.848967,1.84899 h 1.84896 c 1.022471,0 1.84895,-0.82649 1.84895,-1.84899 z m 7.395816,16.64067 V 92.312824 c 0,-5.09756 -4.147203,-9.244763 -9.244766,-9.244763 h -9.244775 c -5.097593,0 -9.244786,4.147203 -9.244786,9.244763 0,1.022501 0.826487,1.848958 1.848928,1.848958 1.022501,0 1.84897,-0.826457 1.84897,-1.848958 0,-3.058175 2.488703,-5.546873 5.546888,-5.546873 h 9.244775 c 3.058175,0 5.546878,2.488698 5.546878,5.546873 v 25.885466 c 0,3.05817 -2.488703,5.54685 -5.546878,5.54685 h -1.84896 c -1.022478,0 -1.848967,0.82648 -1.848967,1.84898 0,1.02247 0.826489,1.84895 1.848967,1.84895 h 1.84896 c 5.097563,0 9.244766,-4.1472 9.244766,-9.24478 z m -14.791653,0.92445 v -7.67683 c 0,-2.86222 -1.292418,-5.51362 -3.548127,-7.28125 l -5.546877,-4.343189 c -3.353985,-2.621826 -8.039274,-2.623682 -11.393279,0 l -5.546848,4.341359 c -2.255729,1.76577 -3.548136,4.41903 -3.548136,7.28122 v 7.67686 c 0,4.58726 3.733034,8.32031 8.320277,8.32031 h 12.942703 c 4.587262,0 8.320287,-3.73305 8.320287,-8.32031 z m -11.37294,-16.38734 5.546878,4.34136 c 1.351599,1.05947 2.128174,2.65329 2.128174,4.36915 v 7.67683 c 0,2.54973 -2.072689,4.6224 -4.622399,4.6224 H 42.13752 c -2.549711,0 -4.622369,-2.07267 -4.622369,-4.6224 v -7.67683 c 0,-1.71769 0.776535,-3.30968 2.128114,-4.36915 l 5.546895,-4.33948 c 1.005809,-0.78767 2.211357,-1.18149 3.418716,-1.18149 1.207357,0 2.412898,0.39382 3.418694,1.17961 z m 0.279194,13.61393 v -3.69792 c 0,-1.02059 -0.828315,-1.84895 -1.848928,-1.84895 h -3.69792 c -1.020623,0 -1.848957,0.82836 -1.848957,1.84895 v 3.69792 c 0,1.02064 0.828334,1.84896 1.848957,1.84896 h 3.69792 c 1.020613,0 1.848928,-0.82832 1.848928,-1.84896 z"></path |
60 | error | Duplicate ID path1-9 . |
| From line 429, column 3155 to line 429, column 3838 |
| path> <path style="clip-rule:evenodd;fill:#008c27;fill-opacity:1;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke-width:0.257235" id="path1-9" d="m 28.557258,121.07245 c 1.293887,1.72862 2.410283,3.16399 3.014782,4.81545 0.589072,1.61028 0.828298,2.34339 -0.509318,0.67653 -1.245014,-1.55371 -2.407717,-3.06367 -4.110609,-4.49647 -0.120907,0.0282 -0.246935,0.0542 -0.38328,0.0824 -15.392927,3.05594 -26.60579126,-3.86881 -24.6379382,-26.250878 11.8585172,4.105468 28.6507972,2.438599 26.9118962,23.472728 -0.06173,0.782 -0.120907,1.31706 -0.285533,1.70034 z m -4.131191,-3.36461 c -3.868808,-8.33443 -13.808354,-11.19232 -18.7395522,-16.89266 5.3530562,10.4412 8.2726692,9.98075 18.7395522,16.89266 z" class="st0"></path |
61 | error | Bad value auto for attribute sizes on element img : Bad CSS number token: Expected a minus sign or a digit but saw a instead at auto . |
| From line 431, column 56 to line 431, column 2241 |
| c82ad773"><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" width="2304" height="1792" src="https://wanderclub.eu/wp-content/uploads/WDMN-service-of-two-people-collecting-old-furniture-and-other-bulky-garbage-in-fro.avif" class="gb-image-c82ad773" alt="WDMN-Kunde-Arbeiter-Professional-Profidienst" srcset="https://wanderclub.eu/wp-content/uploads/WDMN-service-of-two-people-collecting-old-furniture-and-other-bulky-garbage-in-fro.avif 2304w, https://wanderclub.eu/wp-content/uploads/WDMN-service-of-two-people-collecting-old-furniture-and-other-bulky-garbage-in-fro-300x233.avif 300w, https://wanderclub.eu/wp-content/uploads/WDMN-service-of-two-people-collecting-old-furniture-and-other-bulky-garbage-in-fro-1024x796.avif 1024w, https://wanderclub.eu/wp-content/uploads/WDMN-service-of-two-people-collecting-old-furniture-and-other-bulky-garbage-in-fro-150x117.avif 150w, https://wanderclub.eu/wp-content/uploads/WDMN-service-of-two-people-collecting-old-furniture-and-other-bulky-garbage-in-fro-768x597.avif 768w, https://wanderclub.eu/wp-content/uploads/WDMN-service-of-two-people-collecting-old-furniture-and-other-bulky-garbage-in-fro-1536x1195.avif 1536w, https://wanderclub.eu/wp-content/uploads/WDMN-service-of-two-people-collecting-old-furniture-and-other-bulky-garbage-in-fro-2048x1593.avif 2048w, https://wanderclub.eu/wp-content/uploads/WDMN-service-of-two-people-collecting-old-furniture-and-other-bulky-garbage-in-fro-640x498.avif 640w, https://wanderclub.eu/wp-content/uploads/WDMN-service-of-two-people-collecting-old-furniture-and-other-bulky-garbage-in-fro-960x747.avif 960w, https://wanderclub.eu/wp-content/uploads/WDMN-service-of-two-people-collecting-old-furniture-and-other-bulky-garbage-in-fro-1280x996.avif 1280w, https://wanderclub.eu/wp-content/uploads/WDMN-service-of-two-people-collecting-old-furniture-and-other-bulky-garbage-in-fro-823x640.avif 823w, https://wanderclub.eu/wp-content/uploads/WDMN-service-of-two-people-collecting-old-furniture-and-other-bulky-garbage-in-fro-1234x960.avif 1234w, https://wanderclub.eu/wp-content/uploads/WDMN-service-of-two-people-collecting-old-furniture-and-other-bulky-garbage-in-fro-1646x1280.avif 1646w" sizes="auto" fetchpriority="low"/></figu |
62 | error | Duplicate ID svg1 . |
| From line 445, column 68 to line 445, column 190 |
| "gb-icon"><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" id="svg1" version="1.1" viewbox="0 0 163.48761 94.147831" height="2em" width="2em"> <de |
63 | error | Duplicate ID defs1 . |
| From line 445, column 194 to line 445, column 210 |
| ="2em"> <defs id="defs1"></defs |
64 | error | Duplicate ID g2 . |
| From line 445, column 221 to line 445, column 297 |
| </defs> <g transform="matrix(2.1374978,0,0,2.1184373,-3.6479673,-175.97448)" id="g2"> < |
65 | error | Duplicate ID path3 . |
| From line 445, column 303 to line 445, column 3142 |
| "g2"> <path style="fill:#ff7514;fill-opacity:1;stroke-width:1.84896" id="path3" d="m 68.947397,110.80246 h -1.84896 c -1.022478,0 -1.848967,-0.82649 -1.848967,-1.84895 0,-1.0225 0.826489,-1.84896 1.848967,-1.84896 h 1.84896 c 1.022471,0 1.84895,0.82646 1.84895,1.84896 0,1.02246 -0.826479,1.84895 -1.84895,1.84895 z m 1.84895,5.54687 c 0,-1.02245 -0.826479,-1.84896 -1.84895,-1.84896 h -1.84896 c -1.022478,0 -1.848967,0.82651 -1.848967,1.84896 0,1.02248 0.826489,1.84896 1.848967,1.84896 h 1.84896 c 1.022471,0 1.84895,-0.82648 1.84895,-1.84896 z M 63.40051,94.161782 c 0,-1.022452 -0.826499,-1.848958 -1.848931,-1.848958 h -1.848957 c -1.022491,0 -1.84898,0.826506 -1.84898,1.848958 0,1.0225 0.826489,1.848982 1.84898,1.848982 h 1.848957 c 1.022432,0 1.848931,-0.826482 1.848931,-1.848982 z m 7.395837,0 c 0,-1.022452 -0.826479,-1.848958 -1.84895,-1.848958 h -1.84896 c -1.022478,0 -1.848967,0.826506 -1.848967,1.848958 0,1.0225 0.826489,1.848982 1.848967,1.848982 h 1.84896 c 1.022471,0 1.84895,-0.826482 1.84895,-1.848982 z m 0,7.395838 c 0,-1.02246 -0.826479,-1.848966 -1.84895,-1.848966 h -1.84896 c -1.022478,0 -1.848967,0.826506 -1.848967,1.848966 0,1.0225 0.826489,1.84899 1.848967,1.84899 h 1.84896 c 1.022471,0 1.84895,-0.82649 1.84895,-1.84899 z m 7.395816,16.64067 V 92.312824 c 0,-5.09756 -4.147203,-9.244763 -9.244766,-9.244763 h -9.244775 c -5.097593,0 -9.244786,4.147203 -9.244786,9.244763 0,1.022501 0.826487,1.848958 1.848928,1.848958 1.022501,0 1.84897,-0.826457 1.84897,-1.848958 0,-3.058175 2.488703,-5.546873 5.546888,-5.546873 h 9.244775 c 3.058175,0 5.546878,2.488698 5.546878,5.546873 v 25.885466 c 0,3.05817 -2.488703,5.54685 -5.546878,5.54685 h -1.84896 c -1.022478,0 -1.848967,0.82648 -1.848967,1.84898 0,1.02247 0.826489,1.84895 1.848967,1.84895 h 1.84896 c 5.097563,0 9.244766,-4.1472 9.244766,-9.24478 z m -14.791653,0.92445 v -7.67683 c 0,-2.86222 -1.292418,-5.51362 -3.548127,-7.28125 l -5.546877,-4.343189 c -3.353985,-2.621826 -8.039274,-2.623682 -11.393279,0 l -5.546848,4.341359 c -2.255729,1.76577 -3.548136,4.41903 -3.548136,7.28122 v 7.67686 c 0,4.58726 3.733034,8.32031 8.320277,8.32031 h 12.942703 c 4.587262,0 8.320287,-3.73305 8.320287,-8.32031 z m -11.37294,-16.38734 5.546878,4.34136 c 1.351599,1.05947 2.128174,2.65329 2.128174,4.36915 v 7.67683 c 0,2.54973 -2.072689,4.6224 -4.622399,4.6224 H 42.13752 c -2.549711,0 -4.622369,-2.07267 -4.622369,-4.6224 v -7.67683 c 0,-1.71769 0.776535,-3.30968 2.128114,-4.36915 l 5.546895,-4.33948 c 1.005809,-0.78767 2.211357,-1.18149 3.418716,-1.18149 1.207357,0 2.412898,0.39382 3.418694,1.17961 z m 0.279194,13.61393 v -3.69792 c 0,-1.02059 -0.828315,-1.84895 -1.848928,-1.84895 h -3.69792 c -1.020623,0 -1.848957,0.82836 -1.848957,1.84895 v 3.69792 c 0,1.02064 0.828334,1.84896 1.848957,1.84896 h 3.69792 c 1.020613,0 1.848928,-0.82832 1.848928,-1.84896 z"></path |
66 | error | Duplicate ID path1-9 . |
| From line 445, column 3155 to line 445, column 3838 |
| path> <path style="clip-rule:evenodd;fill:#008c27;fill-opacity:1;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke-width:0.257235" id="path1-9" d="m 28.557258,121.07245 c 1.293887,1.72862 2.410283,3.16399 3.014782,4.81545 0.589072,1.61028 0.828298,2.34339 -0.509318,0.67653 -1.245014,-1.55371 -2.407717,-3.06367 -4.110609,-4.49647 -0.120907,0.0282 -0.246935,0.0542 -0.38328,0.0824 -15.392927,3.05594 -26.60579126,-3.86881 -24.6379382,-26.250878 11.8585172,4.105468 28.6507972,2.438599 26.9118962,23.472728 -0.06173,0.782 -0.120907,1.31706 -0.285533,1.70034 z m -4.131191,-3.36461 c -3.868808,-8.33443 -13.808354,-11.19232 -18.7395522,-16.89266 5.3530562,10.4412 8.2726692,9.98075 18.7395522,16.89266 z" class="st0"></path |
67 | error | Bad value auto for attribute sizes on element img : Bad CSS number token: Expected a minus sign or a digit but saw a instead at auto . |
| From line 447, column 56 to line 447, column 2269 |
| c82ad773"><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" width="2304" height="1792" src="https://wanderclub.eu/wp-content/uploads/WDMN-man-that-is-doing-gardening-in-a-garden-in-front-of-modern-family-house.-Mode-2.avif" class="gb-image-c82ad773" alt="WDMN-Kunde-Arbeiter-Professional-Profidienst" srcset="https://wanderclub.eu/wp-content/uploads/WDMN-man-that-is-doing-gardening-in-a-garden-in-front-of-modern-family-house.-Mode-2.avif 2304w, https://wanderclub.eu/wp-content/uploads/WDMN-man-that-is-doing-gardening-in-a-garden-in-front-of-modern-family-house.-Mode-2-300x233.avif 300w, https://wanderclub.eu/wp-content/uploads/WDMN-man-that-is-doing-gardening-in-a-garden-in-front-of-modern-family-house.-Mode-2-1024x796.avif 1024w, https://wanderclub.eu/wp-content/uploads/WDMN-man-that-is-doing-gardening-in-a-garden-in-front-of-modern-family-house.-Mode-2-150x117.avif 150w, https://wanderclub.eu/wp-content/uploads/WDMN-man-that-is-doing-gardening-in-a-garden-in-front-of-modern-family-house.-Mode-2-768x597.avif 768w, https://wanderclub.eu/wp-content/uploads/WDMN-man-that-is-doing-gardening-in-a-garden-in-front-of-modern-family-house.-Mode-2-1536x1195.avif 1536w, https://wanderclub.eu/wp-content/uploads/WDMN-man-that-is-doing-gardening-in-a-garden-in-front-of-modern-family-house.-Mode-2-2048x1593.avif 2048w, https://wanderclub.eu/wp-content/uploads/WDMN-man-that-is-doing-gardening-in-a-garden-in-front-of-modern-family-house.-Mode-2-640x498.avif 640w, https://wanderclub.eu/wp-content/uploads/WDMN-man-that-is-doing-gardening-in-a-garden-in-front-of-modern-family-house.-Mode-2-960x747.avif 960w, https://wanderclub.eu/wp-content/uploads/WDMN-man-that-is-doing-gardening-in-a-garden-in-front-of-modern-family-house.-Mode-2-1280x996.avif 1280w, https://wanderclub.eu/wp-content/uploads/WDMN-man-that-is-doing-gardening-in-a-garden-in-front-of-modern-family-house.-Mode-2-823x640.avif 823w, https://wanderclub.eu/wp-content/uploads/WDMN-man-that-is-doing-gardening-in-a-garden-in-front-of-modern-family-house.-Mode-2-1234x960.avif 1234w, https://wanderclub.eu/wp-content/uploads/WDMN-man-that-is-doing-gardening-in-a-garden-in-front-of-modern-family-house.-Mode-2-1646x1280.avif 1646w" sizes="auto" fetchpriority="low"/></figu |
68 | error | Duplicate ID svg1 . |
| From line 461, column 68 to line 461, column 190 |
| "gb-icon"><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" id="svg1" version="1.1" viewbox="0 0 163.48761 94.147831" height="2em" width="2em"> <de |
69 | error | Duplicate ID defs1 . |
| From line 461, column 194 to line 461, column 210 |
| ="2em"> <defs id="defs1"></defs |
70 | error | Duplicate ID g2 . |
| From line 461, column 221 to line 461, column 297 |
| </defs> <g transform="matrix(2.1374978,0,0,2.1184373,-3.6479673,-175.97448)" id="g2"> < |
71 | error | Duplicate ID path3 . |
| From line 461, column 303 to line 461, column 3142 |
| "g2"> <path style="fill:#ff7514;fill-opacity:1;stroke-width:1.84896" id="path3" d="m 68.947397,110.80246 h -1.84896 c -1.022478,0 -1.848967,-0.82649 -1.848967,-1.84895 0,-1.0225 0.826489,-1.84896 1.848967,-1.84896 h 1.84896 c 1.022471,0 1.84895,0.82646 1.84895,1.84896 0,1.02246 -0.826479,1.84895 -1.84895,1.84895 z m 1.84895,5.54687 c 0,-1.02245 -0.826479,-1.84896 -1.84895,-1.84896 h -1.84896 c -1.022478,0 -1.848967,0.82651 -1.848967,1.84896 0,1.02248 0.826489,1.84896 1.848967,1.84896 h 1.84896 c 1.022471,0 1.84895,-0.82648 1.84895,-1.84896 z M 63.40051,94.161782 c 0,-1.022452 -0.826499,-1.848958 -1.848931,-1.848958 h -1.848957 c -1.022491,0 -1.84898,0.826506 -1.84898,1.848958 0,1.0225 0.826489,1.848982 1.84898,1.848982 h 1.848957 c 1.022432,0 1.848931,-0.826482 1.848931,-1.848982 z m 7.395837,0 c 0,-1.022452 -0.826479,-1.848958 -1.84895,-1.848958 h -1.84896 c -1.022478,0 -1.848967,0.826506 -1.848967,1.848958 0,1.0225 0.826489,1.848982 1.848967,1.848982 h 1.84896 c 1.022471,0 1.84895,-0.826482 1.84895,-1.848982 z m 0,7.395838 c 0,-1.02246 -0.826479,-1.848966 -1.84895,-1.848966 h -1.84896 c -1.022478,0 -1.848967,0.826506 -1.848967,1.848966 0,1.0225 0.826489,1.84899 1.848967,1.84899 h 1.84896 c 1.022471,0 1.84895,-0.82649 1.84895,-1.84899 z m 7.395816,16.64067 V 92.312824 c 0,-5.09756 -4.147203,-9.244763 -9.244766,-9.244763 h -9.244775 c -5.097593,0 -9.244786,4.147203 -9.244786,9.244763 0,1.022501 0.826487,1.848958 1.848928,1.848958 1.022501,0 1.84897,-0.826457 1.84897,-1.848958 0,-3.058175 2.488703,-5.546873 5.546888,-5.546873 h 9.244775 c 3.058175,0 5.546878,2.488698 5.546878,5.546873 v 25.885466 c 0,3.05817 -2.488703,5.54685 -5.546878,5.54685 h -1.84896 c -1.022478,0 -1.848967,0.82648 -1.848967,1.84898 0,1.02247 0.826489,1.84895 1.848967,1.84895 h 1.84896 c 5.097563,0 9.244766,-4.1472 9.244766,-9.24478 z m -14.791653,0.92445 v -7.67683 c 0,-2.86222 -1.292418,-5.51362 -3.548127,-7.28125 l -5.546877,-4.343189 c -3.353985,-2.621826 -8.039274,-2.623682 -11.393279,0 l -5.546848,4.341359 c -2.255729,1.76577 -3.548136,4.41903 -3.548136,7.28122 v 7.67686 c 0,4.58726 3.733034,8.32031 8.320277,8.32031 h 12.942703 c 4.587262,0 8.320287,-3.73305 8.320287,-8.32031 z m -11.37294,-16.38734 5.546878,4.34136 c 1.351599,1.05947 2.128174,2.65329 2.128174,4.36915 v 7.67683 c 0,2.54973 -2.072689,4.6224 -4.622399,4.6224 H 42.13752 c -2.549711,0 -4.622369,-2.07267 -4.622369,-4.6224 v -7.67683 c 0,-1.71769 0.776535,-3.30968 2.128114,-4.36915 l 5.546895,-4.33948 c 1.005809,-0.78767 2.211357,-1.18149 3.418716,-1.18149 1.207357,0 2.412898,0.39382 3.418694,1.17961 z m 0.279194,13.61393 v -3.69792 c 0,-1.02059 -0.828315,-1.84895 -1.848928,-1.84895 h -3.69792 c -1.020623,0 -1.848957,0.82836 -1.848957,1.84895 v 3.69792 c 0,1.02064 0.828334,1.84896 1.848957,1.84896 h 3.69792 c 1.020613,0 1.848928,-0.82832 1.848928,-1.84896 z"></path |
72 | error | Duplicate ID path1-9 . |
| From line 461, column 3155 to line 461, column 3838 |
| path> <path style="clip-rule:evenodd;fill:#008c27;fill-opacity:1;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke-width:0.257235" id="path1-9" d="m 28.557258,121.07245 c 1.293887,1.72862 2.410283,3.16399 3.014782,4.81545 0.589072,1.61028 0.828298,2.34339 -0.509318,0.67653 -1.245014,-1.55371 -2.407717,-3.06367 -4.110609,-4.49647 -0.120907,0.0282 -0.246935,0.0542 -0.38328,0.0824 -15.392927,3.05594 -26.60579126,-3.86881 -24.6379382,-26.250878 11.8585172,4.105468 28.6507972,2.438599 26.9118962,23.472728 -0.06173,0.782 -0.120907,1.31706 -0.285533,1.70034 z m -4.131191,-3.36461 c -3.868808,-8.33443 -13.808354,-11.19232 -18.7395522,-16.89266 5.3530562,10.4412 8.2726692,9.98075 18.7395522,16.89266 z" class="st0"></path |
73 | error | Bad value auto for attribute sizes on element img : Bad CSS number token: Expected a minus sign or a digit but saw a instead at auto . |
| From line 463, column 56 to line 463, column 1835 |
| c82ad773"><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" width="2304" height="1792" src="https://wanderclub.eu/wp-content/uploads/WDMN-professional-janitor-holding-some-building-plans.avif" class="gb-image-c82ad773" alt="WDMN-Kunde-Arbeiter-Professional-Profidienst" srcset="https://wanderclub.eu/wp-content/uploads/WDMN-professional-janitor-holding-some-building-plans.avif 2304w, https://wanderclub.eu/wp-content/uploads/WDMN-professional-janitor-holding-some-building-plans-300x233.avif 300w, https://wanderclub.eu/wp-content/uploads/WDMN-professional-janitor-holding-some-building-plans-1024x796.avif 1024w, https://wanderclub.eu/wp-content/uploads/WDMN-professional-janitor-holding-some-building-plans-150x117.avif 150w, https://wanderclub.eu/wp-content/uploads/WDMN-professional-janitor-holding-some-building-plans-768x597.avif 768w, https://wanderclub.eu/wp-content/uploads/WDMN-professional-janitor-holding-some-building-plans-1536x1195.avif 1536w, https://wanderclub.eu/wp-content/uploads/WDMN-professional-janitor-holding-some-building-plans-2048x1593.avif 2048w, https://wanderclub.eu/wp-content/uploads/WDMN-professional-janitor-holding-some-building-plans-640x498.avif 640w, https://wanderclub.eu/wp-content/uploads/WDMN-professional-janitor-holding-some-building-plans-960x747.avif 960w, https://wanderclub.eu/wp-content/uploads/WDMN-professional-janitor-holding-some-building-plans-1280x996.avif 1280w, https://wanderclub.eu/wp-content/uploads/WDMN-professional-janitor-holding-some-building-plans-823x640.avif 823w, https://wanderclub.eu/wp-content/uploads/WDMN-professional-janitor-holding-some-building-plans-1234x960.avif 1234w, https://wanderclub.eu/wp-content/uploads/WDMN-professional-janitor-holding-some-building-plans-1646x1280.avif 1646w" sizes="auto" fetchpriority="low"/></figu |
74 | error | Duplicate ID svg1 . |
| From line 481, column 68 to line 481, column 190 |
| "gb-icon"><svg width="2em" height="2em" viewBox="0 0 163.48761 94.147831" version="1.1" id="svg1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <de |
75 | error | Duplicate ID defs1 . |
| From line 481, column 194 to line 481, column 210 |
| 0/svg"> <defs id="defs1"></defs |
76 | error | Duplicate ID g2 . |
| From line 481, column 221 to line 481, column 297 |
| </defs> <g id="g2" transform="matrix(2.1374978,0,0,2.1184373,-3.6479673,-175.97448)"> < |
77 | error | Duplicate ID path3 . |
| From line 481, column 303 to line 481, column 3142 |
| 48)"> <path d="m 68.947397,110.80246 h -1.84896 c -1.022478,0 -1.848967,-0.82649 -1.848967,-1.84895 0,-1.0225 0.826489,-1.84896 1.848967,-1.84896 h 1.84896 c 1.022471,0 1.84895,0.82646 1.84895,1.84896 0,1.02246 -0.826479,1.84895 -1.84895,1.84895 z m 1.84895,5.54687 c 0,-1.02245 -0.826479,-1.84896 -1.84895,-1.84896 h -1.84896 c -1.022478,0 -1.848967,0.82651 -1.848967,1.84896 0,1.02248 0.826489,1.84896 1.848967,1.84896 h 1.84896 c 1.022471,0 1.84895,-0.82648 1.84895,-1.84896 z M 63.40051,94.161782 c 0,-1.022452 -0.826499,-1.848958 -1.848931,-1.848958 h -1.848957 c -1.022491,0 -1.84898,0.826506 -1.84898,1.848958 0,1.0225 0.826489,1.848982 1.84898,1.848982 h 1.848957 c 1.022432,0 1.848931,-0.826482 1.848931,-1.848982 z m 7.395837,0 c 0,-1.022452 -0.826479,-1.848958 -1.84895,-1.848958 h -1.84896 c -1.022478,0 -1.848967,0.826506 -1.848967,1.848958 0,1.0225 0.826489,1.848982 1.848967,1.848982 h 1.84896 c 1.022471,0 1.84895,-0.826482 1.84895,-1.848982 z m 0,7.395838 c 0,-1.02246 -0.826479,-1.848966 -1.84895,-1.848966 h -1.84896 c -1.022478,0 -1.848967,0.826506 -1.848967,1.848966 0,1.0225 0.826489,1.84899 1.848967,1.84899 h 1.84896 c 1.022471,0 1.84895,-0.82649 1.84895,-1.84899 z m 7.395816,16.64067 V 92.312824 c 0,-5.09756 -4.147203,-9.244763 -9.244766,-9.244763 h -9.244775 c -5.097593,0 -9.244786,4.147203 -9.244786,9.244763 0,1.022501 0.826487,1.848958 1.848928,1.848958 1.022501,0 1.84897,-0.826457 1.84897,-1.848958 0,-3.058175 2.488703,-5.546873 5.546888,-5.546873 h 9.244775 c 3.058175,0 5.546878,2.488698 5.546878,5.546873 v 25.885466 c 0,3.05817 -2.488703,5.54685 -5.546878,5.54685 h -1.84896 c -1.022478,0 -1.848967,0.82648 -1.848967,1.84898 0,1.02247 0.826489,1.84895 1.848967,1.84895 h 1.84896 c 5.097563,0 9.244766,-4.1472 9.244766,-9.24478 z m -14.791653,0.92445 v -7.67683 c 0,-2.86222 -1.292418,-5.51362 -3.548127,-7.28125 l -5.546877,-4.343189 c -3.353985,-2.621826 -8.039274,-2.623682 -11.393279,0 l -5.546848,4.341359 c -2.255729,1.76577 -3.548136,4.41903 -3.548136,7.28122 v 7.67686 c 0,4.58726 3.733034,8.32031 8.320277,8.32031 h 12.942703 c 4.587262,0 8.320287,-3.73305 8.320287,-8.32031 z m -11.37294,-16.38734 5.546878,4.34136 c 1.351599,1.05947 2.128174,2.65329 2.128174,4.36915 v 7.67683 c 0,2.54973 -2.072689,4.6224 -4.622399,4.6224 H 42.13752 c -2.549711,0 -4.622369,-2.07267 -4.622369,-4.6224 v -7.67683 c 0,-1.71769 0.776535,-3.30968 2.128114,-4.36915 l 5.546895,-4.33948 c 1.005809,-0.78767 2.211357,-1.18149 3.418716,-1.18149 1.207357,0 2.412898,0.39382 3.418694,1.17961 z m 0.279194,13.61393 v -3.69792 c 0,-1.02059 -0.828315,-1.84895 -1.848928,-1.84895 h -3.69792 c -1.020623,0 -1.848957,0.82836 -1.848957,1.84895 v 3.69792 c 0,1.02064 0.828334,1.84896 1.848957,1.84896 h 3.69792 c 1.020613,0 1.848928,-0.82832 1.848928,-1.84896 z" id="path3" style="fill:#ff7514;fill-opacity:1;stroke-width:1.84896"></path |
78 | error | Duplicate ID path1-9 . |
| From line 481, column 3155 to line 481, column 3838 |
| path> <path class="st0" d="m 28.557258,121.07245 c 1.293887,1.72862 2.410283,3.16399 3.014782,4.81545 0.589072,1.61028 0.828298,2.34339 -0.509318,0.67653 -1.245014,-1.55371 -2.407717,-3.06367 -4.110609,-4.49647 -0.120907,0.0282 -0.246935,0.0542 -0.38328,0.0824 -15.392927,3.05594 -26.60579126,-3.86881 -24.6379382,-26.250878 11.8585172,4.105468 28.6507972,2.438599 26.9118962,23.472728 -0.06173,0.782 -0.120907,1.31706 -0.285533,1.70034 z m -4.131191,-3.36461 c -3.868808,-8.33443 -13.808354,-11.19232 -18.7395522,-16.89266 5.3530562,10.4412 8.2726692,9.98075 18.7395522,16.89266 z" id="path1-9" style="clip-rule:evenodd;fill:#008c27;fill-opacity:1;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke-width:0.257235"></path |
79 | error | Bad value auto for attribute sizes on element img : Bad CSS number token: Expected a minus sign or a digit but saw a instead at auto . |
| From line 512, column 56 to line 512, column 2208 |
| a009bd46"><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" width="300" height="233" class="gb-image gb-image-a009bd46 image-frame img" src="https://wanderclub.eu/wp-content/uploads/WDMN-and-customer-meeting-in-front-of-a-office-building-and-consulting-plans.-Mode-300x233.avif" alt="WDMN Professional service" title="WDMN-and-customer-meeting-in-front-of-a-office-building-and-consulting-plans.-Mode" srcset="https://wanderclub.eu/wp-content/uploads/WDMN-and-customer-meeting-in-front-of-a-office-building-and-consulting-plans.-Mode-300x233.avif 300w, https://wanderclub.eu/wp-content/uploads/WDMN-and-customer-meeting-in-front-of-a-office-building-and-consulting-plans.-Mode-1024x796.avif 1024w, https://wanderclub.eu/wp-content/uploads/WDMN-and-customer-meeting-in-front-of-a-office-building-and-consulting-plans.-Mode-150x117.avif 150w, https://wanderclub.eu/wp-content/uploads/WDMN-and-customer-meeting-in-front-of-a-office-building-and-consulting-plans.-Mode-768x597.avif 768w, https://wanderclub.eu/wp-content/uploads/WDMN-and-customer-meeting-in-front-of-a-office-building-and-consulting-plans.-Mode-1536x1195.avif 1536w, https://wanderclub.eu/wp-content/uploads/WDMN-and-customer-meeting-in-front-of-a-office-building-and-consulting-plans.-Mode-2048x1593.avif 2048w, https://wanderclub.eu/wp-content/uploads/WDMN-and-customer-meeting-in-front-of-a-office-building-and-consulting-plans.-Mode-640x498.avif 640w, https://wanderclub.eu/wp-content/uploads/WDMN-and-customer-meeting-in-front-of-a-office-building-and-consulting-plans.-Mode-960x747.avif 960w, https://wanderclub.eu/wp-content/uploads/WDMN-and-customer-meeting-in-front-of-a-office-building-and-consulting-plans.-Mode-1280x996.avif 1280w, https://wanderclub.eu/wp-content/uploads/WDMN-and-customer-meeting-in-front-of-a-office-building-and-consulting-plans.-Mode-823x640.avif 823w, https://wanderclub.eu/wp-content/uploads/WDMN-and-customer-meeting-in-front-of-a-office-building-and-consulting-plans.-Mode-1234x960.avif 1234w, https://wanderclub.eu/wp-content/uploads/WDMN-and-customer-meeting-in-front-of-a-office-building-and-consulting-plans.-Mode-1646x1280.avif 1646w" sizes="auto" fetchpriority="low"/></figu |
80 | error | Duplicate ID svg1 . |
| From line 519, column 68 to line 519, column 190 |
| "gb-icon"><svg width="2em" height="2em" viewBox="0 0 163.48761 94.147831" version="1.1" id="svg1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <de |
81 | error | Duplicate ID defs1 . |
| From line 519, column 194 to line 519, column 210 |
| 0/svg"> <defs id="defs1"></defs |
82 | error | Duplicate ID g2 . |
| From line 519, column 221 to line 519, column 297 |
| </defs> <g id="g2" transform="matrix(2.1374978,0,0,2.1184373,-3.6479673,-175.97448)"> < |
83 | error | Duplicate ID path3 . |
| From line 519, column 303 to line 519, column 3142 |
| 48)"> <path d="m 68.947397,110.80246 h -1.84896 c -1.022478,0 -1.848967,-0.82649 -1.848967,-1.84895 0,-1.0225 0.826489,-1.84896 1.848967,-1.84896 h 1.84896 c 1.022471,0 1.84895,0.82646 1.84895,1.84896 0,1.02246 -0.826479,1.84895 -1.84895,1.84895 z m 1.84895,5.54687 c 0,-1.02245 -0.826479,-1.84896 -1.84895,-1.84896 h -1.84896 c -1.022478,0 -1.848967,0.82651 -1.848967,1.84896 0,1.02248 0.826489,1.84896 1.848967,1.84896 h 1.84896 c 1.022471,0 1.84895,-0.82648 1.84895,-1.84896 z M 63.40051,94.161782 c 0,-1.022452 -0.826499,-1.848958 -1.848931,-1.848958 h -1.848957 c -1.022491,0 -1.84898,0.826506 -1.84898,1.848958 0,1.0225 0.826489,1.848982 1.84898,1.848982 h 1.848957 c 1.022432,0 1.848931,-0.826482 1.848931,-1.848982 z m 7.395837,0 c 0,-1.022452 -0.826479,-1.848958 -1.84895,-1.848958 h -1.84896 c -1.022478,0 -1.848967,0.826506 -1.848967,1.848958 0,1.0225 0.826489,1.848982 1.848967,1.848982 h 1.84896 c 1.022471,0 1.84895,-0.826482 1.84895,-1.848982 z m 0,7.395838 c 0,-1.02246 -0.826479,-1.848966 -1.84895,-1.848966 h -1.84896 c -1.022478,0 -1.848967,0.826506 -1.848967,1.848966 0,1.0225 0.826489,1.84899 1.848967,1.84899 h 1.84896 c 1.022471,0 1.84895,-0.82649 1.84895,-1.84899 z m 7.395816,16.64067 V 92.312824 c 0,-5.09756 -4.147203,-9.244763 -9.244766,-9.244763 h -9.244775 c -5.097593,0 -9.244786,4.147203 -9.244786,9.244763 0,1.022501 0.826487,1.848958 1.848928,1.848958 1.022501,0 1.84897,-0.826457 1.84897,-1.848958 0,-3.058175 2.488703,-5.546873 5.546888,-5.546873 h 9.244775 c 3.058175,0 5.546878,2.488698 5.546878,5.546873 v 25.885466 c 0,3.05817 -2.488703,5.54685 -5.546878,5.54685 h -1.84896 c -1.022478,0 -1.848967,0.82648 -1.848967,1.84898 0,1.02247 0.826489,1.84895 1.848967,1.84895 h 1.84896 c 5.097563,0 9.244766,-4.1472 9.244766,-9.24478 z m -14.791653,0.92445 v -7.67683 c 0,-2.86222 -1.292418,-5.51362 -3.548127,-7.28125 l -5.546877,-4.343189 c -3.353985,-2.621826 -8.039274,-2.623682 -11.393279,0 l -5.546848,4.341359 c -2.255729,1.76577 -3.548136,4.41903 -3.548136,7.28122 v 7.67686 c 0,4.58726 3.733034,8.32031 8.320277,8.32031 h 12.942703 c 4.587262,0 8.320287,-3.73305 8.320287,-8.32031 z m -11.37294,-16.38734 5.546878,4.34136 c 1.351599,1.05947 2.128174,2.65329 2.128174,4.36915 v 7.67683 c 0,2.54973 -2.072689,4.6224 -4.622399,4.6224 H 42.13752 c -2.549711,0 -4.622369,-2.07267 -4.622369,-4.6224 v -7.67683 c 0,-1.71769 0.776535,-3.30968 2.128114,-4.36915 l 5.546895,-4.33948 c 1.005809,-0.78767 2.211357,-1.18149 3.418716,-1.18149 1.207357,0 2.412898,0.39382 3.418694,1.17961 z m 0.279194,13.61393 v -3.69792 c 0,-1.02059 -0.828315,-1.84895 -1.848928,-1.84895 h -3.69792 c -1.020623,0 -1.848957,0.82836 -1.848957,1.84895 v 3.69792 c 0,1.02064 0.828334,1.84896 1.848957,1.84896 h 3.69792 c 1.020613,0 1.848928,-0.82832 1.848928,-1.84896 z" id="path3" style="fill:#ff7514;fill-opacity:1;stroke-width:1.84896"></path |
84 | error | Duplicate ID path1-9 . |
| From line 519, column 3155 to line 519, column 3838 |
| path> <path class="st0" d="m 28.557258,121.07245 c 1.293887,1.72862 2.410283,3.16399 3.014782,4.81545 0.589072,1.61028 0.828298,2.34339 -0.509318,0.67653 -1.245014,-1.55371 -2.407717,-3.06367 -4.110609,-4.49647 -0.120907,0.0282 -0.246935,0.0542 -0.38328,0.0824 -15.392927,3.05594 -26.60579126,-3.86881 -24.6379382,-26.250878 11.8585172,4.105468 28.6507972,2.438599 26.9118962,23.472728 -0.06173,0.782 -0.120907,1.31706 -0.285533,1.70034 z m -4.131191,-3.36461 c -3.868808,-8.33443 -13.808354,-11.19232 -18.7395522,-16.89266 5.3530562,10.4412 8.2726692,9.98075 18.7395522,16.89266 z" id="path1-9" style="clip-rule:evenodd;fill:#008c27;fill-opacity:1;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke-width:0.257235"></path |
85 | error | Attribute charset not allowed on element meta at this point. |
| From line 526, column 63 to line 526, column 84 |
| ine-text"><meta charset="utf-8">Lorem |
86 | error | Element meta is missing one or more of the following attributes: content , itemprop , property . |
| From line 526, column 63 to line 526, column 84 |
| ine-text"><meta charset="utf-8">Lorem |
87 | error | A document must not include more than one meta element with a charset attribute. |
| From line 526, column 63 to line 526, column 84 |
| ine-text"><meta charset="utf-8">Lorem |
88 | error | A charset attribute on a meta element found after the first 1024 bytes. |
| From line 526, column 83 to line 526, column 83 |
| charset="utf-8">Lorem ipsum d |
89 | error | Duplicate ID svg1 . |
| From line 581, column 68 to line 581, column 190 |
| "gb-icon"><svg width="2em" height="2em" viewBox="0 0 163.48761 94.147831" version="1.1" id="svg1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <de |
90 | error | Duplicate ID defs1 . |
| From line 581, column 194 to line 581, column 210 |
| 0/svg"> <defs id="defs1"></defs |
91 | error | Duplicate ID g2 . |
| From line 581, column 221 to line 581, column 297 |
| </defs> <g id="g2" transform="matrix(2.1374978,0,0,2.1184373,-3.6479673,-175.97448)"> < |
92 | error | Duplicate ID path3 . |
| From line 581, column 303 to line 581, column 3142 |
| 48)"> <path d="m 68.947397,110.80246 h -1.84896 c -1.022478,0 -1.848967,-0.82649 -1.848967,-1.84895 0,-1.0225 0.826489,-1.84896 1.848967,-1.84896 h 1.84896 c 1.022471,0 1.84895,0.82646 1.84895,1.84896 0,1.02246 -0.826479,1.84895 -1.84895,1.84895 z m 1.84895,5.54687 c 0,-1.02245 -0.826479,-1.84896 -1.84895,-1.84896 h -1.84896 c -1.022478,0 -1.848967,0.82651 -1.848967,1.84896 0,1.02248 0.826489,1.84896 1.848967,1.84896 h 1.84896 c 1.022471,0 1.84895,-0.82648 1.84895,-1.84896 z M 63.40051,94.161782 c 0,-1.022452 -0.826499,-1.848958 -1.848931,-1.848958 h -1.848957 c -1.022491,0 -1.84898,0.826506 -1.84898,1.848958 0,1.0225 0.826489,1.848982 1.84898,1.848982 h 1.848957 c 1.022432,0 1.848931,-0.826482 1.848931,-1.848982 z m 7.395837,0 c 0,-1.022452 -0.826479,-1.848958 -1.84895,-1.848958 h -1.84896 c -1.022478,0 -1.848967,0.826506 -1.848967,1.848958 0,1.0225 0.826489,1.848982 1.848967,1.848982 h 1.84896 c 1.022471,0 1.84895,-0.826482 1.84895,-1.848982 z m 0,7.395838 c 0,-1.02246 -0.826479,-1.848966 -1.84895,-1.848966 h -1.84896 c -1.022478,0 -1.848967,0.826506 -1.848967,1.848966 0,1.0225 0.826489,1.84899 1.848967,1.84899 h 1.84896 c 1.022471,0 1.84895,-0.82649 1.84895,-1.84899 z m 7.395816,16.64067 V 92.312824 c 0,-5.09756 -4.147203,-9.244763 -9.244766,-9.244763 h -9.244775 c -5.097593,0 -9.244786,4.147203 -9.244786,9.244763 0,1.022501 0.826487,1.848958 1.848928,1.848958 1.022501,0 1.84897,-0.826457 1.84897,-1.848958 0,-3.058175 2.488703,-5.546873 5.546888,-5.546873 h 9.244775 c 3.058175,0 5.546878,2.488698 5.546878,5.546873 v 25.885466 c 0,3.05817 -2.488703,5.54685 -5.546878,5.54685 h -1.84896 c -1.022478,0 -1.848967,0.82648 -1.848967,1.84898 0,1.02247 0.826489,1.84895 1.848967,1.84895 h 1.84896 c 5.097563,0 9.244766,-4.1472 9.244766,-9.24478 z m -14.791653,0.92445 v -7.67683 c 0,-2.86222 -1.292418,-5.51362 -3.548127,-7.28125 l -5.546877,-4.343189 c -3.353985,-2.621826 -8.039274,-2.623682 -11.393279,0 l -5.546848,4.341359 c -2.255729,1.76577 -3.548136,4.41903 -3.548136,7.28122 v 7.67686 c 0,4.58726 3.733034,8.32031 8.320277,8.32031 h 12.942703 c 4.587262,0 8.320287,-3.73305 8.320287,-8.32031 z m -11.37294,-16.38734 5.546878,4.34136 c 1.351599,1.05947 2.128174,2.65329 2.128174,4.36915 v 7.67683 c 0,2.54973 -2.072689,4.6224 -4.622399,4.6224 H 42.13752 c -2.549711,0 -4.622369,-2.07267 -4.622369,-4.6224 v -7.67683 c 0,-1.71769 0.776535,-3.30968 2.128114,-4.36915 l 5.546895,-4.33948 c 1.005809,-0.78767 2.211357,-1.18149 3.418716,-1.18149 1.207357,0 2.412898,0.39382 3.418694,1.17961 z m 0.279194,13.61393 v -3.69792 c 0,-1.02059 -0.828315,-1.84895 -1.848928,-1.84895 h -3.69792 c -1.020623,0 -1.848957,0.82836 -1.848957,1.84895 v 3.69792 c 0,1.02064 0.828334,1.84896 1.848957,1.84896 h 3.69792 c 1.020613,0 1.848928,-0.82832 1.848928,-1.84896 z" id="path3" style="fill:#ff7514;fill-opacity:1;stroke-width:1.84896"></path |
93 | error | Duplicate ID path1-9 . |
| From line 581, column 3155 to line 581, column 3838 |
| path> <path class="st0" d="m 28.557258,121.07245 c 1.293887,1.72862 2.410283,3.16399 3.014782,4.81545 0.589072,1.61028 0.828298,2.34339 -0.509318,0.67653 -1.245014,-1.55371 -2.407717,-3.06367 -4.110609,-4.49647 -0.120907,0.0282 -0.246935,0.0542 -0.38328,0.0824 -15.392927,3.05594 -26.60579126,-3.86881 -24.6379382,-26.250878 11.8585172,4.105468 28.6507972,2.438599 26.9118962,23.472728 -0.06173,0.782 -0.120907,1.31706 -0.285533,1.70034 z m -4.131191,-3.36461 c -3.868808,-8.33443 -13.808354,-11.19232 -18.7395522,-16.89266 5.3530562,10.4412 8.2726692,9.98075 18.7395522,16.89266 z" id="path1-9" style="clip-rule:evenodd;fill:#008c27;fill-opacity:1;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke-width:0.257235"></path |
94 | error | Duplicate ID Layer_1 . |
| From line 615, column 68 to line 615, column 190 |
| "gb-icon"><svg xml:space="preserve" viewBox="0 0 80 14.68" y="0" x="0" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" id="Layer_1" version="1.1"><style |
95 | error | Duplicate ID Layer_1 . |
| From line 639, column 68 to line 639, column 190 |
| "gb-icon"><svg xml:space="preserve" viewBox="0 0 80 14.68" y="0" x="0" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" id="Layer_1" version="1.1"><style |
96 | error | Duplicate ID Layer_1 . |
| From line 659, column 68 to line 659, column 190 |
| "gb-icon"><svg xml:space="preserve" viewBox="0 0 80 14.68" y="0" x="0" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" id="Layer_1" version="1.1"><style |
97 | error | Duplicate ID svg1 . |
| From line 681, column 68 to line 681, column 190 |
| "gb-icon"><svg width="2em" height="2em" viewBox="0 0 163.48761 94.147831" version="1.1" id="svg1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <de |
98 | error | Duplicate ID defs1 . |
| From line 681, column 194 to line 681, column 210 |
| 0/svg"> <defs id="defs1"></defs |
99 | error | Duplicate ID g2 . |
| From line 681, column 221 to line 681, column 297 |
| </defs> <g id="g2" transform="matrix(2.1374978,0,0,2.1184373,-3.6479673,-175.97448)"> < |
100 | error | Duplicate ID path3 . |
| From line 681, column 303 to line 681, column 3142 |
| 48)"> <path d="m 68.947397,110.80246 h -1.84896 c -1.022478,0 -1.848967,-0.82649 -1.848967,-1.84895 0,-1.0225 0.826489,-1.84896 1.848967,-1.84896 h 1.84896 c 1.022471,0 1.84895,0.82646 1.84895,1.84896 0,1.02246 -0.826479,1.84895 -1.84895,1.84895 z m 1.84895,5.54687 c 0,-1.02245 -0.826479,-1.84896 -1.84895,-1.84896 h -1.84896 c -1.022478,0 -1.848967,0.82651 -1.848967,1.84896 0,1.02248 0.826489,1.84896 1.848967,1.84896 h 1.84896 c 1.022471,0 1.84895,-0.82648 1.84895,-1.84896 z M 63.40051,94.161782 c 0,-1.022452 -0.826499,-1.848958 -1.848931,-1.848958 h -1.848957 c -1.022491,0 -1.84898,0.826506 -1.84898,1.848958 0,1.0225 0.826489,1.848982 1.84898,1.848982 h 1.848957 c 1.022432,0 1.848931,-0.826482 1.848931,-1.848982 z m 7.395837,0 c 0,-1.022452 -0.826479,-1.848958 -1.84895,-1.848958 h -1.84896 c -1.022478,0 -1.848967,0.826506 -1.848967,1.848958 0,1.0225 0.826489,1.848982 1.848967,1.848982 h 1.84896 c 1.022471,0 1.84895,-0.826482 1.84895,-1.848982 z m 0,7.395838 c 0,-1.02246 -0.826479,-1.848966 -1.84895,-1.848966 h -1.84896 c -1.022478,0 -1.848967,0.826506 -1.848967,1.848966 0,1.0225 0.826489,1.84899 1.848967,1.84899 h 1.84896 c 1.022471,0 1.84895,-0.82649 1.84895,-1.84899 z m 7.395816,16.64067 V 92.312824 c 0,-5.09756 -4.147203,-9.244763 -9.244766,-9.244763 h -9.244775 c -5.097593,0 -9.244786,4.147203 -9.244786,9.244763 0,1.022501 0.826487,1.848958 1.848928,1.848958 1.022501,0 1.84897,-0.826457 1.84897,-1.848958 0,-3.058175 2.488703,-5.546873 5.546888,-5.546873 h 9.244775 c 3.058175,0 5.546878,2.488698 5.546878,5.546873 v 25.885466 c 0,3.05817 -2.488703,5.54685 -5.546878,5.54685 h -1.84896 c -1.022478,0 -1.848967,0.82648 -1.848967,1.84898 0,1.02247 0.826489,1.84895 1.848967,1.84895 h 1.84896 c 5.097563,0 9.244766,-4.1472 9.244766,-9.24478 z m -14.791653,0.92445 v -7.67683 c 0,-2.86222 -1.292418,-5.51362 -3.548127,-7.28125 l -5.546877,-4.343189 c -3.353985,-2.621826 -8.039274,-2.623682 -11.393279,0 l -5.546848,4.341359 c -2.255729,1.76577 -3.548136,4.41903 -3.548136,7.28122 v 7.67686 c 0,4.58726 3.733034,8.32031 8.320277,8.32031 h 12.942703 c 4.587262,0 8.320287,-3.73305 8.320287,-8.32031 z m -11.37294,-16.38734 5.546878,4.34136 c 1.351599,1.05947 2.128174,2.65329 2.128174,4.36915 v 7.67683 c 0,2.54973 -2.072689,4.6224 -4.622399,4.6224 H 42.13752 c -2.549711,0 -4.622369,-2.07267 -4.622369,-4.6224 v -7.67683 c 0,-1.71769 0.776535,-3.30968 2.128114,-4.36915 l 5.546895,-4.33948 c 1.005809,-0.78767 2.211357,-1.18149 3.418716,-1.18149 1.207357,0 2.412898,0.39382 3.418694,1.17961 z m 0.279194,13.61393 v -3.69792 c 0,-1.02059 -0.828315,-1.84895 -1.848928,-1.84895 h -3.69792 c -1.020623,0 -1.848957,0.82836 -1.848957,1.84895 v 3.69792 c 0,1.02064 0.828334,1.84896 1.848957,1.84896 h 3.69792 c 1.020613,0 1.848928,-0.82832 1.848928,-1.84896 z" id="path3" style="fill:#ff7514;fill-opacity:1;stroke-width:1.84896"></path |
101 | error | Duplicate ID path1-9 . |
| From line 681, column 3155 to line 681, column 3838 |
| path> <path class="st0" d="m 28.557258,121.07245 c 1.293887,1.72862 2.410283,3.16399 3.014782,4.81545 0.589072,1.61028 0.828298,2.34339 -0.509318,0.67653 -1.245014,-1.55371 -2.407717,-3.06367 -4.110609,-4.49647 -0.120907,0.0282 -0.246935,0.0542 -0.38328,0.0824 -15.392927,3.05594 -26.60579126,-3.86881 -24.6379382,-26.250878 11.8585172,4.105468 28.6507972,2.438599 26.9118962,23.472728 -0.06173,0.782 -0.120907,1.31706 -0.285533,1.70034 z m -4.131191,-3.36461 c -3.868808,-8.33443 -13.808354,-11.19232 -18.7395522,-16.89266 5.3530562,10.4412 8.2726692,9.98075 18.7395522,16.89266 z" id="path1-9" style="clip-rule:evenodd;fill:#008c27;fill-opacity:1;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke-width:0.257235"></path |
102 | error | Duplicate ID Layer_1 . |
| From line 692, column 68 to line 692, column 195 |
| "gb-icon"><svg xml:space="preserve" viewBox="0 0 157.45 187.09" y="0" x="0" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" id="Layer_1" version="1.1"><style |
103 | error | Duplicate ID Layer_1 . |
| From line 698, column 68 to line 698, column 195 |
| "gb-icon"><svg xml:space="preserve" viewBox="0 0 157.45 187.09" y="0" x="0" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" id="Layer_1" version="1.1"><style |
104 | error | Duplicate ID Layer_1 . |
| From line 704, column 68 to line 704, column 195 |
| "gb-icon"><svg xml:space="preserve" viewBox="0 0 157.45 187.09" y="0" x="0" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" id="Layer_1" version="1.1"><style |
105 | error | Duplicate ID Layer_1 . |
| From line 710, column 68 to line 710, column 195 |
| "gb-icon"><svg xml:space="preserve" viewBox="0 0 157.45 187.09" y="0" x="0" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" id="Layer_1" version="1.1"><style |
106 | error | Duplicate ID Layer_1 . |
| From line 716, column 68 to line 716, column 195 |
| "gb-icon"><svg xml:space="preserve" viewBox="0 0 157.45 187.09" y="0" x="0" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" id="Layer_1" version="1.1"><style |
107 | error | Duplicate ID Layer_1 . |
| From line 722, column 68 to line 722, column 195 |
| "gb-icon"><svg xml:space="preserve" viewBox="0 0 157.45 187.09" y="0" x="0" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" id="Layer_1" version="1.1"><style |
108 | error | Duplicate ID svg1 . |
| From line 729, column 68 to line 729, column 190 |
| "gb-icon"><svg width="2em" height="2em" viewBox="0 0 163.48761 94.147831" version="1.1" id="svg1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <de |
109 | error | Duplicate ID defs1 . |
| From line 729, column 194 to line 729, column 210 |
| 0/svg"> <defs id="defs1"></defs |
110 | error | Duplicate ID g2 . |
| From line 729, column 221 to line 729, column 297 |
| </defs> <g id="g2" transform="matrix(2.1374978,0,0,2.1184373,-3.6479673,-175.97448)"> < |
111 | error | Duplicate ID path3 . |
| From line 729, column 303 to line 729, column 3142 |
| 48)"> <path d="m 68.947397,110.80246 h -1.84896 c -1.022478,0 -1.848967,-0.82649 -1.848967,-1.84895 0,-1.0225 0.826489,-1.84896 1.848967,-1.84896 h 1.84896 c 1.022471,0 1.84895,0.82646 1.84895,1.84896 0,1.02246 -0.826479,1.84895 -1.84895,1.84895 z m 1.84895,5.54687 c 0,-1.02245 -0.826479,-1.84896 -1.84895,-1.84896 h -1.84896 c -1.022478,0 -1.848967,0.82651 -1.848967,1.84896 0,1.02248 0.826489,1.84896 1.848967,1.84896 h 1.84896 c 1.022471,0 1.84895,-0.82648 1.84895,-1.84896 z M 63.40051,94.161782 c 0,-1.022452 -0.826499,-1.848958 -1.848931,-1.848958 h -1.848957 c -1.022491,0 -1.84898,0.826506 -1.84898,1.848958 0,1.0225 0.826489,1.848982 1.84898,1.848982 h 1.848957 c 1.022432,0 1.848931,-0.826482 1.848931,-1.848982 z m 7.395837,0 c 0,-1.022452 -0.826479,-1.848958 -1.84895,-1.848958 h -1.84896 c -1.022478,0 -1.848967,0.826506 -1.848967,1.848958 0,1.0225 0.826489,1.848982 1.848967,1.848982 h 1.84896 c 1.022471,0 1.84895,-0.826482 1.84895,-1.848982 z m 0,7.395838 c 0,-1.02246 -0.826479,-1.848966 -1.84895,-1.848966 h -1.84896 c -1.022478,0 -1.848967,0.826506 -1.848967,1.848966 0,1.0225 0.826489,1.84899 1.848967,1.84899 h 1.84896 c 1.022471,0 1.84895,-0.82649 1.84895,-1.84899 z m 7.395816,16.64067 V 92.312824 c 0,-5.09756 -4.147203,-9.244763 -9.244766,-9.244763 h -9.244775 c -5.097593,0 -9.244786,4.147203 -9.244786,9.244763 0,1.022501 0.826487,1.848958 1.848928,1.848958 1.022501,0 1.84897,-0.826457 1.84897,-1.848958 0,-3.058175 2.488703,-5.546873 5.546888,-5.546873 h 9.244775 c 3.058175,0 5.546878,2.488698 5.546878,5.546873 v 25.885466 c 0,3.05817 -2.488703,5.54685 -5.546878,5.54685 h -1.84896 c -1.022478,0 -1.848967,0.82648 -1.848967,1.84898 0,1.02247 0.826489,1.84895 1.848967,1.84895 h 1.84896 c 5.097563,0 9.244766,-4.1472 9.244766,-9.24478 z m -14.791653,0.92445 v -7.67683 c 0,-2.86222 -1.292418,-5.51362 -3.548127,-7.28125 l -5.546877,-4.343189 c -3.353985,-2.621826 -8.039274,-2.623682 -11.393279,0 l -5.546848,4.341359 c -2.255729,1.76577 -3.548136,4.41903 -3.548136,7.28122 v 7.67686 c 0,4.58726 3.733034,8.32031 8.320277,8.32031 h 12.942703 c 4.587262,0 8.320287,-3.73305 8.320287,-8.32031 z m -11.37294,-16.38734 5.546878,4.34136 c 1.351599,1.05947 2.128174,2.65329 2.128174,4.36915 v 7.67683 c 0,2.54973 -2.072689,4.6224 -4.622399,4.6224 H 42.13752 c -2.549711,0 -4.622369,-2.07267 -4.622369,-4.6224 v -7.67683 c 0,-1.71769 0.776535,-3.30968 2.128114,-4.36915 l 5.546895,-4.33948 c 1.005809,-0.78767 2.211357,-1.18149 3.418716,-1.18149 1.207357,0 2.412898,0.39382 3.418694,1.17961 z m 0.279194,13.61393 v -3.69792 c 0,-1.02059 -0.828315,-1.84895 -1.848928,-1.84895 h -3.69792 c -1.020623,0 -1.848957,0.82836 -1.848957,1.84895 v 3.69792 c 0,1.02064 0.828334,1.84896 1.848957,1.84896 h 3.69792 c 1.020613,0 1.848928,-0.82832 1.848928,-1.84896 z" id="path3" style="fill:#ff7514;fill-opacity:1;stroke-width:1.84896"></path |
112 | error | Duplicate ID path1-9 . |
| From line 729, column 3155 to line 729, column 3838 |
| path> <path class="st0" d="m 28.557258,121.07245 c 1.293887,1.72862 2.410283,3.16399 3.014782,4.81545 0.589072,1.61028 0.828298,2.34339 -0.509318,0.67653 -1.245014,-1.55371 -2.407717,-3.06367 -4.110609,-4.49647 -0.120907,0.0282 -0.246935,0.0542 -0.38328,0.0824 -15.392927,3.05594 -26.60579126,-3.86881 -24.6379382,-26.250878 11.8585172,4.105468 28.6507972,2.438599 26.9118962,23.472728 -0.06173,0.782 -0.120907,1.31706 -0.285533,1.70034 z m -4.131191,-3.36461 c -3.868808,-8.33443 -13.808354,-11.19232 -18.7395522,-16.89266 5.3530562,10.4412 8.2726692,9.98075 18.7395522,16.89266 z" id="path1-9" style="clip-rule:evenodd;fill:#008c27;fill-opacity:1;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke-width:0.257235"></path |
113 | error | Element style not allowed as child of element div in this context. (Suppressing further errors from this subtree.) |
| From line 750, column 1 to line 750, column 77 |
| 892d4cf">
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| "gb-icon"><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" id="svg1" version="1.1" viewBox="0 0 79.902855 76.70192" height="76.70192mm" width="79.902855mm"> <de |
116 | error | Duplicate ID defs1 . |
| From line 806, column 209 to line 806, column 225 |
| 855mm"> <defs id="defs1"></defs |
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| From line 877, column 4 to line 877, column 437 |
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118 | error | Duplicate attribute width . |
| From line 887, column 11 to line 887, column 11 |
| t=12
width="18" height="1 |
119 | error | Duplicate attribute height . |
| From line 887, column 23 to line 887, column 23 |
| dth="18" height="12" loading=" |
120 | error | Duplicate attribute width . |
| From line 896, column 11 to line 896, column 11 |
| t=12
width="18" height="1 |
121 | error | Duplicate attribute height . |
| From line 896, column 23 to line 896, column 23 |
| dth="18" height="12" loading=" |
122 | error | Element style not allowed as child of element body in this context. (Suppressing further errors from this subtree.) |
| From line 899, column 1 to line 899, column 139 |
| l>
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| -top:10px}@container wpfor |
124 | error | CSS: Unrecognized at-rule @container |
| From line 899, column 1402 to line 899, column 1411 |
| adding:0}}@container wpfor |
125 | error | CSS: Unrecognized at-rule @container |
| From line 899, column 1585 to line 899, column 1594 |
| adding:0}}@container wpfor |
126 | error | CSS: Unrecognized at-rule @container |
| From line 899, column 1880 to line 899, column 1889 |
| mportant}}@container wpfor |
127 | error | CSS: Unrecognized at-rule @container |
| From line 899, column 2195 to line 899, column 2204 |
| mportant}}@container wpfor |
128 | error | CSS: Unrecognized at-rule @container |
| From line 899, column 63791 to line 899, column 63800 |
| ng-left:0}@container wpfor |
129 | error | CSS: Unrecognized at-rule @container |
| From line 899, column 64021 to line 899, column 64030 |
| spacing)}}@container wpfor |
130 | error | Element script must not have attribute defer unless attribute src is also specified. |
| From line 901, column 1 to line 901, column 132 |
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134 | error | Element script must not have attribute defer unless attribute src is also specified. |
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143 | warning | Empty heading. |
| From line 321, column 1 to line 321, column 45 |
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| From line 321, column 68 to line 321, column 190 |
| "gb-icon"><svg width="2em" height="2em" viewBox="0 0 163.48761 94.147831" version="1.1" id="svg1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <de |
151 | warning | The first occurrence of ID svg1 was here. |
| From line 321, column 68 to line 321, column 190 |
| "gb-icon"><svg width="2em" height="2em" viewBox="0 0 163.48761 94.147831" version="1.1" id="svg1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <de |
152 | warning | The first occurrence of ID svg1 was here. |
| From line 321, column 68 to line 321, column 190 |
| "gb-icon"><svg width="2em" height="2em" viewBox="0 0 163.48761 94.147831" version="1.1" id="svg1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <de |
153 | warning | The first occurrence of ID svg1 was here. |
| From line 321, column 68 to line 321, column 190 |
| "gb-icon"><svg width="2em" height="2em" viewBox="0 0 163.48761 94.147831" version="1.1" id="svg1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <de |
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| "gb-icon"><svg width="2em" height="2em" viewBox="0 0 163.48761 94.147831" version="1.1" id="svg1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <de |
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| "gb-icon"><svg width="2em" height="2em" viewBox="0 0 163.48761 94.147831" version="1.1" id="svg1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <de |
159 | warning | The first occurrence of ID defs1 was here. |
| From line 321, column 194 to line 321, column 210 |
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160 | warning | The first occurrence of ID defs1 was here. |
| From line 321, column 194 to line 321, column 210 |
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161 | warning | The first occurrence of ID defs1 was here. |
| From line 321, column 194 to line 321, column 210 |
| 0/svg"> <defs id="defs1"></defs |
162 | warning | The first occurrence of ID defs1 was here. |
| From line 321, column 194 to line 321, column 210 |
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163 | warning | The first occurrence of ID defs1 was here. |
| From line 321, column 194 to line 321, column 210 |
| 0/svg"> <defs id="defs1"></defs |
164 | warning | The first occurrence of ID defs1 was here. |
| From line 321, column 194 to line 321, column 210 |
| 0/svg"> <defs id="defs1"></defs |
165 | warning | The first occurrence of ID defs1 was here. |
| From line 321, column 194 to line 321, column 210 |
| 0/svg"> <defs id="defs1"></defs |
166 | warning | The first occurrence of ID defs1 was here. |
| From line 321, column 194 to line 321, column 210 |
| 0/svg"> <defs id="defs1"></defs |
167 | warning | The first occurrence of ID defs1 was here. |
| From line 321, column 194 to line 321, column 210 |
| 0/svg"> <defs id="defs1"></defs |
168 | warning | The first occurrence of ID defs1 was here. |
| From line 321, column 194 to line 321, column 210 |
| 0/svg"> <defs id="defs1"></defs |
169 | warning | The first occurrence of ID defs1 was here. |
| From line 321, column 194 to line 321, column 210 |
| 0/svg"> <defs id="defs1"></defs |
170 | warning | The first occurrence of ID defs1 was here. |
| From line 321, column 194 to line 321, column 210 |
| 0/svg"> <defs id="defs1"></defs |
171 | warning | The first occurrence of ID defs1 was here. |
| From line 321, column 194 to line 321, column 210 |
| 0/svg"> <defs id="defs1"></defs |
172 | warning | The first occurrence of ID defs1 was here. |
| From line 321, column 194 to line 321, column 210 |
| 0/svg"> <defs id="defs1"></defs |
173 | warning | The first occurrence of ID defs1 was here. |
| From line 321, column 194 to line 321, column 210 |
| 0/svg"> <defs id="defs1"></defs |
174 | warning | The first occurrence of ID g2 was here. |
| From line 321, column 221 to line 321, column 297 |
| </defs> <g id="g2" transform="matrix(2.1374978,0,0,2.1184373,-3.6479673,-175.97448)"> < |
175 | warning | The first occurrence of ID g2 was here. |
| From line 321, column 221 to line 321, column 297 |
| </defs> <g id="g2" transform="matrix(2.1374978,0,0,2.1184373,-3.6479673,-175.97448)"> < |
176 | warning | The first occurrence of ID g2 was here. |
| From line 321, column 221 to line 321, column 297 |
| </defs> <g id="g2" transform="matrix(2.1374978,0,0,2.1184373,-3.6479673,-175.97448)"> < |
177 | warning | The first occurrence of ID g2 was here. |
| From line 321, column 221 to line 321, column 297 |
| </defs> <g id="g2" transform="matrix(2.1374978,0,0,2.1184373,-3.6479673,-175.97448)"> < |
178 | warning | The first occurrence of ID g2 was here. |
| From line 321, column 221 to line 321, column 297 |
| </defs> <g id="g2" transform="matrix(2.1374978,0,0,2.1184373,-3.6479673,-175.97448)"> < |
179 | warning | The first occurrence of ID g2 was here. |
| From line 321, column 221 to line 321, column 297 |
| </defs> <g id="g2" transform="matrix(2.1374978,0,0,2.1184373,-3.6479673,-175.97448)"> < |
180 | warning | The first occurrence of ID g2 was here. |
| From line 321, column 221 to line 321, column 297 |
| </defs> <g id="g2" transform="matrix(2.1374978,0,0,2.1184373,-3.6479673,-175.97448)"> < |
181 | warning | The first occurrence of ID g2 was here. |
| From line 321, column 221 to line 321, column 297 |
| </defs> <g id="g2" transform="matrix(2.1374978,0,0,2.1184373,-3.6479673,-175.97448)"> < |
182 | warning | The first occurrence of ID g2 was here. |
| From line 321, column 221 to line 321, column 297 |
| </defs> <g id="g2" transform="matrix(2.1374978,0,0,2.1184373,-3.6479673,-175.97448)"> < |
183 | warning | The first occurrence of ID g2 was here. |
| From line 321, column 221 to line 321, column 297 |
| </defs> <g id="g2" transform="matrix(2.1374978,0,0,2.1184373,-3.6479673,-175.97448)"> < |
184 | warning | The first occurrence of ID g2 was here. |
| From line 321, column 221 to line 321, column 297 |
| </defs> <g id="g2" transform="matrix(2.1374978,0,0,2.1184373,-3.6479673,-175.97448)"> < |
185 | warning | The first occurrence of ID g2 was here. |
| From line 321, column 221 to line 321, column 297 |
| </defs> <g id="g2" transform="matrix(2.1374978,0,0,2.1184373,-3.6479673,-175.97448)"> < |
186 | warning | The first occurrence of ID g2 was here. |
| From line 321, column 221 to line 321, column 297 |
| </defs> <g id="g2" transform="matrix(2.1374978,0,0,2.1184373,-3.6479673,-175.97448)"> < |
187 | warning | The first occurrence of ID g2 was here. |
| From line 321, column 221 to line 321, column 297 |
| </defs> <g id="g2" transform="matrix(2.1374978,0,0,2.1184373,-3.6479673,-175.97448)"> < |
188 | warning | The first occurrence of ID path3 was here. |
| From line 321, column 303 to line 321, column 3142 |
| 48)"> <path d="m 68.947397,110.80246 h -1.84896 c -1.022478,0 -1.848967,-0.82649 -1.848967,-1.84895 0,-1.0225 0.826489,-1.84896 1.848967,-1.84896 h 1.84896 c 1.022471,0 1.84895,0.82646 1.84895,1.84896 0,1.02246 -0.826479,1.84895 -1.84895,1.84895 z m 1.84895,5.54687 c 0,-1.02245 -0.826479,-1.84896 -1.84895,-1.84896 h -1.84896 c -1.022478,0 -1.848967,0.82651 -1.848967,1.84896 0,1.02248 0.826489,1.84896 1.848967,1.84896 h 1.84896 c 1.022471,0 1.84895,-0.82648 1.84895,-1.84896 z M 63.40051,94.161782 c 0,-1.022452 -0.826499,-1.848958 -1.848931,-1.848958 h -1.848957 c -1.022491,0 -1.84898,0.826506 -1.84898,1.848958 0,1.0225 0.826489,1.848982 1.84898,1.848982 h 1.848957 c 1.022432,0 1.848931,-0.826482 1.848931,-1.848982 z m 7.395837,0 c 0,-1.022452 -0.826479,-1.848958 -1.84895,-1.848958 h -1.84896 c -1.022478,0 -1.848967,0.826506 -1.848967,1.848958 0,1.0225 0.826489,1.848982 1.848967,1.848982 h 1.84896 c 1.022471,0 1.84895,-0.826482 1.84895,-1.848982 z m 0,7.395838 c 0,-1.02246 -0.826479,-1.848966 -1.84895,-1.848966 h -1.84896 c -1.022478,0 -1.848967,0.826506 -1.848967,1.848966 0,1.0225 0.826489,1.84899 1.848967,1.84899 h 1.84896 c 1.022471,0 1.84895,-0.82649 1.84895,-1.84899 z m 7.395816,16.64067 V 92.312824 c 0,-5.09756 -4.147203,-9.244763 -9.244766,-9.244763 h -9.244775 c -5.097593,0 -9.244786,4.147203 -9.244786,9.244763 0,1.022501 0.826487,1.848958 1.848928,1.848958 1.022501,0 1.84897,-0.826457 1.84897,-1.848958 0,-3.058175 2.488703,-5.546873 5.546888,-5.546873 h 9.244775 c 3.058175,0 5.546878,2.488698 5.546878,5.546873 v 25.885466 c 0,3.05817 -2.488703,5.54685 -5.546878,5.54685 h -1.84896 c -1.022478,0 -1.848967,0.82648 -1.848967,1.84898 0,1.02247 0.826489,1.84895 1.848967,1.84895 h 1.84896 c 5.097563,0 9.244766,-4.1472 9.244766,-9.24478 z m -14.791653,0.92445 v -7.67683 c 0,-2.86222 -1.292418,-5.51362 -3.548127,-7.28125 l -5.546877,-4.343189 c -3.353985,-2.621826 -8.039274,-2.623682 -11.393279,0 l -5.546848,4.341359 c -2.255729,1.76577 -3.548136,4.41903 -3.548136,7.28122 v 7.67686 c 0,4.58726 3.733034,8.32031 8.320277,8.32031 h 12.942703 c 4.587262,0 8.320287,-3.73305 8.320287,-8.32031 z m -11.37294,-16.38734 5.546878,4.34136 c 1.351599,1.05947 2.128174,2.65329 2.128174,4.36915 v 7.67683 c 0,2.54973 -2.072689,4.6224 -4.622399,4.6224 H 42.13752 c -2.549711,0 -4.622369,-2.07267 -4.622369,-4.6224 v -7.67683 c 0,-1.71769 0.776535,-3.30968 2.128114,-4.36915 l 5.546895,-4.33948 c 1.005809,-0.78767 2.211357,-1.18149 3.418716,-1.18149 1.207357,0 2.412898,0.39382 3.418694,1.17961 z m 0.279194,13.61393 v -3.69792 c 0,-1.02059 -0.828315,-1.84895 -1.848928,-1.84895 h -3.69792 c -1.020623,0 -1.848957,0.82836 -1.848957,1.84895 v 3.69792 c 0,1.02064 0.828334,1.84896 1.848957,1.84896 h 3.69792 c 1.020613,0 1.848928,-0.82832 1.848928,-1.84896 z" id="path3" style="fill:#ff7514;fill-opacity:1;stroke-width:1.84896"></path |
189 | warning | The first occurrence of ID path3 was here. |
| From line 321, column 303 to line 321, column 3142 |
| 48)"> <path d="m 68.947397,110.80246 h -1.84896 c -1.022478,0 -1.848967,-0.82649 -1.848967,-1.84895 0,-1.0225 0.826489,-1.84896 1.848967,-1.84896 h 1.84896 c 1.022471,0 1.84895,0.82646 1.84895,1.84896 0,1.02246 -0.826479,1.84895 -1.84895,1.84895 z m 1.84895,5.54687 c 0,-1.02245 -0.826479,-1.84896 -1.84895,-1.84896 h -1.84896 c -1.022478,0 -1.848967,0.82651 -1.848967,1.84896 0,1.02248 0.826489,1.84896 1.848967,1.84896 h 1.84896 c 1.022471,0 1.84895,-0.82648 1.84895,-1.84896 z M 63.40051,94.161782 c 0,-1.022452 -0.826499,-1.848958 -1.848931,-1.848958 h -1.848957 c -1.022491,0 -1.84898,0.826506 -1.84898,1.848958 0,1.0225 0.826489,1.848982 1.84898,1.848982 h 1.848957 c 1.022432,0 1.848931,-0.826482 1.848931,-1.848982 z m 7.395837,0 c 0,-1.022452 -0.826479,-1.848958 -1.84895,-1.848958 h -1.84896 c -1.022478,0 -1.848967,0.826506 -1.848967,1.848958 0,1.0225 0.826489,1.848982 1.848967,1.848982 h 1.84896 c 1.022471,0 1.84895,-0.826482 1.84895,-1.848982 z m 0,7.395838 c 0,-1.02246 -0.826479,-1.848966 -1.84895,-1.848966 h -1.84896 c -1.022478,0 -1.848967,0.826506 -1.848967,1.848966 0,1.0225 0.826489,1.84899 1.848967,1.84899 h 1.84896 c 1.022471,0 1.84895,-0.82649 1.84895,-1.84899 z m 7.395816,16.64067 V 92.312824 c 0,-5.09756 -4.147203,-9.244763 -9.244766,-9.244763 h -9.244775 c -5.097593,0 -9.244786,4.147203 -9.244786,9.244763 0,1.022501 0.826487,1.848958 1.848928,1.848958 1.022501,0 1.84897,-0.826457 1.84897,-1.848958 0,-3.058175 2.488703,-5.546873 5.546888,-5.546873 h 9.244775 c 3.058175,0 5.546878,2.488698 5.546878,5.546873 v 25.885466 c 0,3.05817 -2.488703,5.54685 -5.546878,5.54685 h -1.84896 c -1.022478,0 -1.848967,0.82648 -1.848967,1.84898 0,1.02247 0.826489,1.84895 1.848967,1.84895 h 1.84896 c 5.097563,0 9.244766,-4.1472 9.244766,-9.24478 z m -14.791653,0.92445 v -7.67683 c 0,-2.86222 -1.292418,-5.51362 -3.548127,-7.28125 l -5.546877,-4.343189 c -3.353985,-2.621826 -8.039274,-2.623682 -11.393279,0 l -5.546848,4.341359 c -2.255729,1.76577 -3.548136,4.41903 -3.548136,7.28122 v 7.67686 c 0,4.58726 3.733034,8.32031 8.320277,8.32031 h 12.942703 c 4.587262,0 8.320287,-3.73305 8.320287,-8.32031 z m -11.37294,-16.38734 5.546878,4.34136 c 1.351599,1.05947 2.128174,2.65329 2.128174,4.36915 v 7.67683 c 0,2.54973 -2.072689,4.6224 -4.622399,4.6224 H 42.13752 c -2.549711,0 -4.622369,-2.07267 -4.622369,-4.6224 v -7.67683 c 0,-1.71769 0.776535,-3.30968 2.128114,-4.36915 l 5.546895,-4.33948 c 1.005809,-0.78767 2.211357,-1.18149 3.418716,-1.18149 1.207357,0 2.412898,0.39382 3.418694,1.17961 z m 0.279194,13.61393 v -3.69792 c 0,-1.02059 -0.828315,-1.84895 -1.848928,-1.84895 h -3.69792 c -1.020623,0 -1.848957,0.82836 -1.848957,1.84895 v 3.69792 c 0,1.02064 0.828334,1.84896 1.848957,1.84896 h 3.69792 c 1.020613,0 1.848928,-0.82832 1.848928,-1.84896 z" id="path3" style="fill:#ff7514;fill-opacity:1;stroke-width:1.84896"></path |
190 | warning | The first occurrence of ID path3 was here. |
| From line 321, column 303 to line 321, column 3142 |
| 48)"> <path d="m 68.947397,110.80246 h -1.84896 c -1.022478,0 -1.848967,-0.82649 -1.848967,-1.84895 0,-1.0225 0.826489,-1.84896 1.848967,-1.84896 h 1.84896 c 1.022471,0 1.84895,0.82646 1.84895,1.84896 0,1.02246 -0.826479,1.84895 -1.84895,1.84895 z m 1.84895,5.54687 c 0,-1.02245 -0.826479,-1.84896 -1.84895,-1.84896 h -1.84896 c -1.022478,0 -1.848967,0.82651 -1.848967,1.84896 0,1.02248 0.826489,1.84896 1.848967,1.84896 h 1.84896 c 1.022471,0 1.84895,-0.82648 1.84895,-1.84896 z M 63.40051,94.161782 c 0,-1.022452 -0.826499,-1.848958 -1.848931,-1.848958 h -1.848957 c -1.022491,0 -1.84898,0.826506 -1.84898,1.848958 0,1.0225 0.826489,1.848982 1.84898,1.848982 h 1.848957 c 1.022432,0 1.848931,-0.826482 1.848931,-1.848982 z m 7.395837,0 c 0,-1.022452 -0.826479,-1.848958 -1.84895,-1.848958 h -1.84896 c -1.022478,0 -1.848967,0.826506 -1.848967,1.848958 0,1.0225 0.826489,1.848982 1.848967,1.848982 h 1.84896 c 1.022471,0 1.84895,-0.826482 1.84895,-1.848982 z m 0,7.395838 c 0,-1.02246 -0.826479,-1.848966 -1.84895,-1.848966 h -1.84896 c -1.022478,0 -1.848967,0.826506 -1.848967,1.848966 0,1.0225 0.826489,1.84899 1.848967,1.84899 h 1.84896 c 1.022471,0 1.84895,-0.82649 1.84895,-1.84899 z m 7.395816,16.64067 V 92.312824 c 0,-5.09756 -4.147203,-9.244763 -9.244766,-9.244763 h -9.244775 c -5.097593,0 -9.244786,4.147203 -9.244786,9.244763 0,1.022501 0.826487,1.848958 1.848928,1.848958 1.022501,0 1.84897,-0.826457 1.84897,-1.848958 0,-3.058175 2.488703,-5.546873 5.546888,-5.546873 h 9.244775 c 3.058175,0 5.546878,2.488698 5.546878,5.546873 v 25.885466 c 0,3.05817 -2.488703,5.54685 -5.546878,5.54685 h -1.84896 c -1.022478,0 -1.848967,0.82648 -1.848967,1.84898 0,1.02247 0.826489,1.84895 1.848967,1.84895 h 1.84896 c 5.097563,0 9.244766,-4.1472 9.244766,-9.24478 z m -14.791653,0.92445 v -7.67683 c 0,-2.86222 -1.292418,-5.51362 -3.548127,-7.28125 l -5.546877,-4.343189 c -3.353985,-2.621826 -8.039274,-2.623682 -11.393279,0 l -5.546848,4.341359 c -2.255729,1.76577 -3.548136,4.41903 -3.548136,7.28122 v 7.67686 c 0,4.58726 3.733034,8.32031 8.320277,8.32031 h 12.942703 c 4.587262,0 8.320287,-3.73305 8.320287,-8.32031 z m -11.37294,-16.38734 5.546878,4.34136 c 1.351599,1.05947 2.128174,2.65329 2.128174,4.36915 v 7.67683 c 0,2.54973 -2.072689,4.6224 -4.622399,4.6224 H 42.13752 c -2.549711,0 -4.622369,-2.07267 -4.622369,-4.6224 v -7.67683 c 0,-1.71769 0.776535,-3.30968 2.128114,-4.36915 l 5.546895,-4.33948 c 1.005809,-0.78767 2.211357,-1.18149 3.418716,-1.18149 1.207357,0 2.412898,0.39382 3.418694,1.17961 z m 0.279194,13.61393 v -3.69792 c 0,-1.02059 -0.828315,-1.84895 -1.848928,-1.84895 h -3.69792 c -1.020623,0 -1.848957,0.82836 -1.848957,1.84895 v 3.69792 c 0,1.02064 0.828334,1.84896 1.848957,1.84896 h 3.69792 c 1.020613,0 1.848928,-0.82832 1.848928,-1.84896 z" id="path3" style="fill:#ff7514;fill-opacity:1;stroke-width:1.84896"></path |
191 | warning | The first occurrence of ID path3 was here. |
| From line 321, column 303 to line 321, column 3142 |
| 48)"> <path d="m 68.947397,110.80246 h -1.84896 c -1.022478,0 -1.848967,-0.82649 -1.848967,-1.84895 0,-1.0225 0.826489,-1.84896 1.848967,-1.84896 h 1.84896 c 1.022471,0 1.84895,0.82646 1.84895,1.84896 0,1.02246 -0.826479,1.84895 -1.84895,1.84895 z m 1.84895,5.54687 c 0,-1.02245 -0.826479,-1.84896 -1.84895,-1.84896 h -1.84896 c -1.022478,0 -1.848967,0.82651 -1.848967,1.84896 0,1.02248 0.826489,1.84896 1.848967,1.84896 h 1.84896 c 1.022471,0 1.84895,-0.82648 1.84895,-1.84896 z M 63.40051,94.161782 c 0,-1.022452 -0.826499,-1.848958 -1.848931,-1.848958 h -1.848957 c -1.022491,0 -1.84898,0.826506 -1.84898,1.848958 0,1.0225 0.826489,1.848982 1.84898,1.848982 h 1.848957 c 1.022432,0 1.848931,-0.826482 1.848931,-1.848982 z m 7.395837,0 c 0,-1.022452 -0.826479,-1.848958 -1.84895,-1.848958 h -1.84896 c -1.022478,0 -1.848967,0.826506 -1.848967,1.848958 0,1.0225 0.826489,1.848982 1.848967,1.848982 h 1.84896 c 1.022471,0 1.84895,-0.826482 1.84895,-1.848982 z m 0,7.395838 c 0,-1.02246 -0.826479,-1.848966 -1.84895,-1.848966 h -1.84896 c -1.022478,0 -1.848967,0.826506 -1.848967,1.848966 0,1.0225 0.826489,1.84899 1.848967,1.84899 h 1.84896 c 1.022471,0 1.84895,-0.82649 1.84895,-1.84899 z m 7.395816,16.64067 V 92.312824 c 0,-5.09756 -4.147203,-9.244763 -9.244766,-9.244763 h -9.244775 c -5.097593,0 -9.244786,4.147203 -9.244786,9.244763 0,1.022501 0.826487,1.848958 1.848928,1.848958 1.022501,0 1.84897,-0.826457 1.84897,-1.848958 0,-3.058175 2.488703,-5.546873 5.546888,-5.546873 h 9.244775 c 3.058175,0 5.546878,2.488698 5.546878,5.546873 v 25.885466 c 0,3.05817 -2.488703,5.54685 -5.546878,5.54685 h -1.84896 c -1.022478,0 -1.848967,0.82648 -1.848967,1.84898 0,1.02247 0.826489,1.84895 1.848967,1.84895 h 1.84896 c 5.097563,0 9.244766,-4.1472 9.244766,-9.24478 z m -14.791653,0.92445 v -7.67683 c 0,-2.86222 -1.292418,-5.51362 -3.548127,-7.28125 l -5.546877,-4.343189 c -3.353985,-2.621826 -8.039274,-2.623682 -11.393279,0 l -5.546848,4.341359 c -2.255729,1.76577 -3.548136,4.41903 -3.548136,7.28122 v 7.67686 c 0,4.58726 3.733034,8.32031 8.320277,8.32031 h 12.942703 c 4.587262,0 8.320287,-3.73305 8.320287,-8.32031 z m -11.37294,-16.38734 5.546878,4.34136 c 1.351599,1.05947 2.128174,2.65329 2.128174,4.36915 v 7.67683 c 0,2.54973 -2.072689,4.6224 -4.622399,4.6224 H 42.13752 c -2.549711,0 -4.622369,-2.07267 -4.622369,-4.6224 v -7.67683 c 0,-1.71769 0.776535,-3.30968 2.128114,-4.36915 l 5.546895,-4.33948 c 1.005809,-0.78767 2.211357,-1.18149 3.418716,-1.18149 1.207357,0 2.412898,0.39382 3.418694,1.17961 z m 0.279194,13.61393 v -3.69792 c 0,-1.02059 -0.828315,-1.84895 -1.848928,-1.84895 h -3.69792 c -1.020623,0 -1.848957,0.82836 -1.848957,1.84895 v 3.69792 c 0,1.02064 0.828334,1.84896 1.848957,1.84896 h 3.69792 c 1.020613,0 1.848928,-0.82832 1.848928,-1.84896 z" id="path3" style="fill:#ff7514;fill-opacity:1;stroke-width:1.84896"></path |
192 | warning | The first occurrence of ID path3 was here. |
| From line 321, column 303 to line 321, column 3142 |
| 48)"> <path d="m 68.947397,110.80246 h -1.84896 c -1.022478,0 -1.848967,-0.82649 -1.848967,-1.84895 0,-1.0225 0.826489,-1.84896 1.848967,-1.84896 h 1.84896 c 1.022471,0 1.84895,0.82646 1.84895,1.84896 0,1.02246 -0.826479,1.84895 -1.84895,1.84895 z m 1.84895,5.54687 c 0,-1.02245 -0.826479,-1.84896 -1.84895,-1.84896 h -1.84896 c -1.022478,0 -1.848967,0.82651 -1.848967,1.84896 0,1.02248 0.826489,1.84896 1.848967,1.84896 h 1.84896 c 1.022471,0 1.84895,-0.82648 1.84895,-1.84896 z M 63.40051,94.161782 c 0,-1.022452 -0.826499,-1.848958 -1.848931,-1.848958 h -1.848957 c -1.022491,0 -1.84898,0.826506 -1.84898,1.848958 0,1.0225 0.826489,1.848982 1.84898,1.848982 h 1.848957 c 1.022432,0 1.848931,-0.826482 1.848931,-1.848982 z m 7.395837,0 c 0,-1.022452 -0.826479,-1.848958 -1.84895,-1.848958 h -1.84896 c -1.022478,0 -1.848967,0.826506 -1.848967,1.848958 0,1.0225 0.826489,1.848982 1.848967,1.848982 h 1.84896 c 1.022471,0 1.84895,-0.826482 1.84895,-1.848982 z m 0,7.395838 c 0,-1.02246 -0.826479,-1.848966 -1.84895,-1.848966 h -1.84896 c -1.022478,0 -1.848967,0.826506 -1.848967,1.848966 0,1.0225 0.826489,1.84899 1.848967,1.84899 h 1.84896 c 1.022471,0 1.84895,-0.82649 1.84895,-1.84899 z m 7.395816,16.64067 V 92.312824 c 0,-5.09756 -4.147203,-9.244763 -9.244766,-9.244763 h -9.244775 c -5.097593,0 -9.244786,4.147203 -9.244786,9.244763 0,1.022501 0.826487,1.848958 1.848928,1.848958 1.022501,0 1.84897,-0.826457 1.84897,-1.848958 0,-3.058175 2.488703,-5.546873 5.546888,-5.546873 h 9.244775 c 3.058175,0 5.546878,2.488698 5.546878,5.546873 v 25.885466 c 0,3.05817 -2.488703,5.54685 -5.546878,5.54685 h -1.84896 c -1.022478,0 -1.848967,0.82648 -1.848967,1.84898 0,1.02247 0.826489,1.84895 1.848967,1.84895 h 1.84896 c 5.097563,0 9.244766,-4.1472 9.244766,-9.24478 z m -14.791653,0.92445 v -7.67683 c 0,-2.86222 -1.292418,-5.51362 -3.548127,-7.28125 l -5.546877,-4.343189 c -3.353985,-2.621826 -8.039274,-2.623682 -11.393279,0 l -5.546848,4.341359 c -2.255729,1.76577 -3.548136,4.41903 -3.548136,7.28122 v 7.67686 c 0,4.58726 3.733034,8.32031 8.320277,8.32031 h 12.942703 c 4.587262,0 8.320287,-3.73305 8.320287,-8.32031 z m -11.37294,-16.38734 5.546878,4.34136 c 1.351599,1.05947 2.128174,2.65329 2.128174,4.36915 v 7.67683 c 0,2.54973 -2.072689,4.6224 -4.622399,4.6224 H 42.13752 c -2.549711,0 -4.622369,-2.07267 -4.622369,-4.6224 v -7.67683 c 0,-1.71769 0.776535,-3.30968 2.128114,-4.36915 l 5.546895,-4.33948 c 1.005809,-0.78767 2.211357,-1.18149 3.418716,-1.18149 1.207357,0 2.412898,0.39382 3.418694,1.17961 z m 0.279194,13.61393 v -3.69792 c 0,-1.02059 -0.828315,-1.84895 -1.848928,-1.84895 h -3.69792 c -1.020623,0 -1.848957,0.82836 -1.848957,1.84895 v 3.69792 c 0,1.02064 0.828334,1.84896 1.848957,1.84896 h 3.69792 c 1.020613,0 1.848928,-0.82832 1.848928,-1.84896 z" id="path3" style="fill:#ff7514;fill-opacity:1;stroke-width:1.84896"></path |
193 | warning | The first occurrence of ID path3 was here. |
| From line 321, column 303 to line 321, column 3142 |
| 48)"> <path d="m 68.947397,110.80246 h -1.84896 c -1.022478,0 -1.848967,-0.82649 -1.848967,-1.84895 0,-1.0225 0.826489,-1.84896 1.848967,-1.84896 h 1.84896 c 1.022471,0 1.84895,0.82646 1.84895,1.84896 0,1.02246 -0.826479,1.84895 -1.84895,1.84895 z m 1.84895,5.54687 c 0,-1.02245 -0.826479,-1.84896 -1.84895,-1.84896 h -1.84896 c -1.022478,0 -1.848967,0.82651 -1.848967,1.84896 0,1.02248 0.826489,1.84896 1.848967,1.84896 h 1.84896 c 1.022471,0 1.84895,-0.82648 1.84895,-1.84896 z M 63.40051,94.161782 c 0,-1.022452 -0.826499,-1.848958 -1.848931,-1.848958 h -1.848957 c -1.022491,0 -1.84898,0.826506 -1.84898,1.848958 0,1.0225 0.826489,1.848982 1.84898,1.848982 h 1.848957 c 1.022432,0 1.848931,-0.826482 1.848931,-1.848982 z m 7.395837,0 c 0,-1.022452 -0.826479,-1.848958 -1.84895,-1.848958 h -1.84896 c -1.022478,0 -1.848967,0.826506 -1.848967,1.848958 0,1.0225 0.826489,1.848982 1.848967,1.848982 h 1.84896 c 1.022471,0 1.84895,-0.826482 1.84895,-1.848982 z m 0,7.395838 c 0,-1.02246 -0.826479,-1.848966 -1.84895,-1.848966 h -1.84896 c -1.022478,0 -1.848967,0.826506 -1.848967,1.848966 0,1.0225 0.826489,1.84899 1.848967,1.84899 h 1.84896 c 1.022471,0 1.84895,-0.82649 1.84895,-1.84899 z m 7.395816,16.64067 V 92.312824 c 0,-5.09756 -4.147203,-9.244763 -9.244766,-9.244763 h -9.244775 c -5.097593,0 -9.244786,4.147203 -9.244786,9.244763 0,1.022501 0.826487,1.848958 1.848928,1.848958 1.022501,0 1.84897,-0.826457 1.84897,-1.848958 0,-3.058175 2.488703,-5.546873 5.546888,-5.546873 h 9.244775 c 3.058175,0 5.546878,2.488698 5.546878,5.546873 v 25.885466 c 0,3.05817 -2.488703,5.54685 -5.546878,5.54685 h -1.84896 c -1.022478,0 -1.848967,0.82648 -1.848967,1.84898 0,1.02247 0.826489,1.84895 1.848967,1.84895 h 1.84896 c 5.097563,0 9.244766,-4.1472 9.244766,-9.24478 z m -14.791653,0.92445 v -7.67683 c 0,-2.86222 -1.292418,-5.51362 -3.548127,-7.28125 l -5.546877,-4.343189 c -3.353985,-2.621826 -8.039274,-2.623682 -11.393279,0 l -5.546848,4.341359 c -2.255729,1.76577 -3.548136,4.41903 -3.548136,7.28122 v 7.67686 c 0,4.58726 3.733034,8.32031 8.320277,8.32031 h 12.942703 c 4.587262,0 8.320287,-3.73305 8.320287,-8.32031 z m -11.37294,-16.38734 5.546878,4.34136 c 1.351599,1.05947 2.128174,2.65329 2.128174,4.36915 v 7.67683 c 0,2.54973 -2.072689,4.6224 -4.622399,4.6224 H 42.13752 c -2.549711,0 -4.622369,-2.07267 -4.622369,-4.6224 v -7.67683 c 0,-1.71769 0.776535,-3.30968 2.128114,-4.36915 l 5.546895,-4.33948 c 1.005809,-0.78767 2.211357,-1.18149 3.418716,-1.18149 1.207357,0 2.412898,0.39382 3.418694,1.17961 z m 0.279194,13.61393 v -3.69792 c 0,-1.02059 -0.828315,-1.84895 -1.848928,-1.84895 h -3.69792 c -1.020623,0 -1.848957,0.82836 -1.848957,1.84895 v 3.69792 c 0,1.02064 0.828334,1.84896 1.848957,1.84896 h 3.69792 c 1.020613,0 1.848928,-0.82832 1.848928,-1.84896 z" id="path3" style="fill:#ff7514;fill-opacity:1;stroke-width:1.84896"></path |
194 | warning | The first occurrence of ID path3 was here. |
| From line 321, column 303 to line 321, column 3142 |
| 48)"> <path d="m 68.947397,110.80246 h -1.84896 c -1.022478,0 -1.848967,-0.82649 -1.848967,-1.84895 0,-1.0225 0.826489,-1.84896 1.848967,-1.84896 h 1.84896 c 1.022471,0 1.84895,0.82646 1.84895,1.84896 0,1.02246 -0.826479,1.84895 -1.84895,1.84895 z m 1.84895,5.54687 c 0,-1.02245 -0.826479,-1.84896 -1.84895,-1.84896 h -1.84896 c -1.022478,0 -1.848967,0.82651 -1.848967,1.84896 0,1.02248 0.826489,1.84896 1.848967,1.84896 h 1.84896 c 1.022471,0 1.84895,-0.82648 1.84895,-1.84896 z M 63.40051,94.161782 c 0,-1.022452 -0.826499,-1.848958 -1.848931,-1.848958 h -1.848957 c -1.022491,0 -1.84898,0.826506 -1.84898,1.848958 0,1.0225 0.826489,1.848982 1.84898,1.848982 h 1.848957 c 1.022432,0 1.848931,-0.826482 1.848931,-1.848982 z m 7.395837,0 c 0,-1.022452 -0.826479,-1.848958 -1.84895,-1.848958 h -1.84896 c -1.022478,0 -1.848967,0.826506 -1.848967,1.848958 0,1.0225 0.826489,1.848982 1.848967,1.848982 h 1.84896 c 1.022471,0 1.84895,-0.826482 1.84895,-1.848982 z m 0,7.395838 c 0,-1.02246 -0.826479,-1.848966 -1.84895,-1.848966 h -1.84896 c -1.022478,0 -1.848967,0.826506 -1.848967,1.848966 0,1.0225 0.826489,1.84899 1.848967,1.84899 h 1.84896 c 1.022471,0 1.84895,-0.82649 1.84895,-1.84899 z m 7.395816,16.64067 V 92.312824 c 0,-5.09756 -4.147203,-9.244763 -9.244766,-9.244763 h -9.244775 c -5.097593,0 -9.244786,4.147203 -9.244786,9.244763 0,1.022501 0.826487,1.848958 1.848928,1.848958 1.022501,0 1.84897,-0.826457 1.84897,-1.848958 0,-3.058175 2.488703,-5.546873 5.546888,-5.546873 h 9.244775 c 3.058175,0 5.546878,2.488698 5.546878,5.546873 v 25.885466 c 0,3.05817 -2.488703,5.54685 -5.546878,5.54685 h -1.84896 c -1.022478,0 -1.848967,0.82648 -1.848967,1.84898 0,1.02247 0.826489,1.84895 1.848967,1.84895 h 1.84896 c 5.097563,0 9.244766,-4.1472 9.244766,-9.24478 z m -14.791653,0.92445 v -7.67683 c 0,-2.86222 -1.292418,-5.51362 -3.548127,-7.28125 l -5.546877,-4.343189 c -3.353985,-2.621826 -8.039274,-2.623682 -11.393279,0 l -5.546848,4.341359 c -2.255729,1.76577 -3.548136,4.41903 -3.548136,7.28122 v 7.67686 c 0,4.58726 3.733034,8.32031 8.320277,8.32031 h 12.942703 c 4.587262,0 8.320287,-3.73305 8.320287,-8.32031 z m -11.37294,-16.38734 5.546878,4.34136 c 1.351599,1.05947 2.128174,2.65329 2.128174,4.36915 v 7.67683 c 0,2.54973 -2.072689,4.6224 -4.622399,4.6224 H 42.13752 c -2.549711,0 -4.622369,-2.07267 -4.622369,-4.6224 v -7.67683 c 0,-1.71769 0.776535,-3.30968 2.128114,-4.36915 l 5.546895,-4.33948 c 1.005809,-0.78767 2.211357,-1.18149 3.418716,-1.18149 1.207357,0 2.412898,0.39382 3.418694,1.17961 z m 0.279194,13.61393 v -3.69792 c 0,-1.02059 -0.828315,-1.84895 -1.848928,-1.84895 h -3.69792 c -1.020623,0 -1.848957,0.82836 -1.848957,1.84895 v 3.69792 c 0,1.02064 0.828334,1.84896 1.848957,1.84896 h 3.69792 c 1.020613,0 1.848928,-0.82832 1.848928,-1.84896 z" id="path3" style="fill:#ff7514;fill-opacity:1;stroke-width:1.84896"></path |
195 | warning | The first occurrence of ID path3 was here. |
| From line 321, column 303 to line 321, column 3142 |
| 48)"> <path d="m 68.947397,110.80246 h -1.84896 c -1.022478,0 -1.848967,-0.82649 -1.848967,-1.84895 0,-1.0225 0.826489,-1.84896 1.848967,-1.84896 h 1.84896 c 1.022471,0 1.84895,0.82646 1.84895,1.84896 0,1.02246 -0.826479,1.84895 -1.84895,1.84895 z m 1.84895,5.54687 c 0,-1.02245 -0.826479,-1.84896 -1.84895,-1.84896 h -1.84896 c -1.022478,0 -1.848967,0.82651 -1.848967,1.84896 0,1.02248 0.826489,1.84896 1.848967,1.84896 h 1.84896 c 1.022471,0 1.84895,-0.82648 1.84895,-1.84896 z M 63.40051,94.161782 c 0,-1.022452 -0.826499,-1.848958 -1.848931,-1.848958 h -1.848957 c -1.022491,0 -1.84898,0.826506 -1.84898,1.848958 0,1.0225 0.826489,1.848982 1.84898,1.848982 h 1.848957 c 1.022432,0 1.848931,-0.826482 1.848931,-1.848982 z m 7.395837,0 c 0,-1.022452 -0.826479,-1.848958 -1.84895,-1.848958 h -1.84896 c -1.022478,0 -1.848967,0.826506 -1.848967,1.848958 0,1.0225 0.826489,1.848982 1.848967,1.848982 h 1.84896 c 1.022471,0 1.84895,-0.826482 1.84895,-1.848982 z m 0,7.395838 c 0,-1.02246 -0.826479,-1.848966 -1.84895,-1.848966 h -1.84896 c -1.022478,0 -1.848967,0.826506 -1.848967,1.848966 0,1.0225 0.826489,1.84899 1.848967,1.84899 h 1.84896 c 1.022471,0 1.84895,-0.82649 1.84895,-1.84899 z m 7.395816,16.64067 V 92.312824 c 0,-5.09756 -4.147203,-9.244763 -9.244766,-9.244763 h -9.244775 c -5.097593,0 -9.244786,4.147203 -9.244786,9.244763 0,1.022501 0.826487,1.848958 1.848928,1.848958 1.022501,0 1.84897,-0.826457 1.84897,-1.848958 0,-3.058175 2.488703,-5.546873 5.546888,-5.546873 h 9.244775 c 3.058175,0 5.546878,2.488698 5.546878,5.546873 v 25.885466 c 0,3.05817 -2.488703,5.54685 -5.546878,5.54685 h -1.84896 c -1.022478,0 -1.848967,0.82648 -1.848967,1.84898 0,1.02247 0.826489,1.84895 1.848967,1.84895 h 1.84896 c 5.097563,0 9.244766,-4.1472 9.244766,-9.24478 z m -14.791653,0.92445 v -7.67683 c 0,-2.86222 -1.292418,-5.51362 -3.548127,-7.28125 l -5.546877,-4.343189 c -3.353985,-2.621826 -8.039274,-2.623682 -11.393279,0 l -5.546848,4.341359 c -2.255729,1.76577 -3.548136,4.41903 -3.548136,7.28122 v 7.67686 c 0,4.58726 3.733034,8.32031 8.320277,8.32031 h 12.942703 c 4.587262,0 8.320287,-3.73305 8.320287,-8.32031 z m -11.37294,-16.38734 5.546878,4.34136 c 1.351599,1.05947 2.128174,2.65329 2.128174,4.36915 v 7.67683 c 0,2.54973 -2.072689,4.6224 -4.622399,4.6224 H 42.13752 c -2.549711,0 -4.622369,-2.07267 -4.622369,-4.6224 v -7.67683 c 0,-1.71769 0.776535,-3.30968 2.128114,-4.36915 l 5.546895,-4.33948 c 1.005809,-0.78767 2.211357,-1.18149 3.418716,-1.18149 1.207357,0 2.412898,0.39382 3.418694,1.17961 z m 0.279194,13.61393 v -3.69792 c 0,-1.02059 -0.828315,-1.84895 -1.848928,-1.84895 h -3.69792 c -1.020623,0 -1.848957,0.82836 -1.848957,1.84895 v 3.69792 c 0,1.02064 0.828334,1.84896 1.848957,1.84896 h 3.69792 c 1.020613,0 1.848928,-0.82832 1.848928,-1.84896 z" id="path3" style="fill:#ff7514;fill-opacity:1;stroke-width:1.84896"></path |
196 | warning | The first occurrence of ID path3 was here. |
| From line 321, column 303 to line 321, column 3142 |
| 48)"> <path d="m 68.947397,110.80246 h -1.84896 c -1.022478,0 -1.848967,-0.82649 -1.848967,-1.84895 0,-1.0225 0.826489,-1.84896 1.848967,-1.84896 h 1.84896 c 1.022471,0 1.84895,0.82646 1.84895,1.84896 0,1.02246 -0.826479,1.84895 -1.84895,1.84895 z m 1.84895,5.54687 c 0,-1.02245 -0.826479,-1.84896 -1.84895,-1.84896 h -1.84896 c -1.022478,0 -1.848967,0.82651 -1.848967,1.84896 0,1.02248 0.826489,1.84896 1.848967,1.84896 h 1.84896 c 1.022471,0 1.84895,-0.82648 1.84895,-1.84896 z M 63.40051,94.161782 c 0,-1.022452 -0.826499,-1.848958 -1.848931,-1.848958 h -1.848957 c -1.022491,0 -1.84898,0.826506 -1.84898,1.848958 0,1.0225 0.826489,1.848982 1.84898,1.848982 h 1.848957 c 1.022432,0 1.848931,-0.826482 1.848931,-1.848982 z m 7.395837,0 c 0,-1.022452 -0.826479,-1.848958 -1.84895,-1.848958 h -1.84896 c -1.022478,0 -1.848967,0.826506 -1.848967,1.848958 0,1.0225 0.826489,1.848982 1.848967,1.848982 h 1.84896 c 1.022471,0 1.84895,-0.826482 1.84895,-1.848982 z m 0,7.395838 c 0,-1.02246 -0.826479,-1.848966 -1.84895,-1.848966 h -1.84896 c -1.022478,0 -1.848967,0.826506 -1.848967,1.848966 0,1.0225 0.826489,1.84899 1.848967,1.84899 h 1.84896 c 1.022471,0 1.84895,-0.82649 1.84895,-1.84899 z m 7.395816,16.64067 V 92.312824 c 0,-5.09756 -4.147203,-9.244763 -9.244766,-9.244763 h -9.244775 c -5.097593,0 -9.244786,4.147203 -9.244786,9.244763 0,1.022501 0.826487,1.848958 1.848928,1.848958 1.022501,0 1.84897,-0.826457 1.84897,-1.848958 0,-3.058175 2.488703,-5.546873 5.546888,-5.546873 h 9.244775 c 3.058175,0 5.546878,2.488698 5.546878,5.546873 v 25.885466 c 0,3.05817 -2.488703,5.54685 -5.546878,5.54685 h -1.84896 c -1.022478,0 -1.848967,0.82648 -1.848967,1.84898 0,1.02247 0.826489,1.84895 1.848967,1.84895 h 1.84896 c 5.097563,0 9.244766,-4.1472 9.244766,-9.24478 z m -14.791653,0.92445 v -7.67683 c 0,-2.86222 -1.292418,-5.51362 -3.548127,-7.28125 l -5.546877,-4.343189 c -3.353985,-2.621826 -8.039274,-2.623682 -11.393279,0 l -5.546848,4.341359 c -2.255729,1.76577 -3.548136,4.41903 -3.548136,7.28122 v 7.67686 c 0,4.58726 3.733034,8.32031 8.320277,8.32031 h 12.942703 c 4.587262,0 8.320287,-3.73305 8.320287,-8.32031 z m -11.37294,-16.38734 5.546878,4.34136 c 1.351599,1.05947 2.128174,2.65329 2.128174,4.36915 v 7.67683 c 0,2.54973 -2.072689,4.6224 -4.622399,4.6224 H 42.13752 c -2.549711,0 -4.622369,-2.07267 -4.622369,-4.6224 v -7.67683 c 0,-1.71769 0.776535,-3.30968 2.128114,-4.36915 l 5.546895,-4.33948 c 1.005809,-0.78767 2.211357,-1.18149 3.418716,-1.18149 1.207357,0 2.412898,0.39382 3.418694,1.17961 z m 0.279194,13.61393 v -3.69792 c 0,-1.02059 -0.828315,-1.84895 -1.848928,-1.84895 h -3.69792 c -1.020623,0 -1.848957,0.82836 -1.848957,1.84895 v 3.69792 c 0,1.02064 0.828334,1.84896 1.848957,1.84896 h 3.69792 c 1.020613,0 1.848928,-0.82832 1.848928,-1.84896 z" id="path3" style="fill:#ff7514;fill-opacity:1;stroke-width:1.84896"></path |
197 | warning | The first occurrence of ID path3 was here. |
| From line 321, column 303 to line 321, column 3142 |
| 48)"> <path d="m 68.947397,110.80246 h -1.84896 c -1.022478,0 -1.848967,-0.82649 -1.848967,-1.84895 0,-1.0225 0.826489,-1.84896 1.848967,-1.84896 h 1.84896 c 1.022471,0 1.84895,0.82646 1.84895,1.84896 0,1.02246 -0.826479,1.84895 -1.84895,1.84895 z m 1.84895,5.54687 c 0,-1.02245 -0.826479,-1.84896 -1.84895,-1.84896 h -1.84896 c -1.022478,0 -1.848967,0.82651 -1.848967,1.84896 0,1.02248 0.826489,1.84896 1.848967,1.84896 h 1.84896 c 1.022471,0 1.84895,-0.82648 1.84895,-1.84896 z M 63.40051,94.161782 c 0,-1.022452 -0.826499,-1.848958 -1.848931,-1.848958 h -1.848957 c -1.022491,0 -1.84898,0.826506 -1.84898,1.848958 0,1.0225 0.826489,1.848982 1.84898,1.848982 h 1.848957 c 1.022432,0 1.848931,-0.826482 1.848931,-1.848982 z m 7.395837,0 c 0,-1.022452 -0.826479,-1.848958 -1.84895,-1.848958 h -1.84896 c -1.022478,0 -1.848967,0.826506 -1.848967,1.848958 0,1.0225 0.826489,1.848982 1.848967,1.848982 h 1.84896 c 1.022471,0 1.84895,-0.826482 1.84895,-1.848982 z m 0,7.395838 c 0,-1.02246 -0.826479,-1.848966 -1.84895,-1.848966 h -1.84896 c -1.022478,0 -1.848967,0.826506 -1.848967,1.848966 0,1.0225 0.826489,1.84899 1.848967,1.84899 h 1.84896 c 1.022471,0 1.84895,-0.82649 1.84895,-1.84899 z m 7.395816,16.64067 V 92.312824 c 0,-5.09756 -4.147203,-9.244763 -9.244766,-9.244763 h -9.244775 c -5.097593,0 -9.244786,4.147203 -9.244786,9.244763 0,1.022501 0.826487,1.848958 1.848928,1.848958 1.022501,0 1.84897,-0.826457 1.84897,-1.848958 0,-3.058175 2.488703,-5.546873 5.546888,-5.546873 h 9.244775 c 3.058175,0 5.546878,2.488698 5.546878,5.546873 v 25.885466 c 0,3.05817 -2.488703,5.54685 -5.546878,5.54685 h -1.84896 c -1.022478,0 -1.848967,0.82648 -1.848967,1.84898 0,1.02247 0.826489,1.84895 1.848967,1.84895 h 1.84896 c 5.097563,0 9.244766,-4.1472 9.244766,-9.24478 z m -14.791653,0.92445 v -7.67683 c 0,-2.86222 -1.292418,-5.51362 -3.548127,-7.28125 l -5.546877,-4.343189 c -3.353985,-2.621826 -8.039274,-2.623682 -11.393279,0 l -5.546848,4.341359 c -2.255729,1.76577 -3.548136,4.41903 -3.548136,7.28122 v 7.67686 c 0,4.58726 3.733034,8.32031 8.320277,8.32031 h 12.942703 c 4.587262,0 8.320287,-3.73305 8.320287,-8.32031 z m -11.37294,-16.38734 5.546878,4.34136 c 1.351599,1.05947 2.128174,2.65329 2.128174,4.36915 v 7.67683 c 0,2.54973 -2.072689,4.6224 -4.622399,4.6224 H 42.13752 c -2.549711,0 -4.622369,-2.07267 -4.622369,-4.6224 v -7.67683 c 0,-1.71769 0.776535,-3.30968 2.128114,-4.36915 l 5.546895,-4.33948 c 1.005809,-0.78767 2.211357,-1.18149 3.418716,-1.18149 1.207357,0 2.412898,0.39382 3.418694,1.17961 z m 0.279194,13.61393 v -3.69792 c 0,-1.02059 -0.828315,-1.84895 -1.848928,-1.84895 h -3.69792 c -1.020623,0 -1.848957,0.82836 -1.848957,1.84895 v 3.69792 c 0,1.02064 0.828334,1.84896 1.848957,1.84896 h 3.69792 c 1.020613,0 1.848928,-0.82832 1.848928,-1.84896 z" id="path3" style="fill:#ff7514;fill-opacity:1;stroke-width:1.84896"></path |
198 | warning | The first occurrence of ID path3 was here. |
| From line 321, column 303 to line 321, column 3142 |
| 48)"> <path d="m 68.947397,110.80246 h -1.84896 c -1.022478,0 -1.848967,-0.82649 -1.848967,-1.84895 0,-1.0225 0.826489,-1.84896 1.848967,-1.84896 h 1.84896 c 1.022471,0 1.84895,0.82646 1.84895,1.84896 0,1.02246 -0.826479,1.84895 -1.84895,1.84895 z m 1.84895,5.54687 c 0,-1.02245 -0.826479,-1.84896 -1.84895,-1.84896 h -1.84896 c -1.022478,0 -1.848967,0.82651 -1.848967,1.84896 0,1.02248 0.826489,1.84896 1.848967,1.84896 h 1.84896 c 1.022471,0 1.84895,-0.82648 1.84895,-1.84896 z M 63.40051,94.161782 c 0,-1.022452 -0.826499,-1.848958 -1.848931,-1.848958 h -1.848957 c -1.022491,0 -1.84898,0.826506 -1.84898,1.848958 0,1.0225 0.826489,1.848982 1.84898,1.848982 h 1.848957 c 1.022432,0 1.848931,-0.826482 1.848931,-1.848982 z m 7.395837,0 c 0,-1.022452 -0.826479,-1.848958 -1.84895,-1.848958 h -1.84896 c -1.022478,0 -1.848967,0.826506 -1.848967,1.848958 0,1.0225 0.826489,1.848982 1.848967,1.848982 h 1.84896 c 1.022471,0 1.84895,-0.826482 1.84895,-1.848982 z m 0,7.395838 c 0,-1.02246 -0.826479,-1.848966 -1.84895,-1.848966 h -1.84896 c -1.022478,0 -1.848967,0.826506 -1.848967,1.848966 0,1.0225 0.826489,1.84899 1.848967,1.84899 h 1.84896 c 1.022471,0 1.84895,-0.82649 1.84895,-1.84899 z m 7.395816,16.64067 V 92.312824 c 0,-5.09756 -4.147203,-9.244763 -9.244766,-9.244763 h -9.244775 c -5.097593,0 -9.244786,4.147203 -9.244786,9.244763 0,1.022501 0.826487,1.848958 1.848928,1.848958 1.022501,0 1.84897,-0.826457 1.84897,-1.848958 0,-3.058175 2.488703,-5.546873 5.546888,-5.546873 h 9.244775 c 3.058175,0 5.546878,2.488698 5.546878,5.546873 v 25.885466 c 0,3.05817 -2.488703,5.54685 -5.546878,5.54685 h -1.84896 c -1.022478,0 -1.848967,0.82648 -1.848967,1.84898 0,1.02247 0.826489,1.84895 1.848967,1.84895 h 1.84896 c 5.097563,0 9.244766,-4.1472 9.244766,-9.24478 z m -14.791653,0.92445 v -7.67683 c 0,-2.86222 -1.292418,-5.51362 -3.548127,-7.28125 l -5.546877,-4.343189 c -3.353985,-2.621826 -8.039274,-2.623682 -11.393279,0 l -5.546848,4.341359 c -2.255729,1.76577 -3.548136,4.41903 -3.548136,7.28122 v 7.67686 c 0,4.58726 3.733034,8.32031 8.320277,8.32031 h 12.942703 c 4.587262,0 8.320287,-3.73305 8.320287,-8.32031 z m -11.37294,-16.38734 5.546878,4.34136 c 1.351599,1.05947 2.128174,2.65329 2.128174,4.36915 v 7.67683 c 0,2.54973 -2.072689,4.6224 -4.622399,4.6224 H 42.13752 c -2.549711,0 -4.622369,-2.07267 -4.622369,-4.6224 v -7.67683 c 0,-1.71769 0.776535,-3.30968 2.128114,-4.36915 l 5.546895,-4.33948 c 1.005809,-0.78767 2.211357,-1.18149 3.418716,-1.18149 1.207357,0 2.412898,0.39382 3.418694,1.17961 z m 0.279194,13.61393 v -3.69792 c 0,-1.02059 -0.828315,-1.84895 -1.848928,-1.84895 h -3.69792 c -1.020623,0 -1.848957,0.82836 -1.848957,1.84895 v 3.69792 c 0,1.02064 0.828334,1.84896 1.848957,1.84896 h 3.69792 c 1.020613,0 1.848928,-0.82832 1.848928,-1.84896 z" id="path3" style="fill:#ff7514;fill-opacity:1;stroke-width:1.84896"></path |
199 | warning | The first occurrence of ID path3 was here. |
| From line 321, column 303 to line 321, column 3142 |
| 48)"> <path d="m 68.947397,110.80246 h -1.84896 c -1.022478,0 -1.848967,-0.82649 -1.848967,-1.84895 0,-1.0225 0.826489,-1.84896 1.848967,-1.84896 h 1.84896 c 1.022471,0 1.84895,0.82646 1.84895,1.84896 0,1.02246 -0.826479,1.84895 -1.84895,1.84895 z m 1.84895,5.54687 c 0,-1.02245 -0.826479,-1.84896 -1.84895,-1.84896 h -1.84896 c -1.022478,0 -1.848967,0.82651 -1.848967,1.84896 0,1.02248 0.826489,1.84896 1.848967,1.84896 h 1.84896 c 1.022471,0 1.84895,-0.82648 1.84895,-1.84896 z M 63.40051,94.161782 c 0,-1.022452 -0.826499,-1.848958 -1.848931,-1.848958 h -1.848957 c -1.022491,0 -1.84898,0.826506 -1.84898,1.848958 0,1.0225 0.826489,1.848982 1.84898,1.848982 h 1.848957 c 1.022432,0 1.848931,-0.826482 1.848931,-1.848982 z m 7.395837,0 c 0,-1.022452 -0.826479,-1.848958 -1.84895,-1.848958 h -1.84896 c -1.022478,0 -1.848967,0.826506 -1.848967,1.848958 0,1.0225 0.826489,1.848982 1.848967,1.848982 h 1.84896 c 1.022471,0 1.84895,-0.826482 1.84895,-1.848982 z m 0,7.395838 c 0,-1.02246 -0.826479,-1.848966 -1.84895,-1.848966 h -1.84896 c -1.022478,0 -1.848967,0.826506 -1.848967,1.848966 0,1.0225 0.826489,1.84899 1.848967,1.84899 h 1.84896 c 1.022471,0 1.84895,-0.82649 1.84895,-1.84899 z m 7.395816,16.64067 V 92.312824 c 0,-5.09756 -4.147203,-9.244763 -9.244766,-9.244763 h -9.244775 c -5.097593,0 -9.244786,4.147203 -9.244786,9.244763 0,1.022501 0.826487,1.848958 1.848928,1.848958 1.022501,0 1.84897,-0.826457 1.84897,-1.848958 0,-3.058175 2.488703,-5.546873 5.546888,-5.546873 h 9.244775 c 3.058175,0 5.546878,2.488698 5.546878,5.546873 v 25.885466 c 0,3.05817 -2.488703,5.54685 -5.546878,5.54685 h -1.84896 c -1.022478,0 -1.848967,0.82648 -1.848967,1.84898 0,1.02247 0.826489,1.84895 1.848967,1.84895 h 1.84896 c 5.097563,0 9.244766,-4.1472 9.244766,-9.24478 z m -14.791653,0.92445 v -7.67683 c 0,-2.86222 -1.292418,-5.51362 -3.548127,-7.28125 l -5.546877,-4.343189 c -3.353985,-2.621826 -8.039274,-2.623682 -11.393279,0 l -5.546848,4.341359 c -2.255729,1.76577 -3.548136,4.41903 -3.548136,7.28122 v 7.67686 c 0,4.58726 3.733034,8.32031 8.320277,8.32031 h 12.942703 c 4.587262,0 8.320287,-3.73305 8.320287,-8.32031 z m -11.37294,-16.38734 5.546878,4.34136 c 1.351599,1.05947 2.128174,2.65329 2.128174,4.36915 v 7.67683 c 0,2.54973 -2.072689,4.6224 -4.622399,4.6224 H 42.13752 c -2.549711,0 -4.622369,-2.07267 -4.622369,-4.6224 v -7.67683 c 0,-1.71769 0.776535,-3.30968 2.128114,-4.36915 l 5.546895,-4.33948 c 1.005809,-0.78767 2.211357,-1.18149 3.418716,-1.18149 1.207357,0 2.412898,0.39382 3.418694,1.17961 z m 0.279194,13.61393 v -3.69792 c 0,-1.02059 -0.828315,-1.84895 -1.848928,-1.84895 h -3.69792 c -1.020623,0 -1.848957,0.82836 -1.848957,1.84895 v 3.69792 c 0,1.02064 0.828334,1.84896 1.848957,1.84896 h 3.69792 c 1.020613,0 1.848928,-0.82832 1.848928,-1.84896 z" id="path3" style="fill:#ff7514;fill-opacity:1;stroke-width:1.84896"></path |
200 | warning | The first occurrence of ID path3 was here. |
| From line 321, column 303 to line 321, column 3142 |
| 48)"> <path d="m 68.947397,110.80246 h -1.84896 c -1.022478,0 -1.848967,-0.82649 -1.848967,-1.84895 0,-1.0225 0.826489,-1.84896 1.848967,-1.84896 h 1.84896 c 1.022471,0 1.84895,0.82646 1.84895,1.84896 0,1.02246 -0.826479,1.84895 -1.84895,1.84895 z m 1.84895,5.54687 c 0,-1.02245 -0.826479,-1.84896 -1.84895,-1.84896 h -1.84896 c -1.022478,0 -1.848967,0.82651 -1.848967,1.84896 0,1.02248 0.826489,1.84896 1.848967,1.84896 h 1.84896 c 1.022471,0 1.84895,-0.82648 1.84895,-1.84896 z M 63.40051,94.161782 c 0,-1.022452 -0.826499,-1.848958 -1.848931,-1.848958 h -1.848957 c -1.022491,0 -1.84898,0.826506 -1.84898,1.848958 0,1.0225 0.826489,1.848982 1.84898,1.848982 h 1.848957 c 1.022432,0 1.848931,-0.826482 1.848931,-1.848982 z m 7.395837,0 c 0,-1.022452 -0.826479,-1.848958 -1.84895,-1.848958 h -1.84896 c -1.022478,0 -1.848967,0.826506 -1.848967,1.848958 0,1.0225 0.826489,1.848982 1.848967,1.848982 h 1.84896 c 1.022471,0 1.84895,-0.826482 1.84895,-1.848982 z m 0,7.395838 c 0,-1.02246 -0.826479,-1.848966 -1.84895,-1.848966 h -1.84896 c -1.022478,0 -1.848967,0.826506 -1.848967,1.848966 0,1.0225 0.826489,1.84899 1.848967,1.84899 h 1.84896 c 1.022471,0 1.84895,-0.82649 1.84895,-1.84899 z m 7.395816,16.64067 V 92.312824 c 0,-5.09756 -4.147203,-9.244763 -9.244766,-9.244763 h -9.244775 c -5.097593,0 -9.244786,4.147203 -9.244786,9.244763 0,1.022501 0.826487,1.848958 1.848928,1.848958 1.022501,0 1.84897,-0.826457 1.84897,-1.848958 0,-3.058175 2.488703,-5.546873 5.546888,-5.546873 h 9.244775 c 3.058175,0 5.546878,2.488698 5.546878,5.546873 v 25.885466 c 0,3.05817 -2.488703,5.54685 -5.546878,5.54685 h -1.84896 c -1.022478,0 -1.848967,0.82648 -1.848967,1.84898 0,1.02247 0.826489,1.84895 1.848967,1.84895 h 1.84896 c 5.097563,0 9.244766,-4.1472 9.244766,-9.24478 z m -14.791653,0.92445 v -7.67683 c 0,-2.86222 -1.292418,-5.51362 -3.548127,-7.28125 l -5.546877,-4.343189 c -3.353985,-2.621826 -8.039274,-2.623682 -11.393279,0 l -5.546848,4.341359 c -2.255729,1.76577 -3.548136,4.41903 -3.548136,7.28122 v 7.67686 c 0,4.58726 3.733034,8.32031 8.320277,8.32031 h 12.942703 c 4.587262,0 8.320287,-3.73305 8.320287,-8.32031 z m -11.37294,-16.38734 5.546878,4.34136 c 1.351599,1.05947 2.128174,2.65329 2.128174,4.36915 v 7.67683 c 0,2.54973 -2.072689,4.6224 -4.622399,4.6224 H 42.13752 c -2.549711,0 -4.622369,-2.07267 -4.622369,-4.6224 v -7.67683 c 0,-1.71769 0.776535,-3.30968 2.128114,-4.36915 l 5.546895,-4.33948 c 1.005809,-0.78767 2.211357,-1.18149 3.418716,-1.18149 1.207357,0 2.412898,0.39382 3.418694,1.17961 z m 0.279194,13.61393 v -3.69792 c 0,-1.02059 -0.828315,-1.84895 -1.848928,-1.84895 h -3.69792 c -1.020623,0 -1.848957,0.82836 -1.848957,1.84895 v 3.69792 c 0,1.02064 0.828334,1.84896 1.848957,1.84896 h 3.69792 c 1.020613,0 1.848928,-0.82832 1.848928,-1.84896 z" id="path3" style="fill:#ff7514;fill-opacity:1;stroke-width:1.84896"></path |
201 | warning | The first occurrence of ID path3 was here. |
| From line 321, column 303 to line 321, column 3142 |
| 48)"> <path d="m 68.947397,110.80246 h -1.84896 c -1.022478,0 -1.848967,-0.82649 -1.848967,-1.84895 0,-1.0225 0.826489,-1.84896 1.848967,-1.84896 h 1.84896 c 1.022471,0 1.84895,0.82646 1.84895,1.84896 0,1.02246 -0.826479,1.84895 -1.84895,1.84895 z m 1.84895,5.54687 c 0,-1.02245 -0.826479,-1.84896 -1.84895,-1.84896 h -1.84896 c -1.022478,0 -1.848967,0.82651 -1.848967,1.84896 0,1.02248 0.826489,1.84896 1.848967,1.84896 h 1.84896 c 1.022471,0 1.84895,-0.82648 1.84895,-1.84896 z M 63.40051,94.161782 c 0,-1.022452 -0.826499,-1.848958 -1.848931,-1.848958 h -1.848957 c -1.022491,0 -1.84898,0.826506 -1.84898,1.848958 0,1.0225 0.826489,1.848982 1.84898,1.848982 h 1.848957 c 1.022432,0 1.848931,-0.826482 1.848931,-1.848982 z m 7.395837,0 c 0,-1.022452 -0.826479,-1.848958 -1.84895,-1.848958 h -1.84896 c -1.022478,0 -1.848967,0.826506 -1.848967,1.848958 0,1.0225 0.826489,1.848982 1.848967,1.848982 h 1.84896 c 1.022471,0 1.84895,-0.826482 1.84895,-1.848982 z m 0,7.395838 c 0,-1.02246 -0.826479,-1.848966 -1.84895,-1.848966 h -1.84896 c -1.022478,0 -1.848967,0.826506 -1.848967,1.848966 0,1.0225 0.826489,1.84899 1.848967,1.84899 h 1.84896 c 1.022471,0 1.84895,-0.82649 1.84895,-1.84899 z m 7.395816,16.64067 V 92.312824 c 0,-5.09756 -4.147203,-9.244763 -9.244766,-9.244763 h -9.244775 c -5.097593,0 -9.244786,4.147203 -9.244786,9.244763 0,1.022501 0.826487,1.848958 1.848928,1.848958 1.022501,0 1.84897,-0.826457 1.84897,-1.848958 0,-3.058175 2.488703,-5.546873 5.546888,-5.546873 h 9.244775 c 3.058175,0 5.546878,2.488698 5.546878,5.546873 v 25.885466 c 0,3.05817 -2.488703,5.54685 -5.546878,5.54685 h -1.84896 c -1.022478,0 -1.848967,0.82648 -1.848967,1.84898 0,1.02247 0.826489,1.84895 1.848967,1.84895 h 1.84896 c 5.097563,0 9.244766,-4.1472 9.244766,-9.24478 z m -14.791653,0.92445 v -7.67683 c 0,-2.86222 -1.292418,-5.51362 -3.548127,-7.28125 l -5.546877,-4.343189 c -3.353985,-2.621826 -8.039274,-2.623682 -11.393279,0 l -5.546848,4.341359 c -2.255729,1.76577 -3.548136,4.41903 -3.548136,7.28122 v 7.67686 c 0,4.58726 3.733034,8.32031 8.320277,8.32031 h 12.942703 c 4.587262,0 8.320287,-3.73305 8.320287,-8.32031 z m -11.37294,-16.38734 5.546878,4.34136 c 1.351599,1.05947 2.128174,2.65329 2.128174,4.36915 v 7.67683 c 0,2.54973 -2.072689,4.6224 -4.622399,4.6224 H 42.13752 c -2.549711,0 -4.622369,-2.07267 -4.622369,-4.6224 v -7.67683 c 0,-1.71769 0.776535,-3.30968 2.128114,-4.36915 l 5.546895,-4.33948 c 1.005809,-0.78767 2.211357,-1.18149 3.418716,-1.18149 1.207357,0 2.412898,0.39382 3.418694,1.17961 z m 0.279194,13.61393 v -3.69792 c 0,-1.02059 -0.828315,-1.84895 -1.848928,-1.84895 h -3.69792 c -1.020623,0 -1.848957,0.82836 -1.848957,1.84895 v 3.69792 c 0,1.02064 0.828334,1.84896 1.848957,1.84896 h 3.69792 c 1.020613,0 1.848928,-0.82832 1.848928,-1.84896 z" id="path3" style="fill:#ff7514;fill-opacity:1;stroke-width:1.84896"></path |
202 | warning | The first occurrence of ID path1-9 was here. |
| From line 321, column 3155 to line 321, column 3838 |
| path> <path class="st0" d="m 28.557258,121.07245 c 1.293887,1.72862 2.410283,3.16399 3.014782,4.81545 0.589072,1.61028 0.828298,2.34339 -0.509318,0.67653 -1.245014,-1.55371 -2.407717,-3.06367 -4.110609,-4.49647 -0.120907,0.0282 -0.246935,0.0542 -0.38328,0.0824 -15.392927,3.05594 -26.60579126,-3.86881 -24.6379382,-26.250878 11.8585172,4.105468 28.6507972,2.438599 26.9118962,23.472728 -0.06173,0.782 -0.120907,1.31706 -0.285533,1.70034 z m -4.131191,-3.36461 c -3.868808,-8.33443 -13.808354,-11.19232 -18.7395522,-16.89266 5.3530562,10.4412 8.2726692,9.98075 18.7395522,16.89266 z" id="path1-9" style="clip-rule:evenodd;fill:#008c27;fill-opacity:1;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke-width:0.257235"></path |
203 | warning | The first occurrence of ID path1-9 was here. |
| From line 321, column 3155 to line 321, column 3838 |
| path> <path class="st0" d="m 28.557258,121.07245 c 1.293887,1.72862 2.410283,3.16399 3.014782,4.81545 0.589072,1.61028 0.828298,2.34339 -0.509318,0.67653 -1.245014,-1.55371 -2.407717,-3.06367 -4.110609,-4.49647 -0.120907,0.0282 -0.246935,0.0542 -0.38328,0.0824 -15.392927,3.05594 -26.60579126,-3.86881 -24.6379382,-26.250878 11.8585172,4.105468 28.6507972,2.438599 26.9118962,23.472728 -0.06173,0.782 -0.120907,1.31706 -0.285533,1.70034 z m -4.131191,-3.36461 c -3.868808,-8.33443 -13.808354,-11.19232 -18.7395522,-16.89266 5.3530562,10.4412 8.2726692,9.98075 18.7395522,16.89266 z" id="path1-9" style="clip-rule:evenodd;fill:#008c27;fill-opacity:1;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke-width:0.257235"></path |
204 | warning | The first occurrence of ID path1-9 was here. |
| From line 321, column 3155 to line 321, column 3838 |
| path> <path class="st0" d="m 28.557258,121.07245 c 1.293887,1.72862 2.410283,3.16399 3.014782,4.81545 0.589072,1.61028 0.828298,2.34339 -0.509318,0.67653 -1.245014,-1.55371 -2.407717,-3.06367 -4.110609,-4.49647 -0.120907,0.0282 -0.246935,0.0542 -0.38328,0.0824 -15.392927,3.05594 -26.60579126,-3.86881 -24.6379382,-26.250878 11.8585172,4.105468 28.6507972,2.438599 26.9118962,23.472728 -0.06173,0.782 -0.120907,1.31706 -0.285533,1.70034 z m -4.131191,-3.36461 c -3.868808,-8.33443 -13.808354,-11.19232 -18.7395522,-16.89266 5.3530562,10.4412 8.2726692,9.98075 18.7395522,16.89266 z" id="path1-9" style="clip-rule:evenodd;fill:#008c27;fill-opacity:1;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke-width:0.257235"></path |
205 | warning | The first occurrence of ID path1-9 was here. |
| From line 321, column 3155 to line 321, column 3838 |
| path> <path class="st0" d="m 28.557258,121.07245 c 1.293887,1.72862 2.410283,3.16399 3.014782,4.81545 0.589072,1.61028 0.828298,2.34339 -0.509318,0.67653 -1.245014,-1.55371 -2.407717,-3.06367 -4.110609,-4.49647 -0.120907,0.0282 -0.246935,0.0542 -0.38328,0.0824 -15.392927,3.05594 -26.60579126,-3.86881 -24.6379382,-26.250878 11.8585172,4.105468 28.6507972,2.438599 26.9118962,23.472728 -0.06173,0.782 -0.120907,1.31706 -0.285533,1.70034 z m -4.131191,-3.36461 c -3.868808,-8.33443 -13.808354,-11.19232 -18.7395522,-16.89266 5.3530562,10.4412 8.2726692,9.98075 18.7395522,16.89266 z" id="path1-9" style="clip-rule:evenodd;fill:#008c27;fill-opacity:1;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke-width:0.257235"></path |
206 | warning | The first occurrence of ID path1-9 was here. |
| From line 321, column 3155 to line 321, column 3838 |
| path> <path class="st0" d="m 28.557258,121.07245 c 1.293887,1.72862 2.410283,3.16399 3.014782,4.81545 0.589072,1.61028 0.828298,2.34339 -0.509318,0.67653 -1.245014,-1.55371 -2.407717,-3.06367 -4.110609,-4.49647 -0.120907,0.0282 -0.246935,0.0542 -0.38328,0.0824 -15.392927,3.05594 -26.60579126,-3.86881 -24.6379382,-26.250878 11.8585172,4.105468 28.6507972,2.438599 26.9118962,23.472728 -0.06173,0.782 -0.120907,1.31706 -0.285533,1.70034 z m -4.131191,-3.36461 c -3.868808,-8.33443 -13.808354,-11.19232 -18.7395522,-16.89266 5.3530562,10.4412 8.2726692,9.98075 18.7395522,16.89266 z" id="path1-9" style="clip-rule:evenodd;fill:#008c27;fill-opacity:1;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke-width:0.257235"></path |
207 | warning | The first occurrence of ID path1-9 was here. |
| From line 321, column 3155 to line 321, column 3838 |
| path> <path class="st0" d="m 28.557258,121.07245 c 1.293887,1.72862 2.410283,3.16399 3.014782,4.81545 0.589072,1.61028 0.828298,2.34339 -0.509318,0.67653 -1.245014,-1.55371 -2.407717,-3.06367 -4.110609,-4.49647 -0.120907,0.0282 -0.246935,0.0542 -0.38328,0.0824 -15.392927,3.05594 -26.60579126,-3.86881 -24.6379382,-26.250878 11.8585172,4.105468 28.6507972,2.438599 26.9118962,23.472728 -0.06173,0.782 -0.120907,1.31706 -0.285533,1.70034 z m -4.131191,-3.36461 c -3.868808,-8.33443 -13.808354,-11.19232 -18.7395522,-16.89266 5.3530562,10.4412 8.2726692,9.98075 18.7395522,16.89266 z" id="path1-9" style="clip-rule:evenodd;fill:#008c27;fill-opacity:1;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke-width:0.257235"></path |
208 | warning | The first occurrence of ID path1-9 was here. |
| From line 321, column 3155 to line 321, column 3838 |
| path> <path class="st0" d="m 28.557258,121.07245 c 1.293887,1.72862 2.410283,3.16399 3.014782,4.81545 0.589072,1.61028 0.828298,2.34339 -0.509318,0.67653 -1.245014,-1.55371 -2.407717,-3.06367 -4.110609,-4.49647 -0.120907,0.0282 -0.246935,0.0542 -0.38328,0.0824 -15.392927,3.05594 -26.60579126,-3.86881 -24.6379382,-26.250878 11.8585172,4.105468 28.6507972,2.438599 26.9118962,23.472728 -0.06173,0.782 -0.120907,1.31706 -0.285533,1.70034 z m -4.131191,-3.36461 c -3.868808,-8.33443 -13.808354,-11.19232 -18.7395522,-16.89266 5.3530562,10.4412 8.2726692,9.98075 18.7395522,16.89266 z" id="path1-9" style="clip-rule:evenodd;fill:#008c27;fill-opacity:1;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke-width:0.257235"></path |
209 | warning | The first occurrence of ID path1-9 was here. |
| From line 321, column 3155 to line 321, column 3838 |
| path> <path class="st0" d="m 28.557258,121.07245 c 1.293887,1.72862 2.410283,3.16399 3.014782,4.81545 0.589072,1.61028 0.828298,2.34339 -0.509318,0.67653 -1.245014,-1.55371 -2.407717,-3.06367 -4.110609,-4.49647 -0.120907,0.0282 -0.246935,0.0542 -0.38328,0.0824 -15.392927,3.05594 -26.60579126,-3.86881 -24.6379382,-26.250878 11.8585172,4.105468 28.6507972,2.438599 26.9118962,23.472728 -0.06173,0.782 -0.120907,1.31706 -0.285533,1.70034 z m -4.131191,-3.36461 c -3.868808,-8.33443 -13.808354,-11.19232 -18.7395522,-16.89266 5.3530562,10.4412 8.2726692,9.98075 18.7395522,16.89266 z" id="path1-9" style="clip-rule:evenodd;fill:#008c27;fill-opacity:1;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke-width:0.257235"></path |
210 | warning | The first occurrence of ID path1-9 was here. |
| From line 321, column 3155 to line 321, column 3838 |
| path> <path class="st0" d="m 28.557258,121.07245 c 1.293887,1.72862 2.410283,3.16399 3.014782,4.81545 0.589072,1.61028 0.828298,2.34339 -0.509318,0.67653 -1.245014,-1.55371 -2.407717,-3.06367 -4.110609,-4.49647 -0.120907,0.0282 -0.246935,0.0542 -0.38328,0.0824 -15.392927,3.05594 -26.60579126,-3.86881 -24.6379382,-26.250878 11.8585172,4.105468 28.6507972,2.438599 26.9118962,23.472728 -0.06173,0.782 -0.120907,1.31706 -0.285533,1.70034 z m -4.131191,-3.36461 c -3.868808,-8.33443 -13.808354,-11.19232 -18.7395522,-16.89266 5.3530562,10.4412 8.2726692,9.98075 18.7395522,16.89266 z" id="path1-9" style="clip-rule:evenodd;fill:#008c27;fill-opacity:1;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke-width:0.257235"></path |
211 | warning | The first occurrence of ID path1-9 was here. |
| From line 321, column 3155 to line 321, column 3838 |
| path> <path class="st0" d="m 28.557258,121.07245 c 1.293887,1.72862 2.410283,3.16399 3.014782,4.81545 0.589072,1.61028 0.828298,2.34339 -0.509318,0.67653 -1.245014,-1.55371 -2.407717,-3.06367 -4.110609,-4.49647 -0.120907,0.0282 -0.246935,0.0542 -0.38328,0.0824 -15.392927,3.05594 -26.60579126,-3.86881 -24.6379382,-26.250878 11.8585172,4.105468 28.6507972,2.438599 26.9118962,23.472728 -0.06173,0.782 -0.120907,1.31706 -0.285533,1.70034 z m -4.131191,-3.36461 c -3.868808,-8.33443 -13.808354,-11.19232 -18.7395522,-16.89266 5.3530562,10.4412 8.2726692,9.98075 18.7395522,16.89266 z" id="path1-9" style="clip-rule:evenodd;fill:#008c27;fill-opacity:1;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke-width:0.257235"></path |
212 | warning | The first occurrence of ID path1-9 was here. |
| From line 321, column 3155 to line 321, column 3838 |
| path> <path class="st0" d="m 28.557258,121.07245 c 1.293887,1.72862 2.410283,3.16399 3.014782,4.81545 0.589072,1.61028 0.828298,2.34339 -0.509318,0.67653 -1.245014,-1.55371 -2.407717,-3.06367 -4.110609,-4.49647 -0.120907,0.0282 -0.246935,0.0542 -0.38328,0.0824 -15.392927,3.05594 -26.60579126,-3.86881 -24.6379382,-26.250878 11.8585172,4.105468 28.6507972,2.438599 26.9118962,23.472728 -0.06173,0.782 -0.120907,1.31706 -0.285533,1.70034 z m -4.131191,-3.36461 c -3.868808,-8.33443 -13.808354,-11.19232 -18.7395522,-16.89266 5.3530562,10.4412 8.2726692,9.98075 18.7395522,16.89266 z" id="path1-9" style="clip-rule:evenodd;fill:#008c27;fill-opacity:1;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke-width:0.257235"></path |
213 | warning | The first occurrence of ID path1-9 was here. |
| From line 321, column 3155 to line 321, column 3838 |
| path> <path class="st0" d="m 28.557258,121.07245 c 1.293887,1.72862 2.410283,3.16399 3.014782,4.81545 0.589072,1.61028 0.828298,2.34339 -0.509318,0.67653 -1.245014,-1.55371 -2.407717,-3.06367 -4.110609,-4.49647 -0.120907,0.0282 -0.246935,0.0542 -0.38328,0.0824 -15.392927,3.05594 -26.60579126,-3.86881 -24.6379382,-26.250878 11.8585172,4.105468 28.6507972,2.438599 26.9118962,23.472728 -0.06173,0.782 -0.120907,1.31706 -0.285533,1.70034 z m -4.131191,-3.36461 c -3.868808,-8.33443 -13.808354,-11.19232 -18.7395522,-16.89266 5.3530562,10.4412 8.2726692,9.98075 18.7395522,16.89266 z" id="path1-9" style="clip-rule:evenodd;fill:#008c27;fill-opacity:1;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke-width:0.257235"></path |
214 | warning | The first occurrence of ID path1-9 was here. |
| From line 321, column 3155 to line 321, column 3838 |
| path> <path class="st0" d="m 28.557258,121.07245 c 1.293887,1.72862 2.410283,3.16399 3.014782,4.81545 0.589072,1.61028 0.828298,2.34339 -0.509318,0.67653 -1.245014,-1.55371 -2.407717,-3.06367 -4.110609,-4.49647 -0.120907,0.0282 -0.246935,0.0542 -0.38328,0.0824 -15.392927,3.05594 -26.60579126,-3.86881 -24.6379382,-26.250878 11.8585172,4.105468 28.6507972,2.438599 26.9118962,23.472728 -0.06173,0.782 -0.120907,1.31706 -0.285533,1.70034 z m -4.131191,-3.36461 c -3.868808,-8.33443 -13.808354,-11.19232 -18.7395522,-16.89266 5.3530562,10.4412 8.2726692,9.98075 18.7395522,16.89266 z" id="path1-9" style="clip-rule:evenodd;fill:#008c27;fill-opacity:1;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke-width:0.257235"></path |
215 | warning | The first occurrence of ID path1-9 was here. |
| From line 321, column 3155 to line 321, column 3838 |
| path> <path class="st0" d="m 28.557258,121.07245 c 1.293887,1.72862 2.410283,3.16399 3.014782,4.81545 0.589072,1.61028 0.828298,2.34339 -0.509318,0.67653 -1.245014,-1.55371 -2.407717,-3.06367 -4.110609,-4.49647 -0.120907,0.0282 -0.246935,0.0542 -0.38328,0.0824 -15.392927,3.05594 -26.60579126,-3.86881 -24.6379382,-26.250878 11.8585172,4.105468 28.6507972,2.438599 26.9118962,23.472728 -0.06173,0.782 -0.120907,1.31706 -0.285533,1.70034 z m -4.131191,-3.36461 c -3.868808,-8.33443 -13.808354,-11.19232 -18.7395522,-16.89266 5.3530562,10.4412 8.2726692,9.98075 18.7395522,16.89266 z" id="path1-9" style="clip-rule:evenodd;fill:#008c27;fill-opacity:1;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke-width:0.257235"></path |
216 | warning | Empty heading. |
| From line 481, column 1 to line 481, column 45 |
| ></div>
<h2 class="gb-headline gb-headline-cfe5552b"><span |
217 | warning | Empty heading. |
| From line 519, column 1 to line 519, column 45 |
<h2 class="gb-headline gb-headline-e56d481f"><span |
218 | warning | Empty heading. |
| From line 581, column 1 to line 581, column 45 |
<h2 class="gb-headline gb-headline-2362bd80"><span |
219 | warning | The first occurrence of ID Layer_1 was here. |
| From line 595, column 68 to line 595, column 190 |
| "gb-icon"><svg xml:space="preserve" viewBox="0 0 80 14.68" y="0" x="0" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" id="Layer_1" version="1.1"><style |
220 | warning | The first occurrence of ID Layer_1 was here. |
| From line 595, column 68 to line 595, column 190 |
| "gb-icon"><svg xml:space="preserve" viewBox="0 0 80 14.68" y="0" x="0" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" id="Layer_1" version="1.1"><style |
221 | warning | The first occurrence of ID Layer_1 was here. |
| From line 595, column 68 to line 595, column 190 |
| "gb-icon"><svg xml:space="preserve" viewBox="0 0 80 14.68" y="0" x="0" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" id="Layer_1" version="1.1"><style |
222 | warning | The first occurrence of ID Layer_1 was here. |
| From line 595, column 68 to line 595, column 190 |
| "gb-icon"><svg xml:space="preserve" viewBox="0 0 80 14.68" y="0" x="0" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" id="Layer_1" version="1.1"><style |
223 | warning | The first occurrence of ID Layer_1 was here. |
| From line 595, column 68 to line 595, column 190 |
| "gb-icon"><svg xml:space="preserve" viewBox="0 0 80 14.68" y="0" x="0" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" id="Layer_1" version="1.1"><style |
224 | warning | The first occurrence of ID Layer_1 was here. |
| From line 595, column 68 to line 595, column 190 |
| "gb-icon"><svg xml:space="preserve" viewBox="0 0 80 14.68" y="0" x="0" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" id="Layer_1" version="1.1"><style |
225 | warning | The first occurrence of ID Layer_1 was here. |
| From line 595, column 68 to line 595, column 190 |
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